X-Git-Url: https://git.ladys.computer/Shushe/blobdiff_plain/78cdffb646748c9d519ce5b92e2566b7ac7a852b..8d1379f31be03acadc1c3ea420799df3e93c924c:/GNUmakefile?ds=sidebyside
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index c15aeaa..be8153a 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -421,10 +421,10 @@ override parsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(
# (callable) Get the source files for the given parsed file.
override unparsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst %|$(file),%,$(filter %|$(file),$(sourceparsedpair))))
-# Pair each parser, transform, source file, or parsed file with its file u·r·i.
-override fileuripairs := $(join $(patsubst %,%|,$(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))),$(call pathenc,$(foreach uriable,$(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)),file://$(abspath $(uriable)))))
+# Pair each parser, transform, source file, parsed file, or metadata compilation with its file u·r·i.
+override fileuripairs := $(join $(patsubst %,%|,$(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) $(BUILDDIR)/metadata),$(call pathenc,$(foreach uriable,$(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) $(BUILDDIR)/metadata,file://$(abspath $(uriable)))))
-# (callable) Get the file u·r·is for the given parsers, transforms, or parsed files.
+# (callable) Get the file u·r·is for the given parsers, transforms, parsed files, or metadata compilations.
override fileuri = $(foreach file,$1,$(or $(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(fileuripairs))),$(error Unable to get file u·r·i for `$(file)´)))
ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies),)
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2pars
$(call metadata,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) : % : $$(call datadata,$$@) $(typeupdates)
$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Generating metadata for `$<´…) >&2)
$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
- $(silent){ if $(TEST) ! -f $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); then $(PRINTF) '%b' '\n' >|$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); fi; $(TOUCH) -r $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); TZ=UTC0 $(DIFF) -u $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime) /dev/null | $(SED) '1!d;s/.* \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\).*$$/\1T\2Z/'; $(CKSUM) $(call quote,$<) | $(SED) 's/[ ].*//'; } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(PRINTF) '$(if $(filter $(source),$(assetfiles)),,)%s' $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call localuri,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call fileuri,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call typeoffile,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call fileuri,$(call parsed,$<)))) >|$(call quote,$@)
+ $(silent){ if $(TEST) ! -f $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); then $(PRINTF) '%b' '\n' >|$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); fi; $(TOUCH) -r $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); TZ=UTC0 $(DIFF) -u $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime) /dev/null | $(SED) '1!d;s/.* \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\).*$$/\1T\2Z/'; $(CKSUM) $(call quote,$<) | $(SED) 's/[ ].*//'; } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(PRINTF) '$(if $(filter $<,$(assetfiles)),,)%s' $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call localuri,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call fileuri,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call typeoffile,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call fileuri,$(call parsed,$<)))) >|$(call quote,$@)
# Parse the files.
@@ -657,9 +657,9 @@ $(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog : $(call diffprereqs,transforms,$(sort $(TRANSFORM
$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating catalog of transforms…' >&2)
$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
$(foreach transform,$(TRANSFORMS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(transform)); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(transform))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
-$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt
+$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog $(BUILDDIR)/metadata $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt
$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating main transform…' >&2)
- $(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
+ $(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) --stringparam METADATA $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(BUILDDIR)/metadata)) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
# Compile the result files using the dependencies as necessary.
$(call compiled,$(compilablefiles)) : $(BUILDDIR)/results/% : $$(call parsed,$$(call uncompiled,$$@)) $$(call parsed,$$(call dependencies,$$(call uncompiled,$$@))) $(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt $(BUILDDIR)/metadata