Lady [Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:10:58 +0000 (21:10 -0500)]
Add Olo
This defines Ordered Lists as effectively a more ergonomic kind of
Aggregation, which helps with bridging them and Ore‐ or P·C·D·M‐based
models. One caveat is that this requires Slots to have exactly one
item, and their item to be an object (i·e not a literal). In an
alternate universe, Slots could instead have had _either_ an item _or_
a value, but it’s simple enough to just make their item be an object
with that value instead.
Lady [Sun, 23 Feb 2025 23:28:05 +0000 (18:28 -0500)]
Improvements to P·C·D·M and Ore modelling
- `ore:Proxy` is now a subclass of `anno:ResourceSelection`, via the
new `ladys:Proxy` class (a Resource Selection which explicitly
selects everything).
- P·C·D·M object property domains and ranges have been expanded to just
`ore:Aggregation` where appropriate, enabling their use with other
kinds of Aggregations.
- Ore Proxy properties now imply membership in the Aggregation that the
Proxy is in.
- The use of `rel:previous` and `rel:next` for Proxies as specified by
P·C·D·M has been documented and appropriate restrictions applied.
Lady [Sun, 12 Jan 2025 23:00:56 +0000 (18:00 -0500)]
Remove ladys:title and ladys:splashText
These properties were originally defined just so that there would be
something in here. They aren¦t actually used, and it¦s unclear whether
they have the correct design.
Lady [Wed, 1 Jan 2025 19:47:33 +0000 (14:47 -0500)]
Improve agential modelling
The vocabulary previously made a fair number of assumptions about
agenthood which probably should not be sustained. `awol:Person` can
now be a `foaf:OnlineAccount`, not just a `foaf:Person`, for example.
Lady [Fri, 13 Sep 2024 03:21:12 +0000 (23:21 -0400)]
Refine Awol model
- awol:Content can simply be equivalent to “anything with an awol:body
or an awol:src”, and its restrictions are consequently inherited by
any object which uses those properties. This simplifies the model,
and makes it better match intended usage. awol:Content and awol:Link
are made disjoint to prevent confusion with awol:lang and awol:type,
which can (now) apply to either.
- awol:lang in particular is refined to not just provide the language
of awol:Link¦s, but potentially any resource (as is true of
awol:type). However, a domain restriction is made: If awol:Content
has an awol:body which is a language‐tagged string, it must not also
have an awol:lang. This continues to offer two possible encodings for
plaintext content, one as an xsd:string with an awol:type of
`text/plain` and an awol:lang, and another as a language‐tagged
string with no awol:type or awol:lang. The latter is preferred.
- Many things are now classified as foaf:Document¦s which previously
weren¦t, but reasonably should have been.