TRANSFORMS := $(sort $(patsubst ./%,%,$(wildcard $(THISDIR)/transforms/*.xslt)) $(EXTRATRANSFORMS))
# List of types which should be treated as X·M·L.
-XMLTYPES := application/xml text/xml
+# Types which start with a `+´ are suffixes and match any type which
+# ends accordingly.
+XMLTYPES := application/xml text/xml +xml
ifdef GIT
ifneq ($(wildcard $(THISDIR)/.git),)
override plaintexttypes := $(filter-out $(XMLTYPES),$(shell $(XMLLINT) --xpath '/*/*[@name="书社:parsers"]//*[namespace-uri()="" and local-name()="dd"]/text()' $(call quote,$(BUILDDIR)/parser.xslt)))
-# (callable) Get all of the files (source and includes) which have the given types.
-override filesoftype = $(foreach type,$1,$(patsubst %|$(type),%,$(filter %|$(type),$(types))))
+# (callable) Get all of the files (source and includes) which have the provided types.
+# If a provided type begins with a `+´, it is analysed as a suffix, and all matching types will be used.
+override filesoftype = $(foreach typeorsuffix,$1,$(foreach type,$(if $(filter +%,$(typeorsuffix)),$(sort $(foreach suffixedtype,$(filter %$(typeorsuffix),$(types)),$(lastword $(subst |, ,$(suffixedtype))))),$(typeorsuffix)),$(patsubst %|$(type),%,$(filter %|$(type),$(types)))))
# Build up collections of various file types.
override xmlfiles := $(call filesoftype,$(XMLTYPES))
enable additional transforms without overriding the existing ones.
- **`XMLTYPES`:**
- A white·space‐separated list of media types to consider X·M·L
- (default: `application/xml text/xml`).
+ A white·space‐separated list of media types or media type suffixes to
+ consider X·M·L (default: `application/xml text/xml +xml`).
- **`THISREV`:**
The current version of ⛩️📰 书社 (default: derived from the current