]> Lady’s Gitweb - Status/blob - statuses.html
Improve styling on topic pages
[Status] / statuses.html
1 <!dOcTyPe html>
2 <HTML Lang=en>
3 <TITLE>Statuses</TITLE>
5 html{ Color: #E3E3E3; Background: #700020; Font-Family: UI-Rounded, 'Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN', Quicksand, Comfortaa, Manjari, 'Arial Rounded MT', 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Calibri, Sans-Serif; Line-Height: 1.5; Text-Shadow: Calc(1EM / 12) Calc(1EM / 12) #000000 }
6 body{ Display: Grid; Box-Sizing: Border-Box; Margin: Auto; Padding-Inline: 1CH; Min-Block-Size: 100VH; Inline-Size: 100%; Max-Inline-Size: 48REM; Align-Content: Center; Justify-Content: Stretch }
7 :Any-Link{ Color: #87E6DD }
8 </STYLE>
9 <H1>Statuses</H1>
10 <NAV><P><A HRef=/>Home</A></P><UL></UL></NAV>
11 <SCRIPT Type=module>
12 const ul = document.body.querySelector("nav>ul")
13 fetch(`${location}.jsonld`)
14 .then($ => $.json())
15 .then(meta => {
16 { const a = ul
17 .appendChild(document.createElement("li"))
18 .appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
19 a.href = meta.first
20 a.textContent = "First Page" }
21 { const a = ul
22 .appendChild(document.createElement("li"))
23 .appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
24 a.href = meta.current
25 a.textContent = "Latest Page" } })
26 </SCRIPT>
This page took 0.126177 seconds and 5 git commands to generate.