-[♓🌟 الرشآء](https://git.ladys.computer/Alrescha) development, and not
-as a general‐use library.** This means that it is not extensively
-documented beyond its source code, it is not rigidly versioned, and it
-offers no guarantees regarding stability between versions. However, it
-is written in a generic manner, such that if you find it useful, you
-_can_ integrate it into your project—using ordinary Ecmascript imports
-from `https://git.ladys.computer/Pisces/blob_plain/❲HASH❳:/mod.js`.
-Always use a specific hash, and not a branch name like `current`, when
+[♓🌟 الرشآء][Alrescha] development, and not as a general‐use
+library.** This means that it is not extensively documented beyond its
+source code, it is not rigidly versioned, and it offers no guarantees
+regarding stability between versions. However, it is written in a
+generic manner, such that if you find it useful, you _can_ integrate it
+into your project—using ordinary Ecmascript imports from
+`https://git.ladys.computer/Pisces/blob_plain/❲HASH❳:/mod.js`. Always
+use a specific hash, and not a branch name like `current`, when