SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
-⁌ ⛩️📰 书社 ∷ parsers/tsv.xslt
+⁌ ⛩📰 书社 ∷ parsers/tsv.xslt
-© 2023–2024 Lady [@ Lady’s Computer].
+© 2023–2024 Lady [@ Ladys Computer].
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v 2.0.
If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/>.
<for-each select="exsl:node-set($cols)/*[count(exsl:node-set($headcols)/*)>=position()]">
+ <attribute name="data-tsv-header">
+ <value-of select="exsl:node-set($headcols)/*[count(current()/preceding-sibling::*)+1]"/>
+ </attribute>
<value-of select="."/>
<if test="position()=count(exsl:node-set($headcols)/*)">
<for-each select="following-sibling::*">