import { call, createCallableFunction } from "./function.js";
import {
- floor,
- isNan,
- max,
- min,
} from "./numeric.js";
-import { sameValue, type } from "./value.js";
+import {
+ canonicalNumericIndexString,
+ lengthOfArraylike,
+ sameValue,
+ toIndex,
+ toLength,
+ type,
+} from "./value.js";
const { prototype: arrayPrototype } = Array;
from: toArray,
} = Array;
- * Returns −0 if the provided argument is "-0"; returns a number
- * representing the index if the provided argument is a canonical
- * numeric index string; otherwise, returns undefined.
- *
- * There is no clamping of the numeric index, but note that numbers
- * above 2^53 − 1 are not safe nor valid integer indices.
- */
-export const canonicalNumericIndexString = ($) => {
- if (typeof $ !== "string") {
- return undefined;
- } else if ($ === "-0") {
- return -0;
- } else {
- const n = +$;
- return $ === `${n}` ? n : undefined;
- }
* Returns the result of catenating the provided arraylikes into a new
* collection according to the algorithm of `Array::concat`.
- * Returns the length of the provided arraylike object.
- *
- * Will throw if the provided object is not arraylike.
- *
- * This can produce larger lengths than can actually be stored in
- * arrays, because no such restrictions exist on arraylike methods.
- */
-export const lengthOfArraylike = ({ length }) => toLength(length);
* Returns the result of mapping the provided value with the provided
* callback according to the algorithm of `Array::map`.
export const splice = createCallableFunction(arrayPrototype.splice);
- * Returns the result of converting the provided value to an array
- * index, or throws an error if it is out of range.
- */
-export const toIndex = ($) => {
- const integer = floor($);
- if (isNan(integer) || integer == 0) {
- // The value is zero·like.
- return 0;
- } else {
- // The value is not zero·like.
- const clamped = toLength(integer);
- if (clamped !== integer) {
- // Clamping the value changes it.
- throw new RangeError(`Piscēs: Index out of range: ${$}.`);
- } else {
- // The value is within appropriate bounds.
- return integer;
- }
- }
-/** Returns the result of converting the provided value to a length. */
-export const toLength = ($) => {
- const len = floor($);
- return isNan(len) || len == 0
- ? 0
- : max(min(len, MAXIMUM_SAFE_INTEGRAL_NUMBER), 0);
* Unshifts the provided value according to the algorithm of
* `Array::unshift`.