X-Git-Url: https://git.ladys.computer/Vocab/blobdiff_plain/2e47aa87081f9ebdecdd7fb5e8a74271616ecb91..c462288ab021e9e296b6e64f3dee43c466d97736:/transforms/terms.xslt?ds=inline diff --git a/transforms/terms.xslt b/transforms/terms.xslt index 2fa8e53..43def78 100644 --- a/transforms/terms.xslt +++ b/transforms/terms.xslt @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one --> <!DOCTYPE transform [ <!ENTITY en '<attribute xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" name="lang"><text>en</text></attribute><attribute xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" name="xml:lang"><text>en</text></attribute>'> + <!ENTITY xhtml 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'> ]> <transform xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </otherwise> </choose> </variable> - <element name="html:a"> + <element name="a" namespace="&xhtml;"> <choose> <when test="key(concat('Vocab:named-', $kind), $resource)"> <attribute name="data-curie"> @@ -69,20 +70,27 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <value-of select="$kind"/> </attribute> <attribute name="href"> - <text>/terms/</text> <choose> - <when test="$kind='class'"> - <text>classes/</text> - </when> - <when test="$kind='property'"> - <text>properties/</text> + <when test="$curie=string($resource)"> + <value-of select="$resource"/> </when> <otherwise> - <text>individuals/</text> + <text>/terms/</text> + <choose> + <when test="$kind='class'"> + <text>classes/</text> + </when> + <when test="$kind='property'"> + <text>properties/</text> + </when> + <otherwise> + <text>individuals/</text> + </otherwise> + </choose> + <value-of select="$localid"/> + <text>.xhtml</text> </otherwise> </choose> - <value-of select="$localid"/> - <text>.xhtml</text> </attribute> <for-each select="key(concat('Vocab:named-', $kind), $resource)[1]"> <if test="not($full)"> @@ -103,7 +111,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </otherwise> </choose> </variable> - <element name="html:{$wrappername}"> + <element name="{$wrappername}" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="lang"> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]/@xml:lang"/> </attribute> @@ -114,9 +122,9 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> <if test="$full"> <text> </text> - <element name="html:small"> + <element name="small" namespace="&xhtml;"> <text>(</text> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="$curie"/> </element> <text>)</text> @@ -128,7 +136,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <attribute name="href"> <value-of select="$resource"/> </attribute> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="$curie"/> </element> </otherwise> @@ -170,8 +178,8 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </variable> <variable name="selection" select="//rdf:RDF//*[@rdf:about and local-name()=$selector and ($selector='Datatype' and namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#' or $selector!='Datatype' and namespace-uri()='http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#') and rdfs:isDefinedBy[starts-with(@rdf:resource, $base-iri)] and ($source='' and starts-with(@rdf:about, $base-iri) or (rdfs:isDefinedBy|rdfs:isDefinedBy/anno:ResourceSelection/anno:hasSource)[@rdf:resource=$source])]"/> <if test="$selection"> - <element name="html:nav"> - <element name="html:h4"> + <element name="nav" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h4" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <choose> <when test="$selector='Class'"> @@ -194,10 +202,10 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </when> </choose> </element> - <element name="html:ul"> + <element name="ul" namespace="&xhtml;"> <for-each select="$selection"> <sort select="rdfs:label[1]" lang="en"/> - <element name="html:li"> + <element name="li" namespace="&xhtml;"> <call-template name="Vocab:link-to"> <with-param name="resource" select="string(@rdf:about)"/> <with-param name="kind"> @@ -228,15 +236,15 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <apply-templates select="@*"/> <apply-templates select="*[@书社:archived-as]"/> <for-each select="rdf:RDF//*[(self::owl:AnnotationProperty or self::owl:Class or self::owl:DatatypeProperty or self::owl:NamedIndividual or self::owl:ObjectProperty or self::rdfs:Datatype) and rdfs:isDefinedBy[starts-with(@rdf:resource, $base-iri)]]"> - <element name="html:article"> + <element name="article" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="class"> <text>term</text> </attribute> <attribute name="书社:archived-as"> <value-of select="translate(substring-after(rdfs:isDefinedBy[starts-with(@rdf:resource, $base-iri)]/@rdf:resource, $base-iri), ':[]', '¦__')"/> </attribute> - <element name="html:header"> - <element name="html:a"> + <element name="header" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="a" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="href"> <text>/</text> </attribute> @@ -251,8 +259,8 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <template match="html:article[rdf:RDF]"> <for-each select="rdf:RDF"> <for-each select="//owl:Ontology[1]"> - <element name="html:hgroup"> - <element name="html:h1"> + <element name="hgroup" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h1" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="lang"> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]/@xml:lang"/> </attribute> @@ -261,18 +269,19 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </attribute> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]"/> </element> - <element name="html:p"> + <element name="p" namespace="&xhtml;"> + &en; <text>An ontology.</text> </element> </element> - <element name="html:div"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="class"> <text>owl</text> </attribute> - <element name="html:dl"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> - <element name="html:abbr"> + <element name="dl" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="abbr" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <attribute name="title"> <text>Internationalized Resource Identifier</text> @@ -280,12 +289,12 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <text>I·R·I</text> </element> </element> - <element name="html:dd"> - <element name="html:a"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="a" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="href"> <value-of select="@rdf:about"/> </attribute> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="@rdf:about"/> </element> </element> @@ -294,22 +303,22 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> <apply-templates select="rdfs:comment[1]/html:div" mode="Vocab:render-term"/> - <element name="html:section"> - <element name="html:h2"> + <element name="section" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h2" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>List of Name·spaces</text> </element> - <element name="html:table"> - <element name="html:thead"> - <element name="html:tr"> - <element name="html:th"> + <element name="table" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="thead" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="tr" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="th" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <attribute name="scope"> <text>col</text> </attribute> Prefix </element> - <element name="html:th"> + <element name="th" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <attribute name="scope"> <text>col</text> @@ -318,21 +327,21 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:tbody"> + <element name="tbody" namespace="&xhtml;"> <for-each select="shacl:declare[shacl:prefix!='']"> <sort select="shacl:prefix"/> - <element name="html:tr"> - <element name="html:th"> + <element name="tr" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="th" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="scope"> <text>row</text> </attribute> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="shacl:prefix"/> <text>:</text> </element> </element> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="shacl:namespace"/> </element> </element> @@ -341,11 +350,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:section"> - <element name="html:h2"> + <element name="section" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h2" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Terms Defined By </text> - <element name="html:cite"> + <element name="cite" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="lang"> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]/@xml:lang"/> </attribute> @@ -358,21 +367,21 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <call-template name="Vocab:list-all-terms"/> </element> </for-each> - <element name="html:section"> - <element name="html:h2"> + <element name="section" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h2" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Terms Defined Else·where</text> </element> <for-each select="//owl:NamedIndividual"> <sort select="rdfs:label" lang="en"/> <if test="(//rdfs:isDefinedBy|//rdfs:isDefinedBy/anno:ResourceSelection/anno:hasSource)[string(@rdf:resource)=string(current()/@rdf:about)]"> - <element name="html:section"> - <element name="html:h3"> - <element name="html:a"> + <element name="section" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h3" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="a" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="href"> <value-of select="@rdf:about"/> </attribute> - <element name="html:cite"> + <element name="cite" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="lang"> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]/@xml:lang"/> </attribute> @@ -416,7 +425,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <variable name="supers" select="Vocab:get-transitives(., $kind, 'super')"/> <variable name="inverses" select="Vocab:get-symmetrics(., $kind, 'inverse')"/> <variable name="disjoints" select="Vocab:get-symmetrics(.|$supers, $kind, 'disjoint')"/> - <element name="html:meta"> + <element name="meta" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="itemprop"> <text>urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:title</text> </attribute> @@ -433,8 +442,8 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <value-of select="//rdf:RDF//owl:Ontology/rdfs:label"/> </attribute> </element> - <element name="html:hgroup"> - <element name="html:h1"> + <element name="hgroup" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="h1" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="lang"> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]/@xml:lang"/> </attribute> @@ -443,16 +452,17 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </attribute> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]"/> </element> - <element name="html:p"> + <element name="p" namespace="&xhtml;"> <text>(</text> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <call-template name="Vocab:prefix"> <with-param name="unprefixed" select="@rdf:about"/> </call-template> </element> <text>)</text> </element> - <element name="html:p"> + <element name="p" namespace="&xhtml;"> + &en; <choose> <when test="self::owl:Class"> <text>A class.</text> @@ -475,19 +485,19 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </choose> </element> </element> - <element name="html:div"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="class"> <text>owl</text> </attribute> <if test="self::owl:DatatypeProperty|self::owl:ObjectProperty"> - <element name="html:table"> - <element name="html:tbody"> - <element name="html:tr"> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="table" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="tbody" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="tr" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Functional? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -506,11 +516,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> <if test="self::owl:ObjectProperty"> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Inverse Functional? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -528,11 +538,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Reflexive? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -550,11 +560,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Irreflexive? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -572,11 +582,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Symmetric? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -594,11 +604,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Asymmetric? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -616,11 +626,11 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </element> - <element name="html:td"> - <element name="html:label"> + <element name="td" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="label" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Transitive? </text> - <element name="html:input"> + <element name="input" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="type"> <text>checkbox</text> </attribute> @@ -643,10 +653,10 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </element> </if> - <element name="html:dl"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> - <element name="html:abbr"> + <element name="dl" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="abbr" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <attribute name="title"> <text>Internationalized Resource Identifier</text> @@ -654,40 +664,40 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <text>I·R·I</text> </element> </element> - <element name="html:dd"> - <element name="html:a"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="a" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="href"> <value-of select="$resource-context"/> </attribute> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="$resource-context"/> </element> </element> </element> </element> <if test="self::owl:NamedIndividual and rdf:type"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Type</text> </element> <for-each select="rdf:type"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="(@rdf:resource|*)[1]" mode="Vocab:render-class"/> </element> </for-each> </element> </if> <if test="$equivalencies"> - <element name="html:div"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> <choose> <when test="self::rdfs:Datatype"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Equivalent Data Range</text> </element> <for-each select="$equivalencies"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-class"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -696,12 +706,12 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </for-each> </when> <when test="self::owl:Class"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Equivalent Class</text> </element> <for-each select="$equivalencies"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-class"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -710,12 +720,12 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </for-each> </when> <when test="$kind='property'"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Equivalent Property</text> </element> <for-each select="$equivalencies"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -724,12 +734,12 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </for-each> </when> <otherwise> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Same As</text> </element> <for-each select="$equivalencies"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-individual"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -743,13 +753,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <if test="$inverses"> <choose> <when test="$kind='class'"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Complement Of</text> </element> <for-each select="$inverses"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-class"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -759,13 +769,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </when> <when test="$kind='property'"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Inverse Of</text> </element> <for-each select="$inverses"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -779,13 +789,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <if test="$supers"> <choose> <when test="$kind='class'"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Subclass Of</text> </element> <for-each select="$supers"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-class"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -795,13 +805,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </when> <when test="$kind='property'"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Subproperty Of</text> </element> <for-each select="$supers"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -813,13 +823,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </choose> </if> <if test="owl:hasKey"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Target For Key</text> </element> <for-each select="owl:hasKey"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <for-each select="*"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"/> <if test="position()<last()"> @@ -831,13 +841,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </if> <if test="owl:propertyChainAxiom"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Property Chain</text> </element> <for-each select="owl:propertyChainAxiom"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <for-each select="*"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"/> <if test="position()<last()"> @@ -849,52 +859,52 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </if> <if test="key('Vocab:subclass', @rdf:about)"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Superclass Of</text> </element> <for-each select="key('Vocab:subclass', @rdf:about)"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-class"/> </element> </for-each> </element> </if> <if test="key('Vocab:subproperty', @rdf:about)"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Superproperty Of</text> </element> <for-each select="key('Vocab:subproperty', @rdf:about)"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"/> </element> </for-each> </element> </if> <if test="rdfs:domain"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Domain</text> </element> <for-each select="rdfs:domain"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="(@rdf:resource|*)[1]" mode="Vocab:render-class"/> </element> </for-each> </element> </if> <if test="rdfs:range"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Range</text> </element> <for-each select="rdfs:range"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="(@rdf:resource|*)[1]" mode="Vocab:render-class"/> </element> </for-each> @@ -903,13 +913,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one <if test="$disjoints"> <choose> <when test="$kind='class'"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Disjoint With</text> </element> <for-each select="$disjoints"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-class"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -919,13 +929,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </when> <when test="$kind='property'"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Property Disjoint With</text> </element> <for-each select="$disjoints"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-property"> <with-param name="root" select="$root"/> <with-param name="resource-context" select="$resource-context"/> @@ -937,13 +947,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </choose> </if> <if test="skos:inScheme"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>In Scheme</text> </element> <for-each select="skos:inScheme"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <call-template name="Vocab:link-to"> <with-param name="resource" select="string(@rdf:resource)"/> <with-param name="kind" select="'individual'"/> @@ -953,13 +963,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </if> <if test="rdfs:isDefinedBy[not(starts-with(@rdf:resource, $base-iri))]"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Is Defined By</text> </element> <for-each select="rdfs:isDefinedBy[not(starts-with(@rdf:resource, $base-iri))]"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <choose> <when test="@rdf:resource"> <call-template name="Vocab:link-to"> @@ -969,7 +979,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </when> <when test="anno:ResourceSelection"> <variable name="base" select="string(anno:ResourceSelection/anno:hasSource/@rdf:resource)"/> - <element name="html:a"> + <element name="a" namespace="&xhtml;"> <attribute name="href"> <choose> <when test="not(anno:ResourceSelection/anno:hasSelector/anno:FragmentSelector)"> @@ -989,7 +999,7 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </attribute> <choose> <when test="key('Vocab:named-individual', $base)"> - <element name="html:cite"> + <element name="cite" namespace="&xhtml;"> <for-each select="key('Vocab:named-individual', $base)[1]"> <attribute name="lang"> <value-of select="rdfs:label[1]/@xml:lang"/> @@ -1002,16 +1012,16 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </when> <otherwise> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <value-of select="$base"/> </element> </otherwise> </choose> <text> </text> <if test="anno:ResourceSelection/anno:hasSelector/anno:FragmentSelector"> - <element name="html:small"> + <element name="small" namespace="&xhtml;"> <text>[</text> - <element name="html:code"> + <element name="code" namespace="&xhtml;"> <text>#</text> <value-of select="anno:ResourceSelection/anno:hasSelector/anno:FragmentSelector/rdf:value"/> </element> @@ -1029,13 +1039,13 @@ If a copy of the M·P·L was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one </element> </if> <if test="vocabstatus:term_status"> - <element name="html:div"> - <element name="html:dt"> + <element name="div" namespace="&xhtml;"> + <element name="dt" namespace="&xhtml;"> &en; <text>Status</text> </element> <for-each select="vocabstatus:term_status"> - <element name="html:dd"> + <element name="dd" namespace="&xhtml;"> <apply-templates select="." mode="Vocab:render-value"/> </element> </for-each>