If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
+ <xslt:param name="BASEIRI" select="'http://example.com'"/>
+ <xslt:param name="DATETIME" select="'1972-12-31T00:00:00Z'"/>
+ <xslt:param name="OUTPUTPATH" select="'/unknown'"/>
+ <xslt:variable name="baseiri">
+ <xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:when test="contains($BASEIRI, '://')"> <!-- there is an authority -->
+ <xslt:variable name="noscheme" select="substring-after($BASEIRI, '://')"/>
+ <xslt:value-of select="substring-before($BASEIRI, '://')"/>
+ <xslt:text>://</xslt:text>
+ <xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:when test="contains($noscheme, '/')">
+ <xslt:value-of select="substring-before($noscheme, '/')"/>
+ </xslt:when>
+ <xslt:otherwise>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$noscheme"/>
+ </xslt:otherwise>
+ </xslt:choose>
+ </xslt:when>
+ <xslt:otherwise>
+ <xslt:value-of select="substring-before($BASEIRI, ':')"/>
+ </xslt:otherwise>
+ </xslt:choose>
+ </xslt:variable>
+ <xslt:variable name="datetime" select="string($DATETIME)"/>
+ <xslt:variable name="outputpath">
+ <xslt:if test="not(starts-with($OUTPUTPATH, '/'))">
+ <xslt:text>/</xslt:text>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$OUTPUTPATH"/>
+ </xslt:variable>
<xslt:variable name="source" select="current()"/>
<xslt:variable name="template" select="document('./template.xml')"/>
Instead of actually processing the root node, process the template in `template` mode.
<xslt:template match="/">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="$template" mode="template"/>
+ <xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:when test="atom:feed">
+ <xslt:apply-templates mode="feed"/>
+ </xslt:when>
+ <xslt:otherwise>
+ <xslt:apply-templates select="$template" mode="template"/>
+ </xslt:otherwise>
+ </xslt:choose>
<xslt:apply-templates select="$source//html:h1" mode="text"/>
+ <meta name="generator" content="https://github.com/marrus-sh/shrine-xslt"/>
<xslt:apply-templates mode="template"/>
<xslt:for-each select="$source//*[@slot='shrine-head']">
<xslt:apply-templates select="." mode="content"/>
<xslt:apply-templates select="$source/*" mode="content"/>
+ <!--
+ Process feed elements and text.
+ By default, just make a copy.
+ This behaviour will be overridden for certain elements to generate feed metadata.
+ -->
+ <xslt:template match="*|text()" mode="feed">
+ <xslt:copy>
+ <xslt:for-each select="@*">
+ <xslt:copy/>
+ </xslt:for-each>
+ <xslt:apply-templates mode="feed"/>
+ </xslt:copy>
+ </xslt:template>
+ <!--
+ Process the root feed element.
+ This adds required metadata when it has not been provided in the source X·M·L.
+ -->
+ <xslt:template match="atom:feed" mode="feed">
+ <xslt:text>
</xslt:text> <!-- ensure a newline between the doctype and the feed element -->
+ <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
+ <xslt:for-each select="@*">
+ <xslt:copy/>
+ </xslt:for-each>
+ <xslt:apply-templates select="text()[following-sibling::*[not(self::atom:entry)]]|*[not(self::atom:entry)]" mode="feed"/>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:id)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <id>
+ <xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:when test="contains($baseiri, '://')">
+ <xslt:text>oai:</xslt:text>
+ <xslt:value-of select="substring-after($baseiri, '://')"/>
+ <xslt:text>:</xslt:text>
+ </xslt:when>
+ <xslt:otherwise>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$baseiri"/>
+ <xslt:text>/</xslt:text>
+ </xslt:otherwise>
+ </xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$outputpath"/>
+ </id>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:title)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <title xml:lang="en">Untitled</title>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:author)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <author>
+ <name xml:lang="en">Anonymous</name>
+ </author>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:link[@rel='alternate'][@type='text/html'])">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="{$baseiri}/"/>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:link[@rel='self'])">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="{$baseiri}{$outputpath}"/>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:updated)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <updated>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$datetime"/>
+ </updated>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:generator)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <generator uri="https://github.com/marrus-sh/shrine-xslt">shrine-xslt</generator>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:apply-templates select="atom:entry" mode="feed"/>
+ <xslt:text>
</xslt:text> <!-- newline before close tag -->
+ </feed>
+ </xslt:template>
+ <!--
+ Process feed entry elements.
+ -->
+ <xslt:template match="atom:entry[atom:link[@rel='alternate'][starts-with(@href, '/')][@type='text/html']]" mode="feed">
+ <xslt:variable name="entryhref" select="atom:link[@rel='alternate'][starts-with(@href, '/')][@type='text/html'][1]/@href"/>
+ <xslt:text>
+ <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
+ <xslt:for-each select="@*">
+ <xslt:copy/>
+ </xslt:for-each>
+ <xslt:apply-templates select="text()[following-sibling::*]|*" mode="feed"/>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:id)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <id>
+ <xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:when test="contains($baseiri, '://')">
+ <xslt:text>oai:</xslt:text>
+ <xslt:value-of select="substring-after($baseiri, '://')"/>
+ <xslt:text>:</xslt:text>
+ </xslt:when>
+ <xslt:otherwise>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$baseiri"/>
+ <xslt:text>/</xslt:text>
+ </xslt:otherwise>
+ </xslt:choose>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$entryhref"/>
+ </id>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:title)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <title xml:lang="en">Untitled</title>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:if test="not(atom:updated)">
+ <xslt:text>
+ <updated>
+ <xslt:value-of select="$datetime"/>
+ </updated>
+ </xslt:if>
+ <xslt:text>
	</xslt:text> <!-- newline before close tag -->
+ </entry>
+ </xslt:template>
+ <!--
+ Process feed link elements.
+ This simply rewrites absolute links to be relative.
+ -->
+ <xslt:template match="atom:link[starts-with(@href, '/')]" mode="feed">
+ <link xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" rel="{@rel}" href="{$baseiri}{@href}">
+ <xslt:for-each select="@*[local-name()!='rel' and local-name()!='href']">
+ <xslt:copy/>
+ </xslt:for-each>
+ </link>
+ </xslt:template>
Provide the complete text content of the provided element.
- Set the output mode to HTML.
+ Set up output.
+ Note that this relies on “default” output method detection specified in X·S·L·T in order to work.
+ The `about:legacy-compat` system doctype is for H·T·M·L compatibility but is harmless in X·M·L.
- <xslt:output method="html" charset="UTF-8" doctype-system="about:legacy-compat" indent="no"/>
+ <xslt:output charset="UTF-8" doctype-system="about:legacy-compat" indent="no"/>