<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024, 2025 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady> SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 --> <!DOCTYPE NamedIndividual SYSTEM "../../DTD"> <NamedIndividual name="https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-syntax/"> <label xml:lang="en">Owl 2 Structural Specification</label> <comment xml:lang="en"> <p> This specification defines the conceptual structure for Owl, independent of any serialization format. Many terms in the Owl name·space are actually “defined” by <ptr target="(OWL2-MAPPING)"/>, which explains how to convert this conceptual structure into R·D·F graphs. However, this specification provides the definition for the few terms which are actually relevant to this ontology from a nonmeta perspective; namely its set of annotation properties. It also redefines a few terms from <ptr target="(RDF11-SCHEMA)"/> for use in annotations. </p> </comment> <type> <resource name="dcterms:BibliographicResource"/> </type> <type> <resource name="doap:Specification"/> </type> </NamedIndividual>