║│ • cksum │║
║│ • cp │║
║│ • date │║
-║│ • echo │║
║│ • file │║
║│ • find │║
║│ • grep │║
CKSUM := cksum
CP := cp
DATE := date
-ECHO := echo
FILE := file
FIND := find
GIT := git
override removeassociatedfiles = ASSOCIATED="$$($(call associatedfiles,$(dir $1),$(notdir $1)) | $(TR) '\n' ' ')"; if $(TEST) -n "$$ASSOCIATED"; then cd $(call quote,$(dir $1)) && $(PRINTF) '%s\n' "$$ASSOCIATED" | $(SED) 's/ \{2,\}/ /g;s/^ //;s/ $$//' | $(TR) ' ' '\n' | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(RM); fi
# (callable) Process the provided transformation result and output the result to the provided location, given the provided relative path.
-override processresultto = if $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="raw-text" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(call extracttext,$1) > $(call quote,$2); $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); elif $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="base64-binary" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(call extracttext,$1) | $(TR) -d '\t\n\f\r ' | $(SED) 's/^/begin-base64 644 - /;s/$$/ ====/' | $(TR) '\t' '\n' | $(UUDECODE) -o /dev/stdout > $(call quote,$2); $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); elif $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="archive" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(MAKE) -f $(call quote,$(abspath $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile)) $(call quote,$2) NAME=$(call quote,$3) SRC=$(call quote,$1) BUILDDIR=$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/archive/$3) DESTDIR=$(call quote,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $2))) MODE='urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:archive'; $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); elif $(call xpath,//*[local-name()="page" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(MAKE) -f $(call quote,$(abspath $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile)) $(call quote,$2) NAME=$(call quote,$3) SRC=$(call quote,$1) BUILDDIR=$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/paged/$3) DESTDIR=$(call quote,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $2))) MODE='urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:paged'; else $(XMLLINT) --nsclean $(call quote,$1) > $(call quote,$2); $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); fi
+override processresultto = if $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="raw-text" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(call extracttext,$1) > $(call quote,$2); $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); elif $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="base64-binary" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then { $(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'begin-base64 644 -'; $(call extracttext,$1) | $(TR) -d '\t\n\f\r '; $(PRINTF) '%s\n' '===='; } | $(UUDECODE) -o /dev/stdout > $(call quote,$2); $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); elif $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="archive" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(MAKE) -f $(call quote,$(abspath $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile)) $(call quote,$2) NAME=$(call quote,$3) SRC=$(call quote,$1) BUILDDIR=$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/archive/$3) DESTDIR=$(call quote,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $2))) MODE='urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:archive'; $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); elif $(call xpath,//*[local-name()="page" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(MAKE) -f $(call quote,$(abspath $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile)) $(call quote,$2) NAME=$(call quote,$3) SRC=$(call quote,$1) BUILDDIR=$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/paged/$3) DESTDIR=$(call quote,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $2))) MODE='urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:paged'; else $(XMLLINT) --nsclean $(call quote,$1) > $(call quote,$2); $(call removeassociatedfiles,$2); fi
# ━ § BEGIN DEFAULT MAKE·FILE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
override id = $(XMLLINT) --xpath '/*/*[local-name()="id" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"]/text()[1]' $(call quote,$1) 2> /dev/null || $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,about:shushe?$(or $2,unknown)=$(call pathenc,$(basename $(notdir $1))))
# (callable) Sanitize and wrap the provided plaintext file in X·M·L, printing to `stdout´.
-override wrapplaintext = $(TR) '\000\013\014' '\032\011\012' < $(call quote,$1) | $(SED) "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' 's/]]>/]]]]><!\\[CDATA\\[>/g\ns/\0357\0277\0276/�/g\ns/\0357\0277\0277/�/g\n$$!s/\\r$$//g\ns/\\r/\\n/g\n$$!s/\0302\0205$$//g\ns/\0302\0205/\\n/g\ns/\0342\0200\0250/\\n/g\ns/[\0001-\0010]/�/g\ns/[\0016-\0037]/�/g\n1s|^|<?xml version=\0042\0061.0\0042?>\\n<script xmlns=\0042http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\0042 type=\0042$(call typeoffile,$1)\0042><![CDATA[|\n$$s|$$|]]></script>|')"
+override wrapplaintext = { $(PRINTF) '%s\n%s' '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<script xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" type="$(call typeoffile,$1)"><![CDATA['; $(TR) '\000\013\014' '\032\011\012' < $(call quote,$1) | $(SED) "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' 's/]]>/]]]]><!\\[CDATA\\[>/g\ns/\0357\0277\0276/�/g\ns/\0357\0277\0277/�/g\n$$!s/\\r$$//g\ns/\\r/\\n/g\n$$!s/\0302\0205$$//g\ns/\0302\0205/\\n/g\ns/\0342\0200\0250/\\n/g\ns/[\0001-\0010]/�/g\ns/[\0016-\0037]/�/g')"; $(PRINTF) '%s\n' ']]></script>'; }
# (callable) Check if the provided X·M·L file is X·M·L 1.1, and if so, coerce to X·M·L 1.0 as best as possible, printing the result (or the original file contents) to `stdout´.
# It must be updated if any of the files in the magic directory change.
$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc : $(call diffprereqs,magic,$(sort $(call magicfile,$(MAGIC))))
$(foreach outdated,$(filter-out $^,$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/magic/*)),$(silent)$(RM) $(call quote,$(outdated))$(newline))
- @$(ECHO) "Compiling new magic…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Compiling new magic…'
$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
$(silent)cd $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)) && $(FILE) -C -m $(call quote,$(realpath $(BUILDDIR)/magic))
$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)
# Generate the main parser.
$(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog : $(call diffprereqs,parsers,$(sort $(PARSERS)))
- @$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of parsers…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating catalog of parsers…'
$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
- $(foreach parser,$(PARSERS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(parser)); printf '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(parser))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
+ $(foreach parser,$(PARSERS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(parser)); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(parser))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt
- @$(ECHO) "Generating main parser…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating main parser…'
$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)
# This does not depend on actually transforming the files.
$(BUILDDIR)/catalog : $(call diffprereqs,sources,$(sort $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))) $(typeupdates)
- @$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of parsed files…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating catalog of parsed files…'
$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
$(foreach source,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes),$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --add uri $(call quote,$(call localuri,$(source))) $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(call parsed,$(source)))#$(if $(filter $(source),$(assetfiles)),asset,xml)) --noout $(call quote,$@)$(newline))
# Build a list of dependencies for each parsed file.
$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies : $(BUILDDIR)/catalog $(call parsed,$(plaintextfiles) $(xmlfiles)) $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2dependencies.xslt
- @$(ECHO) "Identifying dependencies…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Identifying dependencies…'
$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$@)
$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2dependencies.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
# This depends on parsing non·asset source files, but not assets or includes.
# It does not require knowing the dependencies.
$(BUILDDIR)/destinations : $(BUILDDIR)/catalog $(call parsed,$(filter-out $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles))) $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2destinations.xslt
- @$(ECHO) "Identifying output destinations…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Identifying output destinations…'
$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$@)
$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2destinations.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
# Generate the main transform.
$(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog : $(call diffprereqs,transforms,$(sort $(TRANSFORMS)))
- @$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of transforms…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating catalog of transforms…'
$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
- $(foreach transform,$(TRANSFORMS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(transform)); printf '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(transform))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
+ $(foreach transform,$(TRANSFORMS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(transform)); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(transform))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt
- @$(ECHO) "Generating main transform…"
+ @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating main transform…'
$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
# Compile the result files using the dependencies as necessary.