]> <seg xml:id="title-main">Elrex</seg>: <seg xml:id="title-sub">Documentation and Dictionary</seg> Project Langdev Lady Version 2, Draft 08 2024-08-20 urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qlr:docs:dict Marked with CC0 1.0 Universal. The Langdev Project Dictionaries

Born digital. Words and definitions taken from the revised digital lexis at . Pronunciation information taken from the Hope Pronunciation Guide. Commentary added.

Comprehensive linguistic reference for the various LANGDEV languages.

Used to separate the different versions of the Elrex language, and also to contain preface material. Used to mark dictionary entries. The class type marks a Elrex version 6 word class. The BCP47 type marks an IETFInternet Engineering Task Force language tag, as defined by <choice><abbr>BCP</abbr><expan>Best Current Practices</expan></choice> 47. The version type is used to denote versions in the list of changes. The unicode type is used to reference a Unicode character. The splash type refers to an optional splash quote. A splash with subtype default identifies the default splash; all others are alternates.
English Elrex Language tag for Elrex changed from art-Latn-x-qlr to simply qlr-Latn. A new URIUniform Resource Identifier for the document was provided which uses the urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024: prefix. Some link targets have changed to reflect the new structure of the Langdev site. 2.08 Minor documentation updates; improvements to the XSLTXSL Transformations stylesheet. 2.07 Language tag for Elrex changed from art-x-lrx to art-x-qlr to enable use in environments where the art-x- prefix is not usable. 2.06 Minor adjustments to formatting. 2.05 Minor updates to document metadata. A new URIUniform Resource Identifier was provided; the old value was version‐specific, which is not actually useful (old versions of this dictionary are not being preserved). 2.04 Minor revisions to make metadata current. The name of the language was revised from Lrex to Elrex to aid in pronunciation. 2.03 Minor markup improvements. 2.02 Rewrote LRECLexisMLLexis Markup Language index RECord+HTMLHyperText Markup Language dictionary files into a single TEIText Encoding Initiative document. Corrections were made where errors were found and documentation was improved. 2.01 Created LRECLexisMLLexis Markup Language index RECord+HTMLHyperText Markup Language dictionary files, including frontmatter, from the original source documents. 1.01
20 August 2024

Kingly! Emotional! Great! Small! Woah! Good! Bad! Scary! Shoo! Fixed! Out loud! Edited! .app! Land ho!

Elrex is an early culture and language in the Jastu‐Fizonal sprachbund. Most of the words in the known Elrex lexicon pertained to feelings or emotions, as these are the words which went on to influence later languages. Elrex is highly onomatopœic and features a large number of vowels. The spelling Lrex has traditionally been used as a shorthand for Elrex.

The words below are grouped into six generations based on their approximate times of origin. The earliest of these are categorized as Elrex version 1 and the latest as Elrex version 6. As most of the influence on later Jastu‐Fizonal languages occured around the time of Elrex version 5, our knowledge of Elrex version 6 is incomplete.

Definitive etymological classifications for Elrex words have not been made. However, in the later Elrex versions, broad associations have been noted. These are marked via a U+223B ∻ HOMOTHETIC Unicode character below.

As Elrex is in essence a speculative proto‐language, the pronunciation data should not be taken as anything more than a broad guideline. However, given an American English dialect, the following pronunciation key may be helpful:

Like the a in at Like the ay in play Like the a in lawn Like the u in fun Like the first e in enter Like the e in be Like the i in it Like the i in white Like the o in grow Like the u in june Like the oy in joy Similar to œ, above, except with the ē sound replaced with ī Pronounced ay‐eh

Elrex has been given the language code qlr; the script subtag Latn should also be supplied. Elrex has no known native script.

Lrex version 1
excl woah
excl shoo
adj good
pron that
adj bad
adj scary
Lrex version 2
adj surprising
v leave
excl v stop/shoo
adj good/pleasant
adj great
adj relaxing
pron this/that/you/me/etc.
adj bad
adj scary
adj do
Lrex version 3
v stop
v go
excl a surprised exclamation
v leave
v quit
excl v shoo
adj good
adj pleasant
adj calm
adj relaxing
pron this/that
pron he/she/they
adj bad
adj scary
adj do
affix of or pertaining to a thing
affix calm
‐he he
affix good
aa‐ ä
affix somewhat
ahn‐ än
affix bad
iy‐ ī
affix scary
Lrex version 4
kohwhǽ kō+​whǽ
v stop/wait
tawhǽ tä+​whǽ
v go
ohwy ōh+​wī
excl a surprised exclamation
wahwei wä+​wā
adj surprising
v leave
kotai kō+​tī
v quit
rawhǽ rä+​whǽ
excl v shoo
adj good
ahǽ ah+​ǽ
adj pleasant
eehae ē+​hā
adj great
eehoi ē+​hớ
adj peaceful
hohwǽ’ihy hō+​wǽ·​ī
adj calm
hoita hōē+​tə
adj relaxing
awei ä+​wā
pron something (this/that)
uhwei ə+​wā
pron he/she/they
ahn än
adj bad
excl no
taw täw
excl yes
iy ī
adj scary
ee ē
adv very
een ēn
adj very bad / horrible
eeyih ē+​yīh
adj very frightening
a‐ ä
affix somewhat/one
aht ät
adv moderately
adj different/strange
whǽ whǽ
v go
Lrex version 5
aln äln
pron some
alhǽ äl+​hǽ
adj pleasant
alwei äl+​wā
pron something
alht älht
adv moderately
hǽn hǽn
adj good
hoin hœn
adv still
hohwǽ’uh hō+​wǽ·​ə
adj calm
hoiten hœ+​ten
adj relaxing
ee ē
adv very
elnhǽ eln+​hǽ
adj great
elnhoi eln+​hœ
adj peaceful
elnhun eln+​hən
adj horrible
elnyih eln+​yīh
adj very frightening
un ən
adj bad
koen kō+​en
adv excl no/not
koewhǽ kœ+​whǽ
v stop/wait
koeta kœ+​tə
v quit
tawen täw+​en
adj exclamation yes/right
tehǽ täh+​ǽ
v go
wah wäh
adj strange
wahnei wäh+​nā
adj surprising
v leave
raewhǽ rā+​whǽ
v shoo
whǽn whǽn
v move
ohn ōhn
pron us
ono ō+​nō
pron you
jo ʒō
pron me/i
ohnwei ōhn+​wā
pron they/he/she
wiev wēv
n thing
sǽna sǽ+​nə
v are/is
sǽkon sǽ+​kōn
v are/is not
teen tēn
v do
teewǽn tē+​wǽn
v adj live/alive
tekowǽn tā+​kō+​​wǽn
v adj die/dead
Lrex version 6
tewǽn tā+​wǽn
adj life alive
tewhǽ tā+​whǽ
adj life living
witawǽ wi+​tä+​wǽ
n life water
wiku wi+​ku
n life food
tekǽn tā+​kǽn
adj death dead
teko tā+​kō
adj death dying
alwee äl+​wā
pron thing something
ohnwev ōhn+​wev
pron thing they/he/she