From: Lady Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2023 21:19:48 +0000 (-0700) Subject: [2023-07-29] git_wiki X-Git-Url: [2023-07-29] git_wiki --- diff --git a/2023-07-29/git_wiki/#entry.rdf b/2023-07-29/git_wiki/#entry.rdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..087e844 --- /dev/null +++ b/2023-07-29/git_wiki/#entry.rdf @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ + + Running a Wiki with a Server and Git + 2023-07-29T14:19:48-07:00 + + Lady’s +Computer: [``][Wiki]. The goal of this site +is to be a public, easily‐editable forum (a wiki) for myself +and friends to document our thoughts and feelings. This blogpost exists +to formally announce the project, describe its underpinnings, and +describe how you can set one up on your own. + +## What Is a Wiki? + +In order for this post to make any sense at all, it’s probably first +necessary for me to digress into a bit of wiki philosophizing. Because +[wiki is not Wikipedia][WikiIsNotWikipedia], and a lot of people don’t +really understand what a wiki is *for*. + +What I want to emphasize in this post is that a wiki is not a +reference material. *A wiki is a social space.* The etymological root +for wiki, [wikiwiki][wikiwiki], is a Hawaiian +word meaning “quick”; the goal of the wiki is to *lower the bar for +social interaction* to be as “quick” as possible. What distinguishes +the wiki from other forms of social media is the form this social +interaction takes. Where·as on a traditional forum, social behaviours +are purely additive, the wiki adds a subtractive component: On a wiki, +you engage in the social practice of *revision* or *refinement*. + +Put simply, you write on a wiki **because you want somebody to edit +it.** Editing means deleting the part that is bad and expanding on the +part that is good. Editing can mean taking a page with just a title and +filling it with words. Editing can mean adding a dissenting opinion to +make a strong claim appear more qualified. Editing can mean adding +hyperlinks, both internally (to other wiki pages) and out to the +broader web. + +In all this, there is nothing *preventing* a wiki from taking on the +shape of more traditional social media, writing in what is called +“thread mode”. Discourse on a wiki can and probably should begin, in +many cases, as a thread of members posting their thoughts and opinions +to each other on a page. It is common to sign statements which have a +personal component or which one feels particularly strongly about. +But threads also don’t have to *remain* threads. On a wiki, there is +nothing stopping someone from going through and structuring the +conversation into a more coherent, and readable, argument at a later +date. + +All wikis keep a log of edits, so nothing is ever lost. + +My hope is that the above points make clear the practical utility of a +wiki space for *dialectics*, for critical conversations and discourse, +for evolving development of communal thought, and for a kind of +participatory dialogue which it is harder to make manifest on other +platforms. This *radical* potential of the wiki is completely lost in +sites like Wikipedia and also in the sorts of reference sites that +contemporary big‐name static site generators are typically geared +towards. [Docusaurus][], as one completely arbitrary example, is +entirely lacking in social features for editors to communicate *with +each other*, which, after all, is a wiki’s entire *point*. +(Contemporary static site generators *also*, I think, have failings +which limit their utilities as reference texts, but I will save *those* +thoughts for a different blogpost.) + +## Technological Underpinnings + +When I first mentioned to my partner that I was « trying to write a +wiki generator », their immediate response was « dont like any of the +existing ones? ». I then had to explain the following points :— + +1. The kind of thing I’m trying to do *mostly* doesn’t exist in any + broadly‐acknowledged, existing form, and + +2. If I’m doing this right, the end result should be maybe a thousand + total lines of code, so I might as well just write it exactly how I + want it anyway. + +To be entirely clear about this, I am not the first person to have this +idea and I am absolutely certain that, for example, the Emacs folks +have been doing this sort of thing with Org Mode for probably decades. +But there are a few *recent* technological developments which I think +have made now a *very good time* for this sort of project, and whose +recency also means that, of course, I will have to write the actual +code to make use of them. + +### Git + +Well, Git is not new. People have been using Git for a long time, and +people have been building wikis on top of Git as well for a long time. +John MacFarlane’s [Gitit][] is I think a reasonable example of the sort +of thing I am interested in, in terms of its general approach. + +What I think *is* relatively new, or at least growing, is the idea that +Git is *sufficient*, that a commandline git interface is *the only +editing interface one needs* for a website of content, especially one +containing zero code. We are in a moment where *nontechnical* use of +Git, Git for writers and not just for programmers, and Git for human +text and not just computer code, seems within reach. This drastically +lowers the bar for what might be considered a reasonable wiki +interface, from a web application to a simple repository which trusted +individuals can access over S·S·H. + +This is not at all difficult to set up, and can be done without the +need for *any* additional tools on virtually any server that one might +control. + +### Deno + +Using a Git repository as a backend means it is desirable to have the +wiki generator be something which can be called as a simple shell +script in a post‐receive hook. Ideally, this script would be something +located and tracked in a different repository, and a single file which +can easily be grabbed and run even if that other repository is bare. + +There are of course a great many scripting languages out there which +one could use for this task, but for most of them a problem immediately +emerges in the form of dependency management. [Deno][] is notable, and +extremely favourable for this kind of use·case in my opinion, because +in Deno the problem of dependency management simply does not exist. +Every Deno dependency can be specified as simply a U·R·L, and a single +script file with numerous dependencies can be straightforwardly run +with no external configuration or prerequisite setup or package +installation. And Deno is a fully‐featured Javascript (or, if you +prefer, Typescript) runtime, so you still have all the strengths and +conveniences of a modern programming language, which you wouldn’t have +trying to write this, as some have doubtlessly done, in a Lisp or in +Bash. + +### Djot + +Because the goal of a *wiki* is to be *quick*, it is a fact +generally‐accepted that the markup language it uses must be +*lightweight*. Because we will be taking the approach of static site +generation, this markup language needs to be trivially, and quickly, +parse·able into an A·S·T which can be easily inspected and transformed +by our generation script. The best‐in‐class for lightweight markup +transformation today is [Pandoc][], whose A·S·T [I have worked with +before][BookGen] and which has a [variant of Markdown][Pandoc/Markdown] +that is highly feature·ful and welsuited to transformation. +Unfortunately, Pandoc is written in Haskell, filters for it are +typically written in Python or Lua, and it both more heavyweight and +more of a dependency nightmare than would really be ideal for this sort +of script. + +Fortunately, the creator of Pandoc, the afore·mentioned John +MacFarlane, has developed another markup language with all the +strengths of Pandoc’s Markdown but none of its weaknesses, and has +written a parser implementation for this markup language in Typescript. +It’s called [Djot][]. Djot is still extremely beta software, but it +meets all of our requirements: It is lightweight, fast to process, and +trivially importable in Deno. It has a straightforward A·S·T and was +designed with script‐based transformation explicitly in mind. + +## How to Do It + +Having decided on the above, I spent a couple of days and threw +together [a wiki‐generation script][GitWikiWeb] which, while messy and +not exactly feature·ful right now, is a usable minimum viable product. +I won’t go into the design decisions of that script here, but I do want +to enumerate how one might *use* it to set up their own wiki site. The +following explanation assumes you have a box running something +relatively unixy and are logged in as a root user. + +The first step is to clone the GitWikiWeb repository locally, so that +you aren’t waiting for the network every time you want to build your +wiki. This also enables you to make modifications to the template and +stylesheet, which will almost certainly be necessary. (I recommend +maintaining your changes as a set of patches on top of the upstream +repository, but do whatever you feel most comfortable with.) + +The following clones it into `/srv/git/GitWikiWeb` :— + +```sh +git clone --bare /srv/git/GitWikiWeb +``` + +Next, you will want to set up a wiki user on your server, which all of +the editors to your wiki will have access to. The Pro Git +book has [a very good explanation of how to create a shared Git +user][GitBook-4.4], so I will just summarize it here. + +This adds a `wiki` user and creates its `.ssh` directory :— + +```sh +# As the root user… +adduser wiki +su wiki +cd +mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh +touch .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys +``` + +This sets up the `Wiki` repository which will store your wiki +content :— + +```sh +# As the root user… +cd /srv/git +mkdir Wiki +cd Wiki +git init --bare +chown -R wiki:wiki . +``` + +To prevent wiki users from changing other aspects of the server, set +the login shell for `wiki` to be `git-shell` :— + +```sh +# As the root user… +chsh wiki -s $(which git-shell) +``` + +Now you can add the S·S·H public keys to +`/home/wiki/.ssh/authorized_keys` for everybody you want to be able to +edit your wiki. It is recommended that you prefix these keys with +`no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ` to +further restrict what capabilities `wiki` users have on your server. + +Once you do this, users should be able to clone and contribute to the +wiki from `wiki@yourcomputer.example:/srv/git/Wiki`. + +The only thing left to do is to add a `post-receive` hook to +`/srv/git/Wiki/hooks` which will build the site every time somebody +pushes new content. Naturally, this file must be executable. Mine looks +like the following :— + +```sh +#!/usr/bin/env -S sh +export GITWIKIWEB=/srv/git/GitWikiWeb +while read oldrev newrev refname +do + if [ $(git name-rev --name-only --refs=live $refname) = "live" ] + then + git archive --remote=$GITWIKIWEB ladys build.js \ + | tar -xO \ + | deno run -A - ~/public $GITWIKIWEB ladys + fi +done +``` + +To take this line‐by‐line :— + +- `#!/usr/bin/env -S sh` simply runs the file with `sh`. + I use `/usr/bin/env` here because `sh` is in a different place on my + local and remote computers. + +- `export GITWIKIWEB=/srv/git/GitWikiWeb` provides the location to the + GitWikiWeb repository that we cloned earlier. + +- `while read oldrev newrev refname` loops over all the refs which were + pushed (there can be multiple) and assigns `$refname` to the name of + the ref. + +- `if [ $(git name-rev --name-only --refs=live $refname) = "live" ]` + checks to see if the pushed ref was equivalent to the `live` branch. + `git name-rev` tries to provide a name for its argument, and with + `--refs=live`, it will prefer `live`. Change “live” to whatever the + default branch for your wiki is, or edit the file at + `/srv/git/Wiki/HEAD` to be `ref: refs/heads/live` if you like that as + the name for the default branch. + +- `git archive --remote=$GITWIKIWEB ladys build.js` requests an archive + of the file `build.js` from the `ladys` branch of the GitWikiWeb + repository. You will probably want to specify a different branch + name. By default, this is a Tar file. + +- `tar -xO` untars the Tar to standard output. + +- `deno run -A -` runs the piped script with full permissions. The + GitWikiWeb script takes three arguments: ① the location to which the + wiki should be built, ② the location of the GitWikiWeb repository, + so that it can request template and configuration files, and ③ the + branch in the GitWikiWeb repository which files should be requested + from (this should match the branch name you gave to `git archive`). + +…and that’s it! Assuming there is a webserver hosting the content at +`/home/wiki/public/`, the wiki should be live as soon as someone posts +content to it. + +My hope is that the above steps make this feel reasonable, and bring +the idea of small, community‐run wikis into a space where they feel +like something one could conceivably do. There has been a lot of noise, +with social media these days being what it is, about bringing back +forum culture, but forum hosting is often complex and involves a +nontrivial amount of sysadminning work. I think bringing back wiki +culture in a limited, low‐tech, grassroots sort of way is a viable +alternative and can satisfy a lot of the same use·cases, sometimes even +better. + +It’s only been up for a few days, but so far my wiki at +[``][Wiki] has proven this to be an idea with +potential. + +[Wiki]: "Lady’s Wiki" +[WikiIsNotWikipedia]: "Wiki Is Not Wikipedia" +[wikiwiki]: "Wiktionary: wikiwiki" +[Docusaurus]: "Docusaurus: Build optimized websites quickly, focus on your content" +[Gitit]: "Gitit" +[Deno]: "Deno: A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript" +[Pandoc]: "Pandoc: a universal document converter" +[BookGen]: "BookGen" +[Pandoc/Markdown]: "Pandoc User’s Guide § Pandoc’s Markdown" +[Djot]: "Djot (/dʒɑt/)" +[GitWikiWeb]: "🐙🕸️ GitWikiWeb: A Git‐backed wiki" +[GitBook-4.4]: "Pro Git: 4.4 Git on the Server – Setting Up the Server" +[Caddy]: "Caddy: The Ultimate Server with Automatic HTTPS" +]]> + Lady +[Web Socialist]. +Some rights reserved. + +This blogpost is licensed under a Creative +Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. +]]> + \ No newline at end of file