X-Git-Url: https://git.ladys.computer/Shushe/blobdiff_plain/e4f65cee884c40d631209b5cbb711de161a2969a..bc1b63801488992c309f0b8bd1d5a772b7e5645e:/GNUmakefile?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index fe0cbd5..e28b795 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -1,32 +1,48 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023, 2024 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
 SHELL = /bin/sh
 # ━ § BASIC INFORMATION ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
 override define makefileinfo
-╔╡ ⁌ ⛩️📰 书社 ∷ GNUmakefile ╞════════════════════════════════╗
+╔╡ ⁌ ⛩📰 书社 ∷ GNUmakefile ╞═════════════════════════════════╗
 ║╰────────────────────────────╯                                ║
 ╟┬ ¶ Prerequisites ───────────────────────────────────────────┬╢
 ║│                                                            │║
 ║│ Requires G·N·U Make, at least version 3.81, a version of   │║
 ║│ uuencode with base64 support, and the various programs     │║
 ║│ offered by libxml2 and libxslt. Beyond this, only programs │║
-║│ required by Posix are used, altho there is a chance of     │║
+║│ required by Posix are required, altho there is a chance of │║
 ║│ version incompatibilities. The full list of program        │║
 ║│ requirements is as follows :—                             │║
 ║│                                                            │║
+║│ • awk                                                      │║
 ║│ • cat                                                      │║
+║│ • cd                                                       │║
+║│ • cksum                                                    │║
 ║│ • cp                                                       │║
-║│ • echo                                                     │║
+║│ • date                                                     │║
+║│ • diff                                                     │║
 ║│ • file                                                     │║
 ║│ • find                                                     │║
-║│ • mkdir (requires support for `-p´)                        │║
+║│ • grep                                                     │║
+║│ • git (optional)                                           │║
+║│ • ln                                                       │║
+║│ • mkdir                                                    │║
 ║│ • mv                                                       │║
+║│ • od                                                       │║
+║│ • pax (only when generating archives)                      │║
 ║│ • printf                                                   │║
+║│ • rm                                                       │║
 ║│ • sed                                                      │║
+║│ • sleep                                                    │║
 ║│ • test                                                     │║
 ║│ • touch                                                    │║
-║│ • tr (requires support for `-d´)                           │║
-║│ • uuencode (requires support for `-m´ and `-r´)            │║
+║│ • tr                                                       │║
+║│ • uuencode                                                 │║
+║│ • uudecode                                                 │║
+║│ • xargs                                                    │║
 ║│ • xmlcatalog (provided by libxml2)                         │║
 ║│ • xmllint (provided by libxml2)                            │║
 ║│ • xsltproc (provided by libxslt)                           │║
@@ -37,13 +53,14 @@ override define makefileinfo
 ╟┬ ¶ Usage ───────────────────────────────────────────────────┬╢
 ║│                                                            │║
-║│ • `make all´: Compile, but do not install, all files.      │║
+║│ • `make all´ (default): Compile, but do not install, all   │║
+║│   files.                                                   │║
 ║│                                                            │║
 ║│ • `make clean´: Remove `BUILDDIR´.                         │║
 ║│                                                            │║
-║│ • `make gone´: Remove installed files.                     │║
+║│ • `make gone´: Remove `BUILDDIR´ and installed files.      │║
 ║│                                                            │║
-║│ • `make help´ (default): Print this message.               │║
+║│ • `make help´: Print this message.                         │║
 ║│                                                            │║
 ║│ • `make install´: Compile all files and install in         │║
 ║│   `DESTDIR´.                                               │║
@@ -51,13 +68,23 @@ override define makefileinfo
 ║│ • `make list´: List all recognized source files and their  │║
 ║│   classification (including media type and dependencies).  │║
 ║│                                                            │║
+║│ • `make listout´: List out the destinations of all         │║
+║│   resulting files (relative to `DESTDIR´), e·g for         │║
+║│   processing by another script.                            │║
+║│                                                            │║
+║│ • `make uninstall´: Remove installed files, but not        │║
+║│   `BUILDDIR´.                                              │║
+║│                                                            │║
 ║│ Set `VERBOSE=1´ to see the text of commands as they are    │║
 ║│ executed.                                                  │║
 ║│                                                            │║
 ║│ See `README.markdown´ for a more involved description of   │║
 ║│ the capabilities and configuration of this program.        │║
-╟┬ ¶ License ─────────────────────────────────────────────────┬╢
+╟┬ ¶ Copyright & License ─────────────────────────────────────┬╢
+║│                                                            │║
+║│ Copyright © 2023–2024 Lady [@ Ladys Computer].            │║
+║│                                                            │║
 ║│ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the       │║
 ║│ Mozilla Public License, v 2.0. If a copy of the M·P·L was  │║
 ║│ not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at      │║
@@ -70,100 +97,167 @@ endef
 # Programs needed to run this make·file.
-# If these are not installed on your computer, or you need to use a
-# different implementation, you can override the appropriate variable.
+# If these are not installed on your computer, or you need to use a different implementation, you can override the appropriate variable.
+AWK := awk
 CAT := cat
+CD := cd
+CKSUM := cksum
 CP := cp
-ECHO := echo
+DATE := date
+DIFF := diff
 FILE := file
 FIND := find
+GIT := git
+GREP := grep
+LN := ln
 MKDIR := mkdir
 MV := mv
+OD := od
+PAX := pax
 PRINTF := printf
 RM := rm
 SED := sed
+SLEEP := sleep
 TEST := test
 TOUCH := touch
 TR := tr
+UUDECODE := uudecode
 UUENCODE := uuencode
+XARGS := xargs
 XMLCATALOG := xmlcatalog
 XMLLINT := xmllint
 XSLTPROC := xsltproc
+# This variable is not used in normal execution.
+# In the archiving `MODE´, it provides the X·M·L file from which the archive should be constructed.
+SRC :=
+# This variable is not used in normal execution.
+# In the archiving `MODE´, it provides a user‐friendly name for the archive.
+NAME :=
 # The directory which contains the source files.
+# Multiple directories can be given so long as files with the same name do not exist in each.
 SRCDIR := sources
-# The directory which contains “includes”: Files which may be included
-# in other files but for which no final output will be generated.
+# The directory which contains “includes”:
+# Files which may be included in other files but for which no final output will be generated.
-# This can be inside of `SOURCES_DIRECTORY´ if desired.
-INCLUDEDIR := sources/includes
+# Multiple directories can be given so long as files with the same name do not exist in each.
+# These can be inside of `SRCDIR´ directories if desired.
+INCLUDEDIR := $(SRCDIR)/includes
 # The directory in which to generate temporary buildfiles.
+# This variable is also used by the archiving `MODE´.
 BUILDDIR := build
 # The directory into which to output files on `make install´.
+# This variable is also used by the archiving `MODE´.
 DESTDIR := public
-# The location of this Makefile (and related ⛩️📰 书社 files),
-# relative to the current working directory.
+# The location of this Makefile (and related ⛩📰 书社 files), relative to the current working directory.
 # By default, this is inferred from the variable `MAKEFILE_LIST´.
+# This variable is also used by the archiving `MODE´.
 THISDIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
-# The location of the magic files to use when determining media types.
-# One is provided as part of this repository, but you can override it
-# if you need different media type detection.
+# Configuration of `find´.
-# Your computer probably has a more comprehensive one installed at
-# `/usr/share/file/magic´, but it is not recommended that you use this
-# directly. Instead, link or copy just the files you expect to need for
-# your project.
-MAGICDIR := $(patsubst ./%,%,$(THISDIR)/magic)
+# By default, `find´ will ignore files which begin with a period and those which are likely to cause problems for `make´.
+FINDRULES := ! '(' '(' -name '[.-]*' -a ! -name '.' -o -name '*[][*?:|$$%\#\\; ]*' -o -name '*[)]' ')' -a -prune ')'$(if $(EXTRAFINDRULES), -a '(' $(EXTRAFINDRULES) ')',)
-# Configuration of `find´.
+# The list of magic files to use when determining media types.
-# By default, `find´ will follow symlinks and use extended regular
-# expressions, ignoring hidden files and those which begin with a
-# period.
-FINDRULES := -flags -nohidden -and -not -name '.*'
+# Some are provided as part of this repository, but you can add more if you need different media type detection.
+# Your computer probably has several already installed at `/usr/share/file/magic´.
+MAGIC := $(sort $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/magic/*)) $(EXTRAMAGIC))
 # The list of parsers for plaintext file types.
-# Which parsers are provided will influence which kinds of files are
-# recognized as plaintext.
-# Each parser ⁜must⁜ have a template which matches ⁜only⁜ X·H·T·M·L
-# `<script>´ elements that have a `@type´ of a plaintext type supported
-# by the parser. They may have multiple.
-PARSERS := $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/parsers/*.xslt))
+# Which parsers are provided will influence which kinds of files are recognized as plaintext.
+PARSERS := $(sort $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/parsers/*.xslt)) $(EXTRAPARSERS))
 # The list of transforms.
-TRANSFORMS := $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/transforms/*.xslt))
+TRANSFORMS := $(sort $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/transforms/*.xslt)) $(EXTRATRANSFORMS))
 # List of types which should be treated as X·M·L.
-XMLTYPES := application/xml text/xml
+# Types which start with a `+´ are suffixes and match any type which
+# ends accordingly.
+XMLTYPES := application/xml text/xml +xml
+# A program to run on basic X·M·L files after they are transformed.
+FINALIZE := $(XMLLINT) --nonet --nsclean
+ifdef GIT
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(THISDIR)/.git),)
+# A description of the current git revision of ⛩📰 书社.
+THISREV := $(shell $(CD) $(THISDIR); $(GIT) describe 2>>/dev/null || $(GIT) rev-parse HEAD 2>>/dev/null || :)
+ifneq ($(wildcard .git),)
+# A description of the current git revision of the working directory.
+SRCREV := $(shell $(GIT) describe 2>>/dev/null || $(GIT) rev-parse HEAD 2>>/dev/null || :)
+# The mode in which to run this make·file.
+# Modes essentially allow for the combination of multiple conceptual make·files into a single source.
+# The following modes are available :—
+# • ‹ urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:default ›:
+#   The default mode; typical Shushe behaviours.
+# • ‹ urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:archive ›:
+#   Generates archive files from parse results.
+MODE := urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:default
+# Set to a non·empty value to silence informative messages.
 # Set to a non·empty value to print all commands as they run.
+# Posix locale information.
+LC_ALL := C
+export LC_ALL
+# Posix timezone information.
+TZ := UTC0
+export UTC0
 # The default target for this makefile.
+# Flags for use when calling the shell.
-# Print help and exit.
-.DEFAULT_GOAL := help
+# `-e` enables early exit from invocations of multiple commands after
+# the first failure.
+.SHELLFLAGS := -c -e
-# ━ § BEGIN MAKE·FILE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
+# ━ § BEGIN SHARED MAKE·FILE CONSTRUCTS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
 # ─ ¶ Non‐Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────
-# A variable with no value, usable when assigning values which contain
-# whitespace.
+# A variable with no value, usable when assigning values which contain whitespace.
 override empty :=
-# A variable which contains a newline, to allow the generation of
-# multiline strings in function calls.
+# A variable which contains a newline, to allow the generation of multiline strings in function calls.
 override define newline
@@ -175,87 +269,198 @@ override space := $(empty) $(empty)
 # A variable which contains a single comma.
 override comma := ,
+# (callable) Make empty strings non·empty, and non·empty strings empty.
+override not = $(if $1,,1)
 # (callable) Quote the given string for use within shell calls.
 override quote = '$(subst ','"'"',$1)'
-# Outputs an `@´ to silence rules, unless `VERBOSE´ is nonempty.
+# ─ ¶ Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────────
+# Outputs an `@´ to silence rules, unless `VERBOSE´ is non·empty.
 override silent := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@)
-# (callable) Escape special characters for use in sed regular
-# expressions.
-override sedesc = $(subst $$,\$$,$(subst *,\*,$(subst .,\.,$(subst [,\[,$(subst ^,\^,$(subst \,\\,$1))))))
+# (callable) Only perform the rule if `QUIET` is not set.
+override inform = $(if $(QUIET),,@$1)
+# (callable) Check to see if the given directory exists and create it if not.
+override ensuredirectory = if $(TEST) ! -d $(call quote,$1); then $(MKDIR) -p $(call quote,$1); fi
+# Quote standard input in such a way that piping it to xargs will result in it being processed as a single argument.
+# If standard input ends in a newline, it is stripped; all other newlines are preserved.
+override xargsquote = $(SED) $(call quote,s/'/'"'"'/g;s/^/'/;s/$$/'/;$$!s/$$/\\/)
+# Quote standard input in such a way that piping it to xargs will result in each line being processed as a single argument.
+override xargsmultiquote = $(SED) $(call quote,s/'/'"'"'/g;s/^/'/;s/$$/'/)
+# (callable) Test if the provided xpath expression matches the provided document.
+override xpath = $(XMLLINT) --noent --nonet --xpath $(call quote,$1) $(call quote,$2) >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null
+# (callable) Extract the value of the text nodes in the provided X·M·L document and print them to `stdout´.
+override extracttext = $(PRINTF) '%s' '<transform xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"><output method="text" encoding="UTF-8"/></transform>' | $(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir --nowrite - $(call quote,$1)
+# (callable) Process the provided transformation result and output the result to the provided location, given the provided relative path.
+override processresultto = if $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="raw-text" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(call extracttext,$1) >|$(call quote,$2); elif $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="base64-binary" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then { $(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'begin-base64 644 -'; $(call extracttext,$1) | $(TR) -d '\t\n\f\r '; $(PRINTF) '\n%s\n' '===='; } | $(UUDECODE) -o /dev/stdout >|$(call quote,$2); elif $(call xpath,/*[local-name()="archive" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$1); then $(MAKE) -f $(call quote,$(abspath $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile)) NAME=$(call quote,$3) SRC=$(call quote,$1) BUILDDIR=$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/archive/$3) DESTDIR=$(call quote,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $2))) MODE='urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:archive' $(call quote,$2); else $(FINALIZE) $(call quote,$1) >|$(call quote,$2); fi
+# ━ § BEGIN DEFAULT MAKE·FILE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
+ifeq ($(MODE),urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:default)
+# ─ ¶ Non‐Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────
+# Non·empty if `help´ or `clean´, and no targets other than `help´ or `clean´, were specified as goals on the commandline.
+override notbuilding := $(and $(filter help clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(call not,$(filter-out help clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))))
+# (callable) Test to see if the prerequisites provided by the second argument matches the value in the file corresponding to the first argument in `$(BUILDDIR)/lastprereqs´.
+# If not, save the new value and then add FORCE.
+# Return them regardless.
+# Calling this variable is useful when a given target should be updated whenever its list of prerequisites changes in addition to whenever there is a change to one of its prerequisites.
+# If `$(notbuilding)´ is non·empty, this variable produces no result to avoid unnecessary work.
+# ☡ This variable creates at least one subshell every time it is computed.
+override diffprereqs = $(if $(notbuilding),,$(if $(subst $(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/lastprereqs/$1) 2>>/dev/null || :),,$2),$2 FORCE$(and $(shell $(call ensuredirectory,$(BUILDDIR)/lastprereqs) && $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$2) >|$(BUILDDIR)/lastprereqs/$1),),$2))
+# (callable) Escape special characters for use in X·M·L.
+override xmlesc = $(subst >,&gt;,$(subst <,&lt;,$(subst &,&amp;,$1)))
+# (callable) Escape special characters for use in X·M·L attributes.
+override attresc = $(subst ",&quot;,$(call xmlesc,$1))
+# (callable) Escape special characters for use in sed regular expressions.
+override sedesc = $(subst /,[/],$(subst $$,\$$,$(subst *,\*,$(subst .,\.,$(subst [,\[,$(subst ^,\^,$(subst \,\\,$1)))))))
-# Collect all of the applicable includes from the includes directory.
-sourceincludes := $(shell $(FIND) $(FINDOPTS) $(INCLUDEDIR) -type f '(' $(FINDRULES) ')')
+# The command to use for percent‐decoding.
+override perdeccmd := $(SED) 's/|/%7C/g;s/[\]/%5C/g;s/%[0123456789ABCDEFabcdef]\{2\}/|&|/g' | $(TR) '|' '\n' | $(SED) '/^%[0123456789ABCDEFabcdef]\{2\}$$/!s/%/|%25|/' | $(TR) '|' '\n' | $(AWK) '$$0!~/%/{printf "%s",$$0}/%/{d="0123456789ABCDEF";v=substr(toupper($$0),2,2);printf "\\%04o",(index(d,substr(v,1,1))-1)*16+index(d,substr(v,2,1))-1}' | $(xargsquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(PRINTF) '%b'
-# Collect all of the applicable source files from the source directory,
-# removing any which are also includes.
-sourcefiles := $(filter-out $(sourceincludes),$(shell $(FIND) $(FINDOPTS) $(SRCDIR) -type f '(' $(FINDRULES) ')'))
+# (callable) Percent‐decode the given strings.
+# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed.
+override perdec = $(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\0450A' $(foreach encoded,$1,$(call quote,$(encoded))) | $(perdeccmd))
+# (callable) Percent‐encode the given strings.
+# This singly‐encodes u·r·i characters and doubly‐encodes other characters, then calls `perdec´ to decode back to a single encoding.
+# The encoding assumes the input is a “u·r·i component”; e·g that the resulting string should only contain `pchar´ (but can contain any `sub-delim´).
+# It is assumed that the given strings do not contain newlines.
+# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed.
+override perenc = $(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(foreach unencoded,$1,$(call quote,$(unencoded))) | $(OD) -t x1 | $(SED) 's/^[0123456789]*//;s/0[Aa]/%&/g;s/2[146789ABCDEabcde]/%&/g;s/3[0123456789AaBbDd]/%&/g;s/40/%&/g;s/[46][123456789ABCDEFabcdef]/%&/g;s/[57][0123456789Aa]/%&/g;s/5[Ff]/%&/g;s/7[Ee]/%&/g;s/[ ][0123456789ABCDEFabcdef]\{2\}/%25&/g' | $(TR) -d ' \n' | $(TR) 'abcdef' 'ABCDEF' | $(perdeccmd))
+# (callable) Percent‐encode each component in the given paths.
+# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed.
+override pathenc = $(subst %2F,/,$(call perenc,$1))
+# (overridable) Collect all of the applicable includes from the includes directory.
+sourceincludes := $(if $(and $(INCLUDEDIR),$(wildcard $(INCLUDEDIR))),$(patsubst ./%,%,$(shell $(FIND) $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDEDIR),$(call quote,$(dir))) '(' $(FINDRULES) ')' -a -type f)),)
+# (overridable) Collect all of the applicable source files from the source directory, removing any which are also includes.
+sourcefiles := $(if $(and $(SRCDIR),$(wildcard $(SRCDIR))),$(filter-out $(sourceincludes),$(patsubst ./%,%,$(shell $(FIND) $(foreach dir,$(SRCDIR),$(call quote,$(dir))) '(' $(FINDRULES) ')' -a -type f))))
 # Figure out the file type of each source file and source include.
 ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc),)
-override types := $(shell $(SED) 's/^ *//;s/ *$$//;s/ {2,}/ /g' <<< $(call quote,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) | $(TR) ' ' '\n' | $(FILE) -m $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc) --mime-type --separator '`' --files-from - | $(SED) 's/` */?type=/g')
+override types := $(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) | $(SED) 's/^ *//;s/ *$$//;s/ {2,}/ /g' | $(TR) ' ' '\n' | $(FILE) -m $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc) --mime-type --separator '|' --files-from - | $(SED) 's/| */|/g')
 # Get the list of supported plaintext file types from the parser.
 ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt),)
-override plaintexttypes := $(shell $(XSLTPROC) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/parser2types.xslt) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt))
+override plaintexttypes := $(filter-out $(XMLTYPES),$(shell $(XMLLINT) --noent --nonet --xpath '/*/*[@name="书社:parsers"]//*[namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" and local-name()="dd"]/text()' $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt)))
-# Simplify the file type by only taking the first component (image,
-# text, ⁊·c).
-override simpletypes := $(shell $(TR) ' ' '\n' <<< $(call quote,$(types)) | $(SED) 's`/[^/]*$$``g')
-# (callable) Get all of the files (source and includes) which have the
-# given types.
-override filesoftype = $(foreach type,$1,$(patsubst %?type=$(type),%,$(filter %?type=$(type),$(types))))
+# (callable) Get all of the files (source and includes) which have the provided types.
+# If a provided type begins with a `+´, it is analysed as a suffix, and all matching types will be used.
+override filesoftype = $(foreach typeorsuffix,$1,$(foreach type,$(if $(filter +%,$(typeorsuffix)),$(sort $(foreach suffixedtype,$(filter %$(typeorsuffix),$(types)),$(lastword $(subst |, ,$(suffixedtype))))),$(typeorsuffix)),$(patsubst %|$(type),%,$(filter %|$(type),$(types)))))
 # Build up collections of various file types.
-override plaintextfiles := $(call filesoftype,$(plaintexttypes))
-override xmlfiles := $(filter-out $(plaintextfiles),$(call filesoftype,$(XMLTYPES)))
+override xmlfiles := $(call filesoftype,$(XMLTYPES))
+override plaintextfiles := $(filter-out $(xmlfiles),$(call filesoftype,$(plaintexttypes)))
 override assetfiles := $(filter-out $(xmlfiles) $(plaintextfiles),$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))
 # (callable) Get the types of the given files.
-override typeoffile = $(patsubst $(foreach file,$1,$(file)?type=%),%,$(filter $(foreach file,$1,$(file)?type=%),$(types)))
+override typeoffile = $(foreach file,$1,$(or $(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(types))),application/octet-stream))
+# Pair each source magic file with its location in the build directory.
+override magicpair := $(foreach magicfile,$(MAGIC),$(magicfile)|$(BUILDDIR)/magic/$(notdir $(magicfile)))
+# (callable) Get the source file for the given magic files.
+override magicsource = $(foreach magicpath,$1,$(patsubst %|$(magicpath),%,$(firstword $(filter %|$(magicpath),$(magicpair)))))
+# (callable) Get the build file for the given magic files.
+override magicfile = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(magicpair))))
+# (callable) Get the local path for the given source file.
+override sourcepath = $(or $(firstword $(foreach directory,$(SRCDIR),$(if $(filter .,$(directory)),$(wildcard $1),$(if $(filter $(directory)/%,$1),$(patsubst $(directory)/%,%,$1),)))),$(error Unable to get local path for source file `$1´))
+# (callable) Get the local path for the given include.
+override includepath = $(or $(firstword $(foreach directory,$(INCLUDEDIR),$(if $(filter .,$(directory)),$(wildcard $1),$(if $(filter $(directory)/%,$1),$(patsubst $(directory)/%,%,$1),)))),$(error Unable to get local path for include file `$1´))
 # (callable) Get base64 data u·r·i’s for the given files.
-override datauri = $(foreach file,$1,data:$(call typeoffile,$(file));base64,$(shell $(UUENCODE) -m -r $(call quote,$(file)) _ | tr -d ' \n'))
+# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed.
+override datauri = $(foreach file,$1,data:$(call typeoffile,$(file));base64,$(shell $(UUENCODE) -m $(call quote,$(file)) _ | $(SED) '2,$$!d;$$d' | $(TR) -d ' \n'))
-# (callable) Get local leiris for the given files.
-override localuri = $(foreach file,$1,$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),$(patsubst $(INCLUDEDIR)/%,about:shushe?include=%,$(file)),$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,about:shushe?source=%,$(file))))
+# Pair each source file and include with its local u·r·i.
+override sourcelocalpair := $(foreach file,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes),$(file)|about:shushe?$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),include=$(call pathenc,$(call includepath,$(file))),source=$(call pathenc,$(call sourcepath,$(file)))))
-# (callable) Get the source files for the given local leiris.
-override sourcefile = $(foreach file,$1,$(if $(filter about:shushe?include=%,$(file)),$(patsubst about:shushe?include=%,$(INCLUDEDIR)/%,$(file)),$(patsubst about:shushe?source=%,$(SRCDIR)/%,$(file))))
+# (callable) Get local uris for the given files.
+override localuri = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(sourcelocalpair))))
-# Adds a requirement on `$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types´ if the file is
-# present.
+# (callable) Get the source files for the given local uris.
+override sourcefile = $(foreach local,$1,$(patsubst %|$(local),%,$(filter %|$(local),$(sourcelocalpair))))
+# Resolves to the `FORCE´ target if `$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types´ is present.
-# This file is created after a reload due to type changes, and is
-# removed after. Requiring it ensures that file classifications are
-# up‐to‐date immediately after the reload.
-override typeupdates := $(if $(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types),$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types,)
+# This file is created before a reload due to type changes, and is removed after.
+# This ensures that file classifications are up·to·date immediately after the reload.
+override typeupdates := $(and $(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types),FORCE)
+# Pair each source file and include with its metadata location.
+override sourcemetadatapair := $(foreach file,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes),$(file)|$(BUILDDIR)/$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),includes.metadata/$(call includepath,$(file)),sources.metadata/$(call sourcepath,$(file))))
-# (callable) Get the location of the transformed X·M·L files for the
-# given source files.
-override parsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),$(patsubst $(INCLUDEDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/includes/%,$(file)),$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/sources/%,$(file))))
+# (callable) Get the location of the transformed X·M·L files for the given source files.
+override metadata = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(sourcemetadatapair))))
+# (callable) Get the source files for the given parsed file.
+override datadata = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst %|$(file),%,$(filter %|$(file),$(sourcemetadatapair))))
+# Pair each source file and include with its parsed location.
+override sourceparsedpair := $(foreach file,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes),$(file)|$(BUILDDIR)/$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),includes/$(call includepath,$(file)),sources/$(call sourcepath,$(file))))
+# (callable) Get the location of the transformed X·M·L files for the given source files.
+override parsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(sourceparsedpair))))
+# (callable) Get the source files for the given parsed file.
+override unparsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst %|$(file),%,$(filter %|$(file),$(sourceparsedpair))))
+# Pair each build directory, parser, transform, or parsed file with its file u·r·i.
+override fileuripairs := $(join $(patsubst %,%|,$(BUILDDIR) $(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))),$(call pathenc,$(foreach uriable,$(BUILDDIR) $(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)),file://$(abspath $(uriable)))))
+# (callable) Get the file u·r·is for the given parsers, transforms, or parsed files.
+override fileuri = $(foreach file,$1,$(or $(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(fileuripairs))),$(error Unable to get file u·r·i for `$(file)´)))
 ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies),)
 # Pair each file with a list of dependencies for it.
-override dependenciesforfile := $(foreach file,$(sourcefiles),$(file)`$(subst $(space),`,$(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies) | $(SED) $(call quote,/^$(call sedesc,$(call localuri,$(file)))$$/$(comma)/^[^	]/!d;/^	/!d;s/^	//))))
+override dependenciesforfile := $(foreach file,$(filter-out $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)),$(file)|$(subst $(space),|,$(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies) | $(SED) $(call quote,/^$(call sedesc,$(call localuri,$(file)))$$/$(comma)/^[^	]/!d;/^	/!d;s/^	//))))
-# (callable) Get the list of dependency leiris for the given source
-# files.
+# (callable) Get the list of dependency leiris for the given source files.
-# Recursive dependencies are marked with a leading `!´.
-override dependencyuris = $(foreach file,$1,$(subst `, ,$(patsubst $(file)`%,%,$(filter $(file)`%,$(dependenciesforfile)))))
+# Recursive dependencies are marked with a leading `-´.
+override dependencyuris = $(foreach file,$1,$(subst |, ,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(dependenciesforfile)))))
-# (callable) Get the list of recursive dependencies for the given
-# source files.
-override recursives = $(foreach uri,$(filter !%,$(call dependencyuris,$1)),$(call sourcefile,$(patsubst !%,%,$(uri))))
+# (callable) Get the list of recursive dependencies for the given source files.
+# If the file cannot have dependencies (e·g is an asset file), the resulting value will be the empty string.
+override recursives = $(foreach uri,$(filter -%,$(call dependencyuris,$1)),$(call sourcefile,$(patsubst -%,%,$(uri))))
-# (callable) Get the list of (nonrecursive) dependencies for the given
-# source files.
-override dependencies = $(foreach uri,$(filter-out !%,$(call dependencyuris,$1)),$(call sourcefile,$(uri)))
+# (callable) Get the list of (nonrecursive) dependencies for the given source files.
+# If the file cannot have dependencies (e·g is an asset file), the resulting value will be the empty string.
+override dependencies = $(foreach uri,$(filter-out -%,$(call dependencyuris,$1)),$(call sourcefile,$(uri)))
 # Collect all files with recursive dependencies.
@@ -266,169 +471,268 @@ override recursivefiles := $(foreach file,$(filter-out $(assetfiles),$(sourcefil
 # This is all of the non·asset, nonrecursive files.
 override compilablefiles := $(filter-out $(assetfiles) $(recursivefiles),$(sourcefiles))
-# (callable) Get the compiled locations for the given source files.
-override compiled = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/public/%,$(1))
+# Collect all files which can be installed.
+# This is all of the comilable files and all asset sources.
+override installablefiles := $(compilablefiles) $(filter $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles))
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/destinations),)
+# Get the output of the destination transform.
+override destinations := $(shell $(CAT) $(BUILDDIR)/destinations)
+# Pair source files and their destinations.
+override sourcedestinationpair := $(foreach destination,$(destinations),$(call sourcefile,$(firstword $(subst |, ,$(destination))))|$(subst $(space),|,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(subst |, ,$(destination))),$(subst |, ,$(destination)))))
+# (callable) Get the destination for the given source files, or return `.NOTDEF/$1´.
+# The fallback here is because destinations are used to generate targets and thus must always be non·empty and should be unique, even when they haven’t been generated yet.
+override destination = $(foreach file,$1,$(or $(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(sourcedestinationpair))),.NOTDEF/$1))
+# Pair each source file with its compiled location.
+override sourcecompiledpair := $(foreach file,$(sourcefiles),$(file)|$(BUILDDIR)/results/$(call destination,$(file)))
+# (callable) Get the location of the transformed X·M·L files for the given source files.
+override compiled = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(sourcecompiledpair))))
+# (callable) Get the location of the source files for the given compiled file.
+override uncompiled = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst %|$(file),%,$(filter %|$(file),$(sourcecompiledpair))))
+# (callable) Get the location of the final built files for the given source files.
+override built = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(BUILDDIR)/results/%,$(BUILDDIR)/public/%,$(call compiled,$(file))))
+# (callable) Get the location of the source files for the given built files.
+override unbuilt = $(foreach file,$1,$(call uncompiled,$(patsubst $(BUILDDIR)/public/%,$(BUILDDIR)/results/%,$(file))))
 # (callable) Get the installed locations for the given source files.
-override installed = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(DESTDIR)/%,$(1))
+override installed = $(foreach file,$1,$(DESTDIR)/$(call destination,$(file)))
 # ─ ¶ Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────────
-# (callable) Check to see if the given directory exists and
-# create it if not.
-override ensuredirectory = if $(TEST) ! -d $(call quote,$1); then $(MKDIR) -p $(call quote,$1); fi
+# (callable) Get the identifier for the given parser or transform.
+override id = $(XMLLINT) --noent --nonet --xpath '/*/*[local-name()="id" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"]/text()[1]' $(call quote,$1) 2>>/dev/null || $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,about:shushe?$(or $2,unknown)=$(call pathenc,$(basename $(notdir $1))))
-# (callable) Sanitize and wrap the provided plaintext file in
-#  X·M·L, printing to `stdout´.
-override wrapplaintext = $(PRINTF) '%s\n' "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' '<?xml version=\042\061.0\042?>\n<script xmlns=\042http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\042 type=\042$(patsubst $1?type=%,%,$(filter $1?type=%,$(types)))\042><![CDATA['; $(CAT) $(call quote,$1) | $(TR) '\000\013\014' '\032\011\012' | $(SED) $$($(PRINTF) '%s%b' 's/]]>/]]]]><!\[CDATA\[>/g;s/\xEF\xBF\xBE/�/g;s/\xEF\xBF\xBF/�/g;$$!s/\r$$//g;s/\r/\n/g;$$!s/\xC2\x85$$//g;s/\xC2\x85/\n/g;s/\xE2\x80\xA8/\n/g;' 's/[\0001-\0010]/�/g;s/[\0016-\0037]/�/g'); $(PRINTF) '%s' ']]></script>')"
+# (callable) Sanitize and wrap the provided plaintext file in X·M·L, printing to `stdout´.
+override wrapplaintext = { $(PRINTF) '%s\n%s' '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<script xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" type="$(call typeoffile,$1)"><![CDATA['; $(TR) '\000\013\014' '\032\011\012' <$(call quote,$1) | $(SED) "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' 's/]]>/]]]]><!\\[CDATA\\[>/g\ns/\0357\0277\0276/�/g\ns/\0357\0277\0277/�/g\n$$!s/\\r$$//g\ns/\\r/\\n/g\n$$!s/\0302\0205$$//g\ns/\0302\0205/\\n/g\ns/\0342\0200\0250/\\n/g\ns/[\0001\0002\0003\0004\0005\0006\0007\0010]/�/g\ns/[\0016\0017\0020\0021\0022\0023\0024\0025\0026\0027\0031\0032\0033\0034\0035\0036\0037]/�/g')"; $(PRINTF) '%s\n' ']]></script>'; }
-# ─ ¶ Phony Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
+# (callable) Check if the provided X·M·L file is X·M·L 1.1, and if so, coerce to X·M·L 1.0 as best as possible, printing the result (or the original file contents) to `stdout´.
+# The X·M·L declaration will be dropped and character escapes for C0 control codes will be replaced with a literal `U+0091 PRIVATE USE ONE´, which is invalid in X·M·L 1.1, but valid X·M·L 1.0 (making the replacement obvious).
+# This isn’t a perfect substitution (it makes some assumptions about the format of the underlying X·M·L), but it should be workable for most sensible, welformed files.
+override serializexml = $(SED) "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' '/<?xml[ \t]\\{1,\\}version=[\0042\0047]1.1/,$${ s/<?xml[^>]*?>/<!--<?xml version=\00421.1\0042?>-->/\n s/&\0043x0*[12345678BCEFbcef];/\0302\0221/g\n s/&\0043x0*1[0123456789ABCDEFabcdef];/\0302\0221/g\n s/&\00430*[12345678];/\0302\0221/g\n s/&\00430*1[12456789];/\0302\0221/g\n s/&\00430*2[0123456789];/\0302\0221/g\n s/&\00430*3[01];/\0302\0221/g\n}')" <$(call quote,$1) | $(SED) "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' ':a\n/^\\n*$$/{ $$d\n N\n ba\n}')"
-# Provide help.
-	$(silent)$(PRINTF) '%b' '$(subst $(newline),\n,$(makefileinfo))'
+# (callable) Wraps the provided shell script in a conditional which checks whether a make restart caused by `$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types´ is imminent (i·e, it was created during the course of this run) and only executes the script if it is not.
+override unlesstypeswillupdate = $(if $(call not,$(typeupdates)),if $(TEST) ! -e $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types); then ,)$1$(and $(call not,$(typeupdates)),; fi)
+# ─ ¶ Phony Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
 # Compile all files, or error if any are recursive.
-all: $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles) $(compilablefiles) $(assetfiles)) ;
+all : $(call built,$(recursivefiles) $(installablefiles)) ;
 # Destroy buildfiles.
-	$(silent)$(RM) -rf $(BUILDDIR)/
+clean :
+	$(if $(BUILDDIR),$(silent)$(RM) -f -R $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/),)
-# Destroy buildfiles and the install directory.
-	$(silent)$(RM) -rf $(BUILDDIR)/ $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles) $(compilablefiles))
+# Destroy build directory and installed files.
+gone : clean uninstall ;
-# Install the compiled files into `DESTDIR´.
-install: $(call installed,$(recursivefiles) $(compilablefiles) $(assetfiles)) ;
+# Provide help.
+help :
+	@$(PRINTF) '%b' '$(subst $(newline),\n,$(makefileinfo))'
+# Install the compiled files into `DESTDIR´, or error if any are recursive.
+install : $(call installed,$(recursivefiles) $(installablefiles)) ;
 # List all source files and includes and their computed types.
-	$(silent)$(PRINTF) '%b' $(call quote,$(foreach file,$(sort $(sourcefiles)) $(sort $(sourceincludes)),\0033[1m$(file)\0033[22m`$(call typeoffile,$(file))`[\0033[3m$(if $(filter $(file),$(xmlfiles)),xml,$(if $(filter $(file),$(plaintextfiles)),text,asset))$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)), include,)\0033[23m]$(if $(call dependencies,$(file))$(call recursives,$(file)), $(strip $(foreach recursive,$(call recursives,$(file)),\0033[93;41m•`Recursive`Dependency:\0033[39;49m`$(recursive)) $(foreach dependency,$(call dependencies,$(file)),\0033[2m•`Dependency:\0033[22m`$(dependency)))) )) | $(TR) ' `' '\n '
+list :
+	@$(PRINTF) '%b' $(call quote,$(foreach file,$(sort $(sourcefiles)) $(sort $(sourceincludes)),\0033[1m$(file)\0033[22m|$(call typeoffile,$(file))|[\0033[3m$(if $(filter $(file),$(xmlfiles)),xml,$(if $(filter $(file),$(plaintextfiles)),text,asset))$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),|include,)\0033[23m]$(if $(call dependencies,$(file))$(call recursives,$(file)), $(strip $(foreach recursive,$(call recursives,$(file)),\0033[93;41m•|Recursive|Dependency|\0033[39;49m|$(recursive)) $(foreach dependency,$(call dependencies,$(file)),\0033[2m•|Dependency|\0033[22m|$(dependency))))$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourcefiles)), →|<\0033[4m/$(call destination,$(file))\0033[24m>,) )) | $(TR) ' |' '\n '
+# Lists out the destinations of all resulting files (relative to `DESTDIR´).
+listout :
+	@$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(foreach file,$(sort $(sourcefiles)),$(call destination,$(file))))
-# Raise an error when attempting to build any files with recursive
-# dependencies.
-$(call compiled,$(recursivefiles)): $(BUILDDIR)/public/%:
-	@$(PRINTF) '%b\n' $(call quote,\0033[93;41mError:\0033[39;49m `$*´ has recursive dependencies:\n$(subst `, ,$(subst $(space),$(newline),$(foreach recursive,$(call recursives,$(SRCDIR)/$*),•`$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%,$(recursive)))))) && false
+# Destroy installed files.
+uninstall :
+	$(foreach file,$(installablefiles),$(if $(wildcard $(call installed,$(file))),$(silent)$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Removing </$(patsubst $(DESTDIR)/%,%,$(call installed,$(file)))>…)$(newline)$(silent)$(RM) -f $(call quote,$(call installed,$(file)))$(newline),))
+# Raise an error when attempting to build any files with recursive dependencies.
+$(call built,$(recursivefiles)) :
+	@$(PRINTF) '%b\n' $(call quote,\0033[93;41mError:\0033[39;49m `$(call unbuilt,$@)´ has recursive dependencies:\n$(subst |, ,$(subst $(space),$(newline),$(foreach recursive,$(call recursives,$(call unbuilt,$@)),•|$(recursive))))) >&2 && exit 1
+# Add as a prerequisite to treat the target as tho it were phony.
+FORCE : ;
 # ─ ¶ Special Targets ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
-# Perform secondary expansion; this enables pattern rules to determine
-# their prerequisites based on the matched pattern.
+# Perform secondary expansion; this enables pattern rules to determine their prerequisites based on the matched pattern.
 # Don’t use any implicit rules.
-# Phony rules; always consider these out‐of‐date.
-.PHONY: all default clean gone info install list $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles));
+# Don’t delete these files even if Make is stopped in the process of rebuilding them.
+.PRECIOUS : GNUmakefile ;
-# Reload this make·file if any of the magic files or parsers have
-# changed.
-# These are used to classify source files, so if they have changed then
-# the make·file must be reloaded.
-$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile:: $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt $(THISDIR)/lib/parser2types.xslt
-	$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile
-	$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)
-	$(silent)$(RM) -f $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies)
-	@$(PRINTF) '%b\n' '\0033[1mMagic file or parsers have updated. Restarting…\0033[22m'
+# Phony rules; always consider these out·of·date.
+.PHONY : FORCE all default clean gone info install list listout uninstall $(call built,$(recursivefiles)) ;
-ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies),)
-# Reload this make·file if the dependency graph has changed.
+ifeq ($(notbuilding),)
+# Reload this make·file if the magic file, parser, dependencies, or destinations have changed.
-# This graph is a dependency for some of the variables that this
-# make·file uses, so it’s important to ensure that they are actually
-# up‐to‐date prior to executing any later rules.
-# This recipe only exists after types have been updated or when the
-# dependency graph already exists.
-$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile:: $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies
+# If the magic file or parser changed, then another restart will be required, as the dependencies and destinations will need to be regenerated.
+$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile : $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies $(BUILDDIR)/destinations
 	$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile
-	$(silent)$(RM) -f $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types
-	@$(PRINTF) '%b\n' '\0033[1mDependency graph updated. Restarting…\0033[22m'
+	$(if $(filter $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt,$?),$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%b\n' '\0033[1mMagic file or parsers have updated. Restarting…\0033[22m' >&2)$(newline)$(silent)$(SLEEP) 1,$(if $(typeupdates),$(silent)$(RM) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)$(newline),)$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%b\n' '\0033[1mDependency graph and output destinations updated. Restarting…\0033[22m' >&2))
 # ─ ¶ Build Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
+# Create symbolic links from the build directory’s store of magic files to their corresponding sources.
+$(call magicfile,$(MAGIC)) : $(BUILDDIR)/magic/% : $$(call magicsource,$$@)
+	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
+	$(silent)$(LN) -sf $(call quote,$(realpath $<)) $(call quote,$@)
 # Generate the compiled magic file from its sources.
 # It must be updated if any of the files in the magic directory change.
-# It ⁜also⁜ should be updated if any of the files in the magic
-# directory are deleted, but this isn’t tracked presently.
-$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc: $(wildcard $(MAGICDIR)/*)
-	@$(ECHO) "Compiling new magic…"
+$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc : $(call diffprereqs,magic,$(sort $(call magicfile,$(MAGIC))))
+	$(foreach outdated,$(filter-out $^,$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/magic/*)),$(silent)$(RM) $(call quote,$(outdated))$(newline))
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Compiling new magic…' >&2)
 	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
-	$(silent)$(FILE) -C -m $(call quote,$(MAGICDIR))
-	$(silent)$(MV) $(call quote,$(MAGICDIR).mgc) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc)
+	$(silent)$(CD) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)) && $(FILE) -C -m $(call quote,$(realpath $(BUILDDIR)/magic))
+	$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)
 # Generate the main parser.
-$(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog: $(PARSERS)
-	@$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of parsers…"
+$(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog : $(call diffprereqs,parsers,$(sort $(PARSERS)))
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating catalog of parsers…' >&2)
 	$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
-	$(foreach parser,$(PARSERS),$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --add uri $(call quote,$(basename $(notdir $(parser)))) $(call quote,../$(parser)) --noout $(call quote,$@)$(newline))
-$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt: $(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt
-	@$(ECHO) "Generating main parser…"
-	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
+	$(foreach parser,$(PARSERS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(parser)); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(parser))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
+$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating main parser…' >&2)
+	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir --nowrite $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt) $(call quote,$<) >|$(call quote,$@)
+	$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)
-# Note updates to parsers or magic.
+# Generate R·D·F metadata for files.
+# This “depends” on `$(THISDIR)/lib/expandmetadata.xslt´ not because it is an actual dependency, but because a change to that file strongly suggests a change to these rules has occurred as well.
-# This file is actually generated as part of the make·file restart
-# process, so it doesn’t need any recipes.
-$(BUILDDIR)/.update-types: $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt $(THISDIR)/lib/parser2types.xslt ;
+# If the types have been updated but `typeupdates´ is not active, this recipe is skipped because a restart is forthcoming.
+$(call metadata,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) : % : $$(call datadata,$$@) $(THISDIR)/lib/expandmetadata.xslt $(typeupdates)
+	$(call inform,$(call unlesstypeswillupdate,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Generating metadata for `$<´…) >&2))
+	$(silent)$(call unlesstypeswillupdate,$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@)); { if $(TEST) ! -f $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); then $(PRINTF) '%b' '\n' >|$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); fi; $(TOUCH) -r $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime); $(DIFF) -u $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/.mtime) /dev/null | $(SED) '1!d;s/.*	\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\).*$$/\1T\2Z/'; $(CKSUM) $(call quote,$<) | $(SED) 's/[ ].*//'; } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(PRINTF) '<?xml version="1.0"?><书社vocab:$(if $(filter $<,$(sourceincludes)),IncludeFile,SourceFile) xmlns:nie="http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#" xmlns:nfo="http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:书社vocab="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:vocab:" rdf:about="%s" 书社vocab:path="%s"><nie:interpretedAs>$(if $(filter $<,$(assetfiles)),<nfo:InformationElement nie:mimeType="%s"/>,<nfo:PlainTextDocument nie:mimeType="%s"/>)</nie:interpretedAs><书社vocab:hasParsedFile nfo:fileUrl="%s"/><nfo:fileLastModified rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime">%s</nfo:fileLastModified><nfo:hasHash nfo:hashAlgorithm="CRC32" nfo:hashValue="%s"/></书社vocab:$(if $(filter $<,$(sourceincludes)),IncludeFile,SourceFile)>' $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call localuri,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(if $(filter $<,$(sourceincludes)),$(call includepath,$<),$(call sourcepath,$<)))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call typeoffile,$<))) $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call fileuri,$(call parsed,$<)))) >|$(call quote,$@))
 # Parse the files.
-# Even plain X·M·L files are parsed, because they may contain X·H·T·M·L
-# `<script>´ elements which contain other kinds of data. Asset files
-# are turned into H·T·M·L embeds pointing to `data:´ U·R·I’s.
-$(call parsed,$(sourceincludes)): $(BUILDDIR)/includes/%: $(INCLUDEDIR)/% $(typeupdates)
-	@$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Processing `$<´…)
-	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
-	$(silent)$(if $(filter $<,$(assetfiles)),$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,<object xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" type="$(call typeoffile,$(INCLUDEDIR)/$*)" data="$(call datauri,$<)"/>) > $(call quote,$@),$(if $(filter $<,$(plaintextfiles)),$(call wrapplaintext,$<),$(CAT) $(call quote,$<)) | $(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt) -)
-$(call parsed,$(sourcefiles)): $(BUILDDIR)/sources/%: $(SRCDIR)/% $(typeupdates)
-	@$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Processing `$<´…)
-	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
-	$(silent)$(if $(filter $<,$(assetfiles)),$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,<object xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" type="$(call typeoffile,$(SRCDIR)/$*)" data="$(call datauri,$<)"/>) > $(call quote,$@),$(if $(filter $<,$(plaintextfiles)),$(call wrapplaintext,$<),$(CAT) $(call quote,$<)) | $(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt) -)
-# Generate a catalog of all transformed files, for use when processing
-# includes. This does not depend on actually transforming the files.
-$(BUILDDIR)/catalog: $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes) $(typeupdates)
-	@$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of parsed files…"
-	$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
-	$(foreach source,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes),$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --add uri $(call quote,$(call localuri,$(source))) $(call quote,$(patsubst $(BUILDDIR)/%,%,$(call parsed,$(source)))#$(if $(filter $(source),$(assetfiles)),asset,xml)) --noout $(call quote,$@)$(newline))
+# Even plain X·M·L files are parsed, because they may contain X·H·T·M·L `<script>´ elements which contain other kinds of data.
+# Asset files are turned into H·T·M·L embeds pointing to `data:´ U·R·I’s.
+# If the types have been updated but `typeupdates´ is not active, this recipe is skipped because a restart is forthcoming.
+$(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) : % : $$(call unparsed,$$@) $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt $(typeupdates)
+	$(call inform,$(call unlesstypeswillupdate,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Processing `$<´…) >&2))
+	$(silent)$(call unlesstypeswillupdate,$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@)); $(if $(filter $<,$(assetfiles)),$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,<?xml version="1.0"?><object xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" type="$(call typeoffile,$<)" data="$(call datauri,$<)"/>) >|$(call quote,$@),$(if $(filter $<,$(plaintextfiles)),$(call wrapplaintext,$<),$(call serializexml,$<)) | $(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir --nowrite --stringparam BUILDTIME $$($(DATE) -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') --stringparam IDENTIFIER $(call quote,$(call localuri,$<))$(if $(THISREV), --stringparam THISREV $(call quote,$(THISREV)),)$(if $(SRCREV), --stringparam SRCREV $(call quote,$(SRCREV)),) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt) - >|$(call quote,$@)))
-# Build a list of dependencies for each transformed file.
+# Collect the metadata into a single file, and generate the dependencies and destinations files as side·effects.
+# Doing this all in one step reduces the number of calls to `xsltproc´ required, but requires that it be called from the build directory (necessitating a subshell).
-# This recipe also adjusts backwards the modification time of this
-# make·file by one second, to ensure that it is always more outdated
-# than the built dependencies (triggering a restart).
-$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies: $(BUILDDIR)/catalog $(call parsed,$(plaintextfiles) $(xmlfiles)) $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2dependencies.xslt
-	@$(ECHO) "Identifying dependencies…"
-	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2dependencies.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
-	$(silent)$(TOUCH) -A -000001 -am $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile
+# If the types have been updated but `typeupdates´ is not active, this recipe is skipped because a restart is forthcoming.
+$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies $(BUILDDIR)/destinations $(BUILDDIR)/metadata : $(call diffprereqs,metadatas,$(call metadata,$(sort $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)))) $(call parsed,$(filter-out $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))) $(THISDIR)/lib/expandmetadata.xslt
+	$(call inform,$(call unlesstypeswillupdate,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Compiling metadata…' >&2))
+	$(silent)$(call unlesstypeswillupdate,{ $(PRINTF) '<?xml version="1.0"?><rdf:RDF xmlns:nie="http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#" xmlns:nfo="http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:书社vocab="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:vocab:"><书社vocab:BuildDirectory nfo:fileUrl="%s"/>' $(call quote,$(call attresc,$(call fileuri,$(BUILDDIR)))); {$(foreach meta,$(call metadata,$(sort $(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))), $(CAT) $(call quote,$(meta));) } | $(SED) 's/<?xml version="1.0"?>//g'; $(PRINTF) '%s\n' '</rdf:RDF>'; } | ( $(CD) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)); $(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir $(call quote,$(abspath $(THISDIR)/lib/expandmetadata.xslt)) - ) | $(XMLLINT) --nonet --nsclean - >|$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/metadata))
 # Generate the main transform.
-$(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog: $(TRANSFORMS)
-	@$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of transforms…"
+$(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog : $(call diffprereqs,transforms,$(sort $(TRANSFORMS)))
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating catalog of transforms…' >&2)
 	$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@)
-	$(foreach transform,$(TRANSFORMS),$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --add uri $(call quote,$(basename $(notdir $(transform)))) $(call quote,../$(transform)) --noout $(call quote,$@)$(newline))
-$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt: $(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt
-	@$(ECHO) "Generating main transform…"
-	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
+	$(foreach transform,$(TRANSFORMS),$(silent){ $(call id,$(transform)); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(transform))) '--noout' $(call quote,$@); } | $(xargsmultiquote) | $(XARGS) -E '' $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri$(newline))
+$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt : $(BUILDDIR)/transform.catalog $(BUILDDIR)/metadata $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' 'Generating main transform…' >&2)
+	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir --nowrite --stringparam METADATA $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(BUILDDIR))/metadata) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<) >|$(call quote,$@)
+# Compile the result files using the dependencies as necessary.
+$(call compiled,$(compilablefiles)) : $(BUILDDIR)/results/% : $$(call parsed,$$(call uncompiled,$$@)) $$(call parsed,$$(call dependencies,$$(call uncompiled,$$@))) $(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt $(BUILDDIR)/metadata
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Compiling </$*>…) >&2)
+	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
+	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir --nowrite --stringparam METADATA 'metadata' --stringparam BUILDTIME $$($(DATE) -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') --stringparam IDENTIFIER $(call quote,$(call localuri,$(call uncompiled,$@)))$(if $(THISREV), --stringparam THISREV $(call quote,$(THISREV)),)$(if $(SRCREV), --stringparam SRCREV $(call quote,$(SRCREV)),) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<) >|$(call quote,$@)
-# Generate the output files using the dependencies as necessary.
-$(call compiled,$(compilablefiles)): $(BUILDDIR)/public/%: $$(call parsed,$(SRCDIR)/%) $(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt $$(call parsed,$$(call dependencies,$(SRCDIR)/%))
+# Create the final files from the compiled results (or error in the case of recursive ones).
+$(call built,$(compilablefiles)) : $(BUILDDIR)/public/% : $(BUILDDIR)/results/%
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Building </$*>…) >&2)
 	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
-	@$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Compiling `$*´…)
-	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) --stringparam catalog 'catalog' $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/transform.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
-$(call compiled,$(filter $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles))): $(BUILDDIR)/public/%: $(SRCDIR)/%
-	@$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Compiling `$*´…)
+	$(silent)$(RM) -f -R $(call quote,$@)
+	$(silent)$(call processresultto,$<,$@,$*)
+$(call built,$(filter $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles))) : $(BUILDDIR)/public/% : $$(call unbuilt,$$@)
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Building </$*>…) >&2)
 	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
+	$(silent)$(RM) -f -R $(call quote,$@)
 	$(silent)$(CP) $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$@)
 # Install compiled files (or error in the case of recursive ones).
-$(call installed,$(filter $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles)) $(recursivefiles) $(compilablefiles)): $(DESTDIR)/%: $(BUILDDIR)/public/%
-	@$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Installing `$*´…)
+$(call installed,$(recursivefiles) $(installablefiles)) : $(DESTDIR)/% : $(BUILDDIR)/public/%
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Installing </$*>…) >&2)
 	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
-	$(silent)$(CP) $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$@)
+	$(silent)$(RM) -f -R $(call quote,$@)
+	$(silent)$(CP) -R $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$@)
+# ━ § BEGIN ARCHIVE MAKE·FILE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
+else ifeq ($(MODE),urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:archive)
+# ─ ¶ Non‐Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────
+# Get the list of files in the archive.
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/index),)
+override archivefiles := $(patsubst ./extracted/%,%,$(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/index)))
+# ─ ¶ Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────────
+# ─ ¶ Phony Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
+# ─ ¶ Special Targets ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
+# Reload this make·file if the archive components have changed.
+$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile : $(BUILDDIR)/index
+	$(silent)$(TOUCH) $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%b\n' $(call quote,\0033[1mArchive components for </$(NAME)> updated. Restarting…\0033[22m) >&2)
+# ─ ¶ Build Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
+# Build the extractor transform for extracting the contents of the archive source file.
+$(BUILDDIR)/extractor.xslt : $(SRC) $(THISDIR)/lib/archive2extractor.xslt
+	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
+	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --nomkdir --nowrite $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/archive2extractor.xslt) $(call quote,$<) >|$(call quote,$@)
+# Use the extractor transform to extract the archive source file out into its components.
+# This target sleeps for 1 second to ensure the resulting index will always be newer than this make·file.
+$(BUILDDIR)/index : $(BUILDDIR)/extractor.xslt $(SRC)
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Extracting components for </$(NAME)>…) >&2)
+	$(silent)$(SLEEP) 1
+	$(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) --writesubtree $(call quote,$(dir $@)) $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$(SRC))
+# All archive components are extracted alongside the index.
+$(foreach file,$(archivefiles),$(BUILDDIR)/extracted/$(file)) : $(BUILDDIR)/index ;
+# Process each extractor component into its final form.
+$(foreach file,$(archivefiles),$(BUILDDIR)/files/$(file)) : $(BUILDDIR)/files/% : $(BUILDDIR)/extracted/%
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Building </$(NAME)/$*>…) >&2)
+	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
+	$(silent)$(RM) -f -R $(call quote,$@)
+	$(silent)$(call processresultto,$<,$@,$*)
+# Archive all components in the file to the destination.
+# This is a match‐anything target, with the assumption that this make·file is being called recursively from the default mode.
+$(DESTDIR)/% : $(SRC) $(foreach file,$(archivefiles),$(BUILDDIR)/files/$(file))
+	$(call inform,$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Archiving </$(NAME)>…) >&2)
+	$(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
+	$(silent)$(RM) -f -R $(call quote,$@)
+	$(silent)$(CD) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/files); if $(call xpath,/*/@*[local-name()="expanded" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"],$(abspath $<)); then $(MKDIR) -p $(call quote,$(abspath $@)); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(foreach file,$(archivefiles),$(call quote,$(file))) | $(PAX) -r -w $(call quote,$(abspath $@)); else $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(foreach file,$(archivefiles),$(call quote,$(file))) | $(PAX) -w -x ustar >|$(call quote,$(abspath $@)); fi
+# ━ § END DEFINED MAKE·FILE MODES ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
+$(error Unrecognized MODE: $(MODE))