From: Lady Date: Sun, 14 May 2023 21:09:19 +0000 (-0700) Subject: Revamped blockquote styling X-Git-Url: Revamped blockquote styling --- diff --git a/style.css b/style.css index 48dab4d..114dbc5 100644 --- a/style.css +++ b/style.css @@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ nav li[resource] time[property=""]::after{ C #entry\.content footer h2{ Margin-Block: .5EM; Font-Size: 1.25EM; } nav li[resource] div[property=""]{ Padding-Inline-Start: 4CH } nav li[resource] div[property=""]::before{ Display: Block; Margin-Block: .5EM; Margin-Inline: -2CH 0; Font-Style: Italic; Font-Weight: Bold; Letter-Spacing: Calc(1EM / 18); Text-Decoration: Underline; Content: "Summary:" } -blockquote{ Border-Block-Color: #8396A9 #373F47; Border-Inline-Color: #8396A9 #373F47; Border-Style: Solid; Padding: .5REM 1CH; Color: #001B5F; Background: #E3E3E3; Box-Shadow: -2PX -2PX #D8E3FF, 2PX 2PX #6B95FF; Font-Style: Italic } +blockquote{ Margin-Inline: 2CH; Border-Block-Color: #0040E1 #6B95FF; Border-Inline-Color: #0040E1 #6B95FF; Border-Style: Solid; Padding-Block: .5CH; Padding-Inline: 1CH; Color: #001B5F; Background: #D8E3FF; Box-Shadow: -2PX -2PX #A5BFFF, 2PX 2PX #2E69FF; Font-Style: Italic } +blockquote>:First-Child{ Margin-Block-Start: 0 } +blockquote>:Last-Child{ Margin-Block-End: 0 } figure{ Margin-Block: .5EM; Margin-Inline: Auto; Max-Inline-Size: Max-Content } figure>:First-Child:Nth-Last-Child(2){ Margin-Block-Start: 0; Margin-Block-End: 0 } -figcaption{ Margin-Block: .5EM 0; Margin-Inline: Auto; Border-Block-Start: Thin Solid; Padding-Block-Start: .25EM; Padding-Inline: 2CH; Inline-Size: Max-Content; Color: #97596B; Font-Size: Smaller; Font-Style: Italic; Text-Align: Center } +figcaption{ Margin-Block: .5EM 0; Margin-Inline: Auto; Border-Block-Start: Thin Solid; Padding-Block-Start: .25EM; Padding-Inline: 2CH; Max-Inline-Size: Max-Content; Color: #97596B; Font-Size: Smaller; Font-Style: Italic; Text-Align: Center } ol{ List-Style-Type: Decimal; List-Style-Type: Dotnum } pre{ Margin-Block: .5EM; Overflow-X: Auto; Font: Inherit } code{ Display: Inline-Block; Border: Thin Solid; Border-Radius: .25CH; Padding-Inline: .5CH; Color: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #2D2B57; Background: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #E3DFFF; Font-Size: .75REM; Font-Family: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ 'Operator Mono', 'Fira Code', 'Menlo', 'Monaco', 'Courier New', 'monospace'; Line-Height: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ 1.45 } @@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ p{ Margin-Block: .5EM } :Any-Link{ Color: #3AE6B5 } :Any-Link code{ Text-Decoration: Underline } main :Any-Link{ Color: #1F7D63 } +blockquote :Any-Link{ Color: #0040E1 } main>header>p :Any-Link,main>nav>header>h1 :Any-Link{ Color: Inherit } main>footer :Any-Link{ Color: Inherit; Font-Style: Italic } main small{ Color: #700020 }