]> Lady’s Gitweb - Shrine-XSLT/blob - README.markdown
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[Shrine-XSLT] / README.markdown
1 # X·S·L·T Shrine Generator
3 A very lightweight and oldweb static site generator, mainly targeted
4 at eliminating the need for `<iframe>` headers and footers without
5 substantially changing the authoring flow.
7 ## Features
9 - Really simple shrine generation
10 - One command: `make`
12 ## Prerequisites
14 These things come pre·installed on many platforms :—
16 - G·N·U `make` (run `make --version` to see if it is installed)
17 - `xsltproc` (run `xsltproc --version` to see if it is installed)
19 You will also need to know how to write X·M·L, and how to navigate to a
20 directory via the command line and run `make`.
22 Finally, you will need a copy of this repository, which serves as a
23 template.
25 ## Basic Usage
27 In the `sources/` directory, create X·M·L files containing the unique
28 content of your pages. Generally you will want a general landing page
29 called `index.xml`, and a variety of other subpages. The root element
30 of these files should typically be an H·T·M·L `<article>` element
31 (remember to declare the X·H·T·M·L namespace!), and you should give it
32 a `@lang` attribute as well. An example is provided.
34 The `@data-shrine-header` and `@data-shrine-footer` attributes on the
35 root elements of your pages specify the names of the header and footer
36 to use on the page. You can use headers and footers to supply page
37 navigation, branding, and so forth. For each header and footer you
38 specify, you will need to create a corresponding `$-header.xml` or
39 `$-footer.xml` (where `$` is the header/footer name) which provides
40 the contents. These files should be placed in *this* (repository root)
41 directory, not in `sources/`.
43 The `template.xml` file in this directory contains the main page
44 template, and you should edit it to add styling and so forth to your
45 page. The `<shrine-header>`, `<shrine-content>`, and `<shrine-footer>`
46 elements will be replaced by the page header, content, and footer,
47 respectively.
49 Finally, just run `make` from this directory, and H·T·M·L files
50 corresponding to your source files will be created in the `public/`
51 directory (which you can then serve statically from your server).
53 ## Notes
55 - The created files have a `.html` extension and need to be served
56 with a `text/html` media type.
58 - Files at `sources/index.xml` and `sources/index-*.xml` will produce
59 output at `public/%.html` (where `%` is the filename).
61 - All other files at `sources/*.xml` and `sources/*/*.xml` will produce
62 output at `public/%/index.html` (where `%` is the filename and
63 optional subdirectory). Only one level of subdirectory is supported.
65 - For any files at `sources/*.xml` and `sources/*/*.xml`, files in the
66 folder with the same name (minus the `.xml`) will be copied over
67 verbatim.
69 - The transformation doesn’t do any rewriting of links. Make sure you
70 write them to point to the *final* location of the files, not their
71 location within the `sources/` directory.
73 - Any `@data-*` attributes (other than `@data-shrine-*` attributes) you
74 add to the root (`<article>`) element will be copied onto the root
75 (`<html>`) element of the template, as will `@lang` and `@xml:lang`.
76 You can use this to help configure page‐specific styling.
78 - You can insert content into the `<head>` of the template by setting
79 `@slot="shrine-head"` on the appropriate elements. For example, one
80 might customize the title of a page like
81 `<title slot="shrine-head">My Title | My Cool Shrine</title>`.
83 - If you delete files from `sources/`, the corresponding files in
84 `public/` will **not** be deleted and will need to be manually
85 removed. An easy way to ensure that there are no outdated files in
86 `public/` is just to delete the entire directory before running
87 `make`.
89 - This repository is intended as a starting point; feel free to
90 customize it to your needs!
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