]> <seg xml:id="title-main">Eho</seg>: <seg xml:id="title-sub">Documentation and Dictionary</seg> Project Langdev Lady Version 2, Draft 11 2024-05-12 urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qho:docs:dict Marked with CC0 1.0 Universal. The Langdev Project Dictionaries

Born digital. Words and definitions taken from original handwritten lexis at . Commentary added.

Comprehensive linguistic reference for the various Langdev languages.

Used to separate the different versions of the Eho language, and also to contain preface material. Used to mark dictionary entries. The BCP47 type marks an IETFInternet Engineering Task Force language tag, as defined by <choice><abbr>BCP</abbr><expan>Best Current Practices</expan></choice> 47. The version type is used to denote versions in the list of changes. The unicode type is used to reference a Unicode character. The splash type refers to an optional splash quote. A splash with subtype default identifies the default splash; all others are alternates.
English Eho Language tag for Eho changed from art-Latn-x-qho to simply qho-Latn. A new URIUniform Resource Identifier for the document was provided which uses the urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024: prefix. Some link targets have changed to reflect the new structure of the Langdev site. 2.11 Minor documentation updates; improvements to the XSLTXSL Transformations stylesheet. 2.10 Language tag for Eho changed from art-x-eho to art-x-qho to enable use in environments where the art-x- prefix is not usable. 2.09 Minor adjustments to formatting. 2.08 Minor updates to document metadata. A new URIUniform Resource Identifier was provided; the old value was version‐specific, which is not actually useful (old versions of this dictionary are not being preserved). 2.07 Minor revisions to make metadata current. 2.06 Minor markup improvements. Language version numbers are now considered part of the language name. Removed indexing as it provided no useful functionality. 2.05 Improved internal markup to allow for more easily directly referencing entries inside of etymologies. Added themes. 2.04 Improved internal markup to be more semantic and reduce duplication. Added themes for browsers which support them. 2.03 Fixed centering of table header elements. 2.02 Rewrote LRECLexisMLLexis Markup Language index RECord+HTMLHyperText Markup Language dictionary files into a single TEIText Encoding Initiative document. Corrections were made where errors were found and documentation was improved. 2.01 Created LRECLexisMLLexis Markup Language index RECord+HTMLHyperText Markup Language dictionary files, including frontmatter, from the original source document. 1.01
20 August 2024

Default text! Small! Minimal! We’re just getting started! I hope! A little start! A little more! Verbal! Etymologized! Built on top! Paper! Discontinued! Encoded! Text! Extended! Trust in me! Lorem Ipsum! Hypothetical! Early! Birdie! Slow! Square! Generational! Generated! Old-style! Olde stile!

Eho is an early culture and language in the Jastu‐Fizonal sprachbund. Eho had the smallest starting lexicon of the Jastu‐Fizonal languages, and so developed at the slowest rate. The Unicode character U+25A1 □ WHITE SQUARE has traditionally been used as a shorthand for Eho.

The words below are grouped into four generations based on their approximate times of origin. The earliest of these are categorized as □1 and the latest as □4. The Eho language had very little influence on later Jastu‐Fizonal languages and so the size of this dictionary is quite small.

As Eho is in essence a speculative proto‐language, the pronunciation data should not be taken as anything more than a broad guideline. The orthography attempts to follow general American English conventions.

Eho has been given the language code qho; the script subtag Latn should also be supplied. Eho has no known native script.

o ō
v come/go
aht äht
v stay/stop/wait
v do
o ō
□1 v go
uw o͡o
□1 o v come
ah äh
□1 aht v wait
aat ät
□1 aht v stay/stop
eh ā
adj good
□2 v do
oet œt
adv quickly
ahn än
adv carefully, cautiously
o ō
□1 v go
uw o͡o
□1 o v come
ah äh
□1 aht v wait
aat ät
□1 aht v stay/stop
ay ā
adj good
adj bad
æt āt
□3 eh pron this
pron you
pron me
pron they
tih tih
v is
□2 v do
o ō
□1 v go
uw o͡o
□1 v come
ah äh
□1 v wait
ahnt ähnt
□3 aat v stay/stop
oet œt
□3 adv quickly
on on
□3 ahn adv carefully, cautiously
rayd rād
adv not