--- /dev/null
+ xml:lang="en"
+ xmlns:awol="http://bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/"
+ xmlns:dc11="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+ xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ xmlns:sioc="http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#"
+ <dc11:title>C·I pipelines have you down? Why not ‹ touch .grass ›?!</dc11:title>
+ <dc11:date>2023-05-06T23:19:48-07:00</dc11:date>
+ <dc11:abstract rdf:parseType="Markdown"><![CDATA[
+You’re already building your site locally to develop it and test in
+your browser. You don’t need to build it again on someone else’s
+machine. Just upload the dang site.
+ <sioc:content rdf:parseType="Markdown">< can be used if you are pushing to a
+ Neocities site.
+In addition, you will need basic familiarity with the command line.
+## A Simple Build Script
+For demonstration purposes, let’s get ourselves a build script for
+generating a website. [Deno](https://deno.com/runtime) provides a fast
+and convenient way to write useful scripts, so I’ll use that. The
+following is a simple Deno script for converting Markdown files into
+their H·T·M·L equivalents.
+#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write
+// build.js
+// ====================================================================
+// Copyright © 2023 Lady [@ Lady’s Computer].
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at <https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/>.
+// We’ll use the `rusty_markdown` package to parse Markdown files.
+import {
+ html as markdownTokensToHTML,
+ tokens as markdownTokens,
+} from "https://deno.land/x/rusty_markdown@v0.4.1/mod.ts";
+ * Processes a directory by converting all the Markdown files in it
+ * (recursively) to HTML.
+ */
+const processDirectory = async (path) => {
+ for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(path)) {
+ // Iterate over each entry in this directory and handle it
+ // accordingly.
+ const { isDirectory, isFile, name } = entry;
+ if (isFile && /\.(?:md|markdown)$/.test(name)) {
+ // This entry is a file ending in `.md` or `.markdown`. Parse its
+ // text contents into H·T·M·L and write the corresponding file.
+ const markdown = await Deno.readTextFile(`${path}/${name}`);
+ const html = markdownTokensToHTML(markdownTokens(markdown));
+ await Deno.writeTextFile(
+ `${path}/${name.replace(/\.(?:md|markdown)$/, ".html")}`,
+ `<!DOCTYPE html>${ html }`,
+ );
+ } else if (isDirectory) {
+ // This entry is a directory. Process it.
+ await processDirectory(`${path}/${name}`);
+ }
+ }
+// Process the current directory (or the one supplied to the script).
+await processDirectory(Deno.args[0] || ".");
+Obviously, this script leaves a lot to be desired: It doesn’t do any
+templating, styling, or other processing of the input files, and so the
+resulting H·T·M·L pages will be very boring. But it is good enough for
+a demo. Feel free to substitute for this script whatever build system
+you like.
+## A Simple Makefile
+Building our website is already pretty easy, but there’s nothing easier
+than just typing `make`, so next let’s create a Makefile for it. If
+you’ve never encountered a Makefile before, they simply (or
+not‐so‐simply) group targets (followed by a colon and their
+prerequisites) with the rules (preceded by a tab) needed to make them.
+There is a whole lot more information in [the GNU Make
+manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/), but for
+this post that’s the gist. A simple one might look like this :—
+ deno run --allow-read --allow-write ./build.js
+Make automatically builds the first target if you don’t specify one on
+the command line, so now when you type `make` it should build your
+site. Hooray!
+While we’re at it, let’s add some rules for syncing, too.
+# …continued from above
+# This code assumes you have defined an Rsync filter at `.rsync-filter`
+# which excludes all the files you don’t want to sync. If you’re using
+# the Neocities C·L·I, it should automatically ignore anything in your
+# `.gitignore`.
+# I’m not going to go into all of the details on how Rsync works right
+# now, but I encourage you to read up on it if you ever need to sync a
+# local and remote copy of your website.
+ rsync -Oclmrtvz --del --dry-run --filter=". .rsync-filter" . webserver:www/public
+ rsync -Oclmrtvz --del --filter=". .rsync-filter" . webserver:www/public
+Now `make dry-sync` will show us what will happen if we try to sync our
+local repository with our webserver, and `make sync` will actually do
+it. `make && make sync` is an all‐in‐one way of building and syncing
+our website, which is pretty convenient.
+The above Makefile is literally all you need to build and deploy your
+site, but it comes with some drawbacks. If you forget to build before
+you sync, you might accidentally push an older version of your site
+than you intended. And what about version control? It would be nice
+if we ensure that is up‐to‐date at the same time.
+## Adding Version Control Support
+In fact you can add all of that functionality to the same Makefile
+without compromising the simplicity of running `make` and `make sync`.
+Let’s start with version control: `git status --porcelain` will give us
+the current status of the working tree, and be empty if all of our
+changes are committed. `[ ! -z $(git status --porcelain) ]` is how you
+say “`git status --porcelain` is not empty” in command line, so we can
+use that to create the following check :—
+if [ ! -z "$(git status --porcelain)" ]
+ echo 'Error: There are uncommitted changes!'
+ echo 'Commit changes and run `make` before syncing.'
+ exit 1
+Let’s also test that the current branch is up‐to‐date. In Git, the
+current branch is signified with `HEAD` and its upstream can be
+signified with `@{u}`. The command `git merge-base --is-ancestor` will
+error if its first argument isn’t an ancestor of its second, so we can
+use it in an `if` statement directly.
+if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor @{u} HEAD
+ echo 'Error: This branch is currently out‐of‐date!'
+ echo 'Pull in changes with `git pull` before syncing.'
+ exit 1
+When we convert these checks into Makefile, we need to collapse them
+into single lines and escape any dollar signs (with additional dollar
+signs). So the Makefile rules for ensuring our files are committed and
+our branch is up‐to‐date are :—
+# The `@` at the beginning of the if statements tells Make not to
+# bother printing anything for those lines. That’s okay, since the
+# lines will echo out their own content if there is an error.
+ git fetch
+ @if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor @{u} HEAD; then echo 'Error: This branch is currently out‐of‐date!'; echo 'Pull in changes with `git pull` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+ @if [ ! -z "$$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo 'Error: There are uncommitted changes!'; echo 'Commit changes and run `make` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+We can ensure these checks run by adding them as prerequisites to our
+syncing targets. Let’s add a `git push` to our `sync` target as well,
+since we now know our branch is up‐to‐date.
+dry-sync: ensure-clean ensure-branch-up-to-date
+ rsync -Oclmrtvz --del --dry-run --filter=". .rsync-filter" . webserver:www/public
+sync: ensure-clean ensure-branch-up-to-date
+ rsync -Oclmrtvz --del --filter=". .rsync-filter" . webserver:www/public
+ git push
+## Checking for Builds by Touching Grass
+To make sure that our latest build is current, we need to add an
+additional rule to our `build` target :—
+ deno run --allow-read --allow-write ./build.js
+ touch .grass
+`touch` is a simple command which updates the modification time on a
+file, creating it if it doesn’t already exist. By touching `.grass` (an
+otherwise meaningless file which we wouldn’t ever modify manually), we
+can easily keep track of when our site was last built. **Add this file
+to your `.gitignore` file so that Git doesn’t ever touch it for you.**
+Because we already have checks in place to ensure that all of our
+changes have been committed, ensuring our build is current is just a
+matter of comparing times with the commit date on the latest commit.
+You can get the modification date of `.grass` with
+`stat -f '%m' .grass` (`%m` for “modified”), and you can get the last
+commit time with `git log -1 --format='%ct'` (`%ct` for “commit time”).
+So some suitable checks might be :—
+# This check ensures a file named `.grass` exists.
+if [ ! -f .grass ]
+ echo 'Error: The website has not been built yet!'
+ echo 'Run `make` before syncing.'
+ exit 1
+# This check ensures the commit time isn’t greater than the modified
+# time.
+if [ "$(git log -1 --format='%ct')" -gt "$(stat -f '%m' .grass)" ]
+ echo 'Error: A commit was made after the last build!'
+ echo 'Run `make` before syncing.'
+ exit 1
+Once again, when we move these checks into our Makefile, we need to
+collapse them into single lines and escape their dollar signs :—
+ @if [ ! -f .grass ]; then echo 'Error: The website has not been built yet!'; echo 'Run `make` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+ @if [ "$$(git log -1 --format='%ct')" -gt "$$(stat -f '%m' .grass)" ]; then echo 'Error: A commit was made after the last build!'; echo 'Run `make` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+## Putting it all together
+Our final Makefile might look something like this :—
+# Makefile
+# =====================================================================
+# © 2023 Lady [@ Lady’s Computer].
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ deno run --allow-read --allow-write ./build.js
+ touch .grass
+ git fetch
+ @if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor @{u} HEAD; then echo 'Error: This branch is currently out‐of‐date!'; echo 'Pull in changes with `git pull` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+ @if [ ! -z "$$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo 'Error: There are uncommitted changes!'; echo 'Commit changes and run `make` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+ @if [ ! -f .grass ]; then echo 'Error: The website has not been built yet!'; echo 'Run `make` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+ @if [ "$$(git log -1 --format='%ct')" -gt "$$(stat -f '%m' .grass)" ]; then echo 'Error: A commit was made after the last build!'; echo 'Run `make` before syncing.'; exit 1; fi
+dry-sync: ensure-clean ensure-branch-up-to-date ensure-build
+ rsync -Oclmrtvz --del --dry-run --filter=". .rsync-filter" . webserver:www/public
+sync: ensure-clean ensure-branch-up-to-date ensure-build
+ rsync -Oclmrtvz --del --filter=". .rsync-filter" . webserver:www/public
+ git push
+To recap, this Makefile :—
+- Builds the site with `make` (or `make build`) and pushes it to your
+ webserver with `make sync`.
+- Refuses to sync if your current branch isn’t up‐to‐date.
+- Refuses to sync if you have uncommitted changes in your working
+ directory.
+- Refuses to sync if you haven’t built your site since your latest
+ commit.
+It still isn’t perfect: It can’t protect you against incorrect builds
+which you make *after* your latest commit, for example builds based on
+files you have since deleted or stashed away. But it should catch most
+common mistakes. For a fuller example, see [the Makefile for this
+blog](https://git.ladys.computer/Blog/blob/14b487e:/GNUmakefile), which
+is a little more verbose and includes some (small) additional
+It’s rare that I see people working in website technologies
+(Javascript; static site generators) talking about Makefiles, which
+makes sense because they kind of have an association with old compiled
+languages and application programming. But they’re dead‐simple to
+write, and can really simplify automation of a lot of tasks! Mostly I
+worry that people write themselves into either overly‐complicated
+technical solutions or a lot of error‐prone manual work for something
+which could be as easy as typing a few words on a command line.
+Don’t let this be you! Do the easy thing! `make sync`!
+ <dc11:rights rdf:parseType="Markdown"><![CDATA[
+Copyright © 2023 Lady <small>[Exquisite Grass‐Toucher]</small>.
+Some rights reserved.
+This blogpost is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</cite></a>.