## Directory Structure
-Each fortune source (in `data/`) is provided in directory of the
- form `AUTHOR__YEAR__IDENTIFIER`, where :—
-- **`AUTHOR`** is the author of the work.
- For people, the family name is given first, in all capitals, followed
- by their personal name(s).
-- **`YEAR`** is the copyright year of the work.
+Each fortune source (in `data/`) is provided in directory whose name
+ has the form `CREATOR__YEAR__IDENTIFIER`, where :—
+- **`CREATOR`** is the creator of the work.
+ Typically, this is the author, translator, producer, or otherwise
+ entity who is most directly responsible for the work existing in a
+ given form.
+ For people with multiple names, family name(s) are given first, in
+ all capitals, followed by their personal name(s).
+ Names in other languages are not romanized, except when the romanized
+ form is considered a distinct, and applicable, alias.
+- **`YEAR`** is the (most recent) copyright year of the work.
+ This is, generally speaking, the year that the work was first
+ published.
- **`IDENTIFIER`** is a humanreadable identifier uniquely identifying
the work among all the sources.
+ Typically it is an abbreviated form of the work’s title.
-Within this directory, the following files can be found :—
+Within each source directory, the following files can be found :—
- **`bibl`:**
The bibliographic citation for the source.