3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024, 2025 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
6 <!DOCTYPE Class SYSTEM "../../DTD">
8 <label xml:lang="en">Generator Or Person</label>
9 <comment xml:lang="en">
11 A <ptr target="awol:Generator"/> or <ptr target="awol:Person"/>.
14 This class only exists to make it easier to make statements about Generators and Persons both.
15 It isn¦t explicitly defined in the <ptr target="(AWOL)"/> documentation, but it does appear in one of its diagrams.
18 <ptr target="(AWOL)"/> requires that both Generators and Persons have a <ref target="awol:name">name</ref>.
22 <SpecificResource source="(AWOL)"/>
27 <resource name="awol:Generator"/>
28 <resource name="awol:Person"/>
35 <resource name="awol:name"/>
37 <minCardinality>1</minCardinality>