# Hongye’s Journal A record of events in [][@:Hongye94]’s pokémon journey. : [2023-08-28]{as=time}[^time] Big chain of events culminated in the start of several new journeys today. To summarize :— - A while back, a new girl (Gloria) moved into Postwick and hit it off with Hop, who is about her age. Leon caught wind of this and decided to gift them both pokémon, out of the hope, as Sonia would have it, that having a rival would encourage Hop to get more serious about pokémon training. - Day 2 of them both having pokémon, the youngsters run off into the Slumbering Weald (!!) to rescue a Wooloo and give everyone a fright. They go on and on about seeing a mysterious pokémon there, which gets Leon and Sonia interested for their own reasons—Sonia’s are academic; I can’t claim to know Leon’s but evidently he has been pestering her about legendary super‐strong pokémon for some time. - After getting Pokédexes and meeting with Professor Magnolia, Hop and Gloria manage to pressure Leon into endorsing them for the Gym Challenge. The professor evidently twists this to somehow pressure Sonia into setting off too. Not really sure what she’s hoping to accomplish, but I think she misses being on the road and Professor Magnolia knows it. In any case, I accompanied her to the station to see her off. (Would have gone with her if she’d asked.) - A train (from the Isle of Armor connexion) pulled in just after Sonia’s departed, carrying a rogue Slowpoke. Bit uncertain how it managed getting off the island, as that part of the journey is usually managed by flying taxi. Everybody just kind of hung around the station unsure of what to do until I offered to catch it. Oddly, there was another guy there who seemed totally enamoured with the pokémon, but he didn’t make any claims on it; performance anxiety maybe, wot with all the watching eyes. So the end result is that I have a Slowpoke to take care of now. Honestly, my plan is just to head to the Isle of Armor and release it back into the wild; I don’t have any need for another pokémon but mainland Galar is clearly not its correct habitat. I might see if Professor Magnolia has any tasks I can do there as well—not exactly looking forward to spending the next few months in Wedgehurst while everybody else is off having adventures. [^time]: The dates here are “real‐world” dates not “in‐universe” dates, which is more useful for following along in real time but less useful for roleplaying purposes. Do we have a preference? [][@:Lady]{.sig}