<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady> SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 --> <!DOCTYPE Class SYSTEM "../../DTD"> <Class> <label xml:lang="en">Contact Point</label> <comment xml:lang="en"> <p> A place or “mobile situation” which may have an assoicated <ref target="contact:address">address</ref>, <ref target="contact:phone">phone</ref>, <ref target="contact:fax">fax</ref>, or other means of address. </p> <p> This class does not require any actual physical location; it is more strongly related to <ref target="contact:Person">Persons</ref> and their roles (e·g in an organization) than it is to any physical concept in the real world. It is meant to encompass the situation where a persons “workplace” might have an associated phone number, email, and mailing address, even when that person works remotely and has no fixed geographic work place. </p> </comment> <isDefinedBy> <SpecificResource source="(SWAP-PIM)"/> </isDefinedBy> </Class>