it("[[Construct]] defaults the preferred label to the empty string", () => {
- assertStrictEquals(new Tag().prefLabel, "");
+ assertEquals({ ...new Tag().prefLabel }, { "@value": "" });
it("[[Construct]] correctly sets the preferred label to a simple string", () => {
- assertStrictEquals(
- new Tag("RelationshipTag", "Shadow, Me").prefLabel,
- "Shadow, Me",
+ assertEquals(
+ { ...new Tag("RelationshipTag", "Shadow, Me").prefLabel },
+ { "@value": "Shadow, Me" },
+ describe(".constructor", () => {
+ it("[[Get]] is `Function`", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(Tag.constructor, Function);
+ });
+ });
describe(".fromIRI", () => {
it("[[Call]] returns the persisted tag with the given I·R·I", () => {
const tag = new Tag();
assertStrictEquals(retrieved.identifier, identifier);
- it("[[Call]] returns null if no tag with the given I·R·I has been persisted", () => {
+ it("[[Call]] returns undefined if no tag with the given I·R·I has been persisted", () => {
- null,
+ undefined,
it("[[Call]] throws if passed an invalid I·R·I", () => {
- assertThrows(() => {Tag.fromIRI(`bad iri`)});
+ assertThrows(() => {
+ Tag.fromIRI(`bad iri`);
+ });
assertStrictEquals(retrieved.identifier, identifier);
- it("[[Call]] returns null if no tag with the given identifier has been persisted", () => {
- assertStrictEquals(Tag.fromIdentifier("000-0000"), null);
+ it("[[Call]] returns undefined if no tag with the given identifier has been persisted", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(Tag.fromIdentifier("000-0000"), undefined);
it("[[Call]] throws if passed an invalid identifier", () => {
assertStrictEquals(retrieved.identifier, identifier);
- it("[[Call]] returns null if no tag with the given Tag U·R·I has been persisted", () => {
+ it("[[Call]] returns undefined if no tag with the given Tag U·R·I has been persisted", () => {
- null,
+ undefined,
- null,
+ undefined,
- describe(".getSystem", () => {
- it("[[Has]] is not present", () => {
- assertFalse("getSystem" in Tag);
- });
- });
describe(".identifiers", () => {
it("[[Call]] yields all the persisted identifiers", () => {
const tags = new Set(function* () {
+ describe(".system", () => {
+ it("[[Call]] returns the `TagSystem`", () => {
+ assertEquals(Tag.system, system);
+ });
+ });
// `.[Storage.toInstance]` is tested by `.fromIdentifier`.
describe("::addAltLabel", () => {
{ "@value": "three", "@language": "en" },
- Array.from(
- tag.altLabels(),
- ($) => typeof $ == "string" ? $ : { ...$ },
- ),
+ Array.from(tag.altLabels(), ($) => ({ ...$ })),
- "one",
- "two",
+ { "@value": "one" },
+ { "@value": "two" },
{ "@value": "three", "@language": "en" },
{ "@value": "three", "@language": "en" },
- Array.from(
- tag.hiddenLabels(),
- ($) => typeof $ == "string" ? $ : { ...$ },
- ),
+ Array.from(tag.hiddenLabels(), ($) => ({ ...$ })),
- "one",
- "two",
+ { "@value": "one" },
+ { "@value": "two" },
{ "@value": "three", "@language": "en" },
it("[[Call]] throws when this is not a tag which can be placed in canon", () => {
+ const canon = new Tag("CanonTag");
+ canon.persist();
assertThrows(() => {
- new Tag().addInCanonTag();
+ new Tag().addInCanonTag(canon);
it("[[Call]] throws when this is not a conceptual tag", () => {
+ const involved = new Tag();
+ involved.persist();
assertThrows(() => {
- new Tag().addInvolvesTag();
+ new Tag().addInvolvesTag(involved);
const tag = new Tag();
- assertEquals([...tag.altLabels()], ["etaoin"]);
+ assertEquals(
+ Array.from(tag.altLabels(), ($) => ({ ...$ })),
+ [{ "@value": "etaoin" }],
+ );
it("[[Call]] deletes only the provided hidden labels", () => {
{ "@value": "three", "@language": "en" },
{ "@value": "four", "@language": "en" },
- assertEquals([...tag.altLabels()], ["four"]);
+ assertEquals(
+ Array.from(tag.altLabels(), ($) => ({ ...$ })),
+ [{ "@value": "four" }],
+ );
it("[[Call]] returns this", () => {
const tag = new Tag();
- assertEquals([...tag.hiddenLabels()], ["etaoin"]);
+ assertEquals(
+ Array.from(tag.hiddenLabels(), ($) => ({ ...$ })),
+ [{ "@value": "etaoin" }],
+ );
it("[[Call]] deletes only the provided alternative labels", () => {
{ "@value": "three", "@language": "en" },
{ "@value": "four", "@language": "en" },
- assertEquals([...tag.hiddenLabels()], ["four"]);
+ assertEquals(
+ Array.from(tag.hiddenLabels(), ($) => ({ ...$ })),
+ [{ "@value": "four" }],
+ );
it("[[Call]] returns this", () => {
it("[[Set]] sets the preferred label", () => {
const tag = new Tag();
tag.prefLabel = "one";
- assertStrictEquals(tag.prefLabel, "one");
+ assertEquals({ ...tag.prefLabel }, { "@value": "one" });
tag.prefLabel = { "@value": "two" };
- assertStrictEquals(tag.prefLabel, "two");
+ assertEquals({ ...tag.prefLabel }, { "@value": "two" });
tag.prefLabel = { "@value": "three", "@language": "en" };
{ ...tag.prefLabel },
+ describe("::system", () => {
+ it("[[Get]] returns the tag system", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(new Tag().system, system);
+ });
+ });
// `::tagURI` is tested by a `.fromTagURI`.
describe("::taggingEntity", () => {