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1 # rinna's chess study plan
3 On 13th September 2023, I started following a formal 12-week study plan
4 from [some website][ChessGoals] that has different study plans for
5 different skill levels/rating bands.
6 I'm just doing their plan for beginners right now.
8 (Note: all books rinna mentions are likely available from your
9 not-so-local library.)
11 ## Overall structure
13 The basic structure of the study plan has me do three things each day
14 (four on the last day of each week, so Tuesdays for me).
16 Two parts are the same each day:
18 1. Check on my "daily"[^daily explanation] game.
19 That is, a game which allows 1 or more days per move (I went with 3
20 days, although so far each player has moved at least once or twice a
21 day).
22 Once it completes I am to analyze the game and start a new one.
23 2. Do 5 chess puzzles.
24 I've been using lichess's ["Practice" section][lichess practice] for
25 this, working my way through the basic tactics puzzles.
27 The third part varies from day to day and week to week between these
28 options:
30 * Play 1 rapid game with a 15+10[^time controls] time control.
31 * Play 4 blitz games with a 5+5[^time controls] time control.
32 * Study/practice basic endgames.
33 I'm using the book _Silman's Complete Endgame Course_ by IM Jeremy
34 Silman for this, and the endgame practice features on lichess and
35 chess.com to practice endgames.
36 The ones the study plan recommends studying for newbs like myself are
37 those involving one or two queens or rooks (+ king) vs. a lone enemy
38 king.
39 * Study openings for 45 minutes.
40 The study plan suggests several options to use for this and I'm going
41 to be reading _Winning Chess Openings_ by GM Yasser Seirawan for
42 this.
43 This starts from week 2 and takes place on the same day as the
44 endgame practice.
45 * Read and play through a game from _Logical Chess: Move by Move_ by
46 Irving Chernev.
48 After each game I play, I'm supposed to analyze the game for things I
49 could improve on and what went well.
51 ## Rating Table
53 My rating and performance over time (on chess.com):
55 | Week | Blitz rating |Rapid rating | Blitz win/loss | Rapid win/loss |
56 |------|--------------|-------------|----------------|----------------|
57 | 1 | N/A | 429 | 3-1 | 4-1 |
58 | 2 | 686 | 508 | 6-6 | 0-0 |
59 | 3 | 725 | 508 | 1-3 | 2-0 |
60 | 4 | 694 | 535 | 3-9 | 0-0 |
61 | 5 | 615 | 535 | 0-0 | 0-0 |
63 Notes:
65 * Each row represents my ratings at the beginning of each week unless
66 stated otherwise.
67 Game results are for games played during that week.
68 * I had never played any blitz games prior to starting the study plan.
69 * Prior to starting the study plan I had mostly been playing on lichess
70 rather than chess.com, so improvements from week 1 to week 2 may just
71 be my having improved since when I had last been playing on
72 chess.com.
74 ## Status report
76 ### Week 1
78 I've really appreciated having a more structured plan going on.
79 I have done some extracurricular studying hehe, because the study plan
80 has helped me get even more excited about chess (also because I have
81 some spaced repetition stuff going on, so I'm obviously not gonna
82 abandon that just because I've also got this study plan).
84 The plan has also helped to ensure I actually play games. :)
85 The blitz games are helping me learn to use my time more efficiently.
87 My first daily game has been going really excitingly.
88 I've included an animated GIF below showing the game so far (up through
89 move 19 for both white and black).
90 I have the black pieces.
93 [![an animated display of the moves from the game][gif versus
94 TPTCOAT]][daily game versus TPTCOAT]
96 [gif versus TPTCOAT]:
97 https://alicebenighted.neocities.org/misc-images/chess/vs-tptcoat.gif
98 [daily game versus TPTCOAT]:
99 https://www.chess.com/game/daily/561280087
101 ### Week 2
103 From this week on, the study plan decreases the games played a little
104 to make room for studying the games from _Logical Chess Move by Move_.
105 Which is a fun book!
106 It's a bit of an old book, so some of the analyses are by now
107 demonstrably erroneous due to further developments in the understanding
108 of chess (and the advent of chess engines), but it's interesting.
109 It goes through a bunch of historical master-level games and explains
110 the ideas behind (and sometimes flaws in) each move.
112 Yesterday I also got to get started on _Winning Chess Openings_ (okay,
113 that's a lie, i've been doing a bit of extracurricular reading on it
114 already. but i did more yesterday).
115 Which is also a great book.
116 I've reached the section of the book where it's basically giving a
117 whirlwind tour of every classical king's pawn opening (which is to say,
118 ones beginning 1. e4 e5, with both players moving the pawn in front of
119 their king two squares).
120 Next it's gonna do the same for classical queen's pawn openings (1. d4
121 d5), and then for modern king's/queen's pawn openings (where the second
122 player doesn't mirror the first's move, intending to contest or attack
123 their position in the center in some other way).
125 The games this week were all blitz games.
126 I went 6-6, (3-1, 2-2, and 1-3 across the different days I played
127 them).
128 Looking back I notice I went 6-1 with the white pieces and 0-5 with the
129 black pieces.
130 Huh.
131 (And the black games were all in the Caro-Kann, which is how I respond
132 to 1. e4.)
133 Gonna need to work on that I guess, hehe.
135 I won my daily game that was going really excitingly.
136 Played another game against the same person as well as starting a new
137 game.
138 The rematch went in my favor again, and now we're doing another (now
139 unrated) game.
140 The new daily game I got a bit reckless and tried a Qa5+ tactic (this
141 is moving your queen to check the opponent's king with the intention of
142 then capturing a different piece with the queen when they have to move
143 to defend; awkwardly I failed to notice that they could both block the
144 check and defend the piece I was going after by moving their queen)
145 that hasn't panned out so I had to spend several moves getting my queen
146 to safety.
147 I've managed to stabilize the situation so we'll see how that works
148 out. :)
150 ## Week 3
152 Blitz games didn't go so hot this week.
153 My big weakness there was not thinking quickly enough and getting short
154 on time.
155 Week 4 will be all blitz games so hopefully that'll help me work on
156 that.
157 The rapid games went well, though. :)
158 Daily games remain fun but have slowed down a bit.
160 I finished up the Classical King's Pawn Openings chapter in the
161 openings book. And part 1 of the endgames book!
162 Next week will be Classical Queen's Pawn Openings time, plus some less
163 noob-level endgame study.
165 Outside the study plan per se, I've been working some on my opening
166 repertoire.
167 I ended up watching some videos from a chess coach who advocates an
168 approach based on going deep on a main line (both in the sense of going
169 all the way into the middlegame, and also in the sense of thoroughly
170 analyzing the line so as to develop a strong understanding of the plans
171 and motivations of both sides throughout), then working backwards and
172 analyzing in similar depth any branches where the opponent might make a
173 different move.
174 It's an intriguing approach, and I want to give it a try.
175 I've gone deep on one main line in the Ruy Lopez (which is what I aim
176 to play with the white pieces), though I haven't done the branching
177 out yet.
178 I haven't really done similarly on other openings yet either.
179 I kinda need to decide what defense I want to use against 1. d4.
180 I've gone back and forth on it (I have played very few games against it
181 lately tbh), but I think at this point I'm deciding between the
182 Grünfeld Defense and an approach based on the Nimzo-Indian and either
183 Queen's Indian or Bogo-Indian.
184 I might also consider trying to switch from the Caro-Kann against 1. e4
185 to a Sicilian Defense.
186 I like the Caro-Kann, but it's hard to find a good source on the
187 theory, and it doesn't seem too successful or popular at the top-level
188 lately so I can't look at those games for ideas either.
189 In contrast the Sicilian is the most common response to 1. e4, and I've
190 found some great books and such on it.
191 Anyway, interesting stuff. ^^
193 That's been week 3.
195 ## Week 4
197 Once again I've done poorly in blitz, alas (0-4, 1-3, and 2-2 on the
198 three days I played blitz games).
199 My big weak points in those games were:
201 1. Opening unfamiliarity, which isn't necessarily a big deal at my
202 level in slower time controls, but in blitz it means I have to spend
203 a lot of time thinking about it early on and I suffer from time
204 pressure later.
205 2. Time management (contributed to by the preceding and contributing to
206 the following).
207 3. Blundering my pieces. >.>
209 I did have some quite effective attacking play in the wins, including
210 one where I used it to recover from a mistake into a win.
211 I think I really need to work on thinking faster, though.
212 Which probably means I should do more tactics puzzles, possibly in a
213 more structured way.
214 That won't necessarily help me actually think faster, but it'll train
215 my ability to recognize important tactical patterns faster anyway.
216 So that would mean I don't need to expend as much explicit thinking on
217 that sort of thing.
219 My daily games have gone well.
220 Both my rated game and my unrated game against TPTCOAT started out with
221 me on the back foot a bit, but then I managed to outplay my opponent
222 and start gradually closing out the game.
223 After winning both of those, I started another rated game and another
224 unrated game, and have won the latter already with a somewhat early
225 checkmate.
226 The rated game is about to end in my favor.
227 I experimented with the Sicilian Defense there, though my opponent went
228 for the Closed Sicilian, which I haven't looked into at all.
229 I ended up pulling off a [windmill][windmills] that took four of their
230 pawns for free.
231 Later I realized that I had gained the ability to checkmate them about
232 halfway through that, but eh, no harm in grabbing the material just in
233 case I miscalculated the mate.
235 My opening study and preparation is getting more thorough now.
236 I've studied the main lines of the Grünfeld (my defense against 1. d4)
237 and prepared my preferred response against the Caro-Kann and the
238 trickier variant of the Scandinavian Defense as white.
239 I've also studied the main lines of the Najdorf Sicilian (my main
240 defense against 1. e4, although I'll need to do a bit more studying to
241 know how to handle a couple of different ways White can play instead of
242 going into open Sicilian positions).
244 This week is back to some rapid games, so I think those will go better
245 for me. :)
247 [^daily explanation]:
248 "Daily" is just what chess.com calls games with such a time control.
249 Chess.com is very popular (and according to the data gathered by that
250 site, chess.com blitz rating is most well-correlated with
251 over-the-board FIDE ratings, despite the very different time
252 controls), so the study plan used that terminology.
253 [^time controls]:
254 Chess time controls (at least in the shorter range) are often written
255 as N+M.
256 This means that each player starts out with N minutes on their clock
257 and gets M seconds added to it for each move.
258 Currently I am sticking to 5+5 (5 minutes initially + 5 seconds per
259 move) for blitz games and 15+10 (15 minutes initially + 10 seconds
260 per move) for rapid games.
261 "Blitz" and "rapid" are just terms that refer to ranges of time
262 controls shorter than the classical time controls used in
263 most over-the-board tournaments.
265 [ChessGoals]:
266 https://chessgoals.com
267 [lichess practice]:
268 https://lichess.org/practice
269 [windmills]:
270 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windmill_(chess)
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