A white·space‐separated list of media types to consider X·M·L
(default: `application/xml text/xml`).
-- **`GENERATOR`:**
- The name of the generator program (default: `⛩️📰 书社`).
-- **`VERSION`:**
- The current version of `GENERATOR` (default: derived from the current
+- **`THISREV`:**
+ The current version of ⛩️📰 书社 (default: derived from the current
git tag/branch/commit).
- **`SRCREV`:**
- **`CKSUM`:**
The checksum of the source file (⅌ `cksum`).
-- **`GENERATOR`:**
- The value of the `GENERATOR` variable (if present).
- **`SRCREV`:**
The value of the `SRCREV` variable (if present).
- **`SRCTIME`:**
The time at which the source file was last modified.
-- **`VERSION`:**
- The value of the `VERSION` variable (if present).
+- **`THISREV`:**
+ The value of the `THISREV` variable (if present).
The following params are only available in transforms :—