]> Lady’s Gitweb - Vocab/blob - data/classes/awol¦Content
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[Vocab] / data / classes / awol¦Content
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!--
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024, 2025 Lady <https://www.ladys.computer/about/#lady>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
5 -->
6 <!DOCTYPE Class SYSTEM "../../DTD">
7 <Class>
8 <label xml:lang="en">Content</label>
9 <comment xml:lang="en">
10 <p>
11 A thing which represents a specific representation of an information resource: that conveyed by its <ref target="awol:body">body</ref> or by its <ref target="awol:src">source</ref>.
12 </p>
13 <p>
14 <ptr target="(AWOL)"/> remarks that this class encompasses things similar to “what one can get from a H·T·T·P connection”, in that it has a body as well as other associated metadata (provided by its other properties).
15 Providing a literal body, rather than a source, is strongly preferred.
16 </p>
17 <p>
18 The <ref target="awol:type">media type</ref> of the body may be provided, regardless of whether the body is provided literally or via a source.
19 However, there are restrictions on literal bodies :⁠—
20 </p>
21 <list>
22 <item>
23 <p>
24 If the media type ends in <code>/xml</code> or <code>+xml</code> (case‐insensitively), then the literal body must not be a <resource name="rdf:PlainLiteral"/>.
25 </p>
26 </item>
27 <item>
28 <p>
29 If the media type is present, but does not end in <code>/xml</code> or <code>+xml</code> (case‐insensitively), then the literal body must not be a <resource name="rdf:XMLLiteral"/>.
30 </p>
31 </item>
32 <item>
33 <p>
34 If the body is a language‐tagged string, then there must not be a media type.
35 </p>
36 </item>
37 </list>
38 </comment>
39 <isDefinedBy>
40 <SpecificResource source="(AWOL)" fragment="Content"/>
41 </isDefinedBy>
42 <equivalentClass>
43 <Class>
44 <unionOf>
45 <Restriction>
46 <onProperty>
47 <resource name="awol:body"/>
48 </onProperty>
49 <cardinality>1</cardinality>
50 </Restriction>
51 <Restriction>
52 <onProperty>
53 <resource name="awol:src"/>
54 </onProperty>
55 <cardinality>1</cardinality>
56 </Restriction>
57 </unionOf>
58 </Class>
59 </equivalentClass>
60 <subClassOf>
61 <resource name="siocactions:DigitalArtifact"/>
62 </subClassOf>
63 <subClassOf>
64 <Class>
65 <unionOf>
66 <Class>
67 <intersectionOf>
68 <Restriction>
69 <onProperty>
70 <resource name="awol:type"/>
71 </onProperty>
72 <allValuesFrom>
73 <Datatype>
74 <onDatatype>
75 <resource name="xsd:string"/>
76 </onDatatype>
77 <withRestrictions>
78 <pattern>.*[+/][Xx][Mm][Ll]</pattern>
79 </withRestrictions>
80 </Datatype>
81 </allValuesFrom>
82 </Restriction>
83 <Restriction>
84 <onProperty>
85 <resource name="awol:body"/>
86 </onProperty>
87 <qualifiedCardinality>0</qualifiedCardinality>
88 <onDataRange>
89 <resource name="rdf:PlainLiteral"/>
90 </onDataRange>
91 </Restriction>
92 </intersectionOf>
93 </Class>
94 <Class>
95 <intersectionOf>
96 <Restriction>
97 <onProperty>
98 <resource name="awol:type"/>
99 </onProperty>
100 <qualifiedCardinality>0</qualifiedCardinality>
101 <onDataRange>
102 <Datatype>
103 <onDatatype>
104 <resource name="xsd:string"/>
105 </onDatatype>
106 <withRestrictions>
107 <pattern>.*[+/][Xx][Mm][Ll]</pattern>
108 </withRestrictions>
109 </Datatype>
110 </onDataRange>
111 </Restriction>
112 <Restriction>
113 <onProperty>
114 <resource name="awol:body"/>
115 </onProperty>
116 <allValuesFrom>
117 <Datatype>
118 <unionOf>
119 <resource name="xsd:string"/>
120 <resource name="xsd:base64Binary"/>
121 </unionOf>
122 </Datatype>
123 </allValuesFrom>
124 </Restriction>
125 </intersectionOf>
126 </Class>
127 <Restriction>
128 <onProperty>
129 <resource name="awol:type"/>
130 </onProperty>
131 <cardinality>0</cardinality>
132 </Restriction>
133 </unionOf>
134 </Class>
135 </subClassOf>
136 <disjointWith>
137 <resource name="awol:Link"/>
138 </disjointWith>
139 </Class>
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