<label xml:lang="en">Proxy</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- An abstract representation of some <ref target="ore:AggregatedResource">Aggregated Resource</ref> as it exists within a specific <ref target="ore:Aggregation">Aggregation</ref>.
+ A <ref target="Proxy">Proxy</ref> of some <ref target="ore:AggregatedResource">Aggregated Resource</ref> as it exists within a specific <ref target="ore:Aggregation">Aggregation</ref>.
State·ments about Aggregated Resources which are specific to a particular Aggregation need to be made on a Proxy, as such state·ments are not “generally true”.
There is no restriction that an Aggregated Resource only have one Proxy for a given Aggregation.
- The restrictions on <ptr target="ore:proxyFor"/> and <ptr target="ore:proxyIn"/> are not formally expressed in <ptr target="(OAI-ORE)"/>, but are made explicit here to preserve the use·fulness of this class.
+ The restrictions on <ptr target="ore:proxyFor"/> and <ptr target="ore:proxyIn"/> are not formally expressed in <ptr target="(OAI-ORE)"/>, but are in <ptr target="(PCDM)"/>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Horizontal (previous~next) linking for Proxies is described by <ptr target="(PCDM)"/>, with the quirk of using the spelling <resource name="rel:prev"/> for <ptr target="rel:previous" type="property"/>.
+ This ontology only recognizes the spelling <resource name="rel:previous"/>, which is formally defined by <ptr target="(RFC5005)"/>.
<SpecificResource source="(OAI-ORE)" fragment="proxy"/>
+ <isDefinedBy>
+ <SpecificResource source="(PCDM)" fragment="oreproxy"/>
+ </isDefinedBy>
+ <subClassOf>
+ <resource name="Proxy"/>
+ </subClassOf>
+ <subClassOf>
+ <Restriction>
+ <onProperty>
+ <resource name="rel:previous"/>
+ </onProperty>
+ <maxCardinality>1</maxCardinality>
+ </Restriction>
+ </subClassOf>
+ <subClassOf>
+ <Restriction>
+ <onProperty>
+ <resource name="rel:previous"/>
+ </onProperty>
+ <allValuesFrom>
+ <resource name="ore:Proxy"/>
+ </allValuesFrom>
+ </Restriction>
+ </subClassOf>
+ <subClassOf>
+ <Restriction>
+ <onProperty>
+ <resource name="rel:next"/>
+ </onProperty>
+ <maxCardinality>1</maxCardinality>
+ </Restriction>
+ </subClassOf>
+ <subClassOf>
+ <Restriction>
+ <onProperty>
+ <resource name="rel:next"/>
+ </onProperty>
+ <allValuesFrom>
+ <resource name="ore:Proxy"/>
+ </allValuesFrom>
+ </Restriction>
+ </subClassOf>