From: Lady Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 04:16:23 +0000 (-0500) Subject: Add Elstob fonts to stylesheet X-Git-Url:;hp=e6dd7aecb4454770bb667514093b7ef862b72b10 Add Elstob fonts to stylesheet These aren’t included in the repo, but are available on the webserver. Webfonts are necessary because some modern browsers don’t allow user‐installed fonts (to prevent fingerprinting). --- diff --git a/style.css b/style.css index 9946962..78ccf1e 100644 --- a/style.css +++ b/style.css @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ +@font-face{ Font-Family: "Elstob"; Src: Url("/fonts/Elstob.woff2"); Font-Style: Normal; Font-Weight: 200 800 } +@font-face{ Font-Family: "Elstob"; Src: Url("/fonts/Elstob-Italic.woff2"); Font-Style: Italic; Font-Weight: 200 800; Font-Variation-Settings: "slnt" 2 } @counter-style Dotnum{ Symbols: "⒈" "⒉" "⒊" "⒋" "⒌" "⒍" "⒎" "⒏" "⒐" "⒑" "⒒" "⒓" "⒔" "⒕" "⒖" "⒗" "⒘" "⒙" "⒚" "⒛"; Suffix: " "; Fallback: Decimal; Range: 1 20 } -html{ Color: #E3E3E3; Background: #1A1A1A; Font-Family: 'Charis SIL', Charter, 'Bitstream Charter', 'Palatino Linotype', 'URW Palladio L', P052, Georgia, 'STIX Two Math', Serif; Line-Height: 1.5 } +html{ Color: #E3E3E3; Background: #1A1A1A; Font-Family: Elstob, 'Charis SIL', Charter, 'Bitstream Charter', 'Palatino Linotype', 'URW Palladio L', P052, Georgia, 'STIX Two Math', Serif; Line-Height: 1.5; Font-Variant-Numeric: Oldstyle-Nums Proportional-Nums; Font-Variant-Emoji: Text } body{ Display: Flow-Root; Box-Sizing: Border-Box; Margin: 0; Border: 1PX #000000 Solid; Min-Block-Size: 100SVB; Color: #E3E3E3; Background: No-Repeat Radial-Gradient(Ellipse 64REM 96REM At Center, Transparent 32REM, #1A1A1A) Center / Cover, Repeating-Linear-Gradient(-45DEG, #3E3E3E00 0, #3E3E3E00 2PX, #3E3E3E7F 2.12PX, #3E3E3E7F 4.12PX, #3E3E3E00 4.24PX), #1A1A1A } body>header{ Padding-Block: 16PX; Border-Block-End: 3PX #2CB38D Double } body>header img{ Display: Block; Margin: Auto; Block-Size: Auto; Max-Inline-Size: 100%; Image-Rendering: Pixelated }