pre>code,pre>code.hljs{ Display: Block; Border: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #2D2B57 Outset; Padding-Block: 1EM; Padding-Inline: 2CH; Color: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #E3DFFF; Background: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #2D2B57; Font-Size: .75REM }
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pre>code,pre>code.hljs{ Display: Block; Border: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #2D2B57 Outset; Padding-Block: 1EM; Padding-Inline: 2CH; Color: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #E3DFFF; Background: /* to match the Shades of Purple theme */ #2D2B57; Font-Size: .75REM }
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