- Minor changes to descriptions.
- Removal of redundant relationships between the vocabularies.
- foaf:topic is now a subproperty of dcterms:subject, as it probably
always should have been.
- sioc:webPage now has a range of foaf:Document.
<SpecificResource source="(DCMI)" fragment="http://purl.org/dc/terms/Agent"/>
- <equivalentClass>
- <resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
- </equivalentClass>
<label xml:lang="en">date available</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will become available.
+ A date on which this thing did or will become available.
<!DOCTYPE DatatypeProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
- <label xml:lang="en">date available</label>
+ <label xml:lang="en">bibliographic citation</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
A bibliographic reference for this thing.
<label xml:lang="en">date accepted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will be accepted.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be accepted.
<label xml:lang="en">date copyrighted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will be placed under copyright.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be placed under copyright.
<ptr target="(DCMI)"/> states:
<label xml:lang="en">date submitted</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date that this thing did or will be submitted to a relevant institution.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be submitted to a relevant institution.
<label xml:lang="en">date issued</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date on which this this thing did or will be issued.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be issued.
<ptr target="(ANNO)"/> constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, but this ontology does not recognize this constraint.
<label xml:lang="en">date modified</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date on which this this thing did or will be modified.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be modified.
<ptr target="(ANNO)"/> constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, but this ontology does not recognize this constraint.
<label xml:lang="en">date valid</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
- A date on which this this thing did or will be valid.
+ A date on which this thing did or will be valid.
This ontology constrains the range of this property to <resource name="xsd:dateTime"/>, for parity with the other <ptr target="dcterms:date"/> subproperties.
The Shapes Constraint Language, or Shacl, provides a vocabulary for defining constraints on R·D·F graphs.
In this sense, it is very useful as a base model for describing how vocabularies should be used, but not very useful for modelling concepts within the vocabularies themselves.
Consequently, most terms from Shacl are not defined here.
- However, this ontology does annotate <em>itself</em> with <ptr target="sh:declare"/>, to declare which prefixes it recommends and uses for various name·spaces.
+ However, this ontology does annotate <em>itself</em> with <ptr target="shacl:declare"/>, to declare which prefixes it recommends and uses for various name·spaces.
<!DOCTYPE NamedIndividual SYSTEM "../../DTD">
<NamedIndividual name="https://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/pim/">
- <label xml:lang="en">Swap Pim</label>
+ <label xml:lang="en">Swap P·I·M</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
Swap (the <ref target="https://github.com/linkeddata/swap">Semantic Web Application Platform</ref>) was a very early set of tools for working with linked data, created by timbl.
Those terms are defined here.
- The vocabularies encompassed by Swap Pim include :—
+ The vocabularies encompassed by Swap P·I·M include :—
A home page for this thing.
- The meaning of “home page” is not clear and may not match the vernacular; “home pages” were originally literally the pages that one set to load when the “home” button was pressed in the browser.
+ The meaning of “home page” is not clear and may not match the vernacular (or that of <ptr target="foaf:homepage"/>); “home pages” were originally literally the pages that one set to load when the “home” button was pressed in the browser.
If the “home page” is publicly accessible, use <ptr target="contact:publicHomePage"/>.
<SpecificResource source="(SWAP-PIM)"/>
+ <range>
+ <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
+ </range>
<resource name="dcterms:rights"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="dcterms:RightsStatement"/>
- </range>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isFormatOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isPartOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isVersionOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isReferencedBy"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isReplacedBy"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="dcterms:relation"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="dcterms:isRequiredBy"/>
- </inverseOf>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_depiction"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:depicts"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="foaf:Image"/>
<resource name="foaf:depiction"/>
- <domain>
- <resource name="foaf:Image"/>
- </domain>
<resource name="contact:webPage"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </range>
<resource name="foaf:Person"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Image"/>
- </range>
<resource name="foaf:primaryTopic"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </range>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_made"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:maker"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
<resource name="foaf:made"/>
- <range>
- <resource name="foaf:Agent"/>
- </range>
A <ref target="foaf:Document">Document</ref> for which this thing is a <ref target="foaf:topic">topic</ref>.
+ <p>
+ The Document is not <em>necessarily</em> a webpage.
+ </p>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_page"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:topic"/>
- </inverseOf>
<resource name="foaf:Document"/>
<resource name="foaf:topic"/>
- <inverseOf>
- <resource name="foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf"/>
- </inverseOf>
- <domain>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </domain>
<SpecificResource source="(FOAF)" fragment="term_topic"/>
+ <subPropertyOf>
+ <resource name="dcterms:subject"/>
+ </subPropertyOf>
<resource name="foaf:page"/>
- <domain>
- <resource name="foaf:Document"/>
- </domain>
<!DOCTYPE ObjectProperty SYSTEM "../../DTD">
- <label xml:lang="en">has topical interest</label>
+ <label xml:lang="en">has topic of interest</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">
A thing which this <ref target="foaf:Agent">Agent</ref> is interested in.