-- The created files have a `.xhtml` extension and *need* to be served
- with a `application/xhtml+xml` (or `application/xml`) media type. Not
- all servers know how to serve `.xhtml` files; if this is you, you may
- have better luck with `make XHTMLEXT=xml` (which will produce `.xml`
- files instead).
- - Some free hosting options require that “index” pages have an
- extension of `.html`; these will unfortunately not work. It is
- possible to extend the makefile to generate `index.html` redirects
- to `index.xhtml` with the following code :—
- ```make
- override redirects := $(patsubst public/%.$(XHTMLEXT),public/%.html,$(indices) $(pages))
- all: $(redirects) # in addition to the previously declared prerequisites
- $(redirects):
- # You may want a more involved redirect page than this, but it’s an example…
- echo '<!DOCTYPE html><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=./index.xhtml">' > $@
- ```
- This should be considered a last resort, but it can be used to get
- your site working on e·g Neocities.