X-Git-Url: https://git.ladys.computer/Shushe/blobdiff_plain/fe1f9e5474fa7f3a6b42e384d92b466b2dcda952..0.5.2:/GNUmakefile?ds=inline diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile index 1e809b2..8306fc1 100644 --- a/GNUmakefile +++ b/GNUmakefile @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ SHELL = /bin/sh # ━ § BASIC INFORMATION ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ override define makefileinfo ╭────────────────────────────╮ -╔╡ ⁌ ⛩️📰 书社 ∷ GNUmakefile ╞════════════════════════════════╗ +╔╡ ⁌ ⛩️📰 书社 ∷ GNUmakefile ╞═════════════════════════════════╗ ║╰────────────────────────────╯ ║ ╟┬ ¶ Prerequisites ───────────────────────────────────────────┬╢ ║│ │║ @@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ override define makefileinfo ║╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯║ ╟┬ ¶ Usage ───────────────────────────────────────────────────┬╢ ║│ │║ -║│ • `make all´: Compile, but do not install, all files. │║ +║│ • `make all´ (default): Compile, but do not install, all │║ +║│ files. │║ ║│ │║ ║│ • `make clean´: Remove `BUILDDIR´. │║ ║│ │║ ║│ • `make gone´: Remove `BUILDDIR´ and installed files. │║ ║│ │║ -║│ • `make help´ (default): Print this message. │║ +║│ • `make help´: Print this message. │║ ║│ │║ ║│ • `make install´: Compile all files and install in │║ ║│ `DESTDIR´. │║ @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ THISDIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) # By default, `find´ will ignore files which begin with a period and those which are likely to cause problems for `make´. EXTRAFINDRULES := EXTRAFINDINCLUDERULES := -FINDRULES := ! '(' '(' -name '[.-]*' -o -name '*[][*?:|$$%\#\\; ]*' ')' -a -prune ')'$(if $(EXTRAFINDRULES), -a $(EXTRAFINDRULES),) +FINDRULES := ! '(' '(' -name '[.-]*' -o -name '*[][*?:|$$%\#\\; ]*' -o -name '*[)]' ')' -a -prune ')'$(if $(EXTRAFINDRULES), -a $(EXTRAFINDRULES),) FINDINCLUDERULES := $(FINDRULES)$(if $(EXTRAFINDINCLUDERULES), -a $(EXTRAFINDINCLUDERULES),) # The list of magic files to use when determining media types. @@ -165,13 +166,26 @@ TRANSFORMS := $(sort $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/transforms/*.xslt)) # List of types which should be treated as X·M·L. XMLTYPES := application/xml text/xml +# The name of the generator program. +GENERATOR := ⛩️📰 书社 + +ifdef GIT +ifneq ($(wildcard $(THISDIR)/.git),) +# A description of the current git revision of ⛩️📰 书社. +VERSION := $(shell cd $(THISDIR); $(GIT) describe 2> /dev/null || $(GIT) rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) +endif + +ifneq ($(wildcard .git),) +# A description of the current git revision of the working directory. +SRCREV := $(shell $(GIT) describe 2> /dev/null || $(GIT) rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) +endif +endif + # Set to a non·empty value to print all commands as they run. VERBOSE := # The default target for this makefile. -# -# Print help and exit. -.DEFAULT_GOAL := help +.DEFAULT_GOAL := all # ━ § BEGIN MAKE·FILE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ @@ -201,19 +215,28 @@ override silent := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@) # (callable) Escape special characters for use in sed regular expressions. override sedesc = $(subst /,[/],$(subst $$,\$$,$(subst *,\*,$(subst .,\.,$(subst [,\[,$(subst ^,\^,$(subst \,\\,$1))))))) +# The command to use for percent‐decoding. +override perdeccmd := $(SED) 's/|/%7C/g;s/[\]/%5C/g;s/%[0-9A-Fa-f]\{2\}/|&|/g' | $(TR) '|' '\n' | $(SED) '/^%[0-9A-Fa-f]\{2\}$$/!s/%/|%25|/' | $(TR) '|' '\n' | $(AWK) '$$0!~/%/{printf "%s",$$0}/%/{d="0123456789ABCDEF";v=substr(toupper($$0),2,2);printf "\\%04o",(index(d,substr(v,1,1))-1)*16+index(d,substr(v,2,1))-1}' | $(XARGS) -0 $(PRINTF) '%b' + # (callable) Percent‐decode the given strings. -override perdec = $(foreach encoded,$1,$(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,$(encoded)) | $(SED) 's/|/%7C/g;s/[\]/%5C/g;s/%[0-9A-Fa-f]\{2\}/|&|/g' | $(TR) '|' '\n' | $(SED) '/^%[0-9A-Fa-f]\{2\}$$/!s/%/|%25|/' | $(TR) '|' '\n' | $(AWK) '$$0!~/%/{printf("%s",$$0)}/%/{sub("%","0x");printf("\\%04o",$$0)}' | $(XARGS) -0 $(PRINTF) '%b')) +# +# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed. +override perdec = $(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\0450A' $(foreach encoded,$1,$(call quote,$(encoded))) | $(perdeccmd)) # (callable) Percent‐encode the given strings. # # This singly‐encodes u·r·i characters and doubly‐encodes other characters, then calls `perdec´ to decode back to a single encoding. # The encoding assumes the input is a “u·r·i component”; e·g that the resulting string should only contain `pchar´ (but can contain any `sub-delim´). -override perenc = $(foreach unencoded,$1,$(call perdec,$(shell $(PRINTF) '%s' $(call quote,$(unencoded)) | $(OD) -t x1 | $(SED) 's/^[0-9]*//;s/2[146-9A-Ea-e]/%&/g;s/3[0-9AaBbDd]/%&/g;s/40/%&/g;s/[46][1-9A-Fa-f]/%&/g;s/[57][0-9Aa]/%&/g;s/5[Ff]/%&/g;s/7[Ee]/%&/g;s/[ ][0-9A-Fa-f]\{2\}/%25&/g' | $(TR) -d ' \n' | $(TR) 'abcdef' 'ABCDEF'))) +# +# It is assumed that the given strings do not contain newlines. +# +# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed. +override perenc = $(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(foreach unencoded,$1,$(call quote,$(unencoded))) | $(OD) -t x1 | $(SED) 's/^[0-9]*//;s/0[Aa]/%&/g;s/2[146-9A-Ea-e]/%&/g;s/3[0-9AaBbDd]/%&/g;s/40/%&/g;s/[46][1-9A-Fa-f]/%&/g;s/[57][0-9Aa]/%&/g;s/5[Ff]/%&/g;s/7[Ee]/%&/g;s/[ ][0-9A-Fa-f]\{2\}/%25&/g' | $(TR) -d ' \n' | $(TR) 'abcdef' 'ABCDEF' | $(perdeccmd)) # (callable) Percent‐encode each component in the given paths. # -# ☡ This will remove leading and trailing slashes. -override pathenc = $(foreach path,$1,$(subst $(space),/,$(call perenc,$(subst /, ,$(path))))) +# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed. +override pathenc = $(subst %2F,/,$(call perenc,$1)) # (overridable) Collect all of the applicable includes from the includes directory. sourceincludes := $(shell $(FIND) $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDEDIR),$(call quote,$(dir))) '(' $(FINDRULES) ')' -a -type f) @@ -221,18 +244,6 @@ sourceincludes := $(shell $(FIND) $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDEDIR),$(call quote,$(dir # (overridable) Collect all of the applicable source files from the source directory, removing any which are also includes. sourcefiles := $(filter-out $(sourceincludes),$(shell $(FIND) $(foreach dir,$(SRCDIR),$(call quote,$(dir))) '(' $(FINDRULES) ')' -a -type f)) -ifdef GIT -ifneq ($(wildcard $(THISDIR)/.git),) -# (overridable) The name of the current revision of ⛩️📰 书社, or its hash if the current revision is not a tag. -thisrev = $(shell cd $(THISDIR); $(GIT) describe 2> /dev/null || $(GIT) rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) -endif - -ifneq ($(wildcard .git),) -# (overridable) The name of the current revision of the working directory, or its hash if the current revision is not a tag. -srcrev = $(shell $(GIT) describe 2> /dev/null || $(GIT) rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) -endif -endif - # Figure out the file type of each source file and source include. ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc),) override types := $(shell $(SED) 's/^ *//;s/ *$$//;s/ {2,}/ /g' <<< $(call quote,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)) | $(TR) ' ' '\n' | $(FILE) -m $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc) --mime-type --separator '|' --files-from - | $(SED) 's/| */|/g') @@ -254,9 +265,6 @@ override assetfiles := $(filter-out $(xmlfiles) $(plaintextfiles),$(sourcefiles) # (callable) Get the types of the given files. override typeoffile = $(patsubst $(foreach file,$1,$(file)|%),%,$(filter $(foreach file,$1,$(file)|%),$(types))) -# (callable) Get the identifier for the given parser or transform. -override id = $(or $(shell $(XMLLINT) --xpath '/*/*[local-name()="id" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"]/text()[1]' $1 2> /dev/null),about:shushe?$(or $2,unknown)=$(call pathenc,$(basename $(notdir $1)))) - # Pair each source magic file with its location in the build directory. override magicpair := $(foreach magicfile,$(MAGIC),$(magicfile)|$(BUILDDIR)/magic/$(notdir $(magicfile))) @@ -273,6 +281,8 @@ override sourcepath = $(firstword $(foreach directory,$(SRCDIR),$(if $(filter $( override includepath = $(firstword $(foreach directory,$(INCLUDEDIR),$(if $(filter $(directory)/%,$1),$(patsubst $(directory)/%,%,$1),))) # (callable) Get base64 data u·r·i’s for the given files. +# +# ☡ This variable creates a subshell every time it is computed. override datauri = $(foreach file,$1,data:$(call typeoffile,$(file));base64,$(shell $(UUENCODE) -m -r $(call quote,$(file)) _ | tr -d ' \n')) # Pair each source file and include with its local u·r·i. @@ -299,9 +309,15 @@ override parsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$( # (callable) Get the source files for the given parsed file. override unparsed = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst %|$(file),%,$(filter %|$(file),$(sourceparsedpair)))) +# Pair each parser, transform, or parsed file with its file u·r·i. +override fileuripairs := $(join $(patsubst %,%|,$(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes))),$(call pathenc,$(foreach uriable,$(PARSERS) $(TRANSFORMS) $(call parsed,$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)),file://$(abspath $(uriable))))) + +# (callable) Get the file u·r·is for the given parsers, transforms, or parsed files. +override fileuri = $(foreach file,$1,$(patsubst $(file)|%,%,$(filter $(file)|%,$(fileuripairs)))) + ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies),) # Pair each file with a list of dependencies for it. -override dependenciesforfile := $(foreach file,$(sourcefiles),$(file)|$(subst $(space),|,$(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies) | $(SED) $(call quote,/^$(call sedesc,$(call localuri,$(file)))$$/$(comma)/^[^ ]/!d;/^ /!d;s/^ //)))) +override dependenciesforfile := $(foreach file,$(filter-out $(assetfiles),$(sourcefiles) $(sourceincludes)),$(file)|$(subst $(space),|,$(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies) | $(SED) $(call quote,/^$(call sedesc,$(call localuri,$(file)))$$/$(comma)/^[^ ]/!d;/^ /!d;s/^ //)))) # (callable) Get the list of dependency leiris for the given source files. # @@ -356,50 +372,53 @@ endif # (callable) Check to see if the given directory exists and create it if not. override ensuredirectory = if $(TEST) ! -d $(call quote,$1); then $(MKDIR) -p $(call quote,$1); fi +# (callable) Get the identifier for the given parser or transform. +override id = $(XMLLINT) --xpath '/*/*[local-name()="id" and namespace-uri()="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4"]/text()[1]' $(call quote,$1) 2> /dev/null || $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,about:shushe?$(or $2,unknown)=$(call pathenc,$(basename $(notdir $1)))) + # (callable) Sanitize and wrap the provided plaintext file in X·M·L, printing to `stdout´. override wrapplaintext = $(PRINTF) '%s\n' "$$($(PRINTF) '%b' '\n')" # ─ ¶ Phony Targets ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── -# Provide help. -help: - @$(PRINTF) '%b' '$(subst $(newline),\n,$(makefileinfo))' - # Compile all files, or error if any are recursive. -all: $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles) $(compilablefiles)); +all : $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles) $(compilablefiles)) ; # Destroy buildfiles. -clean: +clean : $(if $(BUILDDIR),$(silent)$(RM) -rf $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/),) # Destroy build directory and installed files. -gone: clean uninstall; +gone : clean uninstall ; + +# Provide help. +help : + @$(PRINTF) '%b' '$(subst $(newline),\n,$(makefileinfo))' # Install the compiled files into `DESTDIR´, or error if any are recursive. -install: $(call installed,$(recursivefiles) $(installablefiles)); +install : $(call installed,$(recursivefiles) $(installablefiles)) ; # List all source files and includes and their computed types. -list: +list : @$(PRINTF) '%b' $(call quote,$(foreach file,$(sort $(sourcefiles)) $(sort $(sourceincludes)),\0033[1m$(file)\0033[22m|$(call typeoffile,$(file))|[\0033[3m$(if $(filter $(file),$(xmlfiles)),xml,$(if $(filter $(file),$(plaintextfiles)),text,asset))$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourceincludes)),|include,)\0033[23m]$(if $(call dependencies,$(file))$(call recursives,$(file)), $(strip $(foreach recursive,$(call recursives,$(file)),\0033[93;41m•|Recursive|Dependency|\0033[39;49m|$(recursive)) $(foreach dependency,$(call dependencies,$(file)),\0033[2m•|Dependency|\0033[22m|$(dependency))))$(if $(filter $(file),$(sourcefiles)), →|<\0033[4m/$(call destination,$(file))\0033[24m>,) )) | $(TR) ' |' '\n ' -# Destroy build directory and installed files. -uninstall: +# Destroy installed files. +uninstall : $(foreach file,$(installablefiles),$(if $(wildcard $(call installed,$(file))),$(silent)$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Removing …)$(newline)$(silent)$(RM) -f $(call quote,$(call installed,$(file)))$(newline),)) # Raise an error when attempting to build any files with recursive dependencies. -$(call compiled,$(recursivefiles)): +$(call compiled,$(recursivefiles)) : @$(PRINTF) '%b\n' $(call quote,\0033[93;41mError:\0033[39;49m `$(call uncompiled,$@)´ has recursive dependencies:\n$(subst |, ,$(subst $(space),$(newline),$(foreach recursive,$(call recursives,$(call uncompiled,$@)),•|$(recursive))))) && false # ─ ¶ Special Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────── # Perform secondary expansion; this enables pattern rules to determine their prerequisites based on the matched pattern. -.SECONDEXPANSION: ; +.SECONDEXPANSION : ; # Don’t use any implicit rules. -.SUFFIXES: ; +.SUFFIXES : ; # Phony rules; always consider these out·of·date. -.PHONY: all default clean gone info install list uninstall $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles)); +.PHONY : all default clean gone info install list uninstall $(call compiled,$(recursivefiles)) ; ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies)$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/destinations),) # Reload this make·file if the dependency graph or output destinations have changed. @@ -407,7 +426,7 @@ ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types)$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies) # The dependency graph and output destinations are used to set the values of variables in this make·file, so it’s important to ensure that they are actually up·to·date prior to executing any later rules. # # This recipe only exists after types have been updated or when the dependency graph or destinations file already exists. -$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile:: $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies $(BUILDDIR)/destinations +$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile :: $(BUILDDIR)/dependencies $(BUILDDIR)/destinations $(silent)$(TOUCH) $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile $(silent)$(RM) -f $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types @$(PRINTF) '%b\n' '\0033[1mDependency graph and output destinations updated. Restarting…\0033[22m' @@ -419,7 +438,7 @@ ifeq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/.update-types),) # These are used to classify source files, so if they have changed then the make·file must be reloaded. # # This recipe sleeps for one second to ensure that files built after the restart have a more current time·stamp. -$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile:: $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt +$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile :: $(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt $(silent)$(TOUCH) $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile $(silent)$(RM) -f $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/dependencies) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/destinations) @$(PRINTF) '%b\n' '\0033[1mMagic file or parsers have updated. Restarting…\0033[22m' @@ -431,7 +450,7 @@ endif # Create symbolic links from the build directory’s store of magic files # to their corresponding sources. -$(call magicfile,$(MAGIC)): $(BUILDDIR)/magic/%: $$(call magicsource,$$@) +$(call magicfile,$(MAGIC)) : $(BUILDDIR)/magic/%: $$(call magicsource,$$@) $(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@)) $(silent)$(LN) -sf $(call quote,$(realpath $<)) $(call quote,$@) @@ -439,17 +458,17 @@ $(call magicfile,$(MAGIC)): $(BUILDDIR)/magic/%: $$(call magicsource,$$@) # # It must be updated if any of the files in the magic directory change. # It ⁜also⁜ should be updated if any of the files in the magic directory are deleted, but this isn’t tracked presently. -$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc: $(call magicfile,$(MAGIC)) +$(BUILDDIR)/magic.mgc : $(call magicfile,$(MAGIC)) $(foreach outdated,$(filter-out $^,$(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/magic/*)),$(silent)$(RM) $(call quote,$(outdated))$(newline)) @$(ECHO) "Compiling new magic…" $(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@)) $(silent)cd $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)) && $(FILE) -C -m $(call quote,$(realpath $(BUILDDIR)/magic)) # Generate the main parser. -$(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog: $(PARSERS) +$(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog : $(PARSERS) @$(ECHO) "Generating catalog of parsers…" $(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --create --noout $(call quote,$@) - $(foreach parser,$(PARSERS),$(silent)$(XMLCATALOG) --add uri $(call quote,$(call id,$(parser),parser)) $(call quote,file:///$(call pathenc,$(abspath $(parser)))) --noout $(call quote,$@)$(newline)) + $(foreach parser,$(PARSERS),$(silent)( $(call id,$(parser)) ) | $(XARGS) -I %% $(XMLCATALOG) --add uri %% $(call quote,$(call fileuri,$(parser))) --noout $(call quote,$@)$(newline)) $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt: $(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt @$(ECHO) "Generating main parser…" $(silent)$(XSLTPROC) -o $(call quote,$@) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parser.xslt) $(call quote,$<) @@ -458,21 +477,21 @@ $(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt: $(BUILDDIR)/parser.catalog $(THISDIR)/lib/catalog2parse # # Even plain X·M·L files are parsed, because they may contain X·H·T·M·L `