--- /dev/null
+ xml:lang="en"
+ xmlns:awol="http://bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/"
+ xmlns:dc11="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+ xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ xmlns:sioc="http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#"
+ <dc11:title>Hello, World!</dc11:title>
+ <dc11:date>2023-04-30T16:37:31-07:00</dc11:date>
+ <dc11:abstract rdf:parseType="Markdown"><![CDATA[
+An overview of this blog (and website). Welcome!
+ <sioc:content rdf:parseType="Markdown"><), and
+independent web {publishing ∣ technologies} in general.
+At the time of writing, the following subdomains have been set up :—
+- **[`blog.ladys.computer`](https://blog.ladys.computer/):** <b>You are
+ here!</b>
+- **[`git.ladys.computer`](https://git.ladys.computer/):** Public
+ (read‐only) access to my git repositories. Various helpful scripts,
+ code snippets, and the like! For example, the source code of this
+ blog is available at
+ [`https://git.ladys.computer/Blog`](https://git.ladys.computer/Blog).
+- **[`www.ladys.computer`](https://www.ladys.computer/):** Main landing
+ page.
+Infrastructurally, this website is hosted on a little bitty
+<s>Linode®</s><u>Akamai®</u> Nanode™ running Ubuntu and
+[Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/). There’s nothing fancy going on with
+this blog; it is built with [Bjørn](https://git.ladys.computer/Beorn)
+and then manually pushed to the server using `rsync`. I’ve a short
+which helps to make sure I do it right.
+You can follow along via Atom by pointing your feed reader at
+[`/feed.atom`](https://blog.ladys.computer/feed.atom). If you don’t
+already have a feed reader, I use
+[NetNewsWire](https://netnewswire.com) on macOS and iOS.
+ <dc11:rights rdf:parseType="Markdown"><![CDATA[
+Copyright © 2023 Lady <small>[Webmistress of Lady’s Computer]</small>.
+Some rights reserved.
+This blogpost is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</cite></a>.