- $(silent)cd $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/files); $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(foreach file,$(archivefiles),$(call quote,$(file))) | $(PAX) -w > $(call quote,$(abspath $@))
-# ━ § BEGIN PAGED MAKE·FILE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
-else ifeq ($(MODE),urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:mode:paged)
-# ─ ¶ Non‐Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────
-# Get the list of pages.
-ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/index),)
-override pagefiles := $(patsubst ./pages/%,%,$(shell $(CAT) $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/index)))
-# ─ ¶ Recipe Variable Definitions ─────────────────────────────────────
-# ─ ¶ Phony Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
-# ─ ¶ Special Targets ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
-# Reload this make·file if the pages have changed.
-$(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile : $(BUILDDIR)/index
- $(silent)$(TOUCH) $(THISDIR)/GNUmakefile
- @$(PRINTF) '%b\n' $(call quote,\0033[1mPages for </$(NAME)> updated. Restarting…\0033[22m)
-# ─ ¶ Build Targets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
-# Build the extractor transform for extracting the pages of the paged source file.
-$(BUILDDIR)/extractor.xslt : $(SRC) $(THISDIR)/lib/paged2extractor.xslt
- $(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
- $(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) --stringparam NAME $(call quote,$(call notdir,$<)) $(call quote,$(THISDIR)/lib/paged2extractor.xslt) $(call quote,$<)
-# Use the extractor transform to extract the paged source file out into its pages.
-# This target sleeps for 1 second to ensure the resulting index will always be newer than this make·file.
-$(BUILDDIR)/index : $(BUILDDIR)/extractor.xslt $(SRC)
- @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Extracting pages for </$(NAME)>…)
- $(silent)$(SLEEP) 1
- $(silent)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid -o $(call quote,$@) --writesubtree $(call quote,$(dir $@)) $(call quote,$<) $(call quote,$(SRC))
-# All other pages are extracted alongside the base.
-$(foreach file,$(pagefiles),$(BUILDDIR)/pages/$(file)) : $(BUILDDIR)/index ;
-# Process each page into its final form.
-$(foreach file,$(pagefiles),$(BUILDDIR)/public/$(file)) : $(BUILDDIR)/public/% : $(BUILDDIR)/pages/%
- @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Building page `$(subst }",,$(subst "{,,$*))´ of </$(NAME)>…)
- $(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
- $(silent)$(call processresultto,$<,$@,$*)
-# Archive all components in the file to the destination.
-# This is a match‐anything target, with the assumption that this make·file is being called recursively from the default mode.
-$(DESTDIR)/% : $(foreach file,$(pagefiles),$(BUILDDIR)/public/$(file))
- @$(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(call quote,Collecting pages for </$(NAME)>…)
- $(silent)$(call ensuredirectory,$(dir $@))
- $(silent)$(call removeassociatedfiles,$@)
- $(silent)cp $(foreach file,$(pagefiles),$(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/public/$(file))) $(DESTDIR)