<?xml version="1.0"?>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
<!DOCTYPE ObjectProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
	<label xml:lang="en">has title</label>
	<comment xml:lang="en">
			A <ref target="awol:TextContent">Text Content</ref> which provides a title for this thing.
			While <ref target="awol:Link">Links</ref> can have “titles”, the titles of links are plain literals, not Text Content, and supply human‐readable descriptions, not “titles” proper.
			This ontology consequently recommends signifying them with <ptr target="awol:label"/> instead.
		<SpecificResource source="(AWOL)" fragment="title"/>
		<resource name="dc11:title"/>
		<resource name="awol:TextContent"/>