]> Lady’s Gitweb - Fortune/blob - README.markdown
Wrap <cit> contents in <quote>
[Fortune] / README.markdown
1 <!--
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5 # 🥠📇 Fortune
7 <b>Text excerpts worth considering.</b>
9 ## Directory Structure
11 Each fortune source (in `data/`) is provided in directory whose name
12 has the form `CREATOR__YEAR__IDENTIFIER`, where :⁠—
14 - **`CREATOR`** is the creator of the work.
15 Typically, this is the author, translator, producer, or otherwise
16 entity who is most directly responsible for the work existing in a
17 given form.
18 For people with multiple names, family name(s) are given first, in
19 all capitals, followed by their personal name(s).
20 Names in other languages are not romanized, except when the romanized
21 form is considered a distinct, and applicable, alias.
23 - **`YEAR`** is the (most recent) copyright year of the work.
24 This is, generally speaking, the year that the work was first
25 published.
27 - **`IDENTIFIER`** is a humanreadable identifier uniquely identifying
28 the work among all the sources.
29 Typically it is an abbreviated form of the work’s title.
31 Within each source directory, the following files can be found :⁠—
33 - **`bibl`:**
34 The bibliographic citation for the source.
35 This is an X·M·L file consisting of a single [T·E·I][TEI]
36 `<biblStruct>` element.
38 - **`info`:**
39 Information and commentary on the source.
40 This is an X·M·L file consisting of a single [T·E·I][TEI] `<div>`
41 element.
43 - **`fortunes/FORTUNE_IDENTIFIER`:**
44 A single fortune from the source.
45 This is an X·M·L file consisting of a single [T·E·I][TEI] `<cit>`
46 element.
47 Bibliographic information from the corresponding `bibl` file is not
48 repeated; however, additional bibliographic specificity (e·g
49 `<citedRange>`) may be provided in a `<bibl>` element.
51 ## Encoding Principles
53 Punctuation and spelling choices should adhere to the original rather
54 than be normalized, but line and page breaking (and any associated
55 hyphenation) should not be preserved.
56 Sentence‐terminal punctuation should be marked with
57 `<pc unit="sentence">`.
58 An empty `<pc unit="sentence">` may be used at the end of sentences
59 where the terminating punctuation is nested in quotes or unclear.
61 A short phrase within the fortune, suitable for recognition of its
62 contents, should be marked up with `<seg type="callout">`.
63 This phrase is typically also the source of the fortunes identifier.
65 The intention is that encoding be kept simple and easy to process.
66 A D·T·D is provided at `DTD` which all files are expected to validate
67 under; loading this DTD is _not_ intended to be necessary for
68 processing, altho the documents are not technically `standalone` (as
69 elements with element content _do_ contain additional white·space).
71 ## Licence
73 As many of the fortunes are copyrighted texts with no corresponding
74 licences, this repository is unable to conform to [REUSE][].
75 These copyrighted excerpts are provided with the understanding that
76 their inclusion here is fair use, but the applicability of this
77 sentiment to any downstream usage must be independently evaluated.
79 Lack of complete conformance notwithstanding, REUSE‐compatible comments
80 are provided on those files for which they are applicable.
82 [REUSE]: <https://reuse.software/spec/>
83 [TEI]: <https://tei-c.org>
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