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38 Words and definitions taken from original handwritten lexis at <ptr target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qho:srcs:E.Hope/" mimeType="application/xhtml+xml" />.
48 <p>Comprehensive linguistic reference for the various <orgName>Langdev</orgName> languages.</p>
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913 <html:h1 class="titlePart main">
914 <call-template name="apply-attrs" />
920 <attribute name="class">titlePart <value-of select="@type" /></attribute>
921 <call-template name="apply-attrs" />
927 <template match="tei:expan/tei:choice[tei:abbr]">
928 <value-of select="tei:abbr" />
929 <if test="tei:expan"><text>(</text><apply-templates select="tei:expan" /><text>)</text></if>
933 <when test="@copyOf"><call-template name="resolve-copy" /></when>
934 <otherwise><apply-templates /></otherwise>
943 <change when="2024-08-20">
944 Language tag for <lang>Eho</lang> changed from <ident type="BCP47">art-Latn-x-qho</ident> to simply <ident type="BCP47">qho-Latn</ident>.
945 A new <choice><abbr>URI</abbr><expan>Uniform Resource Identifier</expan></choice> for the document was provided which uses the <ident type="URI">urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:</ident> prefix.
946 Some link targets have changed to reflect the new structure of the Langdev site.
947 <note type="version">2.11</note>
949 <change when="2024-05-12">
950 Minor documentation updates; improvements to the <choice><abbr>XSLT</abbr><expan>XSL Transformations</expan></choice> stylesheet.
951 <note type="version">2.10</note>
953 <change when="2024-03-11">
954 Language tag for <lang>Eho</lang> changed from <ident type="BCP47">art-x-eho</ident> to <ident type="BCP47">art-x-qho</ident> to enable use in environments where the <ident type="BCP47">art-x-</ident> prefix is not usable.
955 <note type="version">2.09</note>
957 <change when="2023-12-22">
958 Minor adjustments to formatting.
959 <note type="version">2.08</note>
961 <change when="2023-12-21">
962 Minor updates to document metadata.
963 A new <choice><abbr>URI</abbr><expan>Uniform Resource Identifier</expan></choice> was provided; the old value was version‐specific, which is not actually useful (old versions of this dictionary are not being preserved).
964 <note type="version">2.07</note>
966 <change when="2022-09-27">
967 Minor revisions to make metadata current.
968 <note type="version">2.06</note>
970 <change when="2017-10-23">
971 Minor markup improvements.
972 Language version numbers are now considered part of the language name.
973 Removed indexing as it provided no useful functionality.
974 <note type="version">2.05</note>
976 <change when="2017-10-08">
977 Improved internal markup to allow for more easily directly referencing entries inside of etymologies.
979 <note type="version">2.04</note>
981 <change when="2017-10-07">
982 Improved internal markup to be more semantic and reduce duplication.
983 Added themes for browsers which support them.
984 <note type="version">2.03</note>
986 <change when="2017-10-07">
987 Fixed centering of table header elements.
988 <note type="version">2.02</note>
990 <change when="2017-10-07">
991 Rewrote <choice><abbr>LREC</abbr><expan><choice><abbr>LexisML</abbr><expan>Lexis Markup Language</expan></choice> index RECord</expan></choice>+<choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary files into a single <choice><abbr>TEI</abbr><expan>Text Encoding Initiative</expan></choice> document.
992 Corrections were made where errors were found and documentation was improved.
993 <note type="version">2.01</note>
995 <change when="2017-07-09">
996 Created <choice><abbr>LREC</abbr><expan><choice><abbr>LexisML</abbr><expan>Lexis Markup Language</expan></choice> index RECord</expan></choice>+<choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary files, including frontmatter, from the original source document.
997 <note type="version">1.01</note>
1001 <!-- END TEI HEADER -->
1009 <!-- FRONTMATTER -->
1017 <titlePart type="main" copyOf="#title-main" />
1018 <titlePart type="sub" copyOf="#title-sub" />
1021 <docAuthor copyOf="#author-name"></docAuthor>
1023 <docEdition copyOf="#version-no" />
1024 <docDate when="2024-08-20">20 August 2024</docDate>
1027 <seg type="splash" subtype="default">Default text!</seg>
1028 <seg type="splash">Small!</seg>
1029 <seg type="splash">Minimal!</seg>
1030 <seg type="splash">We’re just getting started!</seg>
1031 <seg type="splash">I hope!</seg>
1032 <seg type="splash">A little start!</seg>
1033 <seg type="splash">A little more!</seg>
1034 <seg type="splash">Verbal!</seg>
1035 <seg type="splash">Etymologized!</seg>
1036 <seg type="splash">Built on top!</seg>
1037 <seg type="splash">Paper!</seg>
1038 <seg type="splash">Discontinued!</seg>
1039 <seg type="splash">Encoded!</seg>
1040 <seg type="splash">Text!</seg>
1041 <seg type="splash">Extended!</seg>
1042 <seg type="splash">Trust in me!</seg>
1043 <seg type="splash">Lorem Ipsum!</seg>
1044 <seg type="splash">Hypothetical!</seg>
1045 <seg type="splash">Early!</seg>
1046 <seg type="splash">Birdie!</seg>
1047 <seg type="splash">Slow!</seg>
1048 <seg type="splash">Square!</seg>
1049 <seg type="splash">Generational!</seg>
1050 <seg type="splash">Generated!</seg>
1051 <seg type="splash">Old-style!</seg>
1052 <seg type="splash">Olde stile!</seg>
1059 <div xml:id="forward" type="preface">
1061 <lang>Eho</lang> is an early culture and language in the <lang>Jastu‐Fizonal</lang> sprachbund.
1062 <lang>Eho</lang> had the smallest starting lexicon of the <lang>Jastu‐Fizonal</lang> languages, and so developed at the slowest rate.
1063 The <orgName>Unicode</orgName> character <rs type="unicode">U+25A1 □ WHITE SQUARE</rs> has traditionally been used as a shorthand for <mentioned><lang>Eho</lang></mentioned>.
1066 The words below are grouped into four generations based on their approximate times of origin.
1067 The earliest of these are categorized as <mentioned><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang></mentioned> and the latest as <mentioned><lang expand="Eho IV">□4</lang></mentioned>.
1068 The <lang>Eho</lang> language had very little influence on later <lang>Jastu‐Fizonal</lang> languages and so the size of this dictionary is quite small.
1071 As <lang>Eho</lang> is in essence a speculative proto‐language, the pronunciation data should not be taken as anything more than a broad guideline.
1072 The orthography attempts to follow general <lang>American English</lang> conventions.
1075 <lang>Eho</lang> has been given the language code <ident type="BCP47">qho</ident>; the script subtag <ident type="BCP47">Latn</ident> should also be supplied.
1076 <lang>Eho</lang> has no known native script.
1080 <!-- END FRONTMATTER -->
1084 <!-- DICTIONARY BODY -->
1086 <body xml:id="dict">
1090 <div xml:id="dict.0001">
1091 <head><lang expand="Eho">□1</lang></head>
1092 <entry xml:id="dict.0001.o">
1094 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">o</orth>
1098 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1102 <entry xml:id="dict.0001.aht">
1104 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">aht</orth>
1108 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1110 <def>stay/stop/wait</def>
1116 <div xml:id="dict.0002">
1117 <head><lang expand="Eho II">□2</lang></head>
1118 <entry xml:id="dict.0002.ba">
1120 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0002">ba</orth>
1124 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1128 <entry xml:id="dict.0002.o">
1130 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0002">o</orth>
1133 <etym><ref target="#0001.o"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang></ref></etym>
1135 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1139 <entry xml:id="dict.0002.uw">
1141 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0002">uw</orth>
1144 <etym><ref target="#0001.o"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">o</mentioned></ref></etym>
1146 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1150 <entry xml:id="dict.0002.ah">
1152 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0002">ah</orth>
1155 <etym><ref target="#0001.aht"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">aht</mentioned></ref></etym>
1157 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1161 <entry xml:id="dict.0002.aat">
1163 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0002">aat</orth>
1166 <etym><ref target="#0001.aht"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">aht</mentioned></ref></etym>
1168 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1170 <def>stay/stop</def>
1176 <div xml:id="dict.0003">
1177 <head><lang expand="Eho III">□3</lang></head>
1178 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.eh">
1180 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">eh</orth>
1184 <pos expand="adjective">adj</pos>
1188 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.ba">
1190 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">ba</orth>
1193 <etym><ref target="#0002.ba"><lang expand="Eho II">□2</lang></ref></etym>
1195 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1199 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.oet">
1201 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">oet</orth>
1205 <pos expand="adv">adv</pos>
1209 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.ahn">
1211 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">ahn</orth>
1215 <pos expand="adv">adv</pos>
1217 <def>carefully, cautiously</def>
1219 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.o">
1221 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">o</orth>
1224 <etym><ref target="#0001.o"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang></ref></etym>
1226 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1230 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.uw">
1232 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">uw</orth>
1235 <etym><ref target="#0001.o"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">o</mentioned></ref></etym>
1237 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1241 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.ah">
1243 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">ah</orth>
1246 <etym><ref target="#0001.aht"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">aht</mentioned></ref></etym>
1248 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1252 <entry xml:id="dict.0003.aat">
1254 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">aat</orth>
1257 <etym><ref target="#0001.aht"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0001">aht</mentioned></ref></etym>
1259 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1261 <def>stay/stop</def>
1267 <div xml:id="dict.0004">
1268 <head><lang expand="Eho IV">□4</lang></head>
1269 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ay">
1271 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ay</orth>
1275 <pos expand="adjective">adj</pos>
1279 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ra">
1281 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ra</orth>
1285 <pos expand="adjective">adj</pos>
1289 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.æt">
1291 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">æt</orth>
1294 <etym><ref target="#0003.eh"><lang expand="Eho III">□3</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">eh</mentioned></ref></etym>
1296 <pos expand="pronoun">pron</pos>
1300 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ko">
1302 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ko</orth>
1306 <pos expand="pronoun">pron</pos>
1310 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ka">
1312 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ka</orth>
1316 <pos expand="pronoun">pron</pos>
1320 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.tay">
1322 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">tay</orth>
1326 <pos expand="pronoun">pron</pos>
1330 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.tih">
1332 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">tih</orth>
1336 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1340 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ba">
1342 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ba</orth>
1345 <etym><ref target="#0002.ba"><lang expand="Eho II">□2</lang></ref></etym>
1347 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1351 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.o">
1353 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">o</orth>
1356 <etym><ref target="#0001.o"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang></ref></etym>
1358 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1362 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.uw">
1364 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">uw</orth>
1367 <etym><ref target="#0001.uw"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang></ref></etym>
1369 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1373 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ah">
1375 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ah</orth>
1378 <etym><ref target="#0001.ah"><lang expand="Eho I">□1</lang></ref></etym>
1380 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1384 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.ahnt">
1386 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">ahnt</orth>
1389 <etym><ref target="#0003.aat"><lang expand="Eho III">□3</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">aat</mentioned></ref></etym>
1391 <pos expand="verb">v</pos>
1393 <def>stay/stop</def>
1395 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.oet">
1397 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">oet</orth>
1400 <etym><ref target="#0003.oet"><lang expand="Eho III">□3</lang></ref></etym>
1402 <pos expand="adv">adv</pos>
1406 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.on">
1408 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">on</orth>
1411 <etym><ref target="#0003.ahn"><lang expand="Eho III">□3</lang> <mentioned xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0003">ahn</mentioned></ref></etym>
1413 <pos expand="adv">adv</pos>
1415 <def>carefully, cautiously</def>
1417 <entry xml:id="dict.0004.rayd">
1419 <orth xml:lang="qho-Latn-x-0004">rayd</orth>
1423 <pos expand="adv">adv</pos>