]> Lady’s Gitweb - Langdev/blob - data/qjt/srcs/AppleDictionary/x-XX-jt.xml
Initial commit with docs/srcs for early langs
[Langdev] / data / qjt / srcs / AppleDictionary / x-XX-jt.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!--
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
5 -->
6 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="data:text/css;base64,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"?>
7 <!--
8 Jästūgā Official Dictionary | ⸺
9 -->
10 <d:dictionary xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:d="http://www.apple.com/DTDs/DictionaryService-1.0.rng">
11 <d:entry id="front_back_matter" d:title="Front/Back Matter">
12 <h1>Jästūgā to English Dictionary | ⸺</h1>
13 <h2>Front/Back Matter</h2>
14 <div>
15 <p>This is the Official Jästūgā to English Dictionary.</p>
16 <p>Jästūgā is a language developed by <a href="http://⸺.tumblr.com">⸺.</a> To the extent possible under law, ⸺ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work was published from the United States.</p>
17 </div>
18 </d:entry>
19 <d:entry id="aet" d:title="aet" d:parental-control="1">
20 <d:index d:value="aet"/>
21 <d:index d:value="virgin" d:title="aet" d:priority="2"/>
22 <h1>aet</h1>
23 <div>
24 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a woman) having not had sexual intercourse</p>
25 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a woman who has not had sexual intercourse</p>
26 </div>
27 </d:entry>
28 <d:entry id="dayhahtsoh" d:title="dāhätsō">
29 <d:index d:value="dāhätsō"/>
30 <d:index d:value="collector" d:title="dāhätsō" d:priority="2"/>
31 <d:index d:value="gatherer" d:title="dāhätsō" d:priority="2"/>
32 <h1>dāhätsō</h1>
33 <div>
34 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : being a collector</p>
35 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a collector or a gatherer of materials</p>
36 </div>
37 </d:entry>
38 <d:entry id="daytahd" d:title="dātäd">
39 <d:index d:value="dātäd"/>
40 <d:index d:value="friend" d:title="dātäd" d:priority="2"/>
41 <h1>dātäd</h1>
42 <div>
43 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : friendly</p>
44 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a friend</p>
45 </div>
46 </d:entry>
47 <d:entry id="dohgohtayd" d:title="dōgōtād">
48 <d:index d:value="dōgōtād"/>
49 <d:index d:value="adult" d:title="dōgōtād" d:priority="2"/>
50 <h1>dōgōtād</h1>
51 <div>
52 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : adult</p>
53 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an adult</p>
54 </div>
55 </d:entry>
56 <d:entry id="dohwahtoo" d:title="dōwätū">
57 <d:index d:value="dōwätū"/>
58 <d:index d:value="baby" d:title="dōwätū" d:priority="2"/>
59 <d:index d:value="tiny" d:title="dōwätū" d:priority="2"/>
60 <h1>dōwätū</h1>
61 <div>
62 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : possessing babylike qualities</p>
63 <ul><li>very small in size, usu. with connotations of cuteness</li></ul>
64 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a baby</p>
65 </div>
66 </d:entry>
67 <d:entry id="hahtfee" d:title="hätfee">
68 <d:index d:value="hätfee"/>
69 <d:index d:value="craftsman" d:title="hätfee" d:priority="2"/>
70 <d:index d:value="handy" d:title="hätfee" d:priority="2"/>
71 <h1>hätfee</h1>
72 <div>
73 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : skilled, esp. in making things by hand</p>
74 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a craftsman</p>
75 </div>
76 </d:entry>
77 <d:entry id="hohdohwah" d:title="hōdōwä">
78 <d:index d:value="hōdōwä"/>
79 <d:index d:value="leader" d:title="hōdōwä" d:priority="2"/>
80 <d:index d:value="chief" d:title="hōdōwä" d:priority="2"/>
81 <h1>hōdōwä</h1>
82 <div>
83 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having the qualities of a leader</p>
84 <ul><li>chief; most important</li></ul>
85 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a leader</p>
86 </div>
87 </d:entry>
88 <d:entry id="jahstoogay" d:title="jästūgā">
89 <d:index d:value="jästūgā"/>
90 <h1>jästūgā</h1>
91 <div>
92 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the Jästūgā culture</p>
93 <ul><li>written in the Language</li></ul>
94 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> :
95 <p><span class="phrase">äzhuh jästūgā</span> : the Language</p>
96 <p><span class="phrase">zhā jästūgā</span> : a speaker of the Language or someone of the Jāstūgā culture</p>
97 <p><span class="phrase">puh jāstūgā</span> : the Jāstūgā people</p>
98 </p>
99 </div>
100 </d:entry>
101 <d:entry id="joodaentehd" d:title="jūdaentëd">
102 <d:index d:value="jūdaentëd"/>
103 <d:index d:value="caring" d:title="jūdaentëd" d:priority="2"/>
104 <d:index d:value="caretaker" d:title="jūdaentëd" d:priority="2"/>
105 <h1>jūdaentëd</h1>
106 <div>
107 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : caring</p>
108 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a caretaker</p>
109 </div>
110 </d:entry>
111 <d:entry id="ohtfahhood" d:title="ōtfähūd">
112 <d:index d:value="ōtfähūd"/>
113 <d:index d:value="mute" d:title="ōtfähūd" d:priority="2"/>
114 <h1>ōtfähūd</h1>
115 <div>
116 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : mute</p>
117 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a mute</p>
118 </div>
119 </d:entry>
120 <d:entry id="saentehd" d:title="saentëd">
121 <d:index d:value="saentëd"/>
122 <d:index d:value="woman" d:title="saentëd" d:priority="2"/>
123 <h1>saentëd</h1>
124 <div>
125 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having the characteristics of a woman; womanly</p>
126 <ul><li>used as a term of endearment for young girls to praise their maturity.</li></ul>
127 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a woman</p>
128 </div>
129 </d:entry>
130 <d:entry id="tayhhahtoi" d:title="tāhhätoi">
131 <d:index d:value="tāhhätoi"/>
132 <d:index d:value="protective" d:title="tāhhätoi" d:priority="2"/>
133 <d:index d:value="guardian" d:title="tāhhätoi" d:priority="2"/>
134 <h1>tāhhätoi</h1>
135 <div>
136 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : protective</p>
137 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a guardian</p>
138 </div>
139 </d:entry>
140 <d:entry id="taytah" d:title="tātä">
141 <d:index d:value="tātä"/>
142 <d:index d:value="military" d:title="tātä" d:priority="2"/>
143 <d:index d:value="army" d:title="tātä" d:priority="2"/>
144 <h1>tātä</h1>
145 <div>
146 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : military</p>
147 <ul><li>(of a group) organized and disciplined</li></ul>
148 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an organized military force</p>
149 </div>
150 </d:entry>
151 <d:entry id="tautsay" d:title="tautsā">
152 <d:index d:value="tautsā"/>
153 <d:index d:value="hunter" d:title="tautsā" d:priority="2"/>
154 <h1>tautsā</h1>
155 <div>
156 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : skilled at hunting or tracking</p>
157 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a hunter</p>
158 </div>
159 </d:entry>
160 <d:entry id="tohtaydoh" d:title="tōtādō">
161 <d:index d:value="tōtādō"/>
162 <d:index d:value="immature" d:title="tōtādō" d:priority="2"/>
163 <d:index d:value="older child" d:title="tōtādō" d:priority="2"/>
164 <d:index d:value="juvenile" d:title="tōtādō" d:priority="2"/>
165 <h1>tōtādō</h1>
166 <div>
167 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : immature</p>
168 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an older child</p>
169 </div>
170 </d:entry>
171 <d:entry id="tohtehd" d:title="tōtëd">
172 <d:index d:value="tōtëd"/>
173 <d:index d:value="childish" d:title="tōtëd" d:priority="2"/>
174 <d:index d:value="younger child" d:title="tōtëd" d:priority="2"/>
175 <d:index d:value="toddler" d:title="tōtëd" d:priority="2"/>
176 <h1>tōtëd</h1>
177 <div>
178 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : childish</p>
179 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a younger child</p>
180 </div>
181 </d:entry>
182 <d:entry id="tohzhootay" d:title="tōzhūtā">
183 <d:index d:value="tōzhūtā"/>
184 <d:index d:value="mature" d:title="tōzhūtā" d:priority="2"/>
185 <d:index d:value="young adult" d:title="tōzhūtā" d:priority="2"/>
186 <d:index d:value="teen" d:title="tōzhūtā" d:priority="2"/>
187 <d:index d:value="teenager" d:title="tōzhūtā" d:priority="2"/>
188 <h1>tōzhūtā</h1>
189 <div>
190 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : exhibiting youth and maturity</p>
191 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a young adult</p>
192 </div>
193 </d:entry>
194 <d:entry id="tooayd" d:title="tūād">
195 <d:index d:value="tūād"/>
196 <d:index d:value="body" d:title="tūād" d:priority="2"/>
197 <d:index d:value="person" d:title="tūād" d:priority="2"/>
198 <h1>tūād</h1>
199 <div>
200 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or concerning the body</p>
201 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a person
202 <p>one's body</p>
203 </p>
204 </div>
205 </d:entry>
206 <d:entry id="toodahfah" d:title="tūdäfä">
207 <d:index d:value="tūdäfä"/>
208 <d:index d:value="aged" d:title="tūdäfä" d:priority="2"/>
209 <d:index d:value="wise" d:title="tūdäfä" d:priority="2"/>
210 <d:index d:value="elder" d:title="tūdäfä" d:priority="2"/>
211 <h1>tūdäfä</h1>
212 <div>
213 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : exhibiting age and wisdom</p>
214 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an elder</p>
215 </div>
216 </d:entry>
217 <d:entry id="zhehtehd" d:title="zhëtëd">
218 <d:index d:value="zhëtëd"/>
219 <d:index d:value="man" d:title="zhëtëd" d:priority="2"/>
220 <h1>zhëtëd</h1>
221 <div>
222 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having the characteristics of a man</p>
223 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a man</p>
224 </div>
225 </d:entry>
226 <d:entry id="dahdhee" d:title="dädhee">
227 <d:index d:value="dädhee"/>
228 <d:index d:value="neck" d:title="dädhee" d:priority="2"/>
229 <d:index d:value="throat" d:title="dädhee" d:priority="2"/>
230 <d:index d:value="throaty" d:title="dädhee" d:priority="2"/>
231 <d:index d:value="articulation" d:title="dädhee" d:priority="2"/>
232 <h1>dädhee</h1>
233 <div>
234 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : relating to the throat</p>
235 <ul><li>throaty</li></ul>
236 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a neck or throat</p>
237 <ul><li>the manner in which a person speaks</li></ul>
238 </div>
239 </d:entry>
240 <d:entry id="dayjohfohtoh" d:title="dājōfōtō">
241 <d:index d:value="dājōfōtō"/>
242 <d:index d:value="listener" d:title="dājōfōtō" d:priority="2"/>
243 <d:index d:value="ear" d:title="dājōfōtō" d:priority="2"/>
244 <h1>dājōfōtō</h1>
245 <div>
246 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : relating to the ear</p>
247 <ul><li>having the qualities of a good listener</li></ul>
248 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an ear</p>
249 <ul><li>a good listener</li></ul>
250 </div>
251 </d:entry>
252 <d:entry id="dayohdway" d:title="dāōdwā">
253 <d:index d:value="dāōdwā"/>
254 <d:index d:value="vertebrate" d:title="dāōdwā" d:priority="2"/>
255 <d:index d:value="spine" d:title="dāōdwā" d:priority="2"/>
256 <d:index d:value="skeleton" d:title="dāōdwā" d:priority="2"/>
257 <d:index d:value="framework" d:title="dāōdwā" d:priority="2"/>
258 <d:index d:value="support" d:title="dāōdwā" d:priority="2"/>
259 <h1>dāōdwā</h1>
260 <div>
261 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : relating to the spine</p>
262 <ul><li>vertebrate</li></ul>
263 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a spine</p>
264 <ul><li>the supporting framework of a structure</li></ul>
265 </div>
266 </d:entry>
267 <d:entry id="dayusaysoh" d:title="dāusāsō">
268 <d:index d:value="dāusāsō"/>
269 <d:index d:value="joint" d:title="dāusāsō" d:priority="2"/>
270 <d:index d:value="connection" d:title="dāusāsō" d:priority="2"/>
271 <h1>dāusāsō</h1>
272 <div>
273 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a joint or connection</p>
274 <ul><li>jointed</li></ul>
275 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a joint</p>
276 </div>
277 </d:entry>
278 <d:entry id="dohtahdoh" d:title="dōtädō">
279 <d:index d:value="dōtädō"/>
280 <d:index d:value="head" d:title="dōtädō" d:priority="2"/>
281 <d:index d:value="principal" d:title="dōtädō" d:priority="2"/>
282 <h1>dōtädō</h1>
283 <div>
284 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the head</p>
285 <ul><li>principal</li></ul>
286 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a head</p>
287 <ul>
288 <li>a person in charge of making decisions in a group</li>
289 <li>the most important step in a procedure</li>
290 </ul>
291 </div>
292 </d:entry>
293 <d:entry id="dohtohfiy" d:title="dōtōfiy">
294 <d:index d:value="dōtōfiy"/>
295 <d:index d:value="nose" d:title="dōtōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
296 <d:index d:value="nasal" d:title="dōtōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
297 <h1>dōtōfiy</h1>
298 <div>
299 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the nose</p>
300 <ul><li>(of a voice or speech) resonating in the nose</li></ul>
301 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a nose</p>
302 </div>
303 </d:entry>
304 <d:entry id="dohfahthhiy" d:title="dōfäthhiy">
305 <d:index d:value="dōfäthhiy"/>
306 <d:index d:value="hip" d:title="dōfäthhiy" d:priority="2"/>
307 <h1>dōfäthhiy</h1>
308 <div>
309 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the hip</p>
310 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a hip</p>
311 </div>
312 </d:entry>
313 <d:entry id="dohwayhhee" d:title="dōwāhhee">
314 <d:index d:value="dōwāhhee"/>
315 <d:index d:value="heart" d:title="dōwāhhee" d:priority="2"/>
316 <d:index d:value="centered" d:title="dōwāhhee" d:priority="2"/>
317 <d:index d:value="integral" d:title="dōwāhhee" d:priority="2"/>
318 <d:index d:value="central" d:title="dōwāhhee" d:priority="2"/>
319 <h1>dōwāhhee</h1>
320 <div>
321 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the heart</p>
322 <ul><li>positioned in the center</li></ul>
323 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a heart</p>
324 <ul><li>an integral or central part of something</li></ul>
325 </div>
326 </d:entry>
327 <d:entry id="ehdaen" d:title="ëdaen" d:parental-control="1">
328 <d:index d:value="ëdaen"/>
329 <d:index d:value="breast" d:title="ëdaen" d:priority="2"/>
330 <h1>ëdaen</h1>
331 <div>
332 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the female breast</p>
333 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a female breast</p>
334 <ul><li>a part of a garment designed to cover the female breast</li></ul>
335 </div>
336 </d:entry>
337 <d:entry id="haydohsiy" d:title="hādōsiy">
338 <d:index d:value="hādōsiy"/>
339 <d:index d:value="eye" d:title="hādōsiy" d:priority="2"/>
340 <d:index d:value="visual" d:title="hādōsiy" d:priority="2"/>
341 <h1>hādōsiy</h1>
342 <div>
343 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the eye</p>
344 <ul><li>(of a person) comprehending best through visual means</li></ul>
345 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an eye</p>
346 </div>
347 </d:entry>
348 <d:entry id="haydohsoh" d:title="hādōsō">
349 <d:index d:value="hādōsō"/>
350 <d:index d:value="blood" d:title="hādōsō" d:priority="2"/>
351 <d:index d:value="bloodshed" d:title="hādōsō" d:priority="2"/>
352 <h1>hādōsō</h1>
353 <div>
354 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the blood</p>
355 <ul>
356 <li>(of an event) involving bloodshed</li>
357 <li>covered in blood</li>
358 </ul>
359 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : blood</p>
360 <ul><li>bloodshed</li></ul>
361 </div>
362 </d:entry>
363 <d:entry id="hhayfohhee" d:title="hhāfōhee">
364 <d:index d:value="hhāfōhee"/>
365 <d:index d:value="chest" d:title="hhāfōhee" d:priority="2"/>
366 <d:index d:value="core" d:title="hhāfōhee" d:priority="2"/>
367 <d:index d:value="central" d:title="hhāfōhee" d:priority="2"/>
368 <h1>hhāfōhee</h1>
369 <div>
370 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the chest</p>
371 <ul><li>core</li></ul>
372 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a chest</p>
373 <ul><li>a torso</li></ul>
374 <ul><li>a central part of something</li></ul>
375 </div>
376 </d:entry>
377 <d:entry id="haysootway" d:title="hāsūtwā">
378 <d:index d:value="hāsūtwā"/>
379 <d:index d:value="shoulder" d:title="hāsūtwā" d:priority="2"/>
380 <h1>hāsūtwā</h1>
381 <div>
382 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the shoulder</p>
383 <ul><li>on the edge</li></ul>
384 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a shoulder</p>
385 <ul>
386 <li>a part of a garment designed to cover the shoulder</li>
387 <li>a part of something with a similar shape or position to the human shoulder</li>
388 </ul>
389 </div>
390 </d:entry>
391 <d:entry id="haytoh" d:title="hātō">
392 <d:index d:value="hātō"/>
393 <d:index d:value="hair" d:title="hātō" d:priority="2"/>
394 <d:index d:value="hairy" d:title="hātō" d:priority="2"/>
395 <h1>hātō</h1>
396 <div>
397 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the hair</p>
398 <ul><li>having a large amount of hair; hairy</li></ul>
399 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a hair</p>
400 </div>
401 </d:entry>
402 <d:entry id="hohpayjoh" d:title="hōpājō">
403 <d:index d:value="hōpājō"/>
404 <d:index d:value="foot" d:title="hōpājō" d:priority="2"/>
405 <d:index d:value="base" d:title="hōpājō" d:priority="2"/>
406 <d:index d:value="start" d:title="hōpājō" d:priority="2"/>
407 <d:index d:value="initial" d:title="hōpājō" d:priority="2"/>
408 <h1>hōpājō</h1>
409 <div>
410 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the foot</p>
411 <ul><li>at the start or lowest point</li></ul>
412 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a foot</p>
413 <ul>
414 <li>the part of something which touches the ground; the base</li>
415 <li>the starting point or first step of a procedure</li>
416 </ul>
417 </div>
418 </d:entry>
419 <d:entry id="hohpusaytoh" d:title="hōpusātō">
420 <d:index d:value="hōpusātō"/>
421 <d:index d:value="lung" d:title="hōpusātō" d:priority="2"/>
422 <d:index d:value="breathing" d:title="hōpusātō" d:priority="2"/>
423 <h1>hōpusātō</h1>
424 <div>
425 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the lung</p>
426 <ul><li>related to breathing</li></ul>
427 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a lung</p>
428 </div>
429 </d:entry>
430 <d:entry id="hhohsooayd" d:title="hhōsūād">
431 <d:index d:value="hhōsūād"/>
432 <d:index d:value="bone" d:title="hhōsūād" d:priority="2"/>
433 <d:index d:value="frame" d:title="hhōsūād" d:priority="2"/>
434 <d:index d:value="support" d:title="hhōsūād" d:priority="2"/>
435 <h1>hhōsūād</h1>
436 <div>
437 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the bones</p>
438 <ul><li>bony</li></ul>
439 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a bone</p>
440 <ul><li>a part of the frame or support of a structure</li></ul>
441 </div>
442 </d:entry>
443 <d:entry id="ohwiytfee" d:title="ōwiytfee">
444 <d:index d:value="ōwiytfee"/>
445 <d:index d:value="tooth" d:title="ōwiytfee" d:priority="2"/>
446 <d:index d:value="toothed" d:title="ōwiytfee" d:priority="2"/>
447 <d:index d:value="toothy" d:title="ōwiytfee" d:priority="2"/>
448 <d:index d:value="teeth" d:title="ōwiytfee" d:priority="2"/>
449 <h1>ōwiytfee</h1>
450 <div>
451 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the teeth</p>
452 <ul><li>having teeth, esp. having large or numerous teeth</li></ul>
453 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a tooth</p>
454 <ul><li><span class="phrase">puh ōwiytfee</span> : the teeth of an individual</li></ul>
455 </div>
456 </d:entry>
457 <d:entry id="saydoh_1" d:title="sādō">
458 <d:index d:value="sādō"/>
459 <d:index d:value="leg" d:title="sādō" d:priority="2"/>
460 <d:index d:value="legged" d:title="sādō" d:priority="2"/>
461 <d:index d:value="limbed" d:title="sādō" d:priority="2"/>
462 <d:index d:value="support" d:title="sādō" d:priority="2"/>
463 <h1>sādō¹</h1>
464 <div>
465 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the leg</p>
466 <ul><li>having limbs</li></ul>
467 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a leg</p>
468 <ul><li>a support for a structure connecting to the ground</li></ul>
469 </div>
470 </d:entry>
471 <d:entry id="sahtausay" d:title="sätausā">
472 <d:index d:value="sätausā"/>
473 <d:index d:value="meat" d:title="sätausā" d:priority="2"/>
474 <d:index d:value="flesh" d:title="sätausā" d:priority="2"/>
475 <d:index d:value="muscle" d:title="sätausā" d:priority="2"/>
476 <h1>sätausā</h1>
477 <div>
478 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of meat or flesh</p>
479 <ul><li>having a large amount of muscle</li></ul>
480 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : meat or flesh</p>
481 <ul>
482 <li>muscle</li>
483 <li>the edible part of something</li>
484 </ul>
485 </div>
486 </d:entry>
487 <d:entry id="sahthayee" d:title="säthāee" d:parental-control="1">
488 <d:index d:value="säthāee"/>
489 <d:index d:value="placenta" d:title="säthāee" d:priority="2"/>
490 <h1>säthāee</h1>
491 <div>
492 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the placenta</p>
493 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a placenta</p>
494 </div>
495 </d:entry>
496 <d:entry id="sohds" d:title="sōds">
497 <d:index d:value="sōds"/>
498 <d:index d:value="tongue" d:title="sōds" d:priority="2"/>
499 <d:index d:value="talkative" d:title="sōds" d:priority="2"/>
500 <h1>sōds</h1>
501 <div>
502 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the tongue</p>
503 <ul><li>talkative</li></ul>
504 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a tongue</p>
505 </div>
506 </d:entry>
507 <d:entry id="sohjay" d:title="sōjā">
508 <d:index d:value="sōjā"/>
509 <d:index d:value="finger" d:title="sōjā" d:priority="2"/>
510 <d:index d:value="slender" d:title="sōjā" d:priority="2"/>
511 <h1>sōjā</h1>
512 <div>
513 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the finger</p>
514 <ul><li>having long fingers</li></ul>
515 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a finger</p>
516 <ul><li>a slender object resembling a finger</li></ul>
517 </div>
518 </d:entry>
519 <d:entry id="sohwuh" d:title="sōwuh">
520 <d:index d:value="sōwuh"/>
521 <d:index d:value="skin" d:title="sōwuh" d:priority="2"/>
522 <d:index d:value="naked" d:title="sōwuh" d:priority="2"/>
523 <d:index d:value="covering" d:title="sōwuh" d:priority="2"/>
524 <h1>sōwuh</h1>
525 <div>
526 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the skin</p>
527 <ul><li>naked</li></ul>
528 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : skin</p>
529 <ul><li>an outer covering or layer</li></ul>
530 </div>
531 </d:entry>
532 <d:entry id="suhohwee" d:title="suhōwee">
533 <d:index d:value="suhōwee"/>
534 <d:index d:value="hand" d:title="suhōwee" d:priority="2"/>
535 <d:index d:value="handwriting" d:title="suhōwee" d:priority="2"/>
536 <d:index d:value="work" d:title="suhōwee" d:priority="2"/>
537 <h1>suhōwee</h1>
538 <div>
539 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or for use by the hand</p>
540 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a hand</p>
541 <ul><li>an item attributable to someone because of certain features it contains, esp. in reference to art or handwriting</li></ul>
542 </div>
543 </d:entry>
544 <d:entry id="suway" d:title="suwā">
545 <d:index d:value="suwā"/>
546 <d:index d:value="arm" d:title="suwā" d:priority="2"/>
547 <d:index d:value="support" d:title="suwā" d:priority="2"/>
548 <h1>suwā</h1>
549 <div>
550 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of an arm</p>
551 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an arm</p>
552 <ul><li>a support of a structure which does not connect to the ground</li></ul>
553 </div>
554 </d:entry>
555 <d:entry id="zhaetohwoo" d:title="zhaetōwū" d:parental-control="1">
556 <d:index d:value="zhaetōwū"/>
557 <d:index d:value="vulva" d:title="zhaetōwū" d:priority="2"/>
558 <d:index d:value="vagina" d:title="zhaetōwū" d:priority="2"/>
559 <h1>zhaetōwū</h1>
560 <div>
561 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the female reproductive system</p>
562 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a female's reproductive system, esp. a vulva</p>
563 </div>
564 </d:entry>
565 <d:entry id="zhoitoh" d:title="zhoitō" d:parental-control="1">
566 <d:index d:value="zhoitō"/>
567 <d:index d:value="penis" d:title="zhoitō" d:priority="2"/>
568 <d:index d:value="testicle" d:title="zhoitō" d:priority="2"/>
569 <h1>zhoitō</h1>
570 <div>
571 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the male reproductive system</p>
572 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a male's reproductive system, esp. a penis</p>
573 </div>
574 </d:entry>
575 <d:entry id="zhohtsee" d:title="zhōtsee">
576 <d:index d:value="zhōtsee"/>
577 <d:index d:value="mouth" d:title="zhōtsee" d:priority="2"/>
578 <d:index d:value="opening" d:title="zhōtsee" d:priority="2"/>
579 <h1>zhōtsee</h1>
580 <div>
581 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the mouth</p>
582 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a mouth</p>
583 <ul><li>a large opening, esp. in the front of something</li></ul>
584 </div>
585 </d:entry>
586 <d:entry id="usohtoh" d:title="usōtō">
587 <d:index d:value="usōtō"/>
588 <d:index d:value="pants" d:title="usōtō" d:priority="2"/>
589 <h1>usōtō</h1>
590 <div>
591 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a pair of pants</p>
592 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a pair of pants</p>
593 </div>
594 </d:entry>
595 <d:entry id="dahtohsoh" d:title="dätōsō">
596 <d:index d:value="dätōsō"/>
597 <d:index d:value="shoe" d:title="dätōsō" d:priority="2"/>
598 <h1>dätōsō</h1>
599 <div>
600 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a shoe</p>
601 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a shoe</p>
602 </div>
603 </d:entry>
604 <d:entry id="dohwohdah" d:title="dōwōdä">
605 <d:index d:value="dōwōdä"/>
606 <d:index d:value="shirt" d:title="dōwōdä" d:priority="2"/>
607 <d:index d:value="covering" d:title="dōwōdä" d:priority="2"/>
608 <h1>dōwōdä</h1>
609 <div>
610 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a shirt</p>
611 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a shirt</p>
612 <ul><li>a loose covering</li></ul>
613 </div>
614 </d:entry>
615 <d:entry id="dutahday" d:title="dutädā">
616 <d:index d:value="dutädā"/>
617 <d:index d:value="hat" d:title="dutädā" d:priority="2"/>
618 <d:index d:value="cap" d:title="dutädā" d:priority="2"/>
619 <h1>dutädā</h1>
620 <div>
621 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a hat</p>
622 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a hat</p>
623 <ul><li>a protective cover or lid, especially when used on the top of an object.</li></ul>
624 </div>
625 </d:entry>
626 <d:entry id="jahtayduh" d:title="jätāduh">
627 <d:index d:value="jätāduh"/>
628 <d:index d:value="mask" d:title="jätāduh" d:priority="2"/>
629 <h1>jätāduh</h1>
630 <div>
631 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : masked</p>
632 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a mask</p>
633 </div>
634 </d:entry>
635 <d:entry id="tohday" d:title="tōdā">
636 <d:index d:value="tōdā"/>
637 <d:index d:value="clothing" d:title="tōdā" d:priority="2"/>
638 <d:index d:value="clothed" d:title="tōdā" d:priority="2"/>
639 <h1>tōdā</h1>
640 <div>
641 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : wearing clothing</p>
642 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an article of clothing</p>
643 <ul><li>clothing collectively</li></ul>
644 </div>
645 </d:entry>
646 <d:entry id="dayfoosoh" d:title="dāfūsō">
647 <d:index d:value="dāfūsō"/>
648 <d:index d:value="thirst" d:title="dāfūsō" d:priority="2"/>
649 <h1>dāfūsō</h1>
650 <div>
651 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : thirsty</p>
652 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : thirst</p>
653 </div>
654 </d:entry>
655 <d:entry id="dohtohgah" d:title="dōtōgä">
656 <d:index d:value="dōtōgä"/>
657 <d:index d:value="sleep" d:title="dōtōgä" d:priority="2"/>
658 <d:index d:value="tired" d:title="dōtōgä" d:priority="2"/>
659 <h1>dōtōgä</h1>
660 <div>
661 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : tired</p>
662 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : sleep</p>
663 </div>
664 </d:entry>
665 <d:entry id="johsut" d:title="jōsut">
666 <d:index d:value="jōsut"/>
667 <d:index d:value="waste" d:title="jōsut" d:priority="2"/>
668 <d:index d:value="poop" d:title="jōsut" d:priority="2"/>
669 <d:index d:value="pee" d:title="jōsut" d:priority="2"/>
670 <h1>jōsut</h1>
671 <div>
672 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : needing to excrete waste</p>
673 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an elimination of bodily waste</p>
674 </div>
675 </d:entry>
676 <d:entry id="saenahzhee" d:title="saenäzhee" d:parental-control="1">
677 <d:index d:value="saenäzhee"/>
678 <d:index d:value="menstruation" d:title="saenäzhee" d:priority="2"/>
679 <h1>saenäzhee</h1>
680 <div>
681 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : menstrual</p>
682 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : menstruation</p>
683 </div>
684 </d:entry>
685 <d:entry id="seetgee" d:title="seetgee">
686 <d:index d:value="seetgee"/>
687 <d:index d:value="hunger" d:title="seetgee" d:priority="2"/>
688 <d:index d:value="hungry" d:title="seetgee" d:priority="2"/>
689 <h1>seetgee</h1>
690 <div>
691 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hungry</p>
692 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : hunger</p>
693 </div>
694 </d:entry>
695 <d:entry id="biyfehoot" d:title="biyfëūt">
696 <d:index d:value="biyfëūt"/>
697 <d:index d:value="purple" d:title="biyfëūt" d:priority="2"/>
698 <h1>biyfëūt</h1>
699 <div>
700 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : colored purple</p>
701 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a purple color</p>
702 </div>
703 </d:entry>
704 <d:entry id="dayheetuh" d:title="dāheetuh">
705 <d:index d:value="dāheetuh"/>
706 <d:index d:value="transparent" d:title="dāheetuh" d:priority="2"/>
707 <d:index d:value="translucent" d:title="dāheetuh" d:priority="2"/>
708 <d:index d:value="clear" d:title="dāheetuh" d:priority="2"/>
709 <h1>dāheetuh</h1>
710 <div>
711 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : transparent or translucent</p>
712 <ul>
713 <li>lacking impurity or blemish</li>
714 <li>(of a statement) without fault or contradiction</li>
715 <li>unobscured, esp. of a choice or when referring to visibility</li>
716 </ul>
717 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : translucency or clearness</p>
718 </div>
719 </d:entry>
720 <d:entry id="doiyweht" d:title="doiywët">
721 <d:index d:value="doiywët"/>
722 <d:index d:value="brown" d:title="doiywët" d:priority="2"/>
723 <h1>doiywët</h1>
724 <div>
725 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : colored brown</p>
726 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a brown color</p>
727 </div>
728 </d:entry>
729 <d:entry id="fohzee" d:title="fōzee">
730 <d:index d:value="fōzee"/>
731 <d:index d:value="vision" d:title="fōzee" d:priority="2"/>
732 <d:index d:value="visible" d:title="fōzee" d:priority="2"/>
733 <h1>fōzee</h1>
734 <div>
735 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : visible</p>
736 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : vision</p>
737 </div>
738 </d:entry>
739 <d:entry id="hiyuh" d:title="hiyuh">
740 <d:index d:value="hiyuh"/>
741 <d:index d:value="green" d:title="hiyuh" d:priority="2"/>
742 <h1>hiyuh</h1>
743 <div>
744 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : colored green</p>
745 <ul><li>having large amounts of plant matter</li></ul>
746 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a green color</p>
747 </div>
748 </d:entry>
749 <d:entry id="hiyfuh" d:title="hiyfuh">
750 <d:index d:value="hiyfuh"/>
751 <d:index d:value="light" d:title="hiyfuh" d:priority="2"/>
752 <d:index d:value="luminous" d:title="hiyfuh" d:priority="2"/>
753 <h1>hiyfuh</h1>
754 <div>
755 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : luminous</p>
756 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : light</p>
757 </div>
758 </d:entry>
759 <d:entry id="jautuh" d:title="jautuh">
760 <d:index d:value="jautuh"/>
761 <d:index d:value="blue" d:title="jautuh" d:priority="2"/>
762 <h1>jautuh</h1>
763 <div>
764 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : colored blue</p>
765 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a blue color</p>
766 </div>
767 </d:entry>
768 <d:entry id="waut" d:title="waut">
769 <d:index d:value="waut"/>
770 <d:index d:value="grey" d:title="waut" d:priority="2"/>
771 <h1>waut</h1>
772 <div>
773 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : colored grey</p>
774 <ul><li>cloudy, esp. with precipitation</li></ul>
775 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a grey color</p>
776 </div>
777 </d:entry>
778 <d:entry id="utau_1" d:title="utau">
779 <d:index d:value="utau" d:title="utau"/>
780 <d:index d:value="dark" d:title="utau" d:priority="2"/>
781 <d:index d:value="black" d:title="utau" d:priority="2"/>
782 <h1>utau¹</h1>
783 <div>
784 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : darkly colored</p>
785 <ul><li>colored black</li></ul>
786 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a dark color, esp. black</p>
787 </div>
788 </d:entry>
789 <d:entry id="zhau_1" d:title="zhau">
790 <d:index d:value="zhau" d:title="zhau"/>
791 <d:index d:value="red" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
792 <d:index d:value="yellow" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
793 <d:index d:value="orange" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
794 <d:index d:value="warm" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
795 <h1>zhau¹</h1>
796 <div>
797 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : warmly colored</p>
798 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a warm color</p>
799 </div>
800 </d:entry>
801 <d:entry id="zhaenday" d:title="zhaendā">
802 <d:index d:value="zhaendā"/>
803 <d:index d:value="light" d:title="zhaendā" d:priority="2"/>
804 <d:index d:value="white" d:title="zhaendā" d:priority="2"/>
805 <h1>zhaendā</h1>
806 <div>
807 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : lightly colored</p>
808 <ul><li>colored white</li></ul>
809 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a light color, esp. white</p>
810 </div>
811 </d:entry>
812 <d:entry id="hohfahsee" d:title="hōfäsee">
813 <d:index d:value="hōfäsee"/>
814 <d:index d:value="feeling" d:title="hōfäsee" d:priority="2"/>
815 <d:index d:value="touch" d:title="hōfäsee" d:priority="2"/>
816 <d:index d:value="sensitive" d:title="hōfäsee" d:priority="2"/>
817 <h1>hōfäsee</h1>
818 <div>
819 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sensitive to the touch</p>
820 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : physical feeling, esp. the sense of touch</p>
821 </div>
822 </d:entry>
823 <d:entry id="tehdsiy" d:title="tëdsiy">
824 <d:index d:value="tëdsiy"/>
825 <d:index d:value="pain" d:title="tëdsiy" d:priority="2"/>
826 <h1>tëdsiy</h1>
827 <div>
828 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : painful</p>
829 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a feeling of pain</p>
830 </div>
831 </d:entry>
832 <d:entry id="daytiyt" d:title="dātiyt">
833 <d:index d:value="dātiyt"/>
834 <d:index d:value="sour" d:title="dātiyt" d:priority="2"/>
835 <h1>dātiyt</h1>
836 <div>
837 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sour</p>
838 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : sourness</p>
839 </div>
840 </d:entry>
841 <d:entry id="dohjiydoh" d:title="dōjiydō">
842 <d:index d:value="dōjiydō"/>
843 <d:index d:value="sweet" d:title="dōjiydō" d:priority="2"/>
844 <h1>dōjiydō</h1>
845 <div>
846 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sweet</p>
847 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : sweetness</p>
848 </div>
849 </d:entry>
850 <d:entry id="johwahseht" d:title="jōwäsët">
851 <d:index d:value="jōwäsët"/>
852 <d:index d:value="salt" d:title="jōwäsët" d:priority="2"/>
853 <d:index d:value="salty" d:title="jōwäsët" d:priority="2"/>
854 <h1>jōwäsët</h1>
855 <div>
856 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : salty</p>
857 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : salt</p>
858 <ul><li>saltiness</li></ul>
859 </div>
860 </d:entry>
861 <d:entry id="paufee" d:title="paufee">
862 <d:index d:value="paufee"/>
863 <d:index d:value="hot" d:title="paufee" d:priority="2"/>
864 <d:index d:value="spicy" d:title="paufee" d:priority="2"/>
865 <d:index d:value="spiciness" d:title="paufee" d:priority="2"/>
866 <h1>paufee</h1>
867 <div>
868 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having a hot (spicy) flavor</p>
869 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : hotness (spiciness)</p>
870 </div>
871 </d:entry>
872 <d:entry id="sohfeezhiy" d:title="sōfeezhiy">
873 <d:index d:value="sōfeezhiy"/>
874 <d:index d:value="bitter" d:title="sōfeezhiy" d:priority="2"/>
875 <h1>sōfeezhiy</h1>
876 <div>
877 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : bitter</p>
878 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : bitterness</p>
879 </div>
880 </d:entry>
881 <d:entry id="ohjiys" d:title="ōjiys">
882 <d:index d:value="ōjiys"/>
883 <d:index d:value="scent" d:title="ōjiys" d:priority="2"/>
884 <d:index d:value="smelly" d:title="ōjiys" d:priority="2"/>
885 <h1>ōjiys</h1>
886 <div>
887 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having a powerful odor</p>
888 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a scent</p>
889 </div>
890 </d:entry>
891 <d:entry id="dohpahjee" d:title="dōpäjee">
892 <d:index d:value="dōpäjee"/>
893 <d:index d:value="loud" d:title="dōpäjee" d:priority="2"/>
894 <d:index d:value="noisy" d:title="dōpäjee" d:priority="2"/>
895 <d:index d:value="rude" d:title="dōpäjee" d:priority="2"/>
896 <d:index d:value="obnoxious" d:title="dōpäjee" d:priority="2"/>
897 <h1>dōpäjee</h1>
898 <div>
899 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : loud; noisy</p>
900 <ul><li>(of a person) particularly rude or obnoxious</li></ul>
901 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : noise</p>
902 </div>
903 </d:entry>
904 <d:entry id="fohzhoosoh" d:title="fōzhūsō">
905 <d:index d:value="fōzhūsō"/>
906 <d:index d:value="quiet" d:title="fōzhūsō" d:priority="2"/>
907 <d:index d:value="shy" d:title="fōzhūsō" d:priority="2"/>
908 <d:index d:value="modest" d:title="fōzhūsō" d:priority="2"/>
909 <d:index d:value="silence" d:title="fōzhūsō" d:priority="2"/>
910 <h1>fōzhūsō</h1>
911 <div>
912 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : quiet</p>
913 <ul><li>(of a person) shy or modest</li></ul>
914 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : silence</p>
915 </div>
916 </d:entry>
917 <d:entry id="zhaypay" d:title="zhāpā">
918 <d:index d:value="zhāpā"/>
919 <d:index d:value="sound" d:title="zhāpā" d:priority="2"/>
920 <h1>zhāpā</h1>
921 <div>
922 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : producing sound</p>
923 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a sound</p>
924 </div>
925 </d:entry>
926 <d:entry id="zhahsay_1" d:title="zhäsā">
927 <d:index d:value="zhäsā"/>
928 <d:index d:value="speech" d:title="zhäsā" d:priority="2"/>
929 <d:index d:value="talkative" d:title="zhäsā" d:priority="2"/>
930 <h1>zhäsā¹</h1>
931 <div>
932 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : talkative</p>
933 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : speech</p>
934 </div>
935 </d:entry>
936 <d:entry id="pohwah" d:title="pōwä">
937 <d:index d:value="pōwä"/>
938 <d:index d:value="music" d:title="pōwä" d:priority="2"/>
939 <h1>pōwä</h1>
940 <div>
941 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : musical; melodic</p>
942 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a piece of music</p>
943 <ul><li>music collectively</li></ul>
944 </div>
945 </d:entry>
946 <d:entry id="zhayoh_1" d:title="zhāō">
947 <d:index d:value="zhāō"/>
948 <d:index d:value="emotion" d:title="zhāō" d:priority="2"/>
949 <h1>zhāō¹</h1>
950 <div>
951 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : emotional</p>
952 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an emotion</p>
953 </div>
954 </d:entry>
955 <d:entry id="dohday" d:title="dōdā">
956 <d:index d:value="dōdā"/>
957 <d:index d:value="happy" d:title="dōdā" d:priority="2"/>
958 <d:index d:value="happiness" d:title="dōdā" d:priority="2"/>
959 <h1>dōdā</h1>
960 <div>
961 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : happy</p>
962 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : happiness</p>
963 </div>
964 </d:entry>
965 <d:entry id="tohpay" d:title="tōpā">
966 <d:index d:value="tōpā"/>
967 <d:index d:value="anger" d:title="tōpā" d:priority="2"/>
968 <d:index d:value="angry" d:title="tōpā" d:priority="2"/>
969 <h1>tōpā</h1>
970 <div>
971 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : angry</p>
972 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : anger</p>
973 </div>
974 </d:entry>
975 <d:entry id="hhoifoh" d:title="hhoifō">
976 <d:index d:value="hhoifō"/>
977 <d:index d:value="sad" d:title="hhoifō" d:priority="2"/>
978 <h1>hhoifō</h1>
979 <div>
980 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sad</p>
981 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : sadness</p>
982 </div>
983 </d:entry>
984 <d:entry id="hohtahjoh" d:title="hōtäjō">
985 <d:index d:value="hōtäjō"/>
986 <d:index d:value="frustration" d:title="hōtäjō" d:priority="2"/>
987 <h1>hōtäjō</h1>
988 <div>
989 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : frustrated</p>
990 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : frustration</p>
991 </div>
992 </d:entry>
993 <d:entry id="hohzhiyd" d:title="hōzhiyd">
994 <d:index d:value="hōzhiyd"/>
995 <d:index d:value="love" d:title="hōzhiyd" d:priority="2"/>
996 <h1>hōzhiyd</h1>
997 <div>
998 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : loving</p>
999 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : love, between friends or family</p>
1000 </div>
1001 </d:entry>
1002 <d:entry id="juhwaendohsay" d:title="jūwaendōsā">
1003 <d:index d:value="jūwaendōsā"/>
1004 <d:index d:value="awe" d:title="jūwaendōsā" d:priority="2"/>
1005 <d:index d:value="love" d:title="jūwaendōsā" d:priority="2"/>
1006 <h1>jūwaendōsā</h1>
1007 <div>
1008 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : awed</p>
1009 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : awe, esp. as the result of art or beauty</p>
1010 </div>
1011 </d:entry>
1012 <d:entry id="wohway" d:title="wōwā">
1013 <d:index d:value="wōwā"/>
1014 <d:index d:value="calm" d:title="wōwā" d:priority="2"/>
1015 <d:index d:value="peaceful" d:title="wōwā" d:priority="2"/>
1016 <h1>wōwā</h1>
1017 <div>
1018 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : calm or peaceful</p>
1019 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : calmness or peacefulness</p>
1020 </div>
1021 </d:entry>
1022 <d:entry id="zhaujuh" d:title="zhaujuh">
1023 <d:index d:value="zhaujuh"/>
1024 <d:index d:value="passion" d:title="zhaujuh" d:priority="2"/>
1025 <d:index d:value="love" d:title="zhaujuh" d:priority="2"/>
1026 <h1>zhaujuh</h1>
1027 <div>
1028 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : passionate</p>
1029 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : passion, esp. for a person, idea, or activity</p>
1030 </div>
1031 </d:entry>
1032 <d:entry id="dayohsee" d:title="dāōsee">
1033 <d:index d:value="dāōsee"/>
1034 <d:index d:value="excitement" d:title="dāōsee" d:priority="2"/>
1035 <h1>dāōsee</h1>
1036 <div>
1037 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : excited</p>
1038 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : mental energy; excitement</p>
1039 </div>
1040 </d:entry>
1041 <d:entry id="hahwee" d:title="häwee">
1042 <d:index d:value="häwee"/>
1043 <d:index d:value="life" d:title="häwee" d:priority="2"/>
1044 <d:index d:value="alive" d:title="häwee" d:priority="2"/>
1045 <h1>häwee</h1>
1046 <div>
1047 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : alive</p>
1048 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : life</p>
1049 </div>
1050 </d:entry>
1051 <d:entry id="hae" d:title="hae">
1052 <d:index d:value="hae"/>
1053 <d:index d:value="energy" d:title="hae" d:priority="2"/>
1054 <h1>hae</h1>
1055 <div>
1056 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : containing energy; energized</p>
1057 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : energy</p>
1058 </div>
1059 </d:entry>
1060 <d:entry id="fahee" d:title="fäee">
1061 <d:index d:value="fäee"/>
1062 <d:index d:value="death" d:title="fäee" d:priority="2"/>
1063 <d:index d:value="dead" d:title="fäee" d:priority="2"/>
1064 <h1>fäee</h1>
1065 <div>
1066 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : dead</p>
1067 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : death</p>
1068 </div>
1069 </d:entry>
1070 <d:entry id="dahhhwee" d:title="dähhwee">
1071 <d:index d:value="dähhwee"/>
1072 <d:index d:value="heath" d:title="dähhwee" d:priority="2"/>
1073 <h1>dähhwee</h1>
1074 <div>
1075 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : healthy</p>
1076 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : health</p>
1077 </div>
1078 </d:entry>
1079 <d:entry id="tahhhee" d:title="tähhee">
1080 <d:index d:value="tähhee"/>
1081 <d:index d:value="dying" d:title="tähhee" d:priority="2"/>
1082 <h1>tähhee</h1>
1083 <div>
1084 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : dying</p>
1085 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the process of dying</p>
1086 </div>
1087 </d:entry>
1088 <d:entry id="ahtee" d:title="ätee">
1089 <d:index d:value="ätee"/>
1090 <d:index d:value="sick" d:title="ätee" d:priority="2"/>
1091 <h1>ätee</h1>
1092 <div>
1093 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sick</p>
1094 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a sickness</p>
1095 </div>
1096 </d:entry>
1097 <d:entry id="fehdsoh" d:title="fëdsō">
1098 <d:index d:value="fëdsō"/>
1099 <d:index d:value="injury" d:title="fëdsō" d:priority="2"/>
1100 <d:index d:value="injured" d:title="fëdsō" d:priority="2"/>
1101 <h1>fëdsō</h1>
1102 <div>
1103 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : injured</p>
1104 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an injury</p>
1105 </div>
1106 </d:entry>
1107 <d:entry id="joh" d:title="jō">
1108 <d:index d:value="jō"/>
1109 <d:index d:value="right" d:title="jō" d:priority="2"/>
1110 <d:index d:value="correct" d:title="jō" d:priority="2"/>
1111 <d:index d:value="true" d:title="jō" d:priority="2"/>
1112 <d:index d:value="accurate" d:title="jō" d:priority="2"/>
1113 <h1></h1>
1114 <div>
1115 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : morally right (correct)</p>
1116 <ul><li>factually accurate or true</li></ul>
1117 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : correctness</p>
1118 </div>
1119 </d:entry>
1120 <d:entry id="zhahfoh" d:title="zhäfō">
1121 <d:index d:value="zhäfō"/>
1122 <d:index d:value="wrong" d:title="zhäfō" d:priority="2"/>
1123 <d:index d:value="incorrect" d:title="zhäfō" d:priority="2"/>
1124 <d:index d:value="false" d:title="zhäfō" d:priority="2"/>
1125 <d:index d:value="inaccurate" d:title="zhäfō" d:priority="2"/>
1126 <h1>zhäfō</h1>
1127 <div>
1128 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : morally wrong</p>
1129 <ul><li>factually inaccurate or false</li></ul>
1130 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : incorrectness</p>
1131 </div>
1132 </d:entry>
1133 <d:entry id="dahfoh" d:title="däfō">
1134 <d:index d:value="däfō"/>
1135 <d:index d:value="knowledge" d:title="däfō" d:priority="2"/>
1136 <h1>däfō</h1>
1137 <div>
1138 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : knowledgeable</p>
1139 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : knowledge</p>
1140 </div>
1141 </d:entry>
1142 <d:entry id="jaufuh" d:title="jaufuh">
1143 <d:index d:value="jaufuh"/>
1144 <d:index d:value="power" d:title="jaufuh" d:priority="2"/>
1145 <h1>jaufuh</h1>
1146 <div>
1147 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : powerful</p>
1148 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : power</p>
1149 </div>
1150 </d:entry>
1151 <d:entry id="sohzhoowahd" d:title="sōzhūwäd">
1152 <d:index d:value="sōzhūwäd"/>
1153 <d:index d:value="beauty" d:title="sōzhūwäd" d:priority="2"/>
1154 <d:index d:value="beautiful" d:title="sōzhūwäd" d:priority="2"/>
1155 <h1>sōzhūwäd</h1>
1156 <div>
1157 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : beautiful</p>
1158 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : beauty</p>
1159 </div>
1160 </d:entry>
1161 <d:entry id="hohsee" d:title="hōsee">
1162 <d:index d:value="hōsee"/>
1163 <d:index d:value="trust" d:title="hōsee" d:priority="2"/>
1164 <h1>hōsee</h1>
1165 <div>
1166 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : trusting</p>
1167 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : trust</p>
1168 </div>
1169 </d:entry>
1170 <d:entry id="daygauwuh" d:title="dāgauwuh">
1171 <d:index d:value="dāgauwuh"/>
1172 <d:index d:value="hope" d:title="dāgauwuh" d:priority="2"/>
1173 <h1>dāgauwuh</h1>
1174 <div>
1175 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hopeful</p>
1176 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : hope</p>
1177 </div>
1178 </d:entry>
1179 <d:entry id="tohzhootsay" d:title="tōzhūtsā">
1180 <d:index d:value="tōzhūtsā"/>
1181 <d:index d:value="word" d:title="tōzhūtsā" d:priority="2"/>
1182 <d:index d:value="brief" d:title="tōzhūtsā" d:priority="2"/>
1183 <h1>tōzhūtsā</h1>
1184 <div>
1185 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a statement) brief</p>
1186 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a word</p>
1187 </div>
1188 </d:entry>
1189 <d:entry id="dohzhaytoh" d:title="dōzhātō">
1190 <d:index d:value="dōzhātō"/>
1191 <d:index d:value="statement" d:title="dōzhātō" d:priority="2"/>
1192 <h1>dōzhātō</h1>
1193 <div>
1194 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a statement) with purpose or meaning</p>
1195 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a statement</p>
1196 </div>
1197 </d:entry>
1198 <d:entry id="poit" d:title="poit">
1199 <d:index d:value="poit"/>
1200 <d:index d:value="time" d:title="poit" d:priority="2"/>
1201 <d:index d:value="moment" d:title="poit" d:priority="2"/>
1202 <h1>poit</h1>
1203 <div>
1204 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : momentary</p>
1205 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a moment</p>
1206 <ul><li>time collectively</li></ul>
1207 </div>
1208 </d:entry>
1209 <d:entry id="hoipuh" d:title="hoipuh">
1210 <d:index d:value="hoipuh"/>
1211 <d:index d:value="day" d:title="hoipuh" d:priority="2"/>
1212 <d:index d:value="midday" d:title="hoipuh" d:priority="2"/>
1213 <d:index d:value="noon" d:title="hoipuh" d:priority="2"/>
1214 <h1>hoipuh</h1>
1215 <div>
1216 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring at midday</p>
1217 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a day</p>
1218 <ul><li>midday</li></ul>
1219 </div>
1220 </d:entry>
1221 <d:entry id="zhaenzhay" d:title="zhaenzhā">
1222 <d:index d:value="zhaenzhā"/>
1223 <d:index d:value="night" d:title="zhaenzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1224 <d:index d:value="midnight" d:title="zhaenzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1225 <h1>zhaenzhā</h1>
1226 <div>
1227 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring at night</p>
1228 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : night</p>
1229 </div>
1230 </d:entry>
1231 <d:entry id="aedae" d:title="aedae">
1232 <d:index d:value="aedae"/>
1233 <d:index d:value="month" d:title="aedae" d:priority="2"/>
1234 <h1>aedae</h1>
1235 <div>
1236 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring every month</p>
1237 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a month</p>
1238 </div>
1239 </d:entry>
1240 <d:entry id="dohfiytuh" d:title="dōfiytuh">
1241 <d:index d:value="dōfiytuh"/>
1242 <d:index d:value="morning" d:title="dōfiytuh" d:priority="2"/>
1243 <h1>dōfiytuh</h1>
1244 <div>
1245 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring in the morning</p>
1246 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : morning</p>
1247 </div>
1248 </d:entry>
1249 <d:entry id="fuwohfuh" d:title="fuwōfuh">
1250 <d:index d:value="fuwōfuh"/>
1251 <d:index d:value="evening" d:title="fuwōfuh" d:priority="2"/>
1252 <d:index d:value="end" d:title="fuwōfuh" d:priority="2"/>
1253 <h1>fuwōfuh</h1>
1254 <div>
1255 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring in the evening</p>
1256 <ul><li>nearing the end of its life</li></ul>
1257 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : evening</p>
1258 </div>
1259 </d:entry>
1260 <d:entry id="supoi" d:title="supoi">
1261 <d:index d:value="supoi"/>
1262 <d:index d:value="present" d:title="supoi" d:priority="2"/>
1263 <d:index d:value="current" d:title="supoi" d:priority="2"/>
1264 <h1>supoi</h1>
1265 <div>
1266 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : current; occurring presently</p>
1267 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the present</p>
1268 </div>
1269 </d:entry>
1270 <d:entry id="zhoit" d:title="zhoit">
1271 <d:index d:value="zhoit"/>
1272 <d:index d:value="future" d:title="zhoit" d:priority="2"/>
1273 <h1>zhoit</h1>
1274 <div>
1275 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring in the future</p>
1276 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the future</p>
1277 </div>
1278 </d:entry>
1279 <d:entry id="pusah" d:title="pusä">
1280 <d:index d:value="pusä"/>
1281 <d:index d:value="past" d:title="pusä" d:priority="2"/>
1282 <h1>pusä</h1>
1283 <div>
1284 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : occurring in the past</p>
1285 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the past</p>
1286 </div>
1287 </d:entry>
1288 <d:entry id="zhoh_1" d:title="zhō">
1289 <d:index d:value="zhō"/>
1290 <d:index d:value="one" d:title="zhō" d:priority="2"/>
1291 <d:index d:value="first" d:title="zhō" d:priority="2"/>
1292 <d:index d:value="1" d:priority="2"/>
1293 <h1>1 – zhō¹</h1>
1294 <div>
1295 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : first</p>
1296 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : one</p>
1297 </div>
1298 </d:entry>
1299 <d:entry id="wohs" d:title="wōs">
1300 <d:index d:value="wōs"/>
1301 <d:index d:value="two" d:title="wōs" d:priority="2"/>
1302 <d:index d:value="second" d:title="wōs" d:priority="2"/>
1303 <d:index d:value="2" d:priority="2"/>
1304 <h1>2 – wōs</h1>
1305 <div>
1306 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : second</p>
1307 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : two</p>
1308 </div>
1309 </d:entry>
1310 <d:entry id="gohjoo" d:title="gōjū">
1311 <d:index d:value="gōjū"/>
1312 <d:index d:value="three" d:title="gōjū" d:priority="2"/>
1313 <d:index d:value="third" d:title="gōjū" d:priority="2"/>
1314 <d:index d:value="3" d:priority="2"/>
1315 <h1>3 - gōjū</h1>
1316 <div>
1317 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : third</p>
1318 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : three</p>
1319 </div>
1320 </d:entry>
1321 <d:entry id="zhahfay" d:title="zhäfā">
1322 <d:index d:value="zhäfā"/>
1323 <d:index d:value="four" d:title="zhäfā" d:priority="2"/>
1324 <d:index d:value="fourth" d:title="zhäfā" d:priority="2"/>
1325 <d:index d:value="4" d:priority="2"/>
1326 <h1>4 – zhäfā</h1>
1327 <div>
1328 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : fourth</p>
1329 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : four</p>
1330 </div>
1331 </d:entry>
1332 <d:entry id="wayt" d:title="wāt">
1333 <d:index d:value="wāt"/>
1334 <d:index d:value="five" d:title="wāt" d:priority="2"/>
1335 <d:index d:value="fifth" d:title="wāt" d:priority="2"/>
1336 <d:index d:value="5" d:priority="2"/>
1337 <h1>5 – wāt</h1>
1338 <div>
1339 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : fifth</p>
1340 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : five</p>
1341 </div>
1342 </d:entry>
1343 <d:entry id="sohpoh" d:title="sōpō">
1344 <d:index d:value="sōpō"/>
1345 <d:index d:value="six" d:title="sōpō" d:priority="2"/>
1346 <d:index d:value="sixth" d:title="sōpō" d:priority="2"/>
1347 <d:index d:value="6" d:priority="2"/>
1348 <h1>6 – sōpō</h1>
1349 <div>
1350 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sixth</p>
1351 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : six</p>
1352 </div>
1353 </d:entry>
1354 <d:entry id="jaht" d:title="jät">
1355 <d:index d:value="jät"/>
1356 <d:index d:value="seven" d:title="jät" d:priority="2"/>
1357 <d:index d:value="seventh" d:title="jät" d:priority="2"/>
1358 <d:index d:value="7" d:priority="2"/>
1359 <h1>7 – jät</h1>
1360 <div>
1361 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : seventh</p>
1362 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : seven</p>
1363 </div>
1364 </d:entry>
1365 <d:entry id="saentoh" d:title="saentō">
1366 <d:index d:value="saentō"/>
1367 <d:index d:value="eight" d:title="saentō" d:priority="2"/>
1368 <d:index d:value="eighth" d:title="saentō" d:priority="2"/>
1369 <d:index d:value="10" d:priority="2"/>
1370 <d:index d:value="8" d:title="10" d:priority="2"/>
1371 <h1>10 – saentō</h1>
1372 <div>
1373 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : eighth</p>
1374 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : eight</p>
1375 </div>
1376 </d:entry>
1377 <d:entry id="daysoh" d:title="dāsō">
1378 <d:index d:value="dāsō"/>
1379 <d:index d:value="water" d:title="dāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1380 <d:index d:value="fluid" d:title="dāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1381 <h1>dāsō</h1>
1382 <div>
1383 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : fluid; watery</p>
1384 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : water</p>
1385 </div>
1386 </d:entry>
1387 <d:entry id="fehweht" d:title="fëwët">
1388 <d:index d:value="fëwët"/>
1389 <d:index d:value="wood" d:title="fëwët" d:priority="2"/>
1390 <h1>fëwët</h1>
1391 <div>
1392 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of wood</p>
1393 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : wood</p>
1394 </div>
1395 </d:entry>
1396 <d:entry id="pohzhahsoh" d:title="pōzhäsō">
1397 <d:index d:value="pōzhäsō"/>
1398 <d:index d:value="stone" d:title="pōzhäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1399 <d:index d:value="rock" d:title="pōzhäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1400 <h1>pōzhäsō</h1>
1401 <div>
1402 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of stone</p>
1403 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : stone</p>
1404 <ul><li>a rock</li></ul>
1405 </div>
1406 </d:entry>
1407 <d:entry id="pohzhuh" d:title="pōzhuh">
1408 <d:index d:value="pōzhuh"/>
1409 <d:index d:value="ground" d:title="pōzhuh" d:priority="2"/>
1410 <d:index d:value="earth" d:title="pōzhuh" d:priority="2"/>
1411 <h1>pōzhuh</h1>
1412 <div>
1413 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the ground, as opposed to being of the sky</p>
1414 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : ground</p>
1415 </div>
1416 </d:entry>
1417 <d:entry id="dausee" d:title="dausee">
1418 <d:index d:value="dausee"/>
1419 <d:index d:value="fire" d:title="dausee" d:priority="2"/>
1420 <h1>dausee</h1>
1421 <div>
1422 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : burning</p>
1423 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : fire</p>
1424 <ul><li>a flame</li></ul>
1425 </div>
1426 </d:entry>
1427 <d:entry id="dohzhuh" d:title="dōzhuh">
1428 <d:index d:value="dōzhuh"/>
1429 <d:index d:value="metal" d:title="dōzhuh" d:priority="2"/>
1430 <h1>dōzhuh</h1>
1431 <div>
1432 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of metal</p>
1433 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : metal</p>
1434 </div>
1435 </d:entry>
1436 <d:entry id="tohfoosoh" d:title="tōfūsō">
1437 <d:index d:value="tōfūsō"/>
1438 <d:index d:value="clay" d:title="tōfūsō" d:priority="2"/>
1439 <h1>tōfūsō</h1>
1440 <div>
1441 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of clay</p>
1442 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : clay</p>
1443 </div>
1444 </d:entry>
1445 <d:entry id="dautuh" d:title="dautuh">
1446 <d:index d:value="dautuh"/>
1447 <d:index d:value="sky" d:title="dautuh" d:priority="2"/>
1448 <h1>dautuh</h1>
1449 <div>
1450 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the sky</p>
1451 <ul><li>pointed skyward</li></ul>
1452 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the sky</p>
1453 </div>
1454 </d:entry>
1455 <d:entry id="hhiytuh" d:title="hhiytuh">
1456 <d:index d:value="hhiytuh"/>
1457 <d:index d:value="moon" d:title="hhiytuh" d:priority="2"/>
1458 <h1>hhiytuh</h1>
1459 <div>
1460 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or relating to the moon</p>
1461 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the moon</p>
1462 </div>
1463 </d:entry>
1464 <d:entry id="tohfahee" d:title="tōfäee">
1465 <d:index d:value="tōfäee"/>
1466 <d:index d:value="star" d:title="tōfäee" d:priority="2"/>
1467 <d:index d:value="guiding" d:title="tōfäee" d:priority="2"/>
1468 <d:index d:value="helpful" d:title="tōfäee" d:priority="2"/>
1469 <h1>tōfäee</h1>
1470 <div>
1471 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a star</p>
1472 <ul><li>guiding, helpful</li></ul>
1473 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a star</p>
1474 </div>
1475 </d:entry>
1476 <d:entry id="hohzhay" d:title="hōzhā">
1477 <d:index d:value="hōzhā"/>
1478 <d:index d:value="land" d:title="hōzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1479 <h1>hōzhā</h1>
1480 <div>
1481 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the land</p>
1482 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the land</p>
1483 </div>
1484 </d:entry>
1485 <d:entry id="toodaysoh" d:title="tūdāsō">
1486 <d:index d:value="tūdāsō"/>
1487 <d:index d:value="river" d:title="tūdāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1488 <d:index d:value="creek" d:title="tūdāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1489 <h1>tūdāsō</h1>
1490 <div>
1491 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a river</p>
1492 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a river or creek</p>
1493 </div>
1494 </d:entry>
1495 <d:entry id="doifahsoh" d:title="doifäsō">
1496 <d:index d:value="doifäsō"/>
1497 <d:index d:value="lake" d:title="doifäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1498 <d:index d:value="sea" d:title="doifäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1499 <d:index d:value="ocean" d:title="doifäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1500 <d:index d:value="gulf" d:title="doifäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1501 <h1>doifäsō</h1>
1502 <div>
1503 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a large body of water</p>
1504 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a large body of water</p>
1505 </div>
1506 </d:entry>
1507 <d:entry id="tohwoodoh" d:title="tōwūdō">
1508 <d:index d:value="tōwūdō"/>
1509 <d:index d:value="pond" d:title="tōwūdō" d:priority="2"/>
1510 <d:index d:value="lake" d:title="tōwūdō" d:priority="2"/>
1511 <d:index d:value="sea" d:title="tōwūdō" d:priority="2"/>
1512 <h1>tōwūdō</h1>
1513 <div>
1514 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a smaller body of water</p>
1515 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a smaller body of water</p>
1516 </div>
1517 </d:entry>
1518 <d:entry id="dohwahtsay" d:title="dōwätsā">
1519 <d:index d:value="dōwätsā"/>
1520 <d:index d:value="mountain" d:title="dōwätsā" d:priority="2"/>
1521 <d:index d:value="mountainous" d:title="dōwätsā" d:priority="2"/>
1522 <h1>dōwätsā</h1>
1523 <div>
1524 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a mountain</p>
1525 <ul><li>mountainous</li></ul>
1526 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a mountain</p>
1527 </div>
1528 </d:entry>
1529 <d:entry id="tohfootzhay" d:title="tōfūtzhā">
1530 <d:index d:value="tōfūtzhā"/>
1531 <d:index d:value="valley" d:title="tōfūtzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1532 <d:index d:value="indent" d:title="tōfūtzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1533 <h1>tōfūtzhā</h1>
1534 <div>
1535 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a valley</p>
1536 <ul><li>(of a surface) indented</li></ul>
1537 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a valley</p>
1538 <ul><li>an indentation in a flat surface</li></ul>
1539 </div>
1540 </d:entry>
1541 <d:entry id="daysohzhay" d:title="dāsōzhā">
1542 <d:index d:value="dāsōzhā"/>
1543 <d:index d:value="island" d:title="dāsōzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1544 <h1>dāsōzhā</h1>
1545 <div>
1546 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of an island</p>
1547 <ul><li>isolated</li></ul>
1548 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an island</p>
1549 </div>
1550 </d:entry>
1551 <d:entry id="zhau_2" d:title="zhau">
1552 <d:index d:value="zhau" d:title="zhau"/>
1553 <d:index d:value="air" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
1554 <d:index d:value="open" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
1555 <d:index d:value="fluid" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
1556 <h1>zhau²</h1>
1557 <div>
1558 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the air</p>
1559 <ul>
1560 <li>airy; open</li>
1561 <li>moving with a fluid motion; free</li>
1562 </ul>
1563 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : air</p>
1564 </div>
1565 </d:entry>
1566 <d:entry id="goopuh" d:title="gūpuh">
1567 <d:index d:value="gūpuh"/>
1568 <d:index d:value="earth" d:title="gūpuh" d:priority="2"/>
1569 <d:index d:value="world" d:title="gūpuh" d:priority="2"/>
1570 <h1>gūpuh</h1>
1571 <div>
1572 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of the Earth</p>
1573 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a world, esp. the Earth</p>
1574 </div>
1575 </d:entry>
1576 <d:entry id="dautohsay" d:title="dautōsā">
1577 <d:index d:value="dautōsā"/>
1578 <d:index d:value="weather" d:title="dautōsā" d:priority="2"/>
1579 <d:index d:value="atmosphere" d:title="dautōsā" d:priority="2"/>
1580 <h1>dautōsā</h1>
1581 <div>
1582 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having weather</p>
1583 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : weather</p>
1584 <ul><li>the atmosphere produced by a group or conversation</li></ul>
1585 </div>
1586 </d:entry>
1587 <d:entry id="daytahsoh" d:title="dātäsō">
1588 <d:index d:value="dātäsō"/>
1589 <d:index d:value="cloud" d:title="dātäsō" d:priority="2"/>
1590 <h1>dātäsō</h1>
1591 <div>
1592 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : cloudy</p>
1593 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a cloud</p>
1594 </div>
1595 </d:entry>
1596 <d:entry id="dohzhay" d:title="dōzhā">
1597 <d:index d:value="dōzhā"/>
1598 <d:index d:value="rain" d:title="dōzhā" d:priority="2"/>
1599 <h1>dōzhā</h1>
1600 <div>
1601 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : rainy</p>
1602 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the rain</p>
1603 <ul><li>a raindrop</li></ul>
1604 </div>
1605 </d:entry>
1606 <d:entry id="dohtus" d:title="dōtus">
1607 <d:index d:value="dōtus"/>
1608 <d:index d:value="snow" d:title="dōtus" d:priority="2"/>
1609 <h1>dōtus</h1>
1610 <div>
1611 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : snowy</p>
1612 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the snow</p>
1613 <ul><li>a snowflake</li></ul>
1614 </div>
1615 </d:entry>
1616 <d:entry id="johway" d:title="jōwā">
1617 <d:index d:value="jōwā"/>
1618 <d:index d:value="wind" d:title="jōwā" d:priority="2"/>
1619 <h1>jōwā</h1>
1620 <div>
1621 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : windy</p>
1622 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a wind</p>
1623 </div>
1624 </d:entry>
1625 <d:entry id="utau_2" d:title="utau">
1626 <d:index d:value="utau"/>
1627 <d:index d:value="storm" d:title="utau" d:priority="2"/>
1628 <h1>utau²</h1>
1629 <div>
1630 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : stormy</p>
1631 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a storm</p>
1632 </div>
1633 </d:entry>
1634 <d:entry id="johfus" d:title="jōfus">
1635 <d:index d:value="jōfus"/>
1636 <d:index d:value="hail" d:title="jōfus" d:priority="2"/>
1637 <h1>jōfus</h1>
1638 <div>
1639 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hailing</p>
1640 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : hail</p>
1641 <ul><li>a hailstone</li></ul>
1642 </div>
1643 </d:entry>
1644 <d:entry id="zhausuh" d:title="zhausuh">
1645 <d:index d:value="zhausuh"/>
1646 <d:index d:value="lightning" d:title="zhausuh" d:priority="2"/>
1647 <h1>zhausuh</h1>
1648 <div>
1649 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : characterized by or producing lightning</p>
1650 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : lightning</p>
1651 <ul><li>a lightning bolt</li></ul>
1652 </div>
1653 </d:entry>
1654 <d:entry id="haypee" d:title="hāpee">
1655 <d:index d:value="hāpee"/>
1656 <d:index d:value="spring" d:title="hāpee" d:priority="2"/>
1657 <d:index d:value="vernal" d:title="hāpee" d:priority="2"/>
1658 <h1>hāpee</h1>
1659 <div>
1660 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : vernal</p>
1661 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a period characterized by lengthening days centered around the vernal equinox and taking up one-fourth of the year</p>
1662 </div>
1663 </d:entry>
1664 <d:entry id="hhiywah" d:title="hhiywä">
1665 <d:index d:value="hhiywä"/>
1666 <d:index d:value="year" d:title="hhiywä" d:priority="2"/>
1667 <d:index d:value="summer" d:title="hhiywä" d:priority="2"/>
1668 <d:index d:value="estival" d:title="hhiywä" d:priority="2"/>
1669 <h1>hhiywä</h1>
1670 <div>
1671 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : annual</p>
1672 <ul><li>estival</li></ul>
1673 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a year</p>
1674 <ul><li>a period characterized by warmer temperatures and longer days centered around the summer solstice and taking up one-fourth of the year</li></ul>
1675 </div>
1676 </d:entry>
1677 <d:entry id="tahaenee" d:title="täaenee">
1678 <d:index d:value="täaenee"/>
1679 <d:index d:value="fall" d:title="täaenee" d:priority="2"/>
1680 <d:index d:value="autumn" d:title="täaenee" d:priority="2"/>
1681 <h1>täaenee</h1>
1682 <div>
1683 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : autumnal</p>
1684 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a period characterized by shortening days centered around the autumnal equinox</p>
1685 </div>
1686 </d:entry>
1687 <d:entry id="aenduh" d:title="aenduh">
1688 <d:index d:value="aenduh"/>
1689 <d:index d:value="winter" d:title="aenduh" d:priority="2"/>
1690 <d:index d:value="hibernal" d:title="aenduh" d:priority="2"/>
1691 <h1>aenduh</h1>
1692 <div>
1693 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hibernal</p>
1694 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a period characterized by colder temperatures and short days centered around the winter solstice and taking up one-fourth of the year</p>
1695 </div>
1696 </d:entry>
1697 <d:entry id="taen" d:title="taen">
1698 <d:index d:value="taen"/>
1699 <d:index d:value="Autumn" d:title="taen" d:priority="2"/>
1700 <h1>taen</h1>
1701 <div>
1702 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : from <a href="x-dictionary:r:tahaenee">täaenee</a></p>
1703 </div>
1704 </d:entry>
1705 <d:entry id="iyohtaehiyuh" d:title="iyōtaehiyuh">
1706 <d:index d:value="iyōtaehiyuh"/>
1707 <d:index d:value="Chloe" d:title="iyōtaehiyuh" d:priority="2"/>
1708 <h1>iyōtaehiyuh</h1>
1709 <div>
1710 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : meaning "green shoot"</p>
1711 <h2>Diminutives:</h2>
1712 <ul><li><a href="x-dictionary:r:iyoh">iyō</a></li></ul>
1713 </div>
1714 </d:entry>
1715 <d:entry id="iyoh" d:title="iyō">
1716 <d:index d:value="iyō"/>
1717 <d:index d:value="Chloe" d:title="iyō" d:priority="2"/>
1718 <h1>iyō</h1>
1719 <div>
1720 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : diminutive of <a href="x-dictionary:r:iyohtaehiyuh">iyōtaehiyuh</a></p>
1721 </div>
1722 </d:entry>
1723 <d:entry id="day" d:title="dā">
1724 <d:index d:value="dā"/>
1725 <d:index d:value="quick" d:title="dā" d:priority="2"/>
1726 <d:index d:value="fast" d:title="dā" d:priority="2"/>
1727 <d:index d:value="speed" d:title="dā" d:priority="2"/>
1728 <h1></h1>
1729 <div>
1730 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : quick</p>
1731 <ul>
1732 <li>nimble</li>
1733 <li>clever</li>
1734 </ul>
1735 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : speed</p>
1736 </div>
1737 </d:entry>
1738 <d:entry id="tood" d:title="tūd">
1739 <d:index d:value="tūd"/>
1740 <d:index d:value="slow" d:title="tūd" d:priority="2"/>
1741 <d:index d:value="sloth" d:title="tūd" d:priority="2"/>
1742 <h1>tūd</h1>
1743 <div>
1744 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : slow</p>
1745 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : slowness; sloth (trait)</p>
1746 </div>
1747 </d:entry>
1748 <d:entry id="johfah" d:title="jōfä">
1749 <d:index d:value="jōfä"/>
1750 <d:index d:value="great" d:title="jōfä" d:priority="2"/>
1751 <d:index d:value="grand" d:title="jōfä" d:priority="2"/>
1752 <h1>jōfä</h1>
1753 <div>
1754 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : grand; great</p>
1755 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : grandiosity; greatness</p>
1756 </div>
1757 </d:entry>
1758 <d:entry id="fohwoo" d:title="fōwū">
1759 <d:index d:value="fōwū"/>
1760 <d:index d:value="small" d:title="fōwū" d:priority="2"/>
1761 <d:index d:value="unimportant" d:title="fōwū" d:priority="2"/>
1762 <h1>fōwū</h1>
1763 <div>
1764 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : small; unimportant</p>
1765 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : smallness; unimportance</p>
1766 </div>
1767 </d:entry>
1768 <d:entry id="gohpah" d:title="gōpä">
1769 <d:index d:value="gōpä"/>
1770 <d:index d:value="strength" d:title="gōpä" d:priority="2"/>
1771 <d:index d:value="strong" d:title="gōpä" d:priority="2"/>
1772 <h1>gōpä</h1>
1773 <div>
1774 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : strong</p>
1775 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : strength</p>
1776 </div>
1777 </d:entry>
1778 <d:entry id="tahwoo" d:title="täwū">
1779 <d:index d:value="täwū"/>
1780 <d:index d:value="weak" d:title="täwū" d:priority="2"/>
1781 <h1>täwū</h1>
1782 <div>
1783 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : weak</p>
1784 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the condition of being weak</p>
1785 <ul><li>a weakness</li></ul>
1786 </div>
1787 </d:entry>
1788 <d:entry id="daypeh" d:title="dāpë">
1789 <d:index d:value="dāpë"/>
1790 <d:index d:value="good" d:title="dāpë" d:priority="2"/>
1791 <h1>dāpë</h1>
1792 <div>
1793 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : good</p>
1794 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : goodness</p>
1795 </div>
1796 </d:entry>
1797 <d:entry id="tayt" d:title="tāt">
1798 <d:index d:value="tāt"/>
1799 <d:index d:value="bad" d:title="tāt" d:priority="2"/>
1800 <h1>tāt</h1>
1801 <div>
1802 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : bad</p>
1803 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : badness</p>
1804 </div>
1805 </d:entry>
1806 <d:entry id="wauwuh" d:title="wauwuh">
1807 <d:index d:value="wauwuh"/>
1808 <d:index d:value="wise" d:title="wauwuh" d:priority="2"/>
1809 <d:index d:value="wisdom" d:title="wauwuh" d:priority="2"/>
1810 <h1>wauwuh</h1>
1811 <div>
1812 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : wise</p>
1813 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : wisdom</p>
1814 </div>
1815 </d:entry>
1816 <d:entry id="daytahzhoh" d:title="dātäzhō">
1817 <d:index d:value="dātäzhō"/>
1818 <d:index d:value="stupid" d:title="dātäzhō" d:priority="2"/>
1819 <h1>dātäzhō</h1>
1820 <div>
1821 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : stupid</p>
1822 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : stupidity</p>
1823 <span class="note"><p>Note: Usage of dātäzhō is generally considered rude, use <a href="x-dictionary:r:tahzhoh">täzhō</a> if possible.</p></span>
1824 </div>
1825 </d:entry>
1826 <d:entry id="tahzhoh" d:title="täzhō">
1827 <d:index d:value="täzhō"/>
1828 <d:index d:value="foolish" d:title="täzhō" d:priority="2"/>
1829 <h1>täzhō</h1>
1830 <div>
1831 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : foolish</p>
1832 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : foolishness</p>
1833 </div>
1834 </d:entry>
1835 <d:entry id="tohtayhhhoh" d:title="tōtāhhhō">
1836 <d:index d:value="tōtāhhhō"/>
1837 <d:index d:value="hardworking" d:title="tōtāhhhō" d:priority="2"/>
1838 <d:index d:value="determined" d:title="tōtāhhhō" d:priority="2"/>
1839 <h1>tōtāhhhō</h1>
1840 <div>
1841 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hardworking; determined</p>
1842 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the quality of being hardworking; determination</p>
1843 </div>
1844 </d:entry>
1845 <d:entry id="toodfoo" d:title="tūdfū">
1846 <d:index d:value="tūdfū"/>
1847 <d:index d:value="lazy" d:title="tūdfū" d:priority="2"/>
1848 <d:index d:value="laziness" d:title="tūdfū" d:priority="2"/>
1849 <h1>tūdfū</h1>
1850 <div>
1851 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : lazy</p>
1852 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : laziness</p>
1853 </div>
1854 </d:entry>
1855 <d:entry id="ahhhmoh" d:title="ähhmō">
1856 <d:index d:value="ähhmō"/>
1857 <d:index d:value="sharp" d:title="ähhmō" d:priority="2"/>
1858 <d:index d:value="harsh" d:title="ähhmō" d:priority="2"/>
1859 <d:index d:value="direct" d:title="ähhmō" d:priority="2"/>
1860 <h1>ähhmō</h1>
1861 <div>
1862 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sharp</p>
1863 <ul><li>(of a statement) particularly harsh or direct</li></ul>
1864 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : sharpness</p>
1865 </div>
1866 </d:entry>
1867 <d:entry id="hhaysoh" d:title="hhāsō">
1868 <d:index d:value="hhāsō"/>
1869 <d:index d:value="front" d:title="hhāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1870 <d:index d:value="leading edge" d:title="hhāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1871 <d:index d:value="forward" d:title="hhāsō" d:priority="2"/>
1872 <h1>hhāsō</h1>
1873 <div>
1874 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : front</p>
1875 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the front side</p>
1876 <ul><li>the leading edge</li></ul>
1877 </div>
1878 </d:entry>
1879 <d:entry id="susah" d:title="susä">
1880 <d:index d:value="susä"/>
1881 <d:index d:value="back" d:title="susä" d:priority="2"/>
1882 <d:index d:value="backward" d:title="susä" d:priority="2"/>
1883 <h1>susä</h1>
1884 <div>
1885 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : back</p>
1886 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the back side</p>
1887 </div>
1888 </d:entry>
1889 <d:entry id="tiyhayd" d:title="tiyhād">
1890 <d:index d:value="tiyhād"/>
1891 <d:index d:value="side" d:title="tiyhād" d:priority="2"/>
1892 <h1>tiyhād</h1>
1893 <div>
1894 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a side, esp. other than the front or back</p>
1895 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a side</p>
1896 </div>
1897 </d:entry>
1898 <d:entry id="diytuh" d:title="diytuh">
1899 <d:index d:value="diytuh"/>
1900 <d:index d:value="top" d:title="diytuh" d:priority="2"/>
1901 <d:index d:value="up" d:title="diytuh" d:priority="2"/>
1902 <h1>diytuh</h1>
1903 <div>
1904 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : top</p>
1905 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the top side</p>
1906 </div>
1907 </d:entry>
1908 <d:entry id="oisuh" d:title="oisuh">
1909 <d:index d:value="oisuh"/>
1910 <d:index d:value="bottom" d:title="oisuh" d:priority="2"/>
1911 <d:index d:value="down" d:title="oisuh" d:priority="2"/>
1912 <h1>oisuh</h1>
1913 <div>
1914 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : bottom</p>
1915 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the bottom side</p>
1916 </div>
1917 </d:entry>
1918 <d:entry id="piy" d:title="piy">
1919 <d:index d:value="piy"/>
1920 <d:index d:value="right" d:title="piy" d:priority="2"/>
1921 <h1>piy</h1>
1922 <div>
1923 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : right</p>
1924 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the right side</p>
1925 </div>
1926 </d:entry>
1927 <d:entry id="diy" d:title="diy">
1928 <d:index d:value="diy"/>
1929 <d:index d:value="left" d:title="diy" d:priority="2"/>
1930 <h1>diy</h1>
1931 <div>
1932 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : left</p>
1933 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the left side</p>
1934 </div>
1935 </d:entry>
1936 <d:entry id="zhahtoh" d:title="zhätō">
1937 <d:index d:value="zhätō"/>
1938 <d:index d:value="near" d:title="zhätō" d:priority="2"/>
1939 <d:index d:value="relevant" d:title="zhätō" d:priority="2"/>
1940 <h1>zhätō</h1>
1941 <div>
1942 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : near</p>
1943 <ul><li>(of an idea) relevant</li></ul>
1944 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : nearness</p>
1945 <ul><li>(of an idea) relevance</li></ul>
1946 </div>
1947 </d:entry>
1948 <d:entry id="sohjoh" d:title="sōjō">
1949 <d:index d:value="sōjō"/>
1950 <d:index d:value="far" d:title="sōjō" d:priority="2"/>
1951 <d:index d:value="irrelevant" d:title="sōjō" d:priority="2"/>
1952 <h1>sōjō</h1>
1953 <div>
1954 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : far</p>
1955 <ul><li>(of an idea) irrelevant</li></ul>
1956 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : distance</p>
1957 </div>
1958 </d:entry>
1959 <d:entry id="zhiy" d:title="zhiy">
1960 <d:index d:value="zhiy"/>
1961 <d:index d:value="I" d:title="zhiy" d:priority="2"/>
1962 <d:index d:value="me" d:title="zhiy" d:priority="2"/>
1963 <d:index d:value="we" d:title="zhiy" d:priority="2"/>
1964 <d:index d:value="us" d:title="zhiy" d:priority="2"/>
1965 <h1>zhiy</h1>
1966 <div>
1967 <p><span class="part_of_speech">first person pronoun</span></p>
1968 </div>
1969 </d:entry>
1970 <d:entry id="uwayd" d:title="uwād">
1971 <d:index d:value="uwād"/>
1972 <d:index d:value="you" d:title="uwād" d:priority="2"/>
1973 <d:index d:value="y'all" d:title="uwād" d:priority="2"/>
1974 <h1>uwād</h1>
1975 <div>
1976 <p><span class="part_of_speech">second person pronoun</span></p>
1977 </div>
1978 </d:entry>
1979 <d:entry id="ae" d:title="ae">
1980 <d:index d:value="ae"/>
1981 <d:index d:value="she" d:title="ae" d:priority="2"/>
1982 <d:index d:value="they" d:title="ae" d:priority="2"/>
1983 <d:index d:value="them" d:title="ae" d:priority="2"/>
1984 <h1>ae</h1>
1985 <div>
1986 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine third person pronoun</span></p>
1987 </div>
1988 </d:entry>
1989 <d:entry id="ay" d:title="ā">
1990 <d:index d:value="ā"/>
1991 <d:index d:value="he" d:title="ā" d:priority="2"/>
1992 <d:index d:value="they" d:title="ā" d:priority="2"/>
1993 <d:index d:value="them" d:title="ā" d:priority="2"/>
1994 <h1>ā</h1>
1995 <div>
1996 <p><span class="part_of_speech">neuter third person pronoun</span></p>
1997 </div>
1998 </d:entry>
1999 <d:entry id="zhohd" d:title="zhōd">
2000 <d:index d:value="zhōd"/>
2001 <d:index d:value="it" d:title="zhōd" d:priority="2"/>
2002 <d:index d:value="they" d:title="zhōd" d:priority="2"/>
2003 <d:index d:value="them" d:title="zhōd" d:priority="2"/>
2004 <h1>zhōd</h1>
2005 <div>
2006 <p><span class="part_of_speech">inanimate third person pronoun</span></p>
2007 </div>
2008 </d:entry>
2009 <d:entry id="sut" d:title="sut">
2010 <d:index d:value="sut"/>
2011 <d:index d:value="this" d:title="sut" d:priority="2"/>
2012 <d:index d:value="these" d:title="sut" d:priority="2"/>
2013 <h1>sut</h1>
2014 <div>
2015 <p><span class="part_of_speech">proximal demonstrative adjective</span></p>
2016 <p><span class="part_of_speech">proximal demonstrative noun</span></p>
2017 </div>
2018 </d:entry>
2019 <d:entry id="zhoh_2" d:title="zhō">
2020 <d:index d:value="zhō"/>
2021 <d:index d:value="that" d:title="zhō" d:priority="2"/>
2022 <d:index d:value="those" d:title="zhō" d:priority="2"/>
2023 <h1>zhō²</h1>
2024 <div>
2025 <p><span class="part_of_speech">medial demonstrative adjective</span></p>
2026 <p><span class="part_of_speech">medial demonstrative noun</span></p>
2027 </div>
2028 </d:entry>
2029 <d:entry id="soo" d:title="sū">
2030 <d:index d:value="sū"/>
2031 <d:index d:value="that" d:title="sū" d:priority="2"/>
2032 <d:index d:value="those" d:title="sū" d:priority="2"/>
2033 <d:index d:value="yon" d:title="sū" d:priority="2"/>
2034 <d:index d:value="yonder" d:title="sū" d:priority="2"/>
2035 <h1></h1>
2036 <div>
2037 <p><span class="part_of_speech">distal demonstrative adjective</span></p>
2038 <p><span class="part_of_speech">distal demonstrative noun</span></p>
2039 </div>
2040 </d:entry>
2041 <d:entry id="suhiy" d:title="suhiy">
2042 <d:index d:value="suhiy"/>
2043 <d:index d:value="here" d:title="suhiy" d:priority="2"/>
2044 <h1>suhiy</h1>
2045 <div>
2046 <p><span class="part_of_speech">proximal locational pronoun</span></p>
2047 </div>
2048 </d:entry>
2049 <d:entry id="dohsiy_1" d:title="dōsiy">
2050 <d:index d:value="dōsiy"/>
2051 <d:index d:value="there" d:title="dōsiy" d:priority="2"/>
2052 <h1>dōsiy¹</h1>
2053 <div>
2054 <p><span class="part_of_speech">medial locational pronoun</span></p>
2055 </div>
2056 </d:entry>
2057 <d:entry id="sehd" d:title="sëd">
2058 <d:index d:value="sëd"/>
2059 <d:index d:value="there" d:title="sëd" d:priority="2"/>
2060 <d:index d:value="yonder" d:title="sëd" d:priority="2"/>
2061 <h1>sëd</h1>
2062 <div>
2063 <p><span class="part_of_speech">distal locational pronoun</span></p>
2064 </div>
2065 </d:entry>
2066 <d:entry id="fiy" d:title="fiy">
2067 <d:index d:value="fiy"/>
2068 <d:index d:value="who" d:title="fiy" d:priority="2"/>
2069 <h1>fiy</h1>
2070 <div>
2071 <p><span class="part_of_speech">animate interrogative pronoun</span></p>
2072 </div>
2073 </d:entry>
2074 <d:entry id="foht" d:title="fōt">
2075 <d:index d:value="fōt"/>
2076 <d:index d:value="what" d:title="fōt" d:priority="2"/>
2077 <d:index d:value="where" d:title="fōt" d:priority="2"/>
2078 <d:index d:value="when" d:title="fōt" d:priority="2"/>
2079 <d:index d:value="why" d:title="fōt" d:priority="2"/>
2080 <d:index d:value="how" d:title="fōt" d:priority="2"/>
2081 <h1>fōt</h1>
2082 <div>
2083 <p><span class="part_of_speech">inanimate interrogative pronoun</span></p>
2084 </div>
2085 </d:entry>
2086 <d:entry id="dayzheet" d:title="dāzheet">
2087 <d:index d:value="dāzheet"/>
2088 <d:index d:value="starvation" d:title="dāzheet" d:priority="2"/>
2089 <d:index d:value="starving" d:title="dāzheet" d:priority="2"/>
2090 <h1>dāzheet</h1>
2091 <div>
2092 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : starving</p>
2093 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : starvation</p>
2094 </div>
2095 </d:entry>
2096 <d:entry id="ohdaysoh" d:title="ōdāsō">
2097 <d:index d:value="ōdāsō"/>
2098 <d:index d:value="thirsty" d:title="ōdāsō" d:priority="2"/>
2099 <d:index d:value="parched" d:title="ōdāsō" d:priority="2"/>
2100 <h1>ōdāsō</h1>
2101 <div>
2102 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : extremely thirsty</p>
2103 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : suffering or death caused by thirst</p>
2104 </div>
2105 </d:entry>
2106 <d:entry id="dohtahsfay" d:title="dōtäsfā">
2107 <d:index d:value="dōtäsfā"/>
2108 <d:index d:value="exhaustion" d:title="dōtäsfā" d:priority="2"/>
2109 <h1>dōtäsfā</h1>
2110 <div>
2111 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : exhausted</p>
2112 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : exhaustion</p>
2113 </div>
2114 </d:entry>
2115 <d:entry id="autuh" d:title="autuh">
2116 <d:index d:value="autuh"/>
2117 <d:index d:value="broken" d:title="autuh" d:priority="2"/>
2118 <h1>autuh</h1>
2119 <div>
2120 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : broken</p>
2121 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the state of being broken</p>
2122 </div>
2123 </d:entry>
2124 <d:entry id="toowah" d:title="tūwä">
2125 <d:index d:value="tūwä"/>
2126 <d:index d:value="age" d:title="tūwä" d:priority="2"/>
2127 <d:index d:value="old" d:title="tūwä" d:priority="2"/>
2128 <h1>tūwä</h1>
2129 <div>
2130 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : old; aged</p>
2131 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : age</p>
2132 </div>
2133 </d:entry>
2134 <d:entry id="ohtayd" d:title="ōtād">
2135 <d:index d:value="ōtād"/>
2136 <d:index d:value="young" d:title="ōtād" d:priority="2"/>
2137 <d:index d:value="youth" d:title="ōtād" d:priority="2"/>
2138 <h1>ōtād</h1>
2139 <div>
2140 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : young</p>
2141 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : youth</p>
2142 </div>
2143 </d:entry>
2144 <d:entry id="aen" d:title="aen">
2145 <d:index d:value="aen"/>
2146 <d:index d:value="female" d:title="aen" d:priority="2"/>
2147 <d:index d:value="femininity" d:title="aen" d:priority="2"/>
2148 <h1>aen</h1>
2149 <div>
2150 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : female</p>
2151 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : femininity</p>
2152 </div>
2153 </d:entry>
2154 <d:entry id="soit" d:title="soit">
2155 <d:index d:value="soit"/>
2156 <d:index d:value="male" d:title="soit" d:priority="2"/>
2157 <d:index d:value="masculinity" d:title="soit" d:priority="2"/>
2158 <h1>soit</h1>
2159 <div>
2160 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : male</p>
2161 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : masculinity</p>
2162 </div>
2163 </d:entry>
2164 <d:entry id="fahd" d:title="fäd">
2165 <d:index d:value="fäd"/>
2166 <d:index d:value="hard" d:title="fäd" d:priority="2"/>
2167 <d:index d:value="difficult" d:title="fäd" d:priority="2"/>
2168 <h1>fäd</h1>
2169 <div>
2170 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hard</p>
2171 <ul><li>difficulty</li></ul>
2172 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : hardness</p>
2173 <ul><li>difficult</li></ul>
2174 </div>
2175 </d:entry>
2176 <d:entry id="ohfoo" d:title="ōfū">
2177 <d:index d:value="ōfū"/>
2178 <d:index d:value="soft" d:title="ōfū" d:priority="2"/>
2179 <d:index d:value="gentle" d:title="ōfū" d:priority="2"/>
2180 <h1>ōfū</h1>
2181 <div>
2182 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : soft</p>
2183 <ul><li>(of a person) gentle</li></ul>
2184 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : softness</p>
2185 </div>
2186 </d:entry>
2187 <d:entry id="hhoit" d:title="hhoit">
2188 <d:index d:value="hhoit"/>
2189 <d:index d:value="rough" d:title="hhoit" d:priority="2"/>
2190 <d:index d:value="tactless" d:title="hhoit" d:priority="2"/>
2191 <d:index d:value="crude" d:title="hhoit" d:priority="2"/>
2192 <h1>hhoit</h1>
2193 <div>
2194 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : rough</p>
2195 <ul>
2196 <li>(of a person) lacking tact</li>
2197 <li>(of a work) unpolished; crude</li>
2198 </ul>
2199 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : roughness</p>
2200 </div>
2201 </d:entry>
2202 <d:entry id="daes" d:title="daes">
2203 <d:index d:value="daes"/>
2204 <d:index d:value="smooth" d:title="daes" d:priority="2"/>
2205 <d:index d:value="tact" d:title="daes" d:priority="2"/>
2206 <d:index d:value="polished" d:title="daes" d:priority="2"/>
2207 <d:index d:value="clean" d:title="daes" d:priority="2"/>
2208 <d:index d:value="completion" d:title="daes" d:priority="2"/>
2209 <d:index d:value="finished" d:title="daes" d:priority="2"/>
2210 <h1>daes</h1>
2211 <div>
2212 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : smooth</p>
2213 <ul>
2214 <li>(of a person) tactful</li>
2215 <li>(of a work) polished; finished</li>
2216 </ul>
2217 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : smoothness</p>
2218 <ul>
2219 <li>(of a person) tact</li>
2220 <li>(of a work) level of completion or polish</li>
2221 </ul>
2222 </div>
2223 </d:entry>
2224 <d:entry id="zhohsee" d:title="zhōsee">
2225 <d:index d:value="zhōsee"/>
2226 <d:index d:value="heat" d:title="zhōsee" d:priority="2"/>
2227 <d:index d:value="hot" d:title="zhōsee" d:priority="2"/>
2228 <h1>zhōsee</h1>
2229 <div>
2230 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : hot</p>
2231 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : heat</p>
2232 </div>
2233 </d:entry>
2234 <d:entry id="oitahs" d:title="oitäs">
2235 <d:index d:value="oitäs"/>
2236 <d:index d:value="cold" d:title="oitäs" d:priority="2"/>
2237 <h1>oitäs</h1>
2238 <div>
2239 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : cold</p>
2240 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : coldness</p>
2241 </div>
2242 </d:entry>
2243 <d:entry id="hheewuh" d:title="hheewuh">
2244 <d:index d:value="hheewuh"/>
2245 <d:index d:value="flexible" d:title="hheewuh" d:priority="2"/>
2246 <d:index d:value="flexibility" d:title="hheewuh" d:priority="2"/>
2247 <d:index d:value="open" d:title="hheewuh" d:priority="2"/>
2248 <h1>hheewuh</h1>
2249 <div>
2250 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : flexible</p>
2251 <ul><li>(of a person) open to change</li></ul>
2252 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : flexibility</p>
2253 <ul><li>(of a person) openness to change</li></ul>
2254 </div>
2255 </d:entry>
2256 <d:entry id="zhoodsoh" d:title="zhūdsō">
2257 <d:index d:value="zhūdsō"/>
2258 <d:index d:value="beauty" d:title="zhūdsō" d:priority="2"/>
2259 <d:index d:value="beautiful" d:title="zhūdsō" d:priority="2"/>
2260 <h1>zhūdsō</h1>
2261 <div>
2262 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : beautiful</p>
2263 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : beauty</p>
2264 </div>
2265 </d:entry>
2266 <d:entry id="hhohtzhiy" d:title="hhōtzhiy">
2267 <d:index d:value="hhōtzhiy"/>
2268 <d:index d:value="ugly" d:title="hhōtzhiy" d:priority="2"/>
2269 <d:index d:value="ugliness" d:title="hhōtzhiy" d:priority="2"/>
2270 <d:index d:value="undesirable" d:title="hhōtzhiy" d:priority="2"/>
2271 <h1>hhōtzhiy</h1>
2272 <div>
2273 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : ugly</p>
2274 <ul><li>(of a situation) undesirable</li></ul>
2275 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : ugliness</p>
2276 </div>
2277 </d:entry>
2278 <d:entry id="daytohwee" d:title="dātōwee">
2279 <d:index d:value="dātōwee"/>
2280 <d:index d:value="smile" d:title="dātōwee" d:priority="2"/>
2281 <h1>dātōwee</h1>
2282 <div>
2283 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : smiling</p>
2284 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a smile</p>
2285 </div>
2286 </d:entry>
2287 <d:entry id="zhohtay" d:title="zhōtā">
2288 <d:index d:value="zhōtā"/>
2289 <d:index d:value="frown" d:title="zhōtā" d:priority="2"/>
2290 <h1>zhōtā</h1>
2291 <div>
2292 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : frowning</p>
2293 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a frown</p>
2294 </div>
2295 </d:entry>
2296 <d:entry id="dusaytoh" d:title="dusātō">
2297 <d:index d:value="dusātō"/>
2298 <d:index d:value="laughter" d:title="dusātō" d:priority="2"/>
2299 <d:index d:value="laughing" d:title="dusātō" d:priority="2"/>
2300 <h1>dusātō</h1>
2301 <div>
2302 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : laughing</p>
2303 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : laughter</p>
2304 </div>
2305 </d:entry>
2306 <d:entry id="dohjay" d:title="dōjā">
2307 <d:index d:value="dōjā"/>
2308 <d:index d:value="cry" d:title="dōjā" d:priority="2"/>
2309 <h1>dōjā</h1>
2310 <div>
2311 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : crying</p>
2312 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a tear</p>
2313 </div>
2314 </d:entry>
2315 <d:entry id="daytohsoh" d:title="dātōsō">
2316 <d:index d:value="dātōsō"/>
2317 <d:index d:value="wolf" d:title="dātōsō" d:priority="2"/>
2318 <h1>dātōsō</h1>
2319 <div>
2320 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : wolflike</p>
2321 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a wolf</p>
2322 </div>
2323 </d:entry>
2324 <d:entry id="zhohzhoh" d:title="zhōzhō">
2325 <d:index d:value="zhōzhō"/>
2326 <d:index d:value="frog" d:title="zhōzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2327 <h1>zhōzhō</h1>
2328 <div>
2329 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : froglike</p>
2330 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a frog</p>
2331 </div>
2332 </d:entry>
2333 <d:entry id="zhōfā" d:title="zhōfā">
2334 <d:index d:value="zhōfā"/>
2335 <d:index d:value="snake" d:title="zhōfā" d:priority="2"/>
2336 <h1>zhōfā</h1>
2337 <div>
2338 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : snakelike</p>
2339 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a snake</p>
2340 </div>
2341 </d:entry>
2342 <d:entry id="gausiy" d:title="gausiy">
2343 <d:index d:value="gausiy"/>
2344 <d:index d:value="salamander" d:title="gausiy" d:priority="2"/>
2345 <h1>gausiy</h1>
2346 <div>
2347 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having the qualities or appearance of a salamander</p>
2348 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a salamander</p>
2349 </div>
2350 </d:entry>
2351 <d:entry id="gohsuh" d:title="gōsuh">
2352 <d:index d:value="gōsuh"/>
2353 <d:index d:value="bird" d:title="gōsuh" d:priority="2"/>
2354 <h1>gōsuh</h1>
2355 <div>
2356 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : birdlike</p>
2357 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a bird</p>
2358 </div>
2359 </d:entry>
2360 <d:entry id="hohtuhsee" d:title="hōtūsee">
2361 <d:index d:value="hōtūsee"/>
2362 <d:index d:value="crab" d:title="hōtūsee" d:priority="2"/>
2363 <d:index d:value="closed" d:title="hōtūsee" d:priority="2"/>
2364 <d:index d:value="shy" d:title="hōtūsee" d:priority="2"/>
2365 <h1>hōtūsee</h1>
2366 <div>
2367 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : crablike</p>
2368 <ul><li>(of a person) not willing to share one's opinions</li></ul>
2369 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a crab</p>
2370 <ul><li>one who is not willing to share one's opinions</li></ul>
2371 </div>
2372 </d:entry>
2373 <d:entry id="dayzhaht" d:title="dāzhät">
2374 <d:index d:value="dāzhät"/>
2375 <d:index d:value="fish" d:title="dāzhät" d:priority="2"/>
2376 <d:index d:value="unreachable" d:title="dāzhät" d:priority="2"/>
2377 <h1>dāzhät</h1>
2378 <div>
2379 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : fishlike</p>
2380 <ul><li>(of a person) hard to contact or reach</li></ul>
2381 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a fish</p>
2382 </div>
2383 </d:entry>
2384 <d:entry id="tahfee" d:title="täfee">
2385 <d:index d:value="täfee"/>
2386 <d:index d:value="insect" d:title="täfee" d:priority="2"/>
2387 <h1>täfee</h1>
2388 <div>
2389 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : insectlike</p>
2390 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an insect</p>
2391 </div>
2392 </d:entry>
2393 <d:entry id="daydee" d:title="dādee">
2394 <d:index d:value="dādee"/>
2395 <d:index d:value="hare" d:title="dādee" d:priority="2"/>
2396 <d:index d:value="rabbit" d:title="dādee" d:priority="2"/>
2397 <d:index d:value="leporid" d:title="dādee" d:priority="2"/>
2398 <h1>dādee</h1>
2399 <div>
2400 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having the qualities or appearance of a leporid</p>
2401 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a leporid</p>
2402 <ul><li>(fictional) an aquatic species of hare</li></ul>
2403 </div>
2404 </d:entry>
2405 <d:entry id="gayoh" d:title="gāō">
2406 <d:index d:value="gāō"/>
2407 <d:index d:value="mammal" d:title="gāō" d:priority="2"/>
2408 <d:index d:value="rodent" d:title="gāō" d:priority="2"/>
2409 <h1>gāō</h1>
2410 <div>
2411 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having qualities commonly attributed to small mammals</p>
2412 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a small mammal</p>
2413 </div>
2414 </d:entry>
2415 <d:entry id="täbao" d:title="täbao">
2416 <d:index d:value="täbao"/>
2417 <d:index d:value="mouse" d:title="täbao" d:priority="2"/>
2418 <d:index d:value="rat" d:title="täbao" d:priority="2"/>
2419 <d:index d:value="spiny rat" d:title="täbao" d:priority="2"/>
2420 <d:index d:value="porcumouse" d:title="täbao" d:priority="2"/>
2421 <h1>täbao</h1>
2422 <div>
2423 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : mouselike</p>
2424 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a mouse or rat</p>
2425 <ul><li>a fictional species of spiny rat</li></ul>
2426 </div>
2427 </d:entry>
2428 <d:entry id="dofiy" d:title="dōfiy">
2429 <d:index d:value="dōfiy"/>
2430 <d:index d:value="bear" d:title="dōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
2431 <h1>dōfiy</h1>
2432 <div>
2433 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : bearlike</p>
2434 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a bear</p>
2435 </div>
2436 </d:entry>
2437 <d:entry id="sahtsooee" d:title="sätsūee">
2438 <d:index d:value="sätsūee"/>
2439 <d:index d:value="deer" d:title="sätsūee" d:priority="2"/>
2440 <h1>sätsūee</h1>
2441 <div>
2442 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : deerlike</p>
2443 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a deer</p>
2444 </div>
2445 </d:entry>
2446 <d:entry id="zhahtee" d:title="zhätee">
2447 <d:index d:value="zhätee"/>
2448 <d:index d:value="animal" d:title="zhätee" d:priority="2"/>
2449 <h1>zhätee</h1>
2450 <div>
2451 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having animal qualities</p>
2452 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : animal</p>
2453 </div>
2454 </d:entry>
2455 <d:entry id="hhohfee" d:title="hhōfee">
2456 <d:index d:value="hhōfee"/>
2457 <d:index d:value="cow" d:title="hhōfee" d:priority="2"/>
2458 <h1>hhōfee</h1>
2459 <div>
2460 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : cowlike</p>
2461 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a cow</p>
2462 <ul><li>(fictional) a semiaquatic creature that feeds on seaweed and aquatic grasses</li></ul>
2463 </div>
2464 </d:entry>
2465 <d:entry id="fauzee" d:title="fauzee">
2466 <d:index d:value="fauzee"/>
2467 <d:index d:value="pig" d:title="fauzee" d:priority="2"/>
2468 <d:index d:value="humble" d:title="fauzee" d:priority="2"/>
2469 <h1>fauzee</h1>
2470 <div>
2471 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : piglike</p> <ul><li>(of a person) humble</li></ul>
2472 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a pig</p>
2473 </div>
2474 </d:entry>
2475 <d:entry id="dahtzhee" d:title="dätzhee">
2476 <d:index d:value="dätzhee"/>
2477 <d:index d:value="fox" d:title="dätzhee" d:priority="2"/>
2478 <d:index d:value="swift" d:title="dätzhee" d:priority="2"/>
2479 <d:index d:value="nimble" d:title="dätzhee" d:priority="2"/>
2480 <d:index d:value="clever" d:title="dätzhee" d:priority="2"/>
2481 <h1>dätzhee</h1>
2482 <div>
2483 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : foxlike</p>
2484 <ul><li>(of a person) swift, nimble, or clever</li></ul>
2485 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a fox</p>
2486 <ul><li>(fictional) a semiaquatic foxlike creature that feeds mainly on fish and berries</li></ul>
2487 </div>
2488 </d:entry>
2489 <d:entry id="hiyaht" d:title="hiyät">
2490 <d:index d:value="hiyät"/>
2491 <d:index d:value="vegetation" d:title="hiyät" d:priority="2"/>
2492 <h1>hiyät</h1>
2493 <div>
2494 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : vegetated</p>
2495 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : vegetation</p>
2496 </div>
2497 </d:entry>
2498 <d:entry id="dauzhiyt" d:title="dauzhiyt">
2499 <d:index d:value="dauzhiyt"/>
2500 <d:index d:value="flower" d:title="dauzhiyt" d:priority="2"/>
2501 <d:index d:value="elaborate" d:title="dauzhiyt" d:priority="2"/>
2502 <d:index d:value="adorned" d:title="dauzhiyt" d:priority="2"/>
2503 <h1>dauzhiyt</h1>
2504 <div>
2505 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : flowery</p>
2506 <ul><li>elaborate or full of adornment</li></ul>
2507 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a flowering plant</p>
2508 </div>
2509 </d:entry>
2510 <d:entry id="ohfiy" d:title="ōfiy">
2511 <d:index d:value="ōfiy"/>
2512 <d:index d:value="bush" d:title="ōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
2513 <d:index d:value="complex" d:title="ōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
2514 <d:index d:value="chaotic" d:title="ōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
2515 <d:index d:value="overgrown" d:title="ōfiy" d:priority="2"/>
2516 <h1>ōfiy</h1>
2517 <div>
2518 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : bushlike</p>
2519 <ul>
2520 <li>complex or chaotic</li>
2521 <li>overgrown</li>
2522 </ul>
2523 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a bush</p>
2524 </div>
2525 </d:entry>
2526 <d:entry id="dohtiyaht" d:title="dōtiyät">
2527 <d:index d:value="dōtiyät"/>
2528 <d:index d:value="tree" d:title="dōtiyät" d:priority="2"/>
2529 <h1>dōtiyät</h1>
2530 <div>
2531 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : treelike</p>
2532 <ul><li>forested</li></ul>
2533 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a tree</p>
2534 </div>
2535 </d:entry>
2536 <d:entry id="iyohtay" d:title="iyōtā">
2537 <d:index d:value="iyōtā"/>
2538 <d:index d:value="sprout" d:title="iyōtā" d:priority="2"/>
2539 <h1>iyōtā</h1>
2540 <div>
2541 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sproutlike</p>
2542 <ul><li>(of a person) particularly new or unexperienced in a feild</li></ul>
2543 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a sprout</p>
2544 </div>
2545 </d:entry>
2546 <d:entry id="seet" d:title="seet">
2547 <d:index d:value="seet"/>
2548 <d:index d:value="food" d:title="seet" d:priority="2"/>
2549 <d:index d:value="edible" d:title="seet" d:priority="2"/>
2550 <h1>seet</h1>
2551 <div>
2552 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : edible</p>
2553 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : food</p>
2554 </div>
2555 </d:entry>
2556 <d:entry id="hiyfee" d:title="hiyfee">
2557 <d:index d:value="hiyfee"/>
2558 <d:index d:value="vegetable" d:title="hiyfee" d:priority="2"/>
2559 <d:index d:value="plantstuffs" d:title="hiyfee" d:priority="2"/>
2560 <h1>hiyfee</h1>
2561 <div>
2562 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : vegetable</p>
2563 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : edible plantstuffs, esp. other than fruit</p>
2564 </div>
2565 </d:entry>
2566 <d:entry id="sayfee" d:title="sāfee">
2567 <d:index d:value="sāfee"/>
2568 <d:index d:value="meat" d:title="sāfee" d:priority="2"/>
2569 <h1>sāfee</h1>
2570 <div>
2571 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a food) made primarily of meat</p>
2572 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : meat</p>
2573 </div>
2574 </d:entry>
2575 <d:entry id="tiydfee" d:title="tiydfee">
2576 <d:index d:value="tiydfee"/>
2577 <d:index d:value="fruit" d:title="tiydfee" d:priority="2"/>
2578 <h1>tiydfee</h1>
2579 <div>
2580 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a food) made primarily of or with a distinct flavor of fruit; fruity</p>
2581 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : fruit</p>
2582 </div>
2583 </d:entry>
2584 <d:entry id="fohtaysee" d:title="fōtāsee">
2585 <d:index d:value="fōtāsee"/>
2586 <d:index d:value="rice" d:title="fōtāsee" d:priority="2"/>
2587 <h1>fōtāsee</h1>
2588 <div>
2589 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a food) containing a notable amount of rice</p>
2590 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : rice</p>
2591 </div>
2592 </d:entry>
2593 <d:entry id="dayhhiytsuh" d:title="dāhhiytsuh">
2594 <d:index d:value="dāhhiytsuh"/>
2595 <d:index d:value="apple" d:title="dāhhiytsuh" d:priority="2"/>
2596 <h1>dāhhiytsuh</h1>
2597 <div>
2598 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a food) made with apples</p>
2599 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an apple</p>
2600 </div>
2601 </d:entry>
2602 <d:entry id="daedsay" d:title="daedsā">
2603 <d:index d:value="daedsā"/>
2604 <d:index d:value="citrus" d:title="daedsā" d:priority="2"/>
2605 <h1>daedsā</h1>
2606 <div>
2607 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a food) made with citrus</p>
2608 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a citrus fruit</p>
2609 <ul><li>(fictional) a citrus fruit similar in size and flavor to a satsuma, but with a lighter colored skin</li></ul>
2610 </div>
2611 </d:entry>
2612 <d:entry id="tohfiytsee" d:title="tōfiytsee">
2613 <d:index d:value="tōfiytsee"/>
2614 <d:index d:value="berry" d:title="tōfiytsee" d:priority="2"/>
2615 <d:index d:value="compound berry" d:title="tōfiytsee" d:priority="2"/>
2616 <h1>tōfiytsee</h1>
2617 <div>
2618 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a food) made with compound berries</p>
2619 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a compound berry</p>
2620 </div>
2621 </d:entry>
2622 <d:entry id="ohdsayoh" d:title="ōdsāō">
2623 <d:index d:value="ōdsāō"/>
2624 <d:index d:value="alcohol" d:title="ōdsāō" d:priority="2"/>
2625 <h1>ōdsāō</h1>
2626 <div>
2627 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : alcoholic</p>
2628 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : alcohol</p>
2629 </div>
2630 </d:entry>
2631 <d:entry id="tauway" d:title="tauwā">
2632 <d:index d:value="tauwā"/>
2633 <d:index d:value="weapon" d:title="tauwā" d:priority="2"/>
2634 <h1>tauwā</h1>
2635 <div>
2636 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : usable as a weapon</p>
2637 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a weapon</p>
2638 </div>
2639 </d:entry>
2640 <d:entry id="ohwiy" d:title="ōwiy">
2641 <d:index d:value="ōwiy"/>
2642 <d:index d:value="knife" d:title="ōwiy" d:priority="2"/>
2643 <d:index d:value="blade" d:title="ōwiy" d:priority="2"/>
2644 <d:index d:value="sharp" d:title="ōwiy" d:priority="2"/>
2645 <h1>ōwiy</h1>
2646 <div>
2647 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : sharp</p>
2648 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a sharp object, esp. a blade</p>
2649 </div>
2650 </d:entry>
2651 <d:entry id="gusiy" d:title="gusiy">
2652 <d:index d:value="gusiy"/>
2653 <d:index d:value="spear" d:title="gusiy" d:priority="2"/>
2654 <h1>gusiy</h1>
2655 <div>
2656 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : spearlike</p>
2657 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a spear</p>
2658 </div>
2659 </d:entry>
2660 <d:entry id="aufiyt" d:title="aufiyt">
2661 <d:index d:value="aufiyt"/>
2662 <d:index d:value="knife" d:title="aufiyt" d:priority="2"/>
2663 <h1>aufiyt</h1>
2664 <div>
2665 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : knifelike</p>
2666 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a knife</p>
2667 </div>
2668 </d:entry>
2669 <d:entry id="hohfahdoh" d:title="hōfädō">
2670 <d:index d:value="hōfädō"/>
2671 <d:index d:value="wheel" d:title="hōfädō" d:priority="2"/>
2672 <h1>hōfädō</h1>
2673 <div>
2674 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : wheel-shaped</p>
2675 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a wheel</p>
2676 </div>
2677 </d:entry>
2678 <d:entry id="hohfaydsoh" d:title="hōfādsō">
2679 <d:index d:value="hōfādsō"/>
2680 <d:index d:value="cart" d:title="hōfādsō" d:priority="2"/>
2681 <h1>hōfādsō</h1>
2682 <div>
2683 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : wheeled</p>
2684 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a wheeled cart</p>
2685 </div>
2686 </d:entry>
2687 <d:entry id="dohtsiytoh" d:title="dōtsiytō">
2688 <d:index d:value="dōtsiytō"/>
2689 <d:index d:value="pot" d:title="dōtsiytō" d:priority="2"/>
2690 <d:index d:value="container" d:title="dōtsiytō" d:priority="2"/>
2691 <h1>dōtsiytō</h1>
2692 <div>
2693 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having a cavity in which items can be stored</p>
2694 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a pot or similar container</p>
2695 </div>
2696 </d:entry>
2697 <d:entry id="dahzheetsee" d:title="däzheetsee">
2698 <d:index d:value="däzheetsee"/>
2699 <d:index d:value="necklace" d:title="däzheetsee" d:priority="2"/>
2700 <h1>däzheetsee</h1>
2701 <div>
2702 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : in the shape of or worn as a necklace</p>
2703 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : necklace</p>
2704 </div>
2705 </d:entry>
2706 <d:entry id="sudeetsay" d:title="sudeetsā">
2707 <d:index d:value="sudeetsā"/>
2708 <d:index d:value="bracelet" d:title="sudeetsā" d:priority="2"/>
2709 <h1>sudeetsā</h1>
2710 <div>
2711 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : in the shape of or worn as a bracelet</p>
2712 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : bracelet</p>
2713 </div>
2714 </d:entry>
2715 <d:entry id="ohwiytsee" d:title="ōwiytsee">
2716 <d:index d:value="ōwiytsee"/>
2717 <d:index d:value="piercing" d:title="ōwiytsee" d:priority="2"/>
2718 <d:index d:value="earring" d:title="ōwiytsee" d:priority="2"/>
2719 <h1>ōwiytsee</h1>
2720 <div>
2721 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : wearable via body piercing</p>
2722 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : jewelry worn via body piercing</p>
2723 </div>
2724 </d:entry>
2725 <d:entry id="jaysohtuh" d:title="jāsōtuh">
2726 <d:index d:value="jāsōtuh"/>
2727 <d:index d:value="drum" d:title="jāsōtuh" d:priority="2"/>
2728 <h1>jāsōtuh</h1>
2729 <div>
2730 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a piece of music) featuring large amounts of percussion</p>
2731 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a drum (instrument)</p>
2732 </div>
2733 </d:entry>
2734 <d:entry id="zhayoh_2" d:title="zhāō">
2735 <d:index d:value="zhāō"/>
2736 <d:index d:value="string" d:title="zhāō" d:priority="2"/>
2737 <h1>zhāō²</h1>
2738 <div>
2739 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a piece of music) played primarily with strings</p>
2740 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a string instrument</p>
2741 </div>
2742 </d:entry>
2743 <d:entry id="dohway" d:title="dōwā">
2744 <d:index d:value="dōwā"/>
2745 <d:index d:value="flute" d:title="dōwā" d:priority="2"/>
2746 <d:index d:value="woodwind" d:title="dōwā" d:priority="2"/>
2747 <h1>dōwā</h1>
2748 <div>
2749 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : (of a piece of music) played primarily with flutes or other wind instruments</p>
2750 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a wind instrument, esp. a flute</p>
2751 </div>
2752 </d:entry>
2753 <d:entry id="ohzhays" d:title="ōzhās">
2754 <d:index d:value="ōzhās"/>
2755 <d:index d:value="dirt" d:title="ōzhās" d:priority="2"/>
2756 <h1>ōzhās</h1>
2757 <div>
2758 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of dirt</p>
2759 <ul><li>dirty</li></ul>
2760 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : dirt</p>
2761 </div>
2762 </d:entry>
2763 <d:entry id="tohzhoh_1" d:title="tōzhō">
2764 <d:index d:value="tōzhō"/>
2765 <d:index d:value="cloth" d:title="tōzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2766 <h1>tōzhō¹</h1>
2767 <div>
2768 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of cloth</p>
2769 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : cloth</p>
2770 </div>
2771 </d:entry>
2772 <d:entry id="sohsootee" d:title="sōsūtee">
2773 <d:index d:value="sōsūtee"/>
2774 <d:index d:value="leather" d:title="sōsūtee" d:priority="2"/>
2775 <h1>sōsūtee</h1>
2776 <div>
2777 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : made of leather</p>
2778 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : leather</p>
2779 </div>
2780 </d:entry>
2781 <d:entry id="zhūd" d:title="zhūd">
2782 <d:index d:value="zhūd"/>
2783 <d:index d:value="fine" d:title="zhūd" d:priority="2"/>
2784 <d:index d:value="okay" d:title="zhūd" d:priority="2"/>
2785 <d:index d:value="acceptable" d:title="zhūd" d:priority="2"/>
2786 <d:index d:value="acceptability" d:title="zhūd" d:priority="2"/>
2787 <h1>zhūd</h1>
2788 <div>
2789 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : fine; okay</p>
2790 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : acceptablility</p>
2791 </div>
2792 </d:entry>
2793 <d:entry id="autfee" d:title="autfee">
2794 <d:index d:value="autfee"/>
2795 <d:index d:value="dangerous" d:title="autfee" d:priority="2"/>
2796 <h1>autfee</h1>
2797 <div>
2798 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : dangerous</p>
2799 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : danger</p>
2800 </div>
2801 </d:entry>
2802 <d:entry id="payzhoh" d:title="pāzhō">
2803 <d:index d:value="pāzhō"/>
2804 <d:index d:value="start" d:title="pāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2805 <d:index d:value="beginning" d:title="pāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2806 <d:index d:value="initial" d:title="pāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2807 <h1>pāzhō</h1>
2808 <div>
2809 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : initial; at the beginning</p>
2810 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the start; the beginning</p>
2811 </div>
2812 </d:entry>
2813 <d:entry id="zhahtsoh" d:title="zhätsō">
2814 <d:index d:value="zhätsō"/>
2815 <d:index d:value="finish" d:title="zhätsō" d:priority="2"/>
2816 <d:index d:value="end" d:title="zhätsō" d:priority="2"/>
2817 <d:index d:value="terminal" d:title="zhätsō" d:priority="2"/>
2818 <h1>zhätsō</h1>
2819 <div>
2820 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : terminal; at the end</p>
2821 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the finish; the end</p>
2822 </div>
2823 </d:entry>
2824 <d:entry id="zhahtayzhoh" d:title="zhätāzhō">
2825 <d:index d:value="zhätāzhō"/>
2826 <d:index d:value="more" d:title="zhätāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2827 <d:index d:value="greater" d:title="zhätāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2828 <h1>zhätāzhō</h1>
2829 <div>
2830 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : greater</p>
2831 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : more</p>
2832 </div>
2833 </d:entry>
2834 <d:entry id="daus" d:title="daus">
2835 <d:index d:value="daus"/>
2836 <d:index d:value="less" d:title="daus" d:priority="2"/>
2837 <d:index d:value="lesser" d:title="daus" d:priority="2"/>
2838 <h1>daus</h1>
2839 <div>
2840 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : lesser</p>
2841 <p><span class="part_of_speech">quantifier</span> : less</p>
2842 </div>
2843 </d:entry>
2844 <d:entry id="aust" d:title="aust">
2845 <d:index d:value="aust"/>
2846 <d:index d:value="another" d:title="aust" d:priority="2"/>
2847 <h1>aust</h1>
2848 <div>
2849 <p><span class="part_of_speech">indefinite pronoun</span> : another</p>
2850 </div>
2851 </d:entry>
2852 <d:entry id="tohzhoh_2" d:title="tōzhō">
2853 <d:index d:value="tōzhō"/>
2854 <d:index d:value="map" d:title="tōzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2855 <h1>tōzhō²</h1>
2856 <div>
2857 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : mapped</p>
2858 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a map</p>
2859 </div>
2860 </d:entry>
2861 <d:entry id="doowah" d:title="dūwä">
2862 <d:index d:value="dūwä"/>
2863 <d:index d:value="room" d:title="dūwä" d:priority="2"/>
2864 <h1>dūwä</h1>
2865 <div>
2866 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or intended for a room</p>
2867 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a room</p>
2868 </div>
2869 </d:entry>
2870 <d:entry id="doowaytsah" d:title="dūwātsä">
2871 <d:index d:value="dūwātsä"/>
2872 <d:index d:value="city" d:title="dūwātsä" d:priority="2"/>
2873 <h1>dūwātsä</h1>
2874 <div>
2875 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a city</p>
2876 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a city</p>
2877 </div>
2878 </d:entry>
2879 <d:entry id="dayzhoh" d:title="dāzhō">
2880 <d:index d:value="dāzhō"/>
2881 <d:index d:value="story" d:title="dāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
2882 <h1>dāzhō</h1>
2883 <div>
2884 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : like or of a story</p>
2885 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a story (literature)</p>
2886 </div>
2887 </d:entry>
2888 <d:entry id="fōtjō" d:title="fōtjō">
2889 <d:index d:value="fōtjō"/>
2890 <d:index d:value="length" d:title="fōtjō" d:priority="2"/>
2891 <d:index d:value="long" d:title="fōtjō" d:priority="2"/>
2892 <h1>fōtjō</h1>
2893 <div>
2894 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : long</p>
2895 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a length</p>
2896 </div>
2897 </d:entry>
2898 <d:entry id="fähhseehh" d:title="fähhseehh">
2899 <d:index d:value="fähhseehh"/>
2900 <d:index d:value="draft" d:title="fähhseehh" d:priority="2"/>
2901 <h1>fähhseehh</h1>
2902 <div>
2903 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having been drafted</p>
2904 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a draft</p>
2905 </div>
2906 </d:entry>
2907 <d:entry id="waydoizhuh" d:title="wādoizhuh">
2908 <d:index d:value="wādoizhuh"/>
2909 <d:index d:value="name" d:title="wādoizhuh" d:priority="2"/>
2910 <h1>wādoizhuh</h1>
2911 <div>
2912 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or having a name</p>
2913 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a name</p>
2914 </div>
2915 </d:entry>
2916 <d:entry id="doo" d:title="dū">
2917 <d:index d:value="dū"/>
2918 <d:index d:value="yes" d:title="dū" d:priority="2"/>
2919 <d:index d:value="correct" d:title="dū" d:priority="2"/>
2920 <d:index d:value="that is correct" d:title="dū" d:priority="2"/>
2921 <d:index d:value="that's correct" d:title="dū" d:priority="2"/>
2922 <h1></h1>
2923 <div>
2924 <p><span class="part_of_speech">sentence word</span> : that is correct</p>
2925 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i></i> is not a direct translation for English word <i>yes</i>, as <i>yes</i> contests a negative statement, while <i></i> affirms it.</p></span>
2926 </div>
2927 </d:entry>
2928 <d:entry id="foh" d:title="fō">
2929 <d:index d:value="fō"/>
2930 <d:index d:value="no" d:title="fō" d:priority="2"/>
2931 <d:index d:value="incorrect" d:title="fō" d:priority="2"/>
2932 <d:index d:value="that is incorrect" d:title="fō" d:priority="2"/>
2933 <d:index d:value="that's incorrect" d:title="fō" d:priority="2"/>
2934 <h1></h1>
2935 <div>
2936 <p><span class="part_of_speech">sentence word</span> : that is incorrect</p>
2937 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i></i> is not a direct translation for English word <i>no</i>, as <i>no</i> affirms a negative statement, while <i></i> contests it.</p></span>
2938 </div>
2939 </d:entry>
2940 <d:entry id="fae" d:title="fae">
2941 <d:index d:value="fae"/>
2942 <d:index d:value="for" d:title="fae" d:priority="2"/>
2943 <d:index d:value="because" d:title="fae" d:priority="2"/>
2944 <h1>fae</h1>
2945 <div>
2946 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : for; because</p>
2947 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>ōd</i> is used when the second statement <strong>explains or causes</strong> the first.</p></span>
2948 </div>
2949 </d:entry>
2950 <d:entry id="dau" d:title="dau">
2951 <d:index d:value="dau"/>
2952 <d:index d:value="just as... so" d:title="dau" d:priority="2"/>
2953 <h1>dau</h1>
2954 <div>
2955 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : just as… so</p>
2956 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>dau</i> is used when the second statement <strong>parallels or is related to</strong> the first.</p></span>
2957 </div>
2958 </d:entry>
2959 <d:entry id="ohd" d:title="ōd">
2960 <d:index d:value="ōd"/>
2961 <d:index d:value="yet" d:title="ōd" d:priority="2"/>
2962 <d:index d:value="although" d:title="ōd" d:priority="2"/>
2963 <h1>ōd</h1>
2964 <div>
2965 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : yet; although</p>
2966 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>ōd</i> is used when the second statement <strong>contrasts</strong> the first.</p></span>
2967 </div>
2968 </d:entry>
2969 <d:entry id="oh" d:title="ō">
2970 <d:index d:value="ō"/>
2971 <d:index d:value="but" d:title="ō" d:priority="2"/>
2972 <h1>ō</h1>
2973 <div>
2974 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : but</p>
2975 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>ō</i> is used when the second statement is <strong>an alternative to</strong> the first.</p></span>
2976 </div>
2977 </d:entry>
2978 <d:entry id="see" d:title="see">
2979 <d:index d:value="see"/>
2980 <d:index d:value="so" d:title="see" d:priority="2"/>
2981 <h1>see</h1>
2982 <div>
2983 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : so</p>
2984 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>ōd</i> is used when the second statement <strong>results from</strong> the first.</p></span>
2985 </div>
2986 </d:entry>
2987 <d:entry id="woi" d:title="woi">
2988 <d:index d:value="woi"/>
2989 <d:index d:value="and" d:title="woi" d:priority="2"/>
2990 <h1>woi</h1>
2991 <div>
2992 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : and</p>
2993 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>woi</i> is used when <strong>both</strong> statements have the same polarity.</p></span>
2994 </div>
2995 </d:entry>
2996 <d:entry id="zhah" d:title="zhä">
2997 <d:index d:value="zhä"/>
2998 <d:index d:value="or" d:title="zhä" d:priority="2"/>
2999 <h1>zhä</h1>
3000 <div>
3001 <p><span class="part_of_speech">coordinating conjunction</span> : or</p>
3002 <span class="note"><p>Note: <i>zhä</i> is used when both statements <strong>do not</strong> have the same polarity.</p></span>
3003 </div>
3004 </d:entry>
3005 <d:entry id="lhhuh" d:title="-l'hhuh">
3006 <d:index d:value="-l'hhuh"/>
3007 <d:index d:value="-ing" d:title="-l'hhuh" d:priority="2"/>
3008 <d:index d:value="-ed" d:title="-l'hhuh" d:priority="2"/>
3009 <h1>-l'hhuh</h1>
3010 <div>
3011 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : participle modifier</p>
3012 <span class="note"><p>Note: Participles can be used like noun/adjectives in a sentence.</p></span>
3013 </div>
3014 </d:entry>
3015 <d:entry id="ltoh" d:title="-l'tō">
3016 <d:index d:value="-l'tō"/>
3017 <d:index d:value="-er" d:title="-l'tō" d:priority="2"/>
3018 <d:index d:value="-or" d:title="-l'tō" d:priority="2"/>
3019 <h1>-l'tō</h1>
3020 <div>
3021 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : agent modifier</p>
3022 <span class="note"><p>Note: -l'tō creates agent nouns/adjective, which describe the person(s) who perform an action (similar to adding -er in Engish).</p></span>
3023 </div>
3024 </d:entry>
3025 <d:entry id="oohhl" d:title="ūhhl'-">
3026 <d:index d:value="ūhhl'-"/>
3027 <h1>ūhhl'-</h1>
3028 <div>
3029 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : optative modifier</p>
3030 <ul><li>(+'l) permissive modifier</li></ul>
3031 <span class="note"><p>Note: The optative mood is used to express hopes and wishes (it would be nice if…), and the permissive mood is used to signify that an action is permitted (it is alright if…)</p></span>
3032 </div>
3033 </d:entry>
3034 <d:entry id="ahl" d:title="äl'-">
3035 <d:index d:value="äl'-"/>
3036 <h1>äl'-</h1>
3037 <div>
3038 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : mirative modifier</p>
3039 <span class="note"><p>Note: The mirative mood is used to show that information is unexpected</p></span>
3040 </div>
3041 </d:entry>
3042 <d:entry id="ohdl" d:title="ōdl'-">
3043 <d:index d:value="ōdl'-"/>
3044 <h1>ōdl'-</h1>
3045 <div>
3046 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : assumptive/deductive modifier</p>
3047 <ul><li>(+'l) hortative modifier</li></ul>
3048 <span class="note"><p>Note: The assumptive/deductive mood is used to show that the information is not <em>known</em>, but that it is usually true under similar conditions. The hortative mood is used to urge another to act. Both moods can be represented by the word "must" in English (This must be the case/You must do this for me).</p></span>
3049 </div>
3050 </d:entry>
3051 <d:entry id="dūl" d:title="dūl'-">
3052 <d:index d:value="dūl'-"/>
3053 <h1>dūl'-</h1>
3054 <div>
3055 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : alethic modifier</p>
3056 <ul><li>(+'l) jussive modifier</li></ul>
3057 <span class="note"><p>Note: The alethic mood is used to show that the information has been logically proven to be truthful; for example, all mathematical statements are alethic. The jussive mood is used for orders to stress that the party in question has no other choice. Both moods can be represented by the word "shall" in English (One plus one shall equal two/He shall do his duty)./</p></span>
3058 </div>
3059 </d:entry>
3060 <d:entry id="fiyl" d:title="fiyl'-">
3061 <d:index d:value="fiyl'-"/>
3062 <d:index d:value="not" d:title="fiyl'-" d:priority="2"/>
3063 <h1>word</h1>
3064 <div>
3065 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : negatory modifier</p>
3066 <span class="note"><p>Note: fiyl'- negates the verb it is attached to. It can be represented by the word "not" in English (He is not what he describes).</p></span>
3067 </div>
3068 </d:entry>
3069 <d:entry id="zhaysl" d:title="zhāsl'-">
3070 <d:index d:value="zhāsl'-"/>
3071 <h1>zhāsl'-</h1>
3072 <div>
3073 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : renarrative modifier</p>
3074 <span class="note"><p>Note: The renarrative mood is used to show that the information is second-hand, especially when the validity of the original source is questioned (I heard that…).</p></span>
3075 </div>
3076 </d:entry>
3077 <d:entry id="tahdl" d:title="tädl'-">
3078 <d:index d:value="tädl'-"/>
3079 <h1>tädl'-</h1>
3080 <div>
3081 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : commissive modifier</p>
3082 <ul><li>(+'l) precative modifier</li></ul>
3083 <span class="note"><p>Note: The commissive mood is used to make a promise that an event will occur (I promise that…). The precative mood is used to make a request (Would you…).</p></span>
3084 </div>
3085 </d:entry>
3086 <d:entry id="l" d:title="-'l">
3087 <d:index d:value="-'l"/>
3088 <h1>-'l</h1>
3089 <div>
3090 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : used to vary modality of a verb, often in combination with other verb modifiers</p>
3091 <ul><li>(without another modal modifier) imperative modifier</li></ul>
3092 <span class="note"><p>Note: The imperative mood is used to make a command. In English, it is often formed by leaving off the subject (which is implied to be "you"). In Jästūgā, the imperative mood still requires all parts of a sentence, and may be first- or third-person.</p></span>
3093 </div>
3094 </d:entry>
3095 <d:entry id="lgiy" d:title="-l'giy">
3096 <d:index d:value="-l'giy"/>
3097 <h1>-l'giy</h1>
3098 <div>
3099 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb modifier</span> : infinitive modifier</p>
3100 <span class="note"><p>Note: Infinitives can be used like adverb phrases in a sentence.</p></span>
3101 </div>
3102 </d:entry>
3103 <d:entry id="puh" d:title="puh">
3104 <d:index d:value="puh"/>
3105 <d:index d:value="the" d:title="puh" d:priority="2"/>
3106 <h1>puh</h1>
3107 <div>
3108 <p><span class="part_of_speech">definite article</span></p>
3109 </div>
3110 </d:entry>
3111 <d:entry id="zhay" d:title="zhā">
3112 <d:index d:value="zhā"/>
3113 <d:index d:value="a" d:title="zhā" d:priority="2"/>
3114 <d:index d:value="some" d:title="zhā" d:priority="2"/>
3115 <h1>zhā</h1>
3116 <div>
3117 <p><span class="part_of_speech">indefinite article</span></p>
3118 </div>
3119 </d:entry>
3120 <d:entry id="ahzhuh" d:title="äzhuh">
3121 <d:index d:value="äzhuh"/>
3122 <h1>äzhuh</h1>
3123 <div>
3124 <p><span class="part_of_speech">proper article</span></p>
3125 </div>
3126 </d:entry>
3127 <d:entry id="ohdoh" d:title="ōdō">
3128 <d:index d:value="ōdō"/>
3129 <d:index d:value="hello" d:title="ōdō" d:priority="2"/>
3130 <h1>word</h1>
3131 <div>
3132 <p><span class="part_of_speech">interjection</span> : hello</p>
3133 </div>
3134 </d:entry>
3135 <d:entry id="zhauzhay" d:title="zhauzhā">
3136 <d:index d:value="zhauzhā"/>
3137 <d:index d:value="aura" d:title="zhauzhā" d:priority="2"/>
3138 <d:index d:value="atmosphere" d:title="zhauzhā" d:priority="2"/>
3139 <h1>zhauzhā</h1>
3140 <div>
3141 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or having an aura or atmosphere</p>
3142 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : an aura or atmosphere</p>
3143 </div>
3144 </d:entry>
3145 <d:entry id="toozhauay" d:title="tūzhauā">
3146 <d:index d:value="tūzhauā"/>
3147 <d:index d:value="spirit" d:title="tūzhauā" d:priority="2"/>
3148 <d:index d:value="presence" d:title="tūzhauā" d:priority="2"/>
3149 <h1>tūzhauā</h1>
3150 <div>
3151 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a spirit</p>
3152 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a spirit or presence</p>
3153 </div>
3154 </d:entry>
3155 <d:entry id="doiway" d:title="doiwā">
3156 <d:index d:value="doiwā"/>
3157 <d:index d:value="coffee" d:title="doiwā" d:priority="2"/>
3158 <h1>doiwā</h1>
3159 <div>
3160 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or related to coffee</p>
3161 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : coffee</p>
3162 </div>
3163 </d:entry>
3164 <d:entry id="iyzhayoh" d:title="iyzhāō">
3165 <d:index d:value="iyzhāō"/>
3166 <d:index d:value="bread" d:title="iyzhāō" d:priority="2"/>
3167 <h1>iyzhāō</h1>
3168 <div>
3169 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or related to bread</p>
3170 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : bread</p>
3171 </div>
3172 </d:entry>
3173 <d:entry id="zhau" d:title="zhau">
3174 <d:index d:value="zhau"/>
3175 <d:index d:value="with" d:title="zhau" d:priority="2"/>
3176 <h1>zhau</h1>
3177 <div>
3178 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : with</p>
3179 </div>
3180 </d:entry>
3181 <d:entry id="zhohhh" d:title="zhōhh">
3182 <d:index d:value="zhōhh"/>
3183 <d:index d:value="to" d:title="zhōhh" d:priority="2"/>
3184 <h1>zhōhh</h1>
3185 <div>
3186 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : to</p>
3187 </div>
3188 </d:entry>
3189 <d:entry id="siy" d:title="siy">
3190 <d:index d:value="siy"/>
3191 <d:index d:value="from" d:title="siy" d:priority="2"/>
3192 <h1>siy</h1>
3193 <div>
3194 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : from</p>
3195 </div>
3196 </d:entry>
3197 <d:entry id="zhufoh" d:title="zhufō">
3198 <d:index d:value="zhufō"/>
3199 <d:index d:value="in" d:title="zhufō" d:priority="2"/>
3200 <d:index d:value="into" d:title="zhufō" d:priority="2"/>
3201 <h1>zhufō</h1>
3202 <div>
3203 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : in(to)</p>
3204 </div>
3205 </d:entry>
3206 <d:entry id="tahhhdee" d:title="tähhdee">
3207 <d:index d:value="tähhdee"/>
3208 <d:index d:value="out" d:title="tähhdee" d:priority="2"/>
3209 <h1>tähhdee</h1>
3210 <div>
3211 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : out (of)</p>
3212 </div>
3213 </d:entry>
3214 <d:entry id="iyuh" d:title="iyuh">
3215 <d:index d:value="iyuh"/>
3216 <d:index d:value="on" d:title="iyuh" d:priority="2"/>
3217 <d:index d:value="onto" d:title="iyuh" d:priority="2"/>
3218 <h1>iyuh</h1>
3219 <div>
3220 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : on(to)</p>
3221 </div>
3222 </d:entry>
3223 <d:entry id="tohsuh" d:title="tōsuh">
3224 <d:index d:value="tōsuh"/>
3225 <d:index d:value="off" d:title="tōsuh" d:priority="2"/>
3226 <h1>tōsuh</h1>
3227 <div>
3228 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : off (of)</p>
3229 </div>
3230 </d:entry>
3231 <d:entry id="ayd" d:title="ād">
3232 <d:index d:value="ād"/>
3233 <d:index d:value="around" d:title="ād" d:priority="2"/>
3234 <h1>ād</h1>
3235 <div>
3236 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : around</p>
3237 </div>
3238 </d:entry>
3239 <d:entry id="ayoh" d:title="āō">
3240 <d:index d:value="āō"/>
3241 <d:index d:value="through" d:title="āō" d:priority="2"/>
3242 <h1>āō</h1>
3243 <div>
3244 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : through</p>
3245 </div>
3246 </d:entry>
3247 <d:entry id="gohs" d:title="gōs">
3248 <d:index d:value="gōs"/>
3249 <d:index d:value="above" d:title="gōs" d:priority="2"/>
3250 <h1>gōs</h1>
3251 <div>
3252 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : above</p>
3253 </div>
3254 </d:entry>
3255 <d:entry id="aysoh" d:title="āsō">
3256 <d:index d:value="āsō"/>
3257 <d:index d:value="below" d:title="āsō" d:priority="2"/>
3258 <h1>āsō</h1>
3259 <div>
3260 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : below</p>
3261 </div>
3262 </d:entry>
3263 <d:entry id="ayiy" d:title="āiy">
3264 <d:index d:value="āiy"/>
3265 <d:index d:value="between" d:title="āiy" d:priority="2"/>
3266 <h1>āiy</h1>
3267 <div>
3268 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : between</p>
3269 </div>
3270 </d:entry>
3271 <d:entry id="ahaydiy" d:title="äādiy">
3272 <d:index d:value="äādiy"/>
3273 <d:index d:value="beside" d:title="äādiy" d:priority="2"/>
3274 <h1>äādiy</h1>
3275 <div>
3276 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : beside</p>
3277 </div>
3278 </d:entry>
3279 <d:entry id="ayzhoh" d:title="āzhō">
3280 <d:index d:value="āzhō"/>
3281 <d:index d:value="of" d:title="āzhō" d:priority="2"/>
3282 <h1>āzhō</h1>
3283 <div>
3284 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : of</p>
3285 </div>
3286 </d:entry>
3287 <d:entry id="ayfiy" d:title="āfiy">
3288 <d:index d:value="āfiy"/>
3289 <d:index d:value="at" d:title="āfiy" d:priority="2"/>
3290 <h1>āfiy</h1>
3291 <div>
3292 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : at</p>
3293 </div>
3294 </d:entry>
3295 <d:entry id="doht" d:title="dōt">
3296 <d:index d:value="dōt"/>
3297 <d:index d:value="is" d:title="dōt" d:priority="2"/>
3298 <d:index d:value="define" d:title="dōt" d:priority="2"/>
3299 <h1>dōt</h1>
3300 <div>
3301 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is defined</p>
3302 <span class="note"><p>Note: dōt is only for use with permanent conditions; for temporary conditions, see <a href="x-dictionary:r:dohhiy">dōhiy</a>.</p></span>
3303 </div>
3304 </d:entry>
3305 <d:entry id="hohway" d:title="hōwā">
3306 <d:index d:value="hōwā"/>
3307 <d:index d:value="do" d:title="hōwā" d:priority="2"/>
3308 <h1>hōwā</h1>
3309 <div>
3310 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is done</p>
3311 </div>
3312 </d:entry>
3313 <d:entry id="dayoh" d:title="dāō">
3314 <d:index d:value="dāō"/>
3315 <d:index d:value="go" d:title="dāō" d:priority="2"/>
3316 <h1>dāō</h1>
3317 <div>
3318 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is gone (to)</p>
3319 </div>
3320 </d:entry>
3321 <d:entry id="tehoh" d:title="tëō">
3322 <d:index d:value="tëō"/>
3323 <d:index d:value="stop" d:title="tëō" d:priority="2"/>
3324 <h1>tëō</h1>
3325 <div>
3326 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is stopped</p>
3327 </div>
3328 </d:entry>
3329 <d:entry id="ohtsee" d:title="ōtsee">
3330 <d:index d:value="ōtsee"/>
3331 <d:index d:value="eat" d:title="ōtsee" d:priority="2"/>
3332 <h1>ōtsee</h1>
3333 <div>
3334 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is eaten</p>
3335 </div>
3336 </d:entry>
3337 <d:entry id="ohdsoh" d:title="ōdsō">
3338 <d:index d:value="ōdsō"/>
3339 <d:index d:value="drink" d:title="ōdsō" d:priority="2"/>
3340 <h1>ōdsō</h1>
3341 <div>
3342 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is drunk</p>
3343 </div>
3344 </d:entry>
3345 <d:entry id="hhōwee" d:title="hhōwee">
3346 <d:index d:value="hhōwee"/>
3347 <d:index d:value="make" d:title="hhōwee" d:priority="2"/>
3348 <h1>hhōwee</h1>
3349 <div>
3350 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is made</p>
3351 </div>
3352 </d:entry>
3353 <d:entry id="auhee" d:title="auhee">
3354 <d:index d:value="auhee"/>
3355 <d:index d:value="destroy" d:title="auhee" d:priority="2"/>
3356 <h1>auhee</h1>
3357 <div>
3358 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is destroyed</p>
3359 </div>
3360 </d:entry>
3361 <d:entry id="dausut" d:title="dausut">
3362 <d:index d:value="dausut"/>
3363 <d:index d:value="give" d:title="dausut" d:priority="2"/>
3364 <h1>dausut</h1>
3365 <div>
3366 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is given</p>
3367 </div>
3368 </d:entry>
3369 <d:entry id="dayohsoh" d:title="dāōsō">
3370 <d:index d:value="dāōsō"/>
3371 <d:index d:value="take" d:title="dāōsō" d:priority="2"/>
3372 <h1>dāōsō</h1>
3373 <div>
3374 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is taken</p>
3375 </div>
3376 </d:entry>
3377 <d:entry id="dohhiy" d:title="dōhiy">
3378 <d:index d:value="dōhiy"/>
3379 <d:index d:value="have" d:title="dōhiy" d:priority="2"/>
3380 <h1>dōhiy</h1>
3381 <div>
3382 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is had</p>
3383 </div>
3384 </d:entry>
3385 <d:entry id="tausoh" d:title="tausō">
3386 <d:index d:value="tausō"/>
3387 <d:index d:value="want" d:title="tausō" d:priority="2"/>
3388 <h1>tausō</h1>
3389 <div>
3390 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is wanted</p>
3391 </div>
3392 </d:entry>
3393 <d:entry id="dahsayt" d:title="däsāt">
3394 <d:index d:value="däsāt"/>
3395 <d:index d:value="need" d:title="däsāt" d:priority="2"/>
3396 <h1>däsāt</h1>
3397 <div>
3398 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is needed</p>
3399 </div>
3400 </d:entry>
3401 <d:entry id="dudohwah" d:title="dudōwä">
3402 <d:index d:value="dudōwä"/>
3403 <d:index d:value="grow" d:title="dudōwä" d:priority="2"/>
3404 <h1>dudōwä</h1>
3405 <div>
3406 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is grown</p>
3407 </div>
3408 </d:entry>
3409 <d:entry id="ohsuh" d:title="ōsuh">
3410 <d:index d:value="ōsuh"/>
3411 <d:index d:value="use" d:title="ōsuh" d:priority="2"/>
3412 <h1>ōsuh</h1>
3413 <div>
3414 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is used</p>
3415 </div>
3416 </d:entry>
3417 <d:entry id="zhaysoh" d:title="zhāsō">
3418 <d:index d:value="zhāsō"/>
3419 <d:index d:value="touch" d:title="zhāsō" d:priority="2"/>
3420 <d:index d:value="feel" d:title="zhāsō" d:priority="2"/>
3421 <h1>zhāsō</h1>
3422 <div>
3423 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is touched or felt</p>
3424 </div>
3425 </d:entry>
3426 <d:entry id="jahsaytoh" d:title="jäsātō">
3427 <d:index d:value="jäsātō"/>
3428 <d:index d:value="speak" d:title="jäsātō" d:priority="2"/>
3429 <h1>jäsātō</h1>
3430 <div>
3431 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is spoken</p>
3432 </div>
3433 </d:entry>
3434 <d:entry id="dohtohwah" d:title="dōtōwä">
3435 <d:index d:value="dōtōwä"/>
3436 <d:index d:value="sleep" d:title="dōtōwä" d:priority="2"/>
3437 <h1>dōtōwä</h1>
3438 <div>
3439 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is made to sleep</p>
3440 </div>
3441 </d:entry>
3442 <d:entry id="hohwohsee" d:title="hōwōsee">
3443 <d:index d:value="hōwōsee"/>
3444 <d:index d:value="see" d:title="hōwōsee" d:priority="2"/>
3445 <h1>hōwōsee</h1>
3446 <div>
3447 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is seen</p>
3448 </div>
3449 </d:entry>
3450 <d:entry id="dohwayt" d:title="dōwāt">
3451 <d:index d:value="dōwāt"/>
3452 <d:index d:value="mix" d:title="dōwāt" d:priority="2"/>
3453 <h1>dōwāt</h1>
3454 <div>
3455 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is mixed</p>
3456 </div>
3457 </d:entry>
3458 <d:entry id="tohtoh" d:title="tōtō">
3459 <d:index d:value="tōtō"/>
3460 <d:index d:value="enable" d:title="tōtō" d:priority="2"/>
3461 <d:index d:value="can" d:title="tōtō" d:priority="2"/>
3462 <h1>tōtō</h1>
3463 <div>
3464 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is enabled</p>
3465 </div>
3466 </d:entry>
3467 <d:entry id="dautayoh" d:title="dautāō">
3468 <d:index d:value="dautāō"/>
3469 <d:index d:value="fly" d:title="dautāō" d:priority="2"/>
3470 <h1>dautāō</h1>
3471 <div>
3472 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is flown</p>
3473 </div>
3474 </d:entry>
3475 <d:entry id="dahood" d:title="däūd">
3476 <d:index d:value="däūd"/>
3477 <d:index d:value="grab" d:title="däūd" d:priority="2"/>
3478 <h1>däūd</h1>
3479 <div>
3480 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is grabbed</p>
3481 </div>
3482 </d:entry>
3483 <d:entry id="fohaysoh" d:title="fōāsō">
3484 <d:index d:value="fōāsō"/>
3485 <d:index d:value="drop" d:title="fōāsō" d:priority="2"/>
3486 <h1>fōāsō</h1>
3487 <div>
3488 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is dropped</p>
3489 </div>
3490 </d:entry>
3491 <d:entry id="eedautiy" d:title="eedautiy">
3492 <d:index d:value="eedautiy"/>
3493 <d:index d:value="attack" d:title="eedautiy" d:priority="2"/>
3494 <h1>eedautiy</h1>
3495 <div>
3496 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is attacked</p>
3497 </div>
3498 </d:entry>
3499 <d:entry id="ahtaus" d:title="ätaus">
3500 <d:index d:value="ätaus"/>
3501 <d:index d:value="hurt" d:title="ätaus" d:priority="2"/>
3502 <h1>ätaus</h1>
3503 <div>
3504 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is hurt</p>
3505 </div>
3506 </d:entry>
3507 <d:entry id="siytay" d:title="siytā">
3508 <d:index d:value="siytā"/>
3509 <d:index d:value="punch" d:title="siytā" d:priority="2"/>
3510 <h1>siytā</h1>
3511 <div>
3512 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is punched</p>
3513 </div>
3514 </d:entry>
3515 <d:entry id="seetiy" d:title="seetiy">
3516 <d:index d:value="seetiy"/>
3517 <d:index d:value="kick" d:title="seetiy" d:priority="2"/>
3518 <h1>seetiy</h1>
3519 <div>
3520 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is kicked</p>
3521 </div>
3522 </d:entry>
3523 <d:entry id="saydoh_2" d:title="sādō">
3524 <d:index d:value="sādō"/>
3525 <d:index d:value="bring" d:title="sādō" d:priority="2"/>
3526 <h1>sādō²</h1>
3527 <div>
3528 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is brought</p>
3529 </div>
3530 </d:entry>
3531 <d:entry id="dohsiy_2" d:title="dōsiy">
3532 <d:index d:value="dōsiy"/>
3533 <d:index d:value="come" d:title="dōsiy" d:priority="2"/>
3534 <d:index d:value="arrive" d:title="dōsiy" d:priority="2"/>
3535 <h1>dōsiy²</h1>
3536 <div>
3537 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is arrived (at)</p>
3538 </div>
3539 </d:entry>
3540 <d:entry id="tohtay" d:title="tōtā">
3541 <d:index d:value="tōtā"/>
3542 <d:index d:value="leave" d:title="tōtā" d:priority="2"/>
3543 <d:index d:value="depart" d:title="tōtā" d:priority="2"/>
3544 <h1>tōtā</h1>
3545 <div>
3546 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is departed (from)</p>
3547 </div>
3548 </d:entry>
3549 <d:entry id="hhohutee" d:title="hhōwutee">
3550 <d:index d:value="hhōwutee"/>
3551 <d:index d:value="kill" d:title="hhōwutee" d:priority="2"/>
3552 <h1>hhōwutee</h1>
3553 <div>
3554 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is killed</p>
3555 </div>
3556 </d:entry>
3557 <d:entry id="diytayzhoh" d:title="diytāzhō">
3558 <d:index d:value="diytāzhō"/>
3559 <d:index d:value="raise" d:title="diytāzhō" d:priority="2"/>
3560 <h1>diytāzhō</h1>
3561 <div>
3562 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is raised</p>
3563 </div>
3564 </d:entry>
3565 <d:entry id="faytjohsoh" d:title="fātjōsō">
3566 <d:index d:value="fātjōsō"/>
3567 <d:index d:value="draw" d:title="fātjōsō" d:priority="2"/>
3568 <d:index d:value="pull" d:title="fātjōsō" d:priority="2"/>
3569 <h1>fātjōsō</h1>
3570 <div>
3571 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is drawn (in)</p>
3572 </div>
3573 </d:entry>
3574 <d:entry id="futahsoh" d:title="futäsō">
3575 <d:index d:value="futäsō"/>
3576 <d:index d:value="draw" d:title="futäsō" d:priority="2"/>
3577 <h1>futäsō</h1>
3578 <div>
3579 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is drawn (as in, a picture)</p>
3580 </div>
3581 </d:entry>
3582 <d:entry id="daudoh" d:title="daudō">
3583 <d:index d:value="daudō"/>
3584 <d:index d:value="pull" d:title="daudō" d:priority="2"/>
3585 <h1>daudō</h1>
3586 <div>
3587 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is pulled</p>
3588 </div>
3589 </d:entry>
3590 <d:entry id="zhiyzhau" d:title="zhiyzhau">
3591 <d:index d:value="zhiyzhau"/>
3592 <d:index d:value="together" d:title="zhiyzhau" d:priority="2"/>
3593 <h1>zhiyzhau</h1>
3594 <div>
3595 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : together; collected</p>
3596 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : togetherness</p>
3597 </div>
3598 </d:entry>
3599 <d:entry id="poh" d:title="pō">
3600 <d:index d:value="pō"/>
3601 <d:index d:value="while" d:title="pō" d:priority="2"/>
3602 <h1></h1>
3603 <div>
3604 <p><span class="part_of_speech">subordinating conjunction</span> : while</p>
3605 </div>
3606 </d:entry>
3607 <d:entry id="zhähhsō" d:title="zhähhsō">
3608 <d:index d:value="zhähhsō"/>
3609 <d:index d:value="Kenneth" d:title="zhähhsō" d:priority="2"/>
3610 <h1>zhähhsō</h1>
3611 <div>
3612 <p><span class="part_of_speech">masculine given name</span> : meaning "sharp beauty"</p>
3613 </div>
3614 </d:entry>
3615 <d:entry id="dayhhuh" d:title="dāhhuh">
3616 <d:index d:value="dāhhuh"/>
3617 <d:index d:value="house" d:title="dāhhuh" d:priority="2"/>
3618 <d:index d:value="habitat" d:title="dāhhuh" d:priority="2"/>
3619 <h1>dāhhuh</h1>
3620 <div>
3621 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : having house-like qualities</p>
3622 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a house</p>
3623 <ul><li>(of an animal) a habitat</li></ul>
3624 </div>
3625 </d:entry>
3626 <d:entry id="sāhheet" d:title="sāhheet">
3627 <d:index d:value="sāhheet"/>
3628 <d:index d:value="store" d:title="sāhheet" d:priority="2"/>
3629 <h1>sāhheet</h1>
3630 <div>
3631 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or found in a store</p>
3632 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a store, esp. for food</p>
3633 </div>
3634 </d:entry>
3635 <d:entry id="pätō" d:title="pätō">
3636 <d:index d:value="pätō"/>
3637 <d:index d:value="father" d:title="pätō" d:priority="2"/>
3638 <h1>pätō</h1>
3639 <div>
3640 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : fatherly</p>
3641 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : father</p>
3642 </div>
3643 </d:entry>
3644 <d:entry id="iyzhō" d:title="iyzhō">
3645 <d:index d:value="iyzhō"/>
3646 <d:index d:value="meet" d:title="iyzhō" d:priority="2"/>
3647 <h1>iyzhō</h1>
3648 <div>
3649 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is met</p>
3650 </div>
3651 </d:entry>
3652 <d:entry id="dauhhuh" d:title="dauhhuh" d:parental-control="1">
3653 <d:index d:value="dauhhuh"/>
3654 <d:index d:value="brothel" d:title="dauhhuh" d:priority="2"/>
3655 <h1>dauhhuh</h1>
3656 <div>
3657 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or from a brothel</p>
3658 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a brothel</p>
3659 </div>
3660 </d:entry>
3661 <d:entry id="zhahsaytooay" d:title="zhäsātūā">
3662 <d:index d:value="zhäsātūā"/>
3663 <d:index d:value="Samantha" d:title="zhäsātūā" d:priority="2"/>
3664 <h1>zhäsātūā</h1>
3665 <div>
3666 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : meaning "heard by the spirits"</p>
3667 <h2>Diminutives:</h2>
3668 <ul><li><a href="x-dictionary:r:zhahsay">zhäsā</a></li></ul>
3669 </div>
3670 </d:entry>
3671 <d:entry id="zhahsay_2" d:title="zhäsā">
3672 <d:index d:value="zhäsā"/>
3673 <d:index d:value="Sam" d:title="zhäsā" d:priority="2"/>
3674 <h1>zhäsā²</h1>
3675 <div>
3676 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : diminutive of <a href="x-dictionary:r:zhahsaytooay">zhäsātūā</a>.</p>
3677 </div>
3678 </d:entry>
3679 <d:entry id="gautoh" d:title="gautō" d:parental-control="1">
3680 <d:index d:value="gautō"/>
3681 <d:index d:value="prostitute" d:title="gautō" d:priority="2"/>
3682 <h1>gautō</h1>
3683 <div>
3684 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a prostitute</p>
3685 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a prostitute</p>
3686 </div>
3687 </d:entry>
3688 <d:entry id="tohhhfoh" d:title="tōhhfō" d:parental-control="1">
3689 <d:index d:value="tōhhfō"/>
3690 <d:index d:value="fuck" d:title="tōhhfō" d:priority="2"/>
3691 <h1>tōhhfō</h1>
3692 <div>
3693 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : (vulgar) is engaged in sexual intercourse by a prostitute</p>
3694 </div>
3695 </d:entry>
3696 <d:entry id="dahoofut" d:title="däūfut">
3697 <d:index d:value="däūfut"/>
3698 <d:index d:value="portion" d:title="däūfut" d:priority="2"/>
3699 <h1>däūfut</h1>
3700 <div>
3701 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : portioned</p>
3702 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a portion</p>
3703 </div>
3704 </d:entry>
3705 <d:entry id="tauzhuh" d:title="tauzhuh">
3706 <d:index d:value="tauzhuh"/>
3707 <d:index d:value="syllable" d:title="tauzhuh" d:priority="2"/>
3708 <h1>tauzhuh</h1>
3709 <div>
3710 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : syllabic</p>
3711 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a syllable</p>
3712 </div>
3713 </d:entry>
3714 <d:entry id="dohwuh" d:title="dōwuh">
3715 <d:index d:value="dōwuh"/>
3716 <d:index d:value="roman" d:title="dōwuh" d:priority="2"/>
3717 <h1>dōwuh</h1>
3718 <div>
3719 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : related to the Roman alphabet</p>
3720 <ul><li>(of a text) written using the dōwuh system</li></ul>
3721 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : the Roman alphabet</p>
3722 <ul><li>a system of romanization for the Jästūgā syllabary</li></ul>
3723 </div>
3724 </d:entry>
3725 <d:entry id="sahiyfay" d:title="säiyfā">
3726 <d:index d:value="säiyfā"/>
3727 <d:index d:value="move" d:title="säiyfā" d:priority="2"/>
3728 <h1>säiyfā</h1>
3729 <div>
3730 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is moved</p>
3731 </div>
3732 </d:entry>
3733 <d:entry id="siyfaydooway" d:title="siyfādūwā">
3734 <d:index d:value="siyfādūwā"/>
3735 <d:index d:value="bus" d:title="siyfādūwā" d:priority="2"/>
3736 <h1>siyfādūwā</h1>
3737 <div>
3738 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a bus</p>
3739 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a bus</p>
3740 </div>
3741 </d:entry>
3742 <d:entry id="hahweeohs" d:title="hāweeōs">
3743 <d:index d:value="hāweeōs"/>
3744 <d:index d:value="hunt" d:title="hāweeōs" d:priority="2"/>
3745 <h1>hāweeōs</h1>
3746 <div>
3747 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is hunted</p>
3748 </div>
3749 </d:entry>
3750 <d:entry id="ahwoh" d:title="äwō">
3751 <d:index d:value="äwō"/>
3752 <d:index d:value="ask" d:title="äwō" d:priority="2"/>
3753 <h1>äwō</h1>
3754 <div>
3755 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is asked</p>
3756 </div>
3757 </d:entry>
3758 <d:entry id="dahoo" d:title="däū">
3759 <d:index d:value="däū"/>
3760 <d:index d:value="break up" d:title="däū" d:priority="2"/>
3761 <h1>däū</h1>
3762 <div>
3763 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is broken up</p>
3764 </div>
3765 </d:entry>
3766 <d:entry id="auāō" d:title="auāō">
3767 <d:index d:value="auāō"/>
3768 <d:index d:value="detail" d:title="auāō" d:priority="2"/>
3769 <h1>auāō</h1>
3770 <div>
3771 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : detailed</p>
3772 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a detail</p>
3773 </div>
3774 </d:entry>
3775 <d:entry id="auhh" d:title="auhh">
3776 <d:index d:value="auhh"/>
3777 <d:index d:value="for" d:title="auhh" d:priority="2"/>
3778 <h1>auhh</h1>
3779 <div>
3780 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : for</p>
3781 </div>
3782 </d:entry>
3783 <d:entry id="jāsō" d:title="jāsō">
3784 <d:index d:value="jāsō"/>
3785 <h1>jāsō</h1>
3786 <div>
3787 <p><span class="part_of_speech">masculine given name</span> : meaning "is felt"</p>
3788 </div>
3789 </d:entry>
3790 <d:entry id="utaeō" d:title="utaeō">
3791 <d:index d:value="utaeō"/>
3792 <h1>utaeō</h1>
3793 <div>
3794 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : from <a href="x-dictionary:r:utao">utao</a>.</p>
3795 </div>
3796 </d:entry>
3797 <d:entry id="too" d:title="tū">
3798 <d:index d:value="tū"/>
3799 <d:index d:value="like" d:title="tū" d:priority="2"/>
3800 <h1></h1>
3801 <div>
3802 <p><span class="part_of_speech">postposition</span> : like</p>
3803 </div>
3804 </d:entry>
3805 <d:entry id="taygaus" d:title="tāgaus">
3806 <d:index d:value="tāgaus"/>
3807 <d:index d:value="mean" d:title="tāgaus" d:priority="2"/>
3808 <d:index d:value="intend" d:title="tāgaus" d:priority="2"/>
3809 <h1>tāgaus</h1>
3810 <div>
3811 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is meant or intended</p>
3812 </div>
3813 </d:entry>
3814 <d:entry id="hhiyhō" d:title="hhiyhō">
3815 <d:index d:value="hhiyhō"/>
3816 <d:index d:value="Light" d:title="hhiyhō" d:priority="2"/>
3817 <h1>hhiyhō</h1>
3818 <div>
3819 <p><span class="part_of_speech">masculine given name</span> : from <a href="x-dictionary:r:hiyfuh">hiyfuh</a>.</p>
3820 </div>
3821 </d:entry>
3822 <d:entry id="daytoh" d:title="dātō">
3823 <d:index d:value="dātō"/>
3824 <d:index d:value="wing" d:title="dātō" d:priority="2"/>
3825 <h1>dātō</h1>
3826 <div>
3827 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of or having a wing</p>
3828 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a wing</p>
3829 </div>
3830 </d:entry>
3831 <d:entry id="tayaufoot" d:title="tāaufūt">
3832 <d:index d:value="tāaufūt"/>
3833 <d:index d:value="feather" d:title="tāaufūt" d:priority="2"/>
3834 <h1>tāaufūt</h1>
3835 <div>
3836 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : of a feather; feathered</p>
3837 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a feather</p>
3838 </div>
3839 </d:entry>
3840 <d:entry id="taefah" d:title="taefä">
3841 <d:index d:value="taefä"/>
3842 <h1>taefä</h1>
3843 <div>
3844 <p><span class="part_of_speech">feminine given name</span> : from <a href="x-dictionary:r:tayaufoot">tāaufūt</a>.</p>
3845 </div>
3846 </d:entry>
3847 <d:entry id="dohfuh" d:title="dōfuh">
3848 <d:index d:value="dōfuh"/>
3849 <d:index d:value="tall" d:title="dōfuh" d:priority="2"/>
3850 <d:index d:value="high" d:title="dōfuh" d:priority="2"/>
3851 <d:index d:value="height" d:title="dōfuh" d:priority="2"/>
3852 <h1>dōfuh</h1>
3853 <div>
3854 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : tall; high</p>
3855 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : height</p>
3856 </div>
3857 </d:entry>
3858 <d:entry id="zhahtiys" d:title="zhätiys">
3859 <d:index d:value="zhätiys"/>
3860 <d:index d:value="condolences" d:title="zhätiys" d:priority="2"/>
3861 <d:index d:value="empathetic" d:title="zhätiys" d:priority="2"/>
3862 <d:index d:value="empathy" d:title="zhätiys" d:priority="2"/>
3863 <h1>zhätiys</h1>
3864 <div>
3865 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : empathetic</p>
3866 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : empathy; condolences</p>
3867 </div>
3868 <div class="etymology">
3869 <p>uwād zhau zhiy ätaus</p>
3870 </div>
3871 </d:entry>
3872 <d:entry id="faytjuday" d:title="fātjudā">
3873 <d:index d:value="fātjudā"/>
3874 <d:index d:value="concern" d:title="fātjudā" d:priority="2"/>
3875 <d:index d:value="mind" d:title="fātjudā" d:priority="2"/>
3876 <h1>fātjudā</h1>
3877 <div>
3878 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is concerned; minds</p>
3879 </div>
3880 <div class="etymology">
3881 <p>fātjōsō judaentëd [drawn as a caretaker]</p>
3882 </div>
3883 </d:entry>
3884 <d:entry id="sauduh" d:title="sauduh">
3885 <d:index d:value="sauduh"/>
3886 <d:index d:value="exchange" d:title="sauduh" d:priority="2"/>
3887 <d:index d:value="trade" d:title="sauduh" d:priority="2"/>
3888 <h1>sauduh</h1>
3889 <div>
3890 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is exchanged</p>
3891 </div>
3892 <div class="etymology">
3893 <p>susä zhōhh dausut</p>
3894 </div>
3895 </d:entry>
3896 <d:entry id="zhohfau" d:title="zhōfau">
3897 <d:index d:value="zhōfau"/>
3898 <d:index d:value="value" d:title="zhōfau" d:priority="2"/>
3899 <d:index d:value="valuable" d:title="zhōfau" d:priority="2"/>
3900 <h1>zhōfau</h1>
3901 <div>
3902 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : valuable</p>
3903 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : value</p>
3904 </div>
3905 <div class="etymology">
3906 <p>zhā jōfä sauduh</p>
3907 </div>
3908 </d:entry>
3909 <d:entry id="zhohaus" d:title="zhōaus">
3910 <d:index d:value="zhōaus"/>
3911 <d:index d:value="value" d:title="zhōaus" d:priority="2"/>
3912 <d:index d:value="appreciate" d:title="zhōaus" d:priority="2"/>
3913 <h1>zhōaus</h1>
3914 <div>
3915 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is appreciated</p>
3916 </div>
3917 <div class="etymology">
3918 <p>zhā zhōfau dausut</p>
3919 </div>
3920 </d:entry>
3921 <d:entry id="tay" d:title="tā">
3922 <d:index d:value="tā"/>
3923 <d:index d:value="Mr." d:title="tā" d:priority="2"/>
3924 <d:index d:value="Sir" d:title="tā" d:priority="2"/>
3925 <h1></h1>
3926 <div>
3927 <p><span class="part_of_speech">honorific</span> : neuter honorific</p>
3928 </div>
3929 <div class="etymology">
3930 <p>-tāhhätoi</p>
3931 </div>
3932 </d:entry>
3933 <d:entry id="tae" d:title="tae">
3934 <d:index d:value="tae"/>
3935 <d:index d:value="Mrs." d:title="tae" d:priority="2"/>
3936 <d:index d:value="Madam" d:title="tae" d:priority="2"/>
3937 <h1>tae</h1>
3938 <div>
3939 <p><span class="part_of_speech">honorific</span> : feminine honorific</p>
3940 </div>
3941 <div class="etymology">
3942 <p>-tāhhätoi</p>
3943 </div>
3944 </d:entry>
3945 <d:entry id="taufoh" d:title="taufō">
3946 <d:index d:value="taufō"/>
3947 <d:index d:value="nothing" d:title="taufō" d:priority="2"/>
3948 <d:index d:value="none" d:title="taufō" d:priority="2"/>
3949 <h1>taufō</h1>
3950 <div>
3951 <p><span class="part_of_speech">pronoun</span> : none; nothing</p>
3952 </div>
3953 <div class="etymology">
3954 <p>tūād fō</p>
3955 </div>
3956 </d:entry>
3957 <d:entry id="toizhau" d:title="toizhau">
3958 <d:index d:value="toizhau"/>
3959 <d:index d:value="everything" d:title="toizhau" d:priority="2"/>
3960 <d:index d:value="all" d:title="toizhau" d:priority="2"/>
3961 <h1>toizhau</h1>
3962 <div>
3963 <p><span class="part_of_speech">pronoun</span> : all; everything</p>
3964 </div>
3965 <div class="etymology">
3966 <p>tūād zhiyzhau</p>
3967 </div>
3968 </d:entry>
3969 <d:entry id="wau" d:title="wau">
3970 <d:index d:value="wau"/>
3971 <d:index d:value="to" d:title="wau" d:priority="2"/>
3972 <h1>wau</h1>
3973 <div>
3974 <p><span class="part_of_speech">subordinating conjunction</span> : to</p>
3975 </div>
3976 <div class="etymology">
3977 <p>woi+auhh</p>
3978 </div>
3979 </d:entry>
3980 <d:entry id="tohdahhh" d:title="tōdähh">
3981 <d:index d:value="tōdähh"/>
3982 <d:index d:value="live" d:title="tōdähh" d:priority="2"/>
3983 <h1>tōdähh</h1>
3984 <div>
3985 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is lived</p>
3986 </div>
3987 <div class="etymology">
3988 <p>tōtā dähhmee</p>
3989 </div>
3990 </d:entry>
3991 <d:entry id="uhhwohs" d:title="uhhwōs">
3992 <d:index d:value="uhhwōs"/>
3993 <d:index d:value="show" d:title="uhhwōs" d:priority="2"/>
3994 <d:index d:value="present" d:title="uhhwōs" d:priority="2"/>
3995 <h1>uhhwōs</h1>
3996 <div>
3997 <p><span class="part_of_speech">verb</span> : is shown; is presented</p>
3998 </div>
3999 <div class="etymology">
4000 <p>ūhhl'hōwōsee</p>
4001 </div>
4002 </d:entry>
4003 <d:entry id="zhohsiy" d:title="zhōsiy">
4004 <d:index d:value="zhōsiy"/>
4005 <d:index d:value="item" d:title="zhōsiy" d:priority="2"/>
4006 <h1>zhōsiy</h1>
4007 <div>
4008 <p><span class="part_of_speech">classifier</span> : generic object classifier</p>
4009 </div>
4010 <div class="etymology">
4011 <p>zhōd siy</p>
4012 </div>
4013 </d:entry>
4014 <d:entry id="zhahfuh" d:title="zhäfuh">
4015 <d:index d:value="zhäfuh"/>
4016 <d:index d:value="partitioned" d:title="zhäfuh" d:priority="2"/>
4017 <d:index d:value="fragmented" d:title="zhäfuh" d:priority="2"/>
4018 <d:index d:value="thing" d:title="zhäfuh" d:priority="2"/>
4019 <d:index d:value="piece" d:title="zhäfuh" d:priority="2"/>
4020 <h1>zhäfuh</h1>
4021 <div>
4022 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : partitioned; fragmented</p>
4023 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : a thing</p>
4024 <ul><li>a piece</li></ul>
4025 </div>
4026 <div class="etymology">
4027 <p>zhōd däūfut</p>
4028 </div>
4029 </d:entry>
4030 <d:entry id="ohwayhhooeh" d:title="ōwāhhūë">
4031 <d:index d:value="ōwāhhūë"/>
4032 <d:index d:value="practice" d:title="ōwāhhūë" d:priority="2"/>
4033 <d:index d:value="practiced" d:title="ōwāhhūë" d:priority="2"/>
4034 <h1>ōwāhhūë</h1>
4035 <div>
4036 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : practiced</p>
4037 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : practice</p>
4038 </div>
4039 <div class="etymology">
4040 <p>hōwāl'giy auhh dāpë</p>
4041 </div>
4042 </d:entry>
4043 <d:entry id="tohhhhoh" d:title="tōhhhō">
4044 <d:index d:value="tōhhhō"/>
4045 <d:index d:value="student" d:title="tōhhhō" d:priority="2"/>
4046 <d:index d:value="studious" d:title="tōhhhō" d:priority="2"/>
4047 <h1>tōhhhō</h1>
4048 <div>
4049 <p><span class="part_of_speech">adjective</span> : studious</p>
4050 <p><span class="part_of_speech">noun</span> : student</p>
4051 </div>
4052 <div class="etymology">
4053 <p>tōtāhhhō</p>
4054 </div>
4055 </d:entry>
4056 </d:dictionary>
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