+export const {
+ /**
+ * Returns the signed 8‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getInt8`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and returns a big·int.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get8BitSignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the unsigned 8‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getUint8`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and returns a big·int.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get8BitUnsignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the signed 16‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getInt16`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and returns a big·int.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get16BitSignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the unsigned 16‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getUint16`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views and returns a big·int.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get16BitUnsignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the 32‐bit floating point value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getFloat32`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get32BitFloatingPointItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the signed 32‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getInt32`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and returns a big·int.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get32BitSignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the unsigned 32‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getUint32`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views and returns a big·int.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get32BitUnsignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the 64‐bit floating point value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getFloat64`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get64BitFloatingPointItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the signed 64‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getBigInt64`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get64BitSignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Returns the unsigned 64‐bit integral value in the provided array
+ * buffer or array buffer view at the provided byte offset.
+ *
+ * ※ The retrieved value will be big·endian unless a third argument
+ * is specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::getBigUint64`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ get64BitUnsignedIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Sets the 8‐bit integral value in the provided array buffer or
+ * array buffer view at the provided byte offset to the provided
+ * value.
+ *
+ * ※ The value will be set as big·endian unless a fourth argument is
+ * specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::setInt8`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and accepts both numeric and
+ * big·int values.
+ *
+ * ※ It doesn’t matter whether the provided value is signed or
+ * unsigned, as the algorithm will cast one to the other.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ set8BitIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Sets the 16‐bit integral value in the provided array buffer or
+ * array buffer view at the provided byte offset to the provided
+ * value.
+ *
+ * ※ The value will be set as big·endian unless a fourth argument is
+ * specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::setInt16`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and accepts both numeric and
+ * big·int values.
+ *
+ * ※ It doesn’t matter whether the provided value is signed or
+ * unsigned, as the algorithm will cast one to the other.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ set16BitIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Sets the 32‐bit floating point value in the provided array buffer
+ * or array buffer view at the provided byte offset to the provided
+ * value.
+ *
+ * ※ The value will be set as big·endian unless a fourth argument is
+ * specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::setFloat32`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ set32BitFloatingPointItem,
+ /**
+ * Sets the 32‐bit integral value in the provided array buffer or
+ * array buffer view at the provided byte offset to the provided
+ * value.
+ *
+ * ※ The value will be set as big·endian unless a fourth argument is
+ * specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::setInt32`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views and accepts both numeric and
+ * big·int values.
+ *
+ * ※ It doesn’t matter whether the provided value is signed or
+ * unsigned, as the algorithm will cast one to the other.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ set32BitIntegralItem,
+ /**
+ * Sets the 64‐bit floating point value in the provided array buffer
+ * or array buffer view at the provided byte offset to the provided
+ * value.
+ *
+ * ※ The value will be set as big·endian unless a fourth argument is
+ * specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::setFloat64`, but works on all
+ * array buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array.
+ */
+ set64BitFloatingPointItem,
+ /**
+ * Sets the 64‐bit integral value in the provided array buffer or
+ * array buffer view at the provided byte offset to the provided
+ * value.
+ *
+ * ※ The value will be set as big·endian unless a fourth argument is
+ * specified and truthy.
+ *
+ * ※ This is similar to `DataView::setInt32`, but works on all array
+ * buffers and array buffer views.
+ *
+ * ※ It doesn’t matter whether the provided value is signed or
+ * unsigned, as the algorithm will cast one to the other.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the first argument is not an array
+ * buffer, data view, or typed array, or if the third argument is not
+ * a big·int.
+ */
+ set64BitIntegralItem,
+} = (() => {
+ const makeBigInt = BigInt;
+ const { asUintN } = BigInt;
+ const makeNumber = Number;
+ const viewMap = new WeakMap();
+ const view = ($) => {
+ const buffer = toArrayBuffer($);
+ if (viewMap.has(buffer)) {
+ // A view has already been allocated for this buffer; use it.
+ return viewMap.get(buffer);
+ } else {
+ // No view has been created for this buffer yet.
+ const result = new View(buffer);
+ viewMap.set(buffer, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ return {
+ get8BitSignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ makeBigInt(
+ call(viewGetInt8, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ get8BitUnsignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ makeBigInt(
+ call(viewGetUint8, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ get16BitSignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ makeBigInt(
+ call(viewGetInt16, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ get16BitUnsignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ makeBigInt(
+ call(viewGetUint16, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ get32BitFloatingPointItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ call(viewGetFloat32, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ get32BitSignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ makeBigInt(
+ call(viewGetInt32, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ get32BitUnsignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ makeBigInt(
+ call(viewGetUint32, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ get64BitFloatingPointItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ call(viewGetFloat64, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ get64BitSignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ call(viewGetInt64, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ get64BitUnsignedIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, ...args) =>
+ call(viewGetUint64, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ set8BitIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, value, ...args) =>
+ call(viewSetUint8, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ makeNumber(value),
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ set16BitIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, value, ...args) =>
+ call(viewSetUint16, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ makeNumber(value),
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ set32BitFloatingPointItem: ($, byteOffset, value, ...args) =>
+ call(viewSetFloat32, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ value,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ set32BitIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, value, ...args) =>
+ call(viewSetUint32, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ makeNumber(value),
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ set64BitFloatingPointItem: ($, byteOffset, value, ...args) =>
+ call(viewSetFloat64, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ value,
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ set64BitIntegralItem: ($, byteOffset, value, ...args) =>
+ call(viewSetUint64, view($), [
+ getByteOffset($) + byteOffset,
+ asUintN(64, value),
+ ...objectCreate(
+ argumentIterablePrototype,
+ { args: { value: args } },
+ ),
+ ]),
+ };
+ * Returns the byte length for the provided array buffer or array
+ * buffer view.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the provided value is not an array buffer,
+ * data view, or typed array.
+ */
+export const getByteLength = ($) => {
+ try {
+ // Attempt to get the byte length from the provided value as an
+ // `ArrayBuffer`.
+ return call(getBufferByteLength, $, []);
+ } catch {
+ // The provided value is not an `ArrayBuffer`.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ try {
+ // Attempt to get the byte length from the provided value as a
+ // `SharedArrayBuffer`.
+ return call(getSharedBufferByteLength, $, []);
+ } catch {
+ // The provided value is not a `SharedArrayBuffer`.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ try {
+ // Attempt to get the byte length from the provided value as a
+ // data view.
+ return call(getViewByteLength, $, []);
+ } catch {
+ // The provided value is not a data view.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ try {
+ // Attempt to get the byte length from the provided value as a
+ // typed array.
+ return call(getTypedArrayByteLength, $, []);
+ } catch {
+ // The provided value is not a typed array.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(`Piscēs: Not an array buffer or view: ${$}.`);
+ * Returns the byte offset for the provided array buffer or array
+ * buffer view.
+ *
+ * ※ This function always returns `0` for array buffers.
+ *
+ * ☡ This function throws if the provided value is not an array buffer,
+ * data view, or typed array.
+ */
+export const getByteOffset = ($) => {
+ if (isArrayBuffer($)) {
+ // The provided value is an array buffer.
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ // Attempt to get the byte offset from the provided value as a
+ // data view.
+ return call(getViewByteOffset, $, []);
+ } catch {
+ // The provided value is not a data view.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ try {
+ // Attempt to get the byte offset from the provided value as a
+ // typed array.
+ return call(getTypedArrayByteOffset, $, []);
+ } catch {
+ // The provided value is not a typed array.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(`Piscēs: Not an array buffer or view: ${$}.`);
+ }
+ * Returns whether the provided value is a view on an underlying array
+ * buffer.
+ *
+ * ※ This function returns true for typed arrays and data views.
+ */
+export const { isView: isArrayBufferView } = Buffer;
+ * Returns whether the provided value is an array buffer.
+ *
+ * ※ This function returns true for both `ArrayBuffer`s and
+ * `SharedArrayBuffer`s.
+ */
+export const isArrayBuffer = ($) => {
+ try {
+ // Try to see if the provided argument has array buffer internal
+ // slots and return true if so.
+ return call(getBufferByteLength, $, []), true;
+ } catch {
+ // The provided argument does not have array buffer internal slots.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ try {
+ // Try to see if the provided argument has array buffer internal
+ // slots and return true if so.
+ return call(getSharedBufferByteLength, $, []), true;
+ } catch {
+ // The provided argument does not have array buffer internal slots.
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Returns whether the provided value is a base16 string.
+ *
+ * ※ This function returns false if the provided value is not a string
+ * primitive.
+ */
+export const isBase16 = ($) => {
+ if (typeof $ !== "string") {
+ // The provided value is not a string.
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // The provided value is a string.
+ const source = stringReplace($, /[\t\n\f\r ]+/gu, "");
+ return source.length % 2 !== 1 &&
+ call(reExec, /[^0-9A-F]/iu, [source]) === null;
+ }
+ * Returns whether the provided value is a base32 string.
+ *
+ * ※ This function returns false if the provided value is not a string
+ * primitive.
+ */
+export const isBase32 = ($) => {
+ if (typeof $ !== "string") {
+ // The provided value is not a string.
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // The provided value is a string.
+ const source = stringReplace($, /[\t\n\f\r ]+/gu, "");
+ const trimmed = source.length % 8 === 0
+ ? stringReplace(source, /(?:=|={3,4}|={6})$/u, "")
+ : source;
+ return trimmed.length % 8 !== 1 &&
+ call(reExec, /[^2-7A-Z/]/iu, [trimmed]) === null;
+ }