X-Git-Url: https://git.ladys.computer/Vocab/blobdiff_plain/1503a11752096ca9bc308f2f8e1961f49681d59f..refs/heads/live:/transforms/terms.xslt?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/transforms/terms.xslt b/transforms/terms.xslt
index 20875c1..381c556 100644
--- a/transforms/terms.xslt
+++ b/transforms/terms.xslt
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one
 						<value-of select="rdfs:label[1]"/>
 					<element name="p" namespace="&xhtml;">
+						&en;
 						<text>An ontology.</text>
@@ -461,6 +462,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one
 			<element name="p" namespace="&xhtml;">
+				&en;
 					<when test="self::owl:Class">
 						<text>A class.</text>
@@ -960,6 +962,38 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one
+				<if test="skos:broader">
+					<element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;">
+						<element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;">
+							&en;
+							<text>Has Broader</text>
+						</element>
+						<for-each select="skos:broader">
+							<element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;">
+								<call-template name="Vocab:link-to">
+									<with-param name="resource" select="string(@rdf:resource)"/>
+									<with-param name="kind" select="'individual'"/>
+								</call-template>
+							</element>
+						</for-each>
+					</element>
+				</if>
+				<if test="skos:narrower">
+					<element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;">
+						<element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;">
+							&en;
+							<text>Has Narrower</text>
+						</element>
+						<for-each select="skos:narrower">
+							<element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;">
+								<call-template name="Vocab:link-to">
+									<with-param name="resource" select="string(@rdf:resource)"/>
+									<with-param name="kind" select="'individual'"/>
+								</call-template>
+							</element>
+						</for-each>
+					</element>
+				</if>
 				<if test="rdfs:isDefinedBy[not(starts-with(@rdf:resource, $base-iri))]">
 					<element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;">
 						<element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;">