3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
6 <!DOCTYPE ObjectProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
7 <ObjectProperty asymmetric="yes" irreflexive="yes">
8 <label xml:lang="en">has related object</label>
9 <comment xml:lang="en">
11 An <ref target="pcdm:Object">Object</ref> which is aggregated as part of this <ref target="pcdm:Collection">Collection</ref> or <ref target="pcdm:Object">Object</ref>, but which is not considered a component part.
14 This property is intended for things like licensing agreements or cover art which are considered part of a Collection or Object from the perspective of resource aggregation, but not from the perspective of conceptual composition.
15 Related objects are <ref target="ore:aggregates">aggregated in</ref> and consequently <ref target="dcterms:isPartOf">part of</ref> the things they are related to, but as something other than a compositional component.
16 For more general kinds of relation, use <ptr target="sioc:related_to"/>.
20 <SpecificResource source="(PCDM)"/>
23 <resource name="ore:aggregates"/>
25 <propertyDisjointWith>
26 <resource name="pcdm:hasMember"/>
27 </propertyDisjointWith>
31 <resource name="pcdm:Collection"/>
32 <resource name="pcdm:Object"/>
37 <resource name="pcdm:Object"/>