+describe("toExponentialNotation", () => {
+ it("[[Call]] converts to exponential notation", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(231), "2.31e+2");
+ });
+ it("[[Call]] works with big·ints", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(
+ toExponentialNotation(9007199254740993n),
+ "9.007199254740993e+15",
+ );
+ });
+ it("[[Call]] respects the specified number of fractional digits", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(
+ toExponentialNotation(.00000000642, 3),
+ "6.420e-9",
+ );
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(.00691, 1), "6.9e-3");
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(.00685, 1), "6.9e-3");
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(.004199, 2), "4.20e-3");
+ assertStrictEquals(
+ toExponentialNotation(6420000000n, 3),
+ "6.420e+9",
+ );
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(6910n, 1), "6.9e+3");
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(6850n, 1), "6.9e+3");
+ assertStrictEquals(toExponentialNotation(4199n, 2), "4.20e+3");
+ });
+describe("toFixedDecimalNotation", () => {
+ it("[[Call]] converts to fixed decimal notation", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(toFixedDecimalNotation(69.4199, 3), "69.420");
+ });
+ it("[[Call]] works with big·ints", () => {
+ assertStrictEquals(
+ toFixedDecimalNotation(9007199254740993n),
+ "9007199254740993",
+ );
+ assertStrictEquals(
+ toFixedDecimalNotation(9007199254740993n, 2),
+ "9007199254740993.00",
+ );
+ });