# The maximum number of calls to git in Special:RecentlyChanged before # giving up and just collecting all remaining files in the time·period. # # This configuration gives the maximum number of unique dates shown on # the page. max_recency: 7 # Symbol conversions supported in Djot. symbols: nbsp: "\xA0" # no‐break space cgj: "\u034F" # combining grapheme joiner ensp: "\u2002" # enspace emsp: "\u2003" # emspace figsp: "\u2007" # figure space zwsp: "\u200B" # zero‐width space zwnj: "\u200C" # zero‐width nonjoiner zwj: "\u200D" # zero‐width joiner nnbsp: "\u202F" # narrow no‐break space mathsp: "\u205F" # math space wj: "\u2060" # word joiner fwsp: "\u3000" # fullwidth space as_text: "\uFE0E" # text variation as_emoji: "\uFE0F" # emoji variation