A which indicates the status.

notes that this property might “more properly” have been modelled as taking I·R·I¦s, perhaps of instances of a “vocab status” class, but it uses one of a small handful of string values instead. As it is an annotation property (and not able to be reasoned about regardless), the use of strings is not practically problematic.

Four values have broad usage :⁠—

unstable indicates that the usage and documentation for a thing are liable to change arbitrarily in the future.

testing indicates that the usage and documentation for a thing are fairly settled, but may still change with implementation experience or due to unanticipated factors.

stable indicates that the usage and documentation for a thing is settled and not expected to change drastically.

archaic indicates that a term is not considered bestpractice anymore and the use of other terms, when possible, is preferable.

This ontology also makes use of a fifth value, plumbing, which indicates that a term exists only for the purposes of ontology definition or clarity of explanation. Plumbing terms should be considered especially unstable and making direct use of them is discouraged.