Leverage it for inclusions of media and shared metadata across pages.
--- /dev/null
+[submodule "书社"]
+ path = .shushe
+ url = https://git.ladys.computer/Shushe.git
-s .DS_Store
--s .git
--s .gitignore
--s /GNUmakefile
--s /.grass
-- /.rsync-filter
-s #*
-s %*
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit d627a5222e6649e8c359395febcfc093580b51f1
SHELL = /bin/sh
-# © 2023 Lady [@ Lady’s Computer].
+# © 2023–2024 Lady [@ Lady’s Computer].
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+SHUSHE = .shushe
+SHUSHE_OPTIONS = 'INCLUDEDIR=sources/INCLUDE' 'TRANSFORMS=$(wildcard transforms/*.xslt) $(wildcard $(SHUSHE)/transforms/*.xslt)'
-# Put any necessary build scripts in here!
+ rm -rf ./public
+ @$(MAKE) -f $(SHUSHE)/GNUmakefile install $(SHUSHE_OPTIONS)
touch .grass
+ @$(MAKE) -f $(SHUSHE)/GNUmakefile list $(SHUSHE_OPTIONS)
@if [ ! -f .grass ]; then echo 'Error: The website has not been built yet!' >&2; echo 'Run `make` before syncing.' >&2; exit 1; fi
@if buildtime=$$(stat -f '%m' .grass) && committime=$$(git log -1 --format='%ct' | awk '{print $$NF}') && [ "$$committime" -gt "$$buildtime" ]; then echo 'Error: A commit was made after the last build!' >&2; echo 'Run `make` before syncing.' >&2; exit 1; fi
@if output=$$(git status --porcelain) && [ ! -z "$$output" ]; then echo 'Error: There are uncommitted changes!' >&2; echo 'Commit changes and run `make` before syncing.' >&2; exit 1; fi
dry-sync: ensure-clean$(if $(GIT_FORCE),, ensure-branch-up-to-date) ensure-build
+ cd public && $(RSYNC) $(RSYNC_FLAGS) --del --dry-run --filter=". ../$(RSYNC_FILTER)" --iconv=$(SOURCE_CHARSET),$(DESTINATION_CHARSET) $(RSYNC_OPTIONS) . $(DESTINATION)
sync: ensure-clean$(if $(GIT_FORCE),, ensure-branch-up-to-date) ensure-build
git push$(if $(GIT_FORCE), --force,)
.PHONY: build dry-sync ensure-branch-up-to-date ensure-build ensure-clean sync;
+++ /dev/null
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-<H1><SMALL><A HRef="/">Lady’s Computer</A> ∷ </SMALL>About</H1>
-<SECTION id="site">
- <H2>About this Site</H2>
- <P>
- <CITE>Lady’s Computer</CITE> is a humble home for my various digital creations on the internet.
- The name began as a joke/reference to the early <CITE>Pokémon</CITE> games, when the in‐universe cloud storage for Pokémon was literally called “Someone’s P·C”.
- You could, of course, also log into Prof Oak’s P·C to get your Pokédex evaluated, or log into your home P·C to access your storage.
- This site is like the last of those:
- It’s remote storage for my various files and digital clutter that you can log into from the internet.
- It’s designed and organized the way I would like to use it, and I hope that in your time here some of that personality shines through.
- <P>
- If you’re technically‐minded, I have a growing number of modules, scripts, and other code available on the <A HRef=https://git.ladys.computer>Gitweb instance</A> attached to this site.
- Otherwise, I have a <A HRef=https://blog.ladys.computer>blog</A> which may interest you.
- More functionality will probably be added to this site over time!
-<SECTION id="lady">
- <H2>About Lady</H2>
- <P>
- I’m a writer who got into programming because she wanted to publish her stories on the internet, and who got <EM>good</EM> at programming because she spent way too much time conlanging when she was in college and needed tools for dealing with that.
- I’m a fan of Nintendo games and have been known to write fanfiction about them.
- I’m also a dyke and a Gender Studies major, so I’m not one to shy away from speaking openly and frankly about sexuality.
- <P>
- If you want to contact me, I am @·able over on the (Mastodon‐compatible) fediverse <A HRef="https://glitch.cat.family/@Lady"><CODE>@Lady@cat.family</CODE></A>, where I mostly yell about pornography in <CITE>Zelda</CITE> fanfiction.
- You can also send me a message via electronic mail; my name is <CODE>lady</CODE> and my website is <CODE>ladys.computer</CODE>, so I’m sure you can figure the rest out.
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-<H1>Lady’s Computer</H1>
- <STRONG>Available subdomains:</STRONG>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HRef=https://blog.ladys.computer/><CODE>blog</CODE></A>
- <LI><A HRef=https://git.ladys.computer/><CODE>git</CODE></A>
- <LI><A HRef=https://status.ladys.computer/><CODE>status</CODE></A>
- <LI><A HRef=https://wiki.ladys.computer/><CODE>wiki</CODE></A>
- </UL>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HRef=/about><CODE>/about</CODE></A>
- <LI><A HRef=/media><CODE>/media</CODE></A>
- </UL>
- <NAV id="buttons">
- <STRONG>Also check out these sites:</STRONG>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HRef=https://www.fancoders.com/><IMG Alt="Fandom Coders" Aria-Label="{fc}: fandom coders" Title="Fandom Coders" Width=88 Height=31 Src=></A>
- <LI><A HRef=https://www.u2764.com/><IMG Alt=U2764 Aria-Label="❤ U2764" Title=www.u2764.com Width=88 Height=31 Src=></A>
- <LI><A HRef=https://mincerafter42.github.io/><IMG Alt=Viatrix Aria-Label=Viatrix. Title="Viatrix: Internet Rando Extraordinaire!" Width=88 Height=31 Src=></A>
- </UL>
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-<H1><SMALL><A HRef="/">Lady’s Computer</A> ∷ </SMALL>Media</H1>
- <H2><CITE>Lady’s Computer</CITE></H2>
- <H3>Banners, Buttons & Badges</H3>
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+ <meta itemprop="urn:fdc:ladys.computer:20231231:Shu1She4:title" content="About | Lady’s Computer"/>
+ <h1><small><a href="/">Lady’s Computer</a> ∷ </small>About</h1>
+ <section id="site">
+ <h2>About this Site</h2>
+ <p>
+ <cite>Lady’s Computer</cite> is a humble home for my various digital creations on the internet.
+ The name began as a joke/reference to the early <cite>Pokémon</cite> games, when the in‐universe cloud storage for Pokémon was literally called “Someone’s P·C”.
+ You could, of course, also log into Prof Oak’s P·C to get your Pokédex evaluated, or log into your home P·C to access your storage.
+ This site is like the last of those:
+ It’s remote storage for my various files and digital clutter that you can log into from the internet.
+ It’s designed and organized the way I would like to use it, and I hope that in your time here some of that personality shines through.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If you’re technically‐minded, I have a growing number of modules, scripts, and other code available on the <a href="https://git.ladys.computer">Gitweb instance</a> attached to this site.
+ Otherwise, I have a <a href="https://blog.ladys.computer">blog</a> which may interest you.
+ More functionality will probably be added to this site over time!
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ <section id="lady">
+ <h2>About Lady</h2>
+ <p>
+ I’m a writer who got into programming because she wanted to publish her stories on the internet, and who got <em>good</em> at programming because she spent way too much time conlanging when she was in college and needed tools for dealing with that.
+ I’m a fan of Nintendo games and have been known to write fanfiction about them.
+ I’m also a dyke and a Gender Studies major, so I’m not one to shy away from speaking openly and frankly about sexuality.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If you want to contact me, I am @·able over on the (Mastodon‐compatible) fediverse <a href="https://glitch.cat.family/@Lady"><code>@Lady@cat.family</code></a>, where I mostly yell about pornography in <cite>Zelda</cite> fanfiction.
+ You can also send me a message via electronic mail; my name is <code>lady</code> and my website is <code>ladys.computer</code>, so I’m sure you can figure the rest out.
+ </p>
+ </section>
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+ <h1>Lady’s Computer</h1>
+ <nav>
+ <strong>Available subdomains:</strong>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://blog.ladys.computer/"><code>blog</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://git.ladys.computer/"><code>git</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://status.ladys.computer/"><code>status</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wiki.ladys.computer/"><code>wiki</code></a></li>
+ <li><strong><code>www</code></strong></li>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ <nav>
+ <strong>Pages:</strong>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="/about"><code>/about</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="/media"><code>/media</code></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ <footer>
+ <nav id="buttons">
+ <strong>Also check out these sites:</strong>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://www.fancoders.com/"><书社:apply-attributes alt="Fandom Coders" aria-label="{fc}: fandom coders" width="88" height="31"><书社:link xlink:href="about:shushe?include=buttons/fc.gif" xlink:show="embed"/></书社:apply-attributes></a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.u2764.com/"><书社:apply-attributes alt="U2764" aria-label="❤ U2764" width="88" height="31"><书社:link xlink:href="about:shushe?include=buttons/u2764.gif" xlink:show="embed"/></书社:apply-attributes></a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://mincerafter42.github.io/"><书社:apply-attributes alt="Viatrix" aria-label="Viatrix." width="88" height="31"><书社:link xlink:href="about:shushe?include=buttons/viatrix.png" xlink:show="embed"/></书社:apply-attributes></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ </footer>
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+ <h2><cite>Lady’s Computer</cite></h2>
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