From: Lady <redacted>
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:15:19 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Use Elstob as the font for the wiki

Use Elstob as the font for the wiki

diff --git a/style.css b/style.css
index 47eabe8..be6b67d 100644
--- a/style.css
+++ b/style.css
@@ -54,3 +54,8 @@ strong[data-recency="1"]{ Font-Weight: 500 }
 strong[data-recency] time{ Font-Style: Italic }
 mark{ Border: 1PX Khaki Solid; Color: MidnightBlue; Background: LemonChiffon; Box-Decoration-Break: Clone }
 sup,sub{ Line-Height: .5 }
+/* lady’s styling */
+@font-face{ Font-Family: 'Elstob'; Src: Url("/fonts/Elstob.woff2"); Font-Style: Normal; Font-Weight: 200 800 }
+@font-face{ Font-Family: 'Elstob'; Src: Url("/fonts/Elstob-Italic.woff2"); Font-Style: Italic; Font-Weight: 200 800; Font-Variation-Settings: "slnt" 2 }
+html{ Font-Family: Elstob, Serif; Font-Weight: 450; Font-Variant-Numeric: Oldstyle-Nums Proportional-Nums; Font-Variant-Emoji: Text }