]> Lady’s Gitweb - Fortune/blob - data/TURKLE_Sherry__1986__CompuReticence/bibl
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[Fortune] / data / TURKLE_Sherry__1986__CompuReticence / bibl
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!--
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
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6 <!DOCTYPE biblStruct SYSTEM "../../DTD">
7 <biblStruct xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:lang="en">
8 <analytic>
9 <title level="a">
10 <title type="main">
11 <seg>Computational Reticence</seg>
12 </title>
13 <title type="sub">
14 <seg>Why Women Fear the Intimate Machine</seg>
15 </title>
16 </title>
17 <author ref="https://sherryturkle.mit.edu">
18 <persName>
19 <forename>Sherry</forename>
20 <surname>Turkle</surname>
21 </persName>
22 </author>
23 <availability>
24 <p>Available on the web via the authors website: <ptr target="https://sherryturkle.mit.edu/sites/default/files/images/ST_Compu%20Reticence.pdf" mimeType="application/pdf"/><pc unit="sentence">.</pc></p>
25 </availability>
26 </analytic>
27 <monogr>
28 <title level="m">
29 <title type="main">
30 <seg>Technology and Women’s Voices</seg>
31 </title>
32 <title type="sub">
33 <seg>Keeping in touch</seg>
34 </title>
35 </title>
36 <editor>
37 <persName>
38 <forename>Cheris</forename>
39 <surname>Kramarae</surname>
40 </persName>
41 </editor>
42 <imprint>
43 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
44 <publisher>Pergamon Press</publisher>
45 <date when="1986"/>
46 </imprint>
47 <biblScope unit="page" from="41" to="61"/>
48 </monogr>
49 </biblStruct>
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