]> Lady’s Gitweb - Status/blob - status.html
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[Status] / status.html
1 <!dOcTyPe hTmL>
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3 <TITLE>Status</TITLE>
5 html{ Color: #E3E3E3; Background: #700020; Font-Family: UI-Rounded, 'Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN', Quicksand, Comfortaa, Manjari, 'Arial Rounded MT', 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Calibri, Sans-Serif; Line-Height: 1.5; Text-Shadow: Calc(1EM / 12) Calc(1EM / 12) #000000 }
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28 .then(meta => {
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30 const n = items.findIndex($ => new URL($["@id"]).pathname === location.pathname)
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34 const { creator, created, title } = status
35 document.title = creator
36 ? `Status by ${creator.name} @ ${status.created}`
37 : `Status @ ${created}`
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48 , " update" ]
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54 else headerChildren.push("…")
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58 footer
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60 .appendChild(document.createElement("small"))
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95 : prevText } }
96 if (n < items.length - 1) {
97 nav.appendChild(document.createTextNode("; Next: "))
98 const nextLink = nav.appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
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100 const { title: nextTitle } = items[n + 1]
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118 document.body.removeChild(div)
119 return text }
120 catch { } })() ?? items[n + 1].created;
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122 nextLink.textContent = nextChars.length > 28
123 ? "".concat(...nextChars.slice(0, 27), "…")
124 : nextText } }
125 nav.appendChild(document.createTextNode("."))
126 if (title) {
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128 const details = wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("details"))
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130 const summary = details.appendChild(document.createElement("summary"))
131 summary.textContent = title
132 details.append(...document.importNode(article, true).childNodes)
133 document.body.replaceChildren(header, wrapper, footer) }
134 else document.body.replaceChildren(header, document.importNode(article, true), footer) })
135 </SCRIPT>
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