summary |
shortlog |
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commit | commitdiff |
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inline | side by side (from parent 1:
- Minor changes to descriptions.
- Removal of redundant relationships between the vocabularies.
- foaf:topic is now a subproperty of dcterms:subject, as it probably
always should have been.
- sioc:webPage now has a range of foaf:Document.
31 files changed:
<SpecificResource source="(DCMI)" fragment=""/>
<SpecificResource source="(DCMI)" fragment=""/>
- <equivalentClass>
- <resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
- </equivalentClass>
<label xml:lang="en">date available</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date available</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will become available.
+ A date on which this thing did or will become available.
<!DOCTYPE DatatypeProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
<!DOCTYPE DatatypeProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
- <label xml:lang="en">date available</label>
+ <label xml:lang="en">bibliographic citation</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
A bibliographic reference for this thing.
<comment xml:lang="en">
A bibliographic reference for this thing.
<label xml:lang="en">date accepted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date accepted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will be accepted.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be accepted.
<label xml:lang="en">date copyrighted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date copyrighted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will be placed under copyright.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be placed under copyright.
<ptr target="(DCMI)"/> states:
<ptr target="(DCMI)"/> states:
<label xml:lang="en">date submitted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date submitted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will be submitted to a relevant institution.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be submitted to a relevant institution.
<label xml:lang="en">date issued</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date issued</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date on which this this thing did or will be issued.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be issued.
<ptr target="(ANNO)"/> constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, but this ontology does not recognize this constraint.
<ptr target="(ANNO)"/> constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, but this ontology does not recognize this constraint.
<label xml:lang="en">date modified</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date modified</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date on which this this thing did or will be modified.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be modified.
<ptr target="(ANNO)"/> constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, but this ontology does not recognize this constraint.
<ptr target="(ANNO)"/> constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, but this ontology does not recognize this constraint.
<label xml:lang="en">date valid</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
<label xml:lang="en">date valid</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date on which this this thing did or will be valid.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be valid.
This ontology constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, for parity with the other <ptr target="dcterms:date"/> subproperties.
This ontology constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, for parity with the other <ptr target="dcterms:date"/> subproperties.
The Shapes Constraint Language, or Shacl, provides a vocabulary for defining constraints on R·D·F graphs.
In this sense, it is very useful as a base model for describing how vocabularies should be used, but not very useful for modelling concepts within the vocabularies themselves.
Consequently, most terms from Shacl are not defined here.
The Shapes Constraint Language, or Shacl, provides a vocabulary for defining constraints on R·D·F graphs.
In this sense, it is very useful as a base model for describing how vocabularies should be used, but not very useful for modelling concepts within the vocabularies themselves.
Consequently, most terms from Shacl are not defined here.
- However, this ontology does annotate <em>itself</em> with <ptr target="sh:declare"/>, to declare which prefixes it recommends and uses for various name·spaces.
+ However, this ontology does annotate <em>itself</em> with <ptr target="shacl:declare"/>, to declare which prefixes it recommends and uses for various name·spaces.
<!DOCTYPE NamedIndividual SYSTEM "../../DTD">
<NamedIndividual name="">
<!DOCTYPE NamedIndividual SYSTEM "../../DTD">
<NamedIndividual name="">
- <label xml:lang="en">Swap Pim</label>
+ <label xml:lang="en">Swap P·I·M</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
Swap (the <ref target="">Semantic Web Application Platform</ref>) was a very early set of tools for working with linked data, created by timbl.
<comment xml:lang="en">
Swap (the <ref target="">Semantic Web Application Platform</ref>) was a very early set of tools for working with linked data, created by timbl.
Those terms are defined here.
Those terms are defined here.
- The vocabularies encompassed by Swap Pim include :—
+ The vocabularies encompassed by Swap P·I·M include :—
A home page for this thing.
A home page for this thing.
- The meaning of “home page” is not clear and may not match the vernacular; “home pages” were originally literally the pages that one set to load when the “home” button was pressed in the browser.
+ The meaning of “home page” is not clear and may not match the vernacular (or that of <ptr target="foaf:homepage"/>); “home pages” were originally literally the pages that one set to load when the “home” button was pressed in the browser.
If the “home page” is publicly accessible, use <ptr target="contact:publicHomePage"/>.
If the “home page” is publicly accessible, use <ptr target="contact:publicHomePage"/>.
<SpecificResource source="(SWAP-PIM)"/>
<SpecificResource source="(SWAP-PIM)"/>
+ <range>
+ <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
+ </range>
<resource name="dcterms:rights"/>
<resource name="dcterms:rights"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="dcterms:RightsStatement"/>
- </range>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isFormatOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isPartOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isVersionOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isReferencedBy"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isReplacedBy"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isRequiredBy"/>
- </inverseOf>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_depiction"/>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_depiction"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:depicts"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="foaf:Image"/>
<resource name="foaf:Image"/>
<resource name="foaf:depiction"/>
<resource name="foaf:depiction"/>
- <domain>
- <resource name="foaf:Image"/>
- </domain>
<resource name="contact:webPage"/>
<resource name="contact:webPage"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </range>
<resource name="foaf:Person"/>
<resource name="foaf:Person"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Image"/>
- </range>
<resource name="foaf:primaryTopic"/>
<resource name="foaf:primaryTopic"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </range>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_made"/>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_made"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:maker"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
<resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
<resource name="foaf:made"/>
<resource name="foaf:made"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
- </range>
A <ref target="foaf:Document">Document</ref> for which this thing is a <ref target="foaf:topic">topic</ref>.
A <ref target="foaf:Document">Document</ref> for which this thing is a <ref target="foaf:topic">topic</ref>.
+ <p>
+ The Document is not <em>necessarily</em> a webpage.
+ </p>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_page"/>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_page"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:topic"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="foaf:Document"/>
<resource name="foaf:Document"/>
<resource name="foaf:topic"/>
<resource name="foaf:topic"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
- <domain>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </domain>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_topic"/>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_topic"/>
+ <subPropertyOf>
+ <resource name="dcterms:subject"/>
+ </subPropertyOf>
<resource name="foaf:page"/>
<resource name="foaf:page"/>
- <domain>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </domain>
<!DOCTYPE ObjectProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
<!DOCTYPE ObjectProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
- <label xml:lang="en">has topical interest</label>
+ <label xml:lang="en">has topic of interest</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
A thing which this <ref target="foaf:Agent">Agent</ref> is interested in.
<comment xml:lang="en">
A thing which this <ref target="foaf:Agent">Agent</ref> is interested in.