import hljs from "npm:highlight.js@11.8.0";
-const processContent = (content) => {
+const contentLinks = new WeakMap();
+const processContent = function (content) {
if (content == null || Object(content) instanceof String) {
+ // The provided content is nullish or a string.
/* do nothing */
} else if (Array.isArray(content)) {
// The provided content is an array.
- content.forEach(processContent);
+ content.forEach(processContent.bind(this));
} else {
+ // The provided content is a NodeList.
for (const child of Array.from(content)) {
- applyHighlighting(child);
+, child);
-const applyHighlighting = (node) => {
+const applyTransforms = function (node) {
if (
node.localName == "pre" && node.childNodes.length == 1 &&
node.firstChild.localName == "code"
) {
+ // This is a code block and should be highlighted.
const code = node.firstChild;
const language = /language-(.*)/u.exec(code.getAttribute("class"))
for (const node of Array.from(nodes)) {
code.appendChild(code.ownerDocument.importNode(node, true));
+ return; // don’t continue processing this node
} catch (e) {
- } else if (node.nodeType == 1) {
- Array.from(node.childNodes).forEach(applyHighlighting);
+ } else if (node.localName == "a") {
+ const href = node.getAttribute("href");
+ const title = node.getAttribute("title");
+ if (title && href) {
+ contentLinks.get(this)[title] = href;
+ }
+ }
+ if (node.nodeType == 1) {
+ // This is an element; process its children.
+ Array.from(node.childNodes).forEach(applyTransforms.bind(this));
} else if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+ // This is a text node; apply replacements.
node.textContent = node.textContent.replaceAll(":—", ":\u2060—");
globalThis.bjørnTransformMetadata = (metadata, _type) => {
- processContent(metadata.content);
- processContent(metadata.summary);
+ contentLinks.set(metadata, {});
+, metadata.content);
+, metadata.summary);
globalThis.bjørnTransformFeedHTML = (document, _metadata) => {
+globalThis.bjørnTransformEntryHTML = (document, metadata) => {
+ const LMN = Lemon.bind({ document });
+ const links = Object.entries(contentLinks.get(metadata));
+ if (links.length) {
+ document.getElementById("entry.content").appendChild(
+ LMN.footer`${LMN.nav`${[
+ LMN.h2`This post contains links.`,
+ LMN.ul`${
+[name, href]) =>
+ )
+ }`,
+ ]}`}`,
+ );
+ }
await import(
#entry\.content::before{ Position: Absolute; Inset-Block: .5CH; Inset-Inline-Start: -4REM; Border-Block: 1PX #97596B Dashed; Border-Inline-Start: 1PX #97596B Dashed; Border-Start-Start-Radius: 1CH; Border-End-Start-Radius: 1CH; Inline-Size: 1CH; Box-Shadow: Inset 0 0 0 1PX #F3DEE3, Inset -2PX 0 0 0 #F3DEE3, Inset 2PX 0 0 0 #B38A96; Content: "" }
#entry\.content p,#entry\.content pre{ Counter-Increment: P }
#entry\.content p::before,#entry\.content pre::before{ Position: Absolute; Inset-Inline-Start: -4REM; Inset-Inline-End: 100%; Margin-Block: -1PX; Margin-Inline: Auto; Border: 1PX Solid; Border-Radius: 50%; Padding-Inline: 1CH; Inline-Size: Max-Content; Color: #1F7D63; Text-Align: Center; Content: "¶" Counter(P) }
+#entry\.content footer{ Margin-Block-Start: Calc(.5REM + .75EM); Margin-Inline: -1CH; Border-Block-Start: Thin #97596B Solid; Padding-Block: .25EM; Padding-Inline: 3CH; Font-Size: Smaller }
+#entry\.content footer h2{ Margin-Block: .5EM; Font-Size: 1.25EM; }
nav li[resource] div[property=""]{ Padding-Inline-Start: 4CH }
nav li[resource] div[property=""]::before{ Display: Block; Margin-Block: .5EM; Margin-Inline: -2CH 0; Font-Style: Italic; Font-Weight: Bold; Letter-Spacing: Calc(1EM / 18); Text-Decoration: Underline; Content: "Summary:" }
blockquote{ Border-Block-Color: #8396A9 #373F47; Border-Inline-Color: #8396A9 #373F47; Border-Style: Solid; Padding: .5REM 1CH; Color: #001B5F; Background: #E3E3E3; Box-Shadow: -2PX -2PX #D8E3FF, 2PX 2PX #6B95FF; Font-Style: Italic }